Сочинение my motherland kazakhstan

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

My motherland is Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan - a country name,

Kazakhstan - is the name of the spring,

Kazakhstan - is the name of freedom,

Kazakhstan - is the sunlight,

Kazakhstan - the wings of victory!

My Kazakhstan - is the most expensive, important, precious, beloved country. This is my homeland . ..

In Kazakhstan, a single family fifteen million people live, the representatives of more than a hundred nationalities. He ranked ninth in the world in terms of territory! Kazakhstan is rich in folk traditions and customs. Kazakh people - this is the most hospitable people. The largest, most beautiful festival is a celebration of Nauryz. It is celebrated on 22 March. And the biggest national holiday is the holiday of Independence Day. It is celebrated on the 16 th of December. Kazakhstan - a homeland for all Kazakhs, regardless of their nationality.

Kazakhstan - a large state, was built in difficult natural conditions. This steppe, semi-desert and desert. Kazakhstan is rich in mineral resources. We also have the famous "space city" Baikonur, from where to start in the Russian space rackets. Three large steppe river - Irtysh, Tobol and Ishim - carry their water in the Arctic Ocean, falling in front of this great Siberian river Ob. The rest of the river flow in the internal waters, the Caspian Sea, the Aral Sea and Balkhash.

This unique state like Kazakhstan, is no longer anywhere in the world!

Kazakhstan - a strong, strong power, and our task - to keep her that status. We must protect our homeland, to respect it, to observe the laws of our country, to protect nature and the wealth that gave us our Fatherland. And most importantly - we need to keep the peace in our country, to avoid the troubles and sorrows of all people to be happy.

Kazakhstan - a country of great opportunities, only two decades ago has become an independent. Its development comes rapidly.

The capital of my country is the city of Astana. Astana is a symbolic expression of our openness, both East and West, both South and North. This city is located in the geographical center of Eurasia.

That's what my Kazakhstan: peaceful, free, rich, cosmopolitan. How can you not love this country? I am proud of my country's past, devote her life to the present for the sake of our common future.

Now the XXI century - the century of the new generation, who will become the mainstay of the young state. We should pay great attention to study, try to acquire maximum knowledge. The State of the new millennium need educated, active people. From us will depend on the future of the state. "Kazakhstan needs an intellectual revolution, which will awaken and realize the potential of our nation" - said Nursultan Nazarbayev. Personally, I'm going to try to learn, to work for the state to contribute to the development of my country, the Republic of Kazakhstan. My independent Kazakhstan - this is my home, my native land!

Вы можете изучить и скачать доклад-презентацию на тему MY MOTHERLAND, MY KAZAKHSTAN. Презентация на заданную тему содержит 19 слайдов. Для просмотра воспользуйтесь проигрывателем, если материал оказался полезным для Вас - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок и добавьте наш сайт презентаций в закладки!


National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan The national flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted on June 4, 1992. The author of the flag is Shaken Nyazbekov. The sun is the symbol of peace. You can see the Eagle – the symbol of freedom under the sun. There is a traditional Kazakh ornament on the left. The color of the flag is blue and yellow.

National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan The coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted on June 4, 1992. The authors of the emblem are Zhandarbek Melibekov and Shot-Aman Ualikhanov. Its 2 beams lying across symbolize the 4 parts of the world.

National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan The anthem of RK was adopted on January 7, 2006. It is based on a homonymous song written in 1956, with music b Shamshi Kaldayakov and lyrics by Jumeken Najimedenov. The original lyrics were modified by Nursultan Nazarbaev.

Geography of Kazakhstan Republic of Kazakhstan is in the centre of Eurasian continent. It borders on Russia in the north, China in the east, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan in the south and the Caspian Sea in the west. . .

Almaty is the largest city of the country with a population over 1.5 million. Almaty is the largest city of the country with a population over 1.5 million. The capital is Astana. Other major cities include Shymkent, Semey, Aqtobe and Oskemen.

