Сочинение мое хобби баскетбол на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

I like спорт. It plays a great role in my activities. Most of all I like to play basketball. I am the best player and often take part in different спорт competitions. Sometimes we win them but sometimes we lose. Basketball is a team game. It is played in any season because you play this game is indoors game. It is played in a gym. But sometimes you can see streetball - basketball in an open air. There are two baskets in this exciting game and only one orange ball. Players must throw the ball to the basket and get to it to score a goal. There are two teams with only five players. Many people keen in спорт because it makes us more healthy and help us to be fit. During you play any спорт game you are active and it helps you to burn many calories. Basketball is an active game. It makes people be strong, healthy and energetic. It is a game for everybody even for disabled people. To my mind any спорт is risky and dangerous. Basketball is risky too because every minute you can break your arm or leg or get another problem with your health. I like playing basketball most of all. And I am a basketball fan too. I enjoy watching matches on TV and at the gym. I have been to the gym. It was the greatest game I have ever seen.

If you ask me about my hobby and preferences, I will start my story about my love to basketball. Of course many people like to do sport and to play sport games. But for me basketball is the best game.

This kind of sport is not so popular in my country. Of course we have some teams and possibility to play basketball. But it’s not so much popular like hockey or football. Maybe that’s why this game is so interesting for me.

So I have been playing basketball since I was 12. Before I was only watching this game on TV and supported my favorite players. When I was 12 I met one friend who was also crazy about this game and we started to play together. By the way this guy is from America and he comes here only for vacation in summer. And as you know America is the place where basketball was born. John is a very good player and he taught me how to play it.

If you come to my room you will see many posters and photos. I have been collecting them since my childhood. Many of these posters are presents of my American friend.

I am happy sometimes at school we have a possibility to play basketball. I don’t want to boast but I can say I am the best-player. If our teacher asks us which game we would like to play I always say basketball. My friends know that I am a big fan and they always support me.

In future I would like to go to America and visit some games. I think it’s really exciting to see the best players in the world alive and watch them playing.

I think basketball is the best sport game. Here you have to play in a team, you have to be always attentive and concentrated. It is not too much space, but still you have to move a lot and non-stop. Also you can play one on one. The only thing that matters is the ball that should get into the ring. And I feel so proud and happy when I can do shield throw.

Моё хобби — баскетбол

Если вы спросите меня о моем хобби и предпочтениях, я начну свой рассказ с моего любимого баскетбола. Конечно, многие люди любят заниматься спортом и играть в спортивные игры. Но для меня баскетбол - это лучшая в мире игра.

Этот вид спортивной игры не самый популярный в моей стране. Хотя, и у нас есть команды и возможность играть в баскетбол. К сожалению, он не так популярен, как хоккей или футбол. Наверное, именно поэтому мне так любопытна эта игра.

Итак, я играю в баскетбол с тех пор, как мне исполнилось 12 лет. До этого я только смотрел игру по телевизору и болел за любимых игроков. Когда мне исполнилось 12, я встретил хорошего друга, который тоже обожал баскетбол, и мы начали играть с ним вместе. Кстати, этот парень из Америки и он приезжает сюда на каникулы летом. А как вы знаете, Америка - это страна, где баскетбол появился. Джон очень хороший игрок и он научил меня технике игры.

Если вы зайдёте в мою комнату, то увидите много плакатов и фотографий о баскетболе. Я собираю их с самого детства. Многие из них привёз мне именно мой американский друг.

Я очень рад, что в школе порой мы играем в баскетбол. Не хотелось бы хвастаться, но я лучший игрок, пожалуй. Если учитель спрашивает нас, во что мы хотим поиграть, я всегда настаиваю на баскетболе. Мои одноклассники знают, что я обожаю эту игру и всегда меня поддерживают.

Я считаю, что баскетбол - это лучшая спортивная игра. Здесь вы можете играть в команде, вы должны всегда быть внимательны и сконцентрированы. Места не так уж и много, но вы все равно двигаетесь постоянно. А ещё можно играть один на один. Единственное, что имеет значение - это баскетбольный мяч, который должен попасть в кольцо. И я ощущаю такую гордость за себя, когда делаю бросок от щита.

Мое хобби играть в баскетбол.Я с детства начала заниматься этим видом спорта и имею достижения. Благодаря участию в соревнованиях я приобрела много новых друзей. Игра в баскетбол научила меня быть сплоченной,уверенной в себе. Баскетбол позволяет поддерживать мне хорошую и физическую форму. Мне очень нравиться играть в баскетбол. Я очень люблю свое хобби.

My hobby is playing Basketball. since childhood started to practice this sport and have the achievement. Through participation in competitions, I have made many new friends. The game of basketball has taught me to be a cohesive,confident. Basketball allows me to maintain a good and fit. I really like to play basketball. I love my hobby.

My hobby is playing basketball. since childhood I started this sport and have the achievement. Through the participation in the competitions, I gained a lot of new friends. The game of basketball has taught me to be a cohesive,confident in herself. Basketball keeps me a good and physical form. I really like playing basketball. I really enjoy their hobby.

