Сочинение life is short art is long

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Love - means to live by the life of someone you love. L.N. Tolstoy.

Certainly I cannot answer, because it`s all in the feelings and sensations, but response in a few words, even in the proposal - it is something impossible, it is primarily a feeling which can not be transferred by something. Realize that if it were not for love, for which we lived? Love - is necessary for all, not all can give it, or respond to it in return. You love - you are loved, you change - you are changed, this is life . and nothing can be done. Someone is very bad, but someoneis perfect, someone loves, and is loved and someone is sad. And so every day, it goes every minute, second, forever.

Другие вопросы из категории

verb in brackets into the Future Indefinite or the Future Continuous.

1) . will have a picnic tomorrow?
a) What b) How c) Who
2) . will you go next month?
a) Who b) Where c) What
3) . will they do next winter?
a) When b) Where c) What
4) . will he play hockey?
a) Who b) How c) What
Помогите плизз. Через час уже в школу!

русский язык.
1. He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons yesterday evening.
2. I always (to go) to the Altai Mountains to visit my relatives there.
3. They (to enjoy) themselves at the symphony yesterday evening?
4. Who (to take) care of the child in the future?
5. How often you (to go) to the dentist‟s?
6. It usually (not to snow) at this time of the year.
7. If we (to have) televisions at our supermarket, they (to inform) customers about things in the store.
8. As soon as I (to return) from school, I (to ring) you up.
9. We (to go) to the country the day after tomorrow.
10. I (to be) very busy last summer and I (not to go) there.

find myself a powerful person. Becoming me as a strong personality began in childhood when I started to play volleyball. Our team had to "fight for place" in the starting lineup, where you must show leadership qualities. Doing this sport for a long time, I have become stronger and smarter person. I can also add that I learned very well to adapt fast to the situation, I can feel where I can say something, comment, add and where I shouldn't do it. What is more, I am very emotional, but a lot of feelings I keep inside. In a stressful situation for some time I can be suppressed like any another person, but I try to treat everything positive. Besides, I am very caution. Before I do something, I think about future repercussion. Nevertheless, one should accept that I am purposeful. If I have a goal, I will achieve the goal any ways and any methods. Despite any qualities, I am afraid of the terrible situations that can happen in our lives. So, this story will be about the fear of my life.

I had some experience in my life when I was really scared. It happened in Los Angeles in 2010. It was summer time. I have been studying English in a language school. When I arrived from school to my home, I went to cafe. One guy fixedly looked at me for a long time. I thought: "It is ok! It is not a reason for worry". I have just decided to change this cafe to a different place. When I went out, he went with me. I was in shock. In a result, I decided to come back home. This guy followed me and shouted something. I began to run where I saw people. When he saw that I haven't already been alone, he stopped to go after me. Then I came home and couldn't believe that this situation happened to me. I can't even imagine what would happen if I didn't see the people and wouldn't go in their direction. I remember that after this incident, I was depressed for a long time. I never told anyone of close people about it. I didn't want them to be worry. Nowadays, I am so happy that everything ended good and I'm scared to be solitary in unknown places.

I have changed as a person and I can feel the changes myself. I became to see many situations in my life on the other hand. For example, before when I listened something about similar situations, I didn't understand all. So, I became more careful to my life. I began to appreciate life more. Now I try not to walk alone in the evening in unfamiliar places. We can't know everything that can happen to us, so we need to value every moment.

To sum up, I believe that we will finally solve all our problems and will live happily. We must take good care of our life and be careful everywhere.

a lot and makes me feel a kind of disadvantaged. The point is that there is no sense of family in our house. We never fight with each other, and there are no family rows. We try not to get on each other's nerves, but we never do anything together. Everyone is preoccupied with their own business. Mum normally does some cooking, looks through some papers or discusses something with her collegues on the phone. Dad either watches TV or upgrades his car. My brother, who is eight, draws something or plays computer games. As for me, I just feel bored and lonely. To conceal it I pretend to be very busy with my homework, or go out even when I don't feel like doing it at all. Is it the same in other families? If you happen to have some ideas on how to help us. I'd really appreciate it. What could we do together to feel that we are together.