RK consists of 14 regions, 84 towns, 2 cities of republican importance – Astana and Almaty, 160 districts, 155 settlements and 7200 villages RK consists of 14 regions, 84 towns, 2 cities of republican importance – Astana and Almaty, 160 districts, 155 settlements and 7200 villages

The population of RK is over The population of RK is over 17.2 million people. Over 100 nationalities and ethnic groups live in Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan is rich in mineral resources such as copper, gold, iron, lead, nickel, silver, tin, uranium and zinc with deposits of oil and natural gas. Kazakhstan is rich in mineral resources such as copper, gold, iron, lead, nickel, silver, tin, uranium and zinc with deposits of oil and natural gas.

Saukele kigizy Saukele kigizy For this event the matchmakers would be invited to the new yurt. The bride's mother would put a saukele on her daughter. A saukele was an old fashioned headdress for a bride. Upon seeing the saukele for the first time, the mother-in law would give her a present called "korimdik." In this saukele the bride looked like a princess; and the entire wedding suit is beautiful.

I love my native town very much because it is fine and majestic. I’m proud of my city and I’m glad that I live here.

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This work is about the Kazakhstan. Pupils introduce with the various types of sights, traditions, customs about Kazakhstan.


17 by Ataturk

Demonstrative lesson

Theme: “Kazakhstan is my Motherland”

10 “A” form

Worked-out by: Mannapova A


Aims of the lesson:

Educational: to enrich pupils` knowledge about Kazakhstan, talking more about our Republic achievements during years of independence,

Developing: to develop the students’ abilities in oral speech and reading; to enlarge listening, understanding and writing skills; to develop the students’ imagination and interest in writing research works; to improve students’ skills in independent work.

Bringing up: to bring up students to be patriots of their Motherland, to able to protect, and to be an individual citizen of our country; to teach to love our Motherland and respect all the nations; to love their country and to make great efforts in the development of the country.

The type of the lesson: competition English lesson.

Form of the lesson: brain ring game.

Methods of the lesson: individual work, pair work, conversation, explanation, collective, brain storming, competition.

Subject connections: Kazakh and Russian languages, Literature, History, Geography.

The procedure of the lesson:

1. Organization moment:

-Good morning dear teachers and pupils! I am glad to see you.

2 pupil:

…Родина бывает разная,

Но у всех она одна!

Наша Родина-Республика Казахстан

3 pupil:

My Motherland My dear land

Let my land be in peace.

Be happy land, be happy people

Be joyful people of Kazakhstan.

4 pupil:

Н. А. Назарбаев

-Now, pupils answer the questions, please.

-Where do you live?

- We live in Kazakhstan.

-What is the official name of your country?

-The official name of our country is Republic of Kazakhstan

-Where is Kazakhstan situated?

- Kazakhstan is situated in the Central Asia.

- I’m happy to hear these beautiful answers! It seems to me you must be real citizens of our independent Motherland. I want to address you with such words: beautiful and generous is our native land. Love, respect and take care of our country.

III. Phonetic practice.

Do you know any poem about our Motherland?

The poem “Oh, Kazakhstan – my motherland”

Many wonderful things to hear, to see

Belong to you, belong to me

The sun, the trees, the grass, the sky

The yellow moon that’s passing by

The blowing winds, the birds that sing

Bright autumn woods, gay flowers of spring

The cold long winter with snow so white

The running rivers, the stars of night

The poem “Kazakhstan”

The land of my fathers, the land of my choice.
The land in which poets and minstrels rejoice.

I wish you to flourish, be happy and bright.

I want you to live and never to die!

Пусть небо будет чистым над тобой

Цвети мой Казахстан, моя земля

О, Родина моя, будь счастлива всегда!

The poem “My motherland”

My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart’s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer -
A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;
My heart’s in the Highlands, wherever I go.

Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North
The birth place of Valour, the country of Worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.

The poem “ Kazakhstan ”

My land so lovely and so free

The fairest land a man can see

When down the Irtysh I go sailing

And seagulls sail the sky above

I hear a song of joy unfailing

To those green banks, the land I love

My land so lovely and so free

The fairest land a man can see

Good for you! Well done!

IV. Brain ring game

T: Well, we begin our brain ring game and let’s meet our participants.

Now, let’s begin speak about our country.

At the beginning of our competition I want to ask your attention to these rules, you should follow them.

The golden rules:

Don’t interrupt each other

Don’t say “I don’t know”

- First think then speak

You may give your right answers in English. I wish you success. Good luck.