My hobby play basketball.I am from childhood was seized of this sport and I have to achieve. Through participation in competitions i have acquired many new friends. The Game in basketball has taught me to be coherent,Peace with itself. Basketball allows me to maintain a good and physical form. I like to play basketball. I love their hobby.

My favorite sport is basketball. I enjoy other sports, but it is basketball all day long for me. I play and I of course, catch a game when I can. Basketball develops best athletic and psychological skills, reaction, speed, coordination, ability to play in a team. Basketball is not obly my favorite sport. it's my favouritw game and hobby. I would like to play it more often; however most of my friends are always busy. …

I never had the chance to play on a high school team, but I could play back then. I only play it from time to time because I am very busy, too. The last time I played was against my friends. Basketball helped me make a lot of friends throughout life. I remember days when I would play it at school. We had a lot of fun playing this great game. I saw great ball-handling skills displayed in pick-up games.

Basketball is a sport that really is great to watch and play if possible. I cannot wait for the college basketball season. Yes, basketball has my heart. I truly love the game, and I welcome anyone to play it!

Basketball is my favourite sport. Basketball is played by two teams, equal in number, each consisting of five players. The five players take up their position on the court.

My favorite sport is basketball. I enjoy other sports, but it is basketball all day long for me. I play and I of course, catch a game when I can. Basketball develops best athletic and psychological skills, reaction, speed, coordination, ability to play in a team. Basketball is not obly my favorite sport. it's my favouritw game and hobby. I would like to play it more often; however most of my friends are always busy. …

I never had the chance to play on a high school team, but I could play back then. I only play it from time to time because I am very busy, too. The last time I played was against my friends. Basketball helped me make a lot of friends throughout life. I remember days when I would play it at school. We had a lot of fun playing this great game. I saw great ball-handling skills displayed in pick-up games.

Basketball is a sport that really is great to watch and play if possible. I cannot wait for the college basketball season. Yes, basketball has my heart. I truly love the game, and I welcome anyone to play it!


Basketball is one of the most popular sport that attracts many people all over the world. The game of basketball was invented on December 21, 1891 in the United States of America. It was fashioned from fragments of other games.

Basketball is mostly an indoor game played on a special court that is fifteen meters wide and twenty-nine meters long. There are two backboards at each end of the court. The baskets which players should shoot the ball through are on the backboards.

The floor is made of wood. There are many important lines on the court: midcourt line, the center circle, sidelines and the others. The ball for this game is made of leather and its circumference is equal to seventy-six sm.

Basketball team consists of five players: a center, two forwards and two guards. The main player on any team is the center. He is the tallest and well-aimed and he can dominate a game.

The guards are low players but they can run very quickly. They usually play long away from the backboards.

Forwards are taller and stronger than guards. They are excellent rebounders and play near the backboards.

Players must score points by shooting the ball through the basket. For example, when the player shoots a basket from behind the three-point line, his team gets three points. Players can move the ball by bouncing it. If a player stops bouncing the ball, the referee gives it to other team.

A basketball game is divided into four parts. Each quarter is twelve minutes long with fifteen-minute break between quarters. If a game ends in a tie, then it will get extended to a 5 minutes overtime.

The referee can call a personal foul, if the player pushes or hits another player when he is trying to shoot the ball.

NBA (the National Basketball Association) is a men’s professional league and the best players compete in its teams. The NBA chooses new young players from the best teams of colleges and high schools every year.

Баскетбол – это один из самых популярных видов спорта, который привлекает внимание многих людей по всему миру. Баскетбол был изобретен 21 декабря 1891 в Соединенных Штатах Америки. Он был создан из фрагментов других игр.

Баскетбол – это в основном игра в помещении, в нее играют на особом корте длиной 15 метров и шириной – 29. На каждом конце корта есть два щита. Корзинки, в которые игроки должны забросить мяч, находятся на щитах.

Пол сделан из дерева. На нем нанесено много важных линий: средняя линия, центральный круг, боковые линии и другие. Мяч для этой игры сделан из кожи и имеет окружность равную 76 см.

Баскетбольная команда состоит из 5 игроков: центровой, 2 защитника и 2 нападающих. Самый главный игрок в любой команде – это центровой. Он самый высокий и меткий и способен управлять игрой.

Защитники – невысокие игроки, но они бегают очень быстро. Они обычно играют далеко от щитов.

Нападающие выше и сильнее защитников. Они хорошо отбивают и играют возле щитов.

Игроки должны набирать очки, попадая мячом в корзину. Например, когда игрок попадает в корзину, находясь за трехочковой линией, его команда получает три очка. Игроки могут перемещать мяч, отбивая его от пола. Если игрок останавливается, судья передает мяч другой команде.

Игра в баскетбол делится на 4 части. Каждая четверть длится по 12 минут, между ними есть 15-минутные перерывы. Если игра оканчивается в ничью, ей добавляют 5 минут дополнительного времени.

Судья может назначить игроку фол, если он ударит или толкнет другого игрока, пытающегося забить мяч.

NBA (Национальная Баскетбольная Ассоциация) – мужская профессиональная лига и только лучшие игроки могут противостоять ее командам. NBA набирает новых молодых игроков из лучших команд колледжей и высших школ каждый год.

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