Нужно ответить на это письмо, используя предложения ниже, их нужно закончить.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Topic “Art Is Long, Life Is Short”

Literary Heritage of Britain

Работа над языковым материалом проводится поэтапно:

- работа с предтекстовыми упражнениями;

- чтение и перевод основного текста, контроль понимания прочитанного с помощью вопросов;

- выполнение послетекстовых лексико-грамматических и языковых упражнений, предполагающее парную и групповую работу;

- работа над дополнительным текстом.

Особенность большинства заданий заключается в том, что они носят коммуникативный, творческий характер, способствуют активизации мыслительной деятельности, развитию воображения и общего кругозора обучающихся, и, в конечном итоге, более глубокому усвоению учебного материала.

Topic “Art Is Long, Life Is Short”

Literary Heritage of Britain

I. Answer the questions.

1. Everybody knows the name of William Shakespeare. And you? Where was he born?

2. Have ever heard the name of Robert Burns, the remarkable Scotchman? What is he famous for?

3. Isn’t it amusing that Scotchmen celebrate his birthday as the national holiday every year on 25 January?

4. What is the fictitious address of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson?

5. There is one more tremendous Scottish writer. Can you name him? He is the author of great historic novel about medieval knights and their beautiful ladies.

6. It goes without saying that the best place to begin a literary exploration of London is Westminster Abbey. Do you know why?

II. Do you know any other names of the outstanding British writers? Have you ever read or heard anything about their immortal creations? Guess the name of the author according to his/her works. Use the Passive Voice in your answer: “Oliver Twist” was written by …

“The Twelfth Night”, “Macbeth”, “Othello”, “Hamlet”, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “Romeo and Juliet”

“Oliver Twist”, “Nicholas Nickleby”, “Hard Times”

Thomas Hardy (1891)

Tess of the D’Ubervilles [´d ɜ :bǝvılz]

Daniel Defoe [´dænjǝl dı´f ɔʊ ]

Charlotte Brontë [´ ʃ a:lǝt´br ɔ ntı]

“Jane Eyre” [ ʤ eın´eǝ]

Herbert G.Wells [´h ɜ :bǝt welz]

“The Invisible Man”, “The Time Machine”, “The War of the Worlds”

Jerome K. Jerome

“Three Men in a Boat”

Lewis Carol (Charles L. Dodgson)

“Alice in Wonderland”, “Through the Looking Glass”

Abraham (Bram) Stoker [bræm´stǝ ʊ kǝ]

Robert Louis Stevenson [´r ʊ bǝt´lu:i: ´sti:vǝnsǝn]

Cooperative Learning

Group work sheet

The Writer

I. Read your extract and answer the questions about your person. Try to guess the words underlined from the context. Then use your dictionary to check the words.

1. Where was she born?

2. When was she born?

3. What do you learn about her childhood?

4. Which people played a part in her career?

5. What do you think were the most important events in her life?

6. What do you learn of her works?

7. When did she die?

8. Which of the following numbers or dates relate to this person? What do they refer to?

79 6,000 13 4,680,000 300 1920 1973 1937 1952 17 1976 1934 40 1926

II. When you have finished, go through the questions together with your partner, comparing information.

Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie is possibly the world’s most famous detective story writer. She wrote 79 novels and several plays. Her sales outnumber those of William Shakespeare. However, behind her 4,680,000 words was a painfully shy woman whose life was often lonely and unhappy.

She was born in 1890 in Devon, the third child of Clarissa and Frederick Miller, and grew into a beautiful and sensitive girl with waist-length golden hair. She didn’t go to school but was educated at home by her mother.

During World War I, while she was working in a hospital dispensary, she learned about chemicals and poisons, which proved very useful to her later career. She wrote her first detective novel, “The Mysterious Affair at Styles”, in 1920. In it she introduced Hercule Poirot, the Belgian detective who appeared in many subsequent novels. Her other main detective was an elderly spinster called Miss Marple.