Geography of KZ

Now, students answer the questions:

1. What kind of state is KZ?

The Republic of Kazakhstan is an independent and democratic state

2.How many regions are there in Kazakhstan?

There are 14 regions in Kazakhstan

3.What countries does it border on?

In the east Kazakhstan borders on … .

In the north and north-west Kazakhstan borders on………

Russian Federation

In the south Kazakhstan borders with the central Asian republics of……..

Kirgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan

4. Which is the country rich?

The country is rich with mineral resources such as cooper, gold, iron, lead, nickel, silver, tin, uranium and zink with deposits of oil and natural gas

Population of KZ.

Say about population.

1.What is the population of Kazakhstan today?

17 million people

2. How many nationalities live in Kazakhstan?

More than 130

3.What is the state language of Kazakhstan?

Cities of KZ.

Name the cities of Kazakhstan

Pavlodar,Kostanay, Almaty, Semey,Karaganda,Atyrau,Shimkent, Kyzylorda,Aktobe,Aktau,Astana,Taraz

Astana is the capital of KZ.

Using the slides student will tell about the sightseeing of Astana.

1. When was Astana founded?

Astana was founded in 1830.

2. What river is Astana situated on?

Astana is situated on the bank of the Ishim River.

3. This tower is the main symbol of Astana and its visiting card. It is very popular with tourists. Here you can see our President’s handprint.

This tower is 105 metres high. Baiterek

4.This Palace is the official residence of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is a very beautiful building with white columns.

5. A giant transparent tent in Astana is a large shopping center in the capital is……

6. You can visit here a 3D cinema, a bowling, cafes, a theatre and an aqua park. There is a large aquarium with real sea sharks. It opened in 2006.

Landscape of KZ.

Say about the landscape of Kazakhstan.

The landscape of Kazakhstan is a diverse one. It is bordered on the south, southwest and east by the Tien Shan, Tarbagatai and Altai mountains. In the steppes of Sary Arka the Balkhash lake is located. The water is salty. The lakes of Alakol, Tengis and Zaisan are remarkable. In the north lakes are lost among the pine forests of Kokshetau. Welcome to the land of Kazakhstan.

Wildlife of KZ.

Say about the wildlife in Kazakhstan

Now, let’s speak about the red book of Kazakhstan

In this book there are many animals. There are many fish, birds and animals. They are in danger. We must defend these animals because they are very rare or extinct. We have in our land 9 reserves. What are they?

Typical Kazakhstan animals.

Say about the animals in Kazakhstan.

In Kazakhstan there are many typical animals. What are they?

Typical Kazakhstan plants.

Say about typical Kazakhstan plants.

In Kazakhstan there are many typical plants. What are they are?

Nature in Kazakhstan.

What do you know about the nature of our country?

1. What`s the largest lake of Kazakhstan?

2. What is the highest mountains?

Tarbagatai, Tien-Shan, Altai

3. What`s the highest mountain range of Kazakhstan?

The highest peak in the country is Khan-Tengri. Its height is 6996 meters

4. Name the longest rivers which flow along the territory of Kazakhstan?

Irtysh, Syrdariya and Amurdarya

5.How many seas in Kazakhstan?

There are 2 seas in KZ - the Caspian and the Aral

6.What region of Kazakhstan is called Kazakh Switzerland and one of the wonderful sight of our Kazakhstan?

National Symbols of KZ.

What do you know about national symbols of Kazakhstan?

1.What are the State Symbols of Kazakhstan?

They are the State Flag, the State Emblem and the State Anthem

2.When was the anthem of Republic Kazakhstan adopted?

The anthem of RK was adopted on January 7, 2006

3.Who is the author of the anthem of our Republic ?

Zhumeken Nazhimedenov, Nursultan Nazarbaev, Shamshi Kaldayakov

4. Who is the creator of the flag of our Republic?

The Author of the National Flag is Shaken Niyazbekov, the artist

5. Name the date when was adopted our national emblem and flag.

The national flag and the coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted on June 4, 1992

6. Who is the author of the emblem of our Republic?

The authors of the emblem are Zhandarbek Melibekov and Shot-Aman Ualikhanov.