In 1914, at the beginning of the war she had married Archibald Christie but the marriage was unhappy. It didn’t last and they divorced in 1926. That year there was a double tragedy in her life because her much-loved mother died. Agatha suffered a nervous breakdown. It is interesting to note that it was while she was suffering so much that she wrote one of her masterpieces, “The murder of Roger Ackroyd”.

She buried herself in the work. On 25 November 1952 her play “The Mousetrap” opened in London. Today, over 50 years later, it is still running. It is the longest running show in the world.

She enjoyed a very happy second marriage to Max Mallowan, an archaeologist. By successfully staying out of the limelight she ultimately found happiness with her beloved husband. She died peacefully in 1976.

1. sensitive (a) – [´sensıtıv] – чувствительный

2. dispensary (n) – [dıs´pensǝrı] – аптека

3. subsequent (a) – [´s ʌ bsıkwǝnt] – последующий

4. spinster (n) – [´spınstǝ] – старая дева

5. to suffer (v) – [´s ʌ fǝ] – страдать

7. archaeologist (n) – [ˏa:kı´ ɔ lǝ ʤ st] – археолог

8. ultimately – [´ ʌ ltımıtlı] – в конечном счёте

Cooperative Learning

Group work sheet

The Painter

I. Read your extract and answer the questions about your person. Try to guess the words underlined from the context. Then use your dictionary to check the words.

1. Where was he born?

2. When was he born?

3. What do you learn about his childhood?

4. Which people played a part in his career?

5. What do you think were the most important events in his life?

6. What do you learn of his works?

7. When did he die?

8. Which of the following numbers or dates relate to this person? What do they refer to?

79 6,000 13 4,680,000 300 1920 1973 1937 1952 17 1976 1934 40 1926

II. When you have finished, go through the questions together with your partner, comparing information.

On 25 October 1881 a little boy was born in Malaga, Spain. This baby grew up to be one of the 20th century’s greatest painters – Pablo Picasso .

Picasso showed his truly exceptional talent from a very young age. His first word was lapiz (Spanish for pencil) and he learned to draw before he could talk. He was the only son in the family and very good-looking, so he was thoroughly spoilt. He hated school and often refused to go unless his doting parents allowed him to take one of his father’s pet pigeons with him!

Apart from pigeons, his great love was art, and when in 1891 his father, who was an amateur artist, got a job as a drawing teacher at a college, Pablo went with him to the college. He often watched his father paint and sometimes was allowed to help. One evening his father was painting a picture of their pigeons when he had to leave the room. He returned to find that Pablo had completed the picture, and it was so amazingly beautiful and lifelike that he gave his son his own palette and brushes and never painted again. Pablo was just 13.

Many people realized that he was a genius but he disappointed those who wanted him to become a traditional painter. He was always breaking the rules of artistic tradition and shocked the public with his strange and powerful pictures. He is probably best known for his “Cubist” pictures, which used only simple geometric shapes. His work changed our ideas about art, and to millions of people modern art means the work of Picasso. Guernica, which he painted in 1937, is one of the masterpieces of modern painting.

Picasso created over 6,000 paintings, drawings and sculptures. Today a “Picasso” costs several million pounds. Once, when the French Minister of Culture was visiting Picasso, the artist accidentally spilt some paint on the Minister’ trousers. Picasso apologized and wanted to pay for them to be cleaned, but the Minister said, “Non! Please, Monsieur Picasso, just sign my trousers!”

Picasso died of heart failure during an attack of influenza in 1973.

1. exceptional (adj) – [ık´sepʃənl] – исключительный , необычный

2. thoroughly ( adv ) – [´ θ ʌ r ə l ı] – вполне; совершенно; тщательно

3. pigeon ( n ) – [´ p ıʤı n ] – голубь

4. an amateur artist – [´æ m ə t ə(:)] – непрофессиональный художник, художник-любитель

5. amazingly beautiful – [ə´meızıŋlı] – удивительно прекрасный

6. palette – [´ p æ l ı t ] – палитра

7. apart from – не говоря уже о; кроме; не считая

8. to disappoint ( v ) – разочаровывать

9. to apologize ( v ) – [ə´ p ɔ l əʤ a ı z ] – извиняться

10. heart failure – [ ha : t ´ fe ı lj ə] – сердечная недостаточность

Cooperative Learning

Group work sheet

The Poet, Bard, Actor

I. Read your extract and answer the questions about your person. Try to guess the words underlined from the context. Then use your dictionary to check the words.

1. Where was he born?

2. When was he born?

3. What do you learn about his childhood?

4. Which events influenced his career/life?

5. What do you think were the most important events in his life?

6. What do you learn of his works?

7. When did he die?

8. Which of the following numbers or dates relate to this person? What do they refer to?

79 6,000 13 4,680,000 300 1920 1973 1937 1952 17 1976 1934 40 1926

II. When you have finished, go through the questions together with your partner, comparing information.


Yuri Vizbor was born on June 20, 1934 in Moscow where he lived for most of his life. He was a man of many talents. He wrote poems, stories, film scripts and plays. He was a singer-songwriter, journalist, actor, film director, climber and skier. During his short life (he died at the age of 50), he managed to write about 300 songs, make 40 documentary films and play in 17 films. He had a strong sense of humour and was a brilliant storyteller.

He travelled a lot and met many different people, but he also found time to set up Yunost, the first Moscow youth radio station, and he started a popular magazine called Krugozor. He also created a new genre of tourists’ songs which he considered as his main contribution to the world of music.

Born in 1934, Yuri Vizbor belonged to a generation whose childhood was spent in hard times, and this influenced his attitude towards war. He hated war because of the millions of Russian victims in World War 2. As a boy of seven, he experienced German night attacks on Moscow. A few months later he saw captured German soldiers in the streets. And finally he watched the victory fireworks in Red Square. One of Vizbor’s greatest performances as an actor was his role as Martin Bormann, the head of the Nazi party chancellery, in the famous TV serial Seventeen Moments of Spring. He was so convincing that people took him for Bormann in real life. Once he even bought a railway ticket in Bormann’s name.

Vizbor died in 1984.

1. to manage (v) – [´mænıʤ] – суметь ( сделать ), ухитряться

2. to set up ( v ) – учреждать; основывать

3. to consider (v) – считать ( ся )

4. contribution (n) – [̗kɔntrı´bju:ʃən] – вклад

5. to influence ( v ) – [´ı nflu ʊə ns ] – оказывать влияние, влиять

6. to experience ( v ) – [ı ks ´ p ıə r ıə ns ] – испытывать, знать по опыту

7. captured ( adj ) – [´ k æ p ʧə d ] – пленённый; пленный

8. chancellery ( n ) – [´ʧ a : ns ə l ə r ı] – канцелярия

9. convincing ( adj ) – [ k ə n ´ v ı ns ıŋ] – убедительный

10. attitude ( n ) – отношение

“True-False” Test

(both for individual work and for the members of the other groups)

Are these statements about Agatha Christie true (T) or false (F)?

1. ¨ Agatha Christie is the outstanding love story writer.

2. ¨ Her life was full of joy and happiness.

3. ¨ She didn’t have any idea about chemicals and poisons.

4. ¨ Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple were her main fictional characters.

5. ¨ Agatha suffered a nervous breakdown after tragedy in her life.

6. ¨ She wrote a lot of novels and plays.

7. ¨ “The Mysterious Affair at Styles” is the longest running show in the world.

The Painter

Are these statements about Pablo Picasso true (T) or false (F)?

1. ¨ He was a talented person from a very young age.

2. ¨ Picasso’s great love was art and pigeons.

3. ¨ He had no amateur artists in his family.

4. ¨ Many people were disappointed with his works.

5. ¨ Picasso always wanted to become a traditional painter.

6. ¨ His works changed people’s ideas about modern art.

7. ¨ Picasso created a great number of masterpieces.

The Poet, Bard, Actor

Are these statements about Yuri Vizbor true (T) or false (F)?

1. ¨ He was a gifted person.

2. ¨ People didn’t like to listen to him because he was very boring.

3. ¨ In his life he met a lot of interesting people.

4. ¨ He ran a radio station for young people.

5. ¨ He didn’t consider his songs as something really important.