7. What does the blue color of the flag symbolize?

freedom, independent

8.What is represented on the state flag?

sun, eagle, ornament

9. An independent bird of our Republic is

10. What is there in the center of the State Emblem?

Government of KZ.

1.The head of our Republic KZ is…….

2. The biggest political party of the country is……

3. The main law of the state is the……………of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Constitution

4 The Government is headed by the…………

Prime Minister

5. The parliament consists of two houses ………….

the Senate and the Majilis

6. The national currency of the Republic is……

Kazakh food.

1. A dish eaten with five fingers.

2. The tastiest meats of the horse were ……….

zhal, zhaya, kazy, and karta.

3. This is a product prepared by the process of pressing thick sour cream.

4. They were made of horse’s milk. This is a very useful for health.

5. It was fermented camel's milk .It often served as a medicine.

6. National dish of Kazakhs, prepares from flour.

Holydays in Kazakhstan

Match the names of the holidays and dates.

1) 4 June a) Independence Day

2) 22 March b) the first President Day

3) 6 July c) Constitution Day

4) 7 May d) Day of Capital

5) 1 December e) Nauryz

6) 16 December f) Kurban Ait

7) 30 August g) Day of defender of Motherland

8) 1 May h) Knowledge Day

9) 24 September i) Unity Day

10)1 September j) Kazakhstan National Symbols’ Day

Traditions and customs.

1.A tradition connected with the first step of a child.

2. Who brought home a good message (news) and when you tell someone important news in Kazakhstan you may get a present.

3. A holiday, hosted when the newborn is put to a cradle - besik. As a rule, it is organized on the 3rd-5th day after dropout of umbilical cord of the kid.

Besіkke salu, besik toy

4. The main element of kelіn tusіru is a traditional performance of a song of instructions and wishes.

5. The national game. A horse-race with a young girl rider is called…

6.The national game. The struggle for the goat”s carcass is…

7.How do we call the Kazakh national competition of bard singers ?

8.Professional hunters and trained them for hunting

9.The Kazakh traditional horse races.


Pupils,what can you say about Kazakhstan? Let’s write your own opinions to this paper.

Kazakhstan is a democratic Republic.

Kazakhstan is a sovereign Republic.

Kazakhstan is an independent Republic.

Kazakhstan is a democratic Republic.

Kazakhstan is a multinational Republic.

Kazakhstan is a peaceful Republic.

-Kazakhstan is a beautiful Republic.

Kazakhstan is the biggest Republic.

-Kazakhstan is a peace-loving Republic.

Kazakhstan is my Motherland.

-Kazakhstan is a friendly Republic

-Kazakhstan is our Motherland.


I am proud of our Motherland too.

Concluding part.

Our president N.Nazarbayev says to everybody to learn three languages Kazakh, Russian and English, to respect customs and traditions of each nation and to take care of our common home-the planet Earth.

Dear pupils! Dear guests!
Our lesson is over.
And you were so active today. You show that you love your Motherland. That is why I want to give you such chocolates which is decorated with our National flag.
Thanks a lot to everyone for taking an active part at our lesson.

В презентации представлено: описание флага, эмблемы, гимна Казахстана, а также другой полезный материал о стране.

Описание разработки

Kazakhstan is my motherland

I love it very much

Its lovely fields with green on it

And mountains with snow on top

I love its lakes with rare birds

And rustling leaves on trees

My motherland, my Kazakhstan

Do live and shine forever!

There is no place like home!

For each man his native land – is paradise!

Love to Motherland infused in family hearth!

Person without Motherland is a nightingale without forest!

Better be an ordinary man in one’s land, than a sultan in a foreign land!

To betray one’s Motherland is to bury oneself alive!

- National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan

- The national flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted on June 4, 1992.

- The author of the flag is Shaken Nyazbekov.

Презентация по английскому языку My motherland, my Kazakhstan

- The National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a piece of right-angled cloth of a sky-blue color.

- There is a picture of a golden sun with 32 rays in the centre.

- The sun is the symbol of peace.

- You can see the Eagle – the symbol of freedom under the sun.

- There is a traditional Kazakh ornament on the left.

- The color of the flag is blue and yellow.