6. ¨ He spent his childhood in Moscow.

7. ¨ In Seventeen Moments of Spring he played a fictional character.


Love - means to live by the life of someone you love. L.N. Tolstoy.

Certainly I cannot answer, because it`s all in the feelings and sensations, but response in a few words, even in the proposal - it is something impossible, it is primarily a feeling which can not be transferred by something. Realize that if it were not for love, for which we lived? Love - is necessary for all, not all can give it, or respond to it in return. You love - you are loved, you change - you are changed, this is life . and nothing can be done. Someone is very bad, but someoneis perfect, someone loves, and is loved and someone is sad. And so every day, it goes every minute, second, forever.


Мы можем мечтать .мы можем мириться .мы можем менять мир.
мы мирные .мысли о маме ,маме молодой ,мы можем о маме молчать молодой .мама ,можно?можно?молчать . и просто мечтать. мы месте .мамочка моя .молчу ,маню маю маму. мама можно мне мечтать.


Мышь пробежала мимо. Встретишь ли ты меня ? Речь необыкновенная ! Дочь маленькая. Воробьи чирикают.
Съесть ли мороженое ? Объяснение получено. В подъезд вошли двое. Сверхъестественно ! Подъемник стоит.


Никто не хотел со мной разговаривать. Никакой одноклассник не хотел меня слушать. Некто подошёл ко мне и сказал что я всех обидил! Теперь я никогда не буду ссориться с одноклассниками. И вы тоже не сорьтесь нискем


Однажды я вышла в солнечный летний денёк,села на лавочку возле дома. И стала слушать птичьи разговоры. Мне они так понравились,что я решила рано вставать по утрам и слушать их пение и щебетание. Я вставала каждый день и их разговоры были все громче и громче. Как будто они каждый день спорили или ругались из-за чего-то. Я фантазировала о чем они могли разговаривать. Одни о погоде,другие о том кто красивее, кто что сделал за день и кто что будет делать сегодня.
Когда просыпалась моя мама (можно Бабушка,дедушка и т.д.) она заваривала себе Кофе и мне чай. Мы сидели и слушали.
Мне так нравятся их пение и разговоры!


Пришла весна. В наши края стали прилетать птицы. С каждым днем прилетает все больше и больше стай. С каждым днем все звучнее птичьи разговоры. Еще только вчера в наших краях чирикали только синицы и воробъи. Сегодня к птичьим разговорам присоеденились журавли, летящие клином. В лесу и на озере с каждым днем все больше разных птиц. К местным птицам присоеденяются все новые голоса. Слышно чириканье разных птиц. С каждым днем оно все сильнее. И это птичьи разговоры


Нужно сочинение на 10 предложений, но чтобы в каждом предложении был числительный

Что то типо этого наверно, числительнвкесть но 5 предложений


Я понимаю это высказывание так: если счастье есть, то и есть несчастье. Иногда мы, счастливые люди, забываем о несчастье, когда который день подряд тебе везёт. Мы расслабляемся и думаем, что все налаживаться. Но потом внезапно появляется проблема и ты обсалютно не знаешь, что делать. Ты пытаешься что-то сделать, но уже поздно. Вот так ты понимаешь, что зря расслабился. По этому должен кто-то или что-то тебе напоминать, что в месте с счастьем может придти и несчастье. А ты будешь в такой расстерености, когда придёт беда, ссора или котастрова (близкий попал в больницу). По этому должно быть напоминание. Счастье никогда не приходит одно.

Другие вопросы по Английскому языку


Кто хорошо понимает , , , перевести текст только не через 1.сколько раз в день кормят рыб? -их кормят один раз в день. 2.когда построили вашу школу? - её построили пятнадцать лет назад. 3.пиццу уже принесли? - нет её
сейчас готовят. 4.когда отремонтируют эту дорогу? - её отремонтируют до конца месяца. 5.мне вчера не сказали о вашем визите. 6.где джек? его ждут. 7.вас когда-нибудь учили, как себя вести? 8.детей отправили спать перед
тем, как начался фильм. 9.где линда? - ей сейчас показывают её новую комнату. 10.что-то нужно