- The coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted on June 4, 1992.

- The authors of the emblem are Zhandarbek Melibekov and Shot-Aman Ualikhanov.

- There is a Shanyrak (a circle on the top of yurta) in the centre of the emblem.

- Its 2 beams lying across symbolize the 4 parts of the world.

- The sun rays are spreading all around the Shanyrak.

- The mythological horses – Tulpars – complete the ensemble.

- There is a star on the top and the inscription Kazakhstan below.

The State Emblem is made in gold and blue colour.

- My Kazakhstan - is the anthem of RK, adopted on January 7, 2006.

- It is based on a homonymous song written in 1956, with music by Shamshi Kaldayakov and lyrics by Jumeken Najimedenov.

- The original lyrics were modified by Nursultan Nazarbaev.

Содержимое разработки

 P R O V E R B S There is no place like home! For each man his native land – is paradise! Love to Motherland infused in family hearth! Person without Motherland is a nightingale without forest! Better be an ordinary man in one’s land, than a sultan in a foreign land! To betray one’s Motherland is to bury oneself alive! Өз үйім өлең төсегім! Әркімнің өз жері – жұмақ! Отанды сүю – от басынан басталады! Отансыз адам – ормансыз бұлбұл! Кісі елінде сұлтан болғанша, өз еліңде ұлтан бол! Отанға опасыздық еткенің, өз түбіңе өзің жеткенің!


  • There is no place like home!
  • For each man his native land – is paradise!
  • Love to Motherland infused in family hearth!
  • Person without Motherland is a nightingale without forest!
  • Better be an ordinary man in one’s land, than a sultan in a foreign land!
  • To betray one’s Motherland is to bury oneself alive!
  • Өз үйім өлең төсегім!
  • Әркімнің өз жері – жұмақ!

National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • The national flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted on June 4, 1992.
  • The author of the flag is Shaken Nyazbekov.
  • The National Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a piece of right-angled cloth of a sky-blue color.
  • There is a picture of a golden sun with 32 rays in the centre.
  • The sun is the symbol of peace.
  • You can see the Eagle – the symbol of freedom under the sun.
  • There is a traditional Kazakh ornament on the left.
  • The color of the flag is blue and yellow.

The Author of the National Flag

National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan The coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted on June 4, 1992. The authors of the emblem are Zhandarbek Melibekov and Shot-Aman Ualikhanov. There is a Shanyrak (a circle on the top of yurta) in the centre of the emblem. Its 2 beams lying across symbolize the 4 parts of the world. The sun rays are spreading all around the Shanyrak. The mythological horses – Tulpars – complete the ensemble. There is a star on the top and the inscription Kazakhstan below. The State Emblem is made in gold and blue colour.

National Emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • The coat of arms of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted on June 4, 1992.
  • The authors of the emblem are Zhandarbek Melibekov and

Shot-Aman Ualikhanov.

  • There is a Shanyrak (a circle on the top of yurta) in the centre of the emblem.
  • Its 2 beams lying across symbolize the 4 parts of the world.
  • The sun rays are spreading all around the Shanyrak.
  • The mythological horses – Tulpars – complete the ensemble.
  • There is a star on the top and the inscription Kazakhstan below.
  • The State Emblem is made in gold and blue colour.

The Authors of the Emblem of Kazakhstan

National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan My Kazakhstan - is the anthem of RK, adopted on January 7, 2006. It is based on a homonymous song written in 1956, with music by Shamshi Kaldayakov and lyrics by Jumeken Najimedenov . The original lyrics were modified by Nursultan Nazarbaev .

National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Authors of the National Anthem

Geography of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kazakhstan is in the centre of Eurasian continent. It borders on Russia in the north, China in the east, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan in the south and the Caspian Sea in the west.

Its total area is over 2.7 million sq. km.

It takes the 9 th place according to its size.

The capital is Astana .

 President of the country is Nursultan Nazarbaev .

President of the country is

Nursultan Nazarbaev .

The capital Astana The capital is Astana . Almaty is the largest city of the country with a population over 1.5 million. Other major cities include Shymkent, Semey, Aqtobe and Oskemen . Almaty , Kazakhstan

The capital Astana

  • The capital is Astana .
  • Almaty is the largest city of the country with a population over 1.5 million.
  • Other major cities include Shymkent, Semey, Aqtobe and Oskemen .

Almaty , Kazakhstan's largest city

RK consists of 14 regions , 84 towns , 2 cities of republican importance – Astana and Almaty , 160 districts , 155 settlements and 7200 villages

16 .2 million people.

  • Over 100 nationalities and ethnic groups live in Kazakhstan.

The ethnic Kazakhs represent 63.1% of the population and ethnic Russians 23.7%, Tatars (1.3%), Ukrainians (2.1%), Uzbeks (2.8%), Belarusians, Uyghurs (1.4%), Azerbaijanis, Poles. Germans (1.1%), Koreans, Kurds, Chechens, Turks

Population pyramid, 2005

  • The official language is Kazakh.
  • Kazakhstan is a bilingual country: the Kazakh language, spoken

by 64.4% of the population.

Climate is sharply continental. The territory of RK is occupied with plains , forests , steppes , semi-deserts, deserts , low hills and mountains .

Main rivers are the Ertis , the Syrdaria , the Tobil, the Ili, the Ural, the Ishim .

There are 2 seas - the Caspian and the Aral .

Lakes are Balkash , Alakol, Tengiz, Zaisan and others.

The highest peak is Khan-Tengri . Its height is 6996 meters

Complete the sentences and translate into Kazakh.


  • What kind of tribes inhabited the territory of Kazakhstan in prehistoric times.
  • Huns b) Saka c) Karluk

2. Where was “Golden Warrior Prince” found?

3. When was Kazakh khanate founded?

4. Who were the first khans of the kazakh nation?

  • Abilai khan b) Janibek and Kerei khans c) Tauke khan

5. When did Kazakhstan declare its independence?

a) 1992 b) 1991 c) 1986

Astana is a capital city. Astana is a capital of Kazakhstan. Its history begins with a foundation of a military fortress in Kazakh steps in 1830 at Ishim river at Karaotkel. And it was first called Akmolinsk. Astana is situated in the northern part of Kazakhstan. It stands on the banks of the Ishim river. The population is over 800 000 people. In 1961 Akmolinsk was renamed into Tselinograd. And in 1993 the former Kazakh name Akmola returned to town again. In 1997 Nursultan Nazarbaev – President of sovereign Kazakhstan decided to move the capital from Almaty to Akmola. And in 1998 a new capital was renamed into Astana. Astana is famous for its beautiful central square with a big fountain, monuments of National Kazakh style, beautiful buildings surrounding it. The President’s House, the Parliament House, the palace of Congress Hall, monument of Baiterek and other official buildings, banks and hotels

Astana is a capital city.

Astana is a capital of Kazakhstan. Its history begins with a foundation of a military fortress in Kazakh steps in 1830 at Ishim river at Karaotkel. And it was first called Akmolinsk.

Astana is situated in the northern part of Kazakhstan. It stands on the banks of the Ishim river.

The population is over 800 000 people. In 1961 Akmolinsk was renamed into Tselinograd. And in 1993 the former Kazakh name Akmola returned to town again.

In 1997 Nursultan Nazarbaev – President of sovereign Kazakhstan decided to move the capital from Almaty to Akmola. And in 1998 a new capital was renamed into Astana.

Astana is famous for its beautiful central square with a big fountain, monuments of National Kazakh style, beautiful buildings surrounding it. The President’s House, the Parliament House, the palace of Congress Hall, monument of Baiterek and other official buildings, banks and hotels

 Listen to the text and answer the questions What is the capital of Kazakhstan? When was Astana founded? Where is Astana situated? What is the population of Astana? When was Akmolinsk renamed into Tselinograd? When did the president decide to move the capital from Almaty to Akmola? When was Akmola renamed into Astana? What are the sightseeings of Astana?

Listen to the text and answer the questions

  • What is the capital of Kazakhstan?
  • When was Astana founded?
  • Where is Astana situated?
  • What is the population of Astana?
  • When was Akmolinsk renamed into Tselinograd?
  • When did the president decide to move the capital from Almaty to Akmola?
  • When was Akmola renamed into Astana?
  • What are the sightseeings of Astana?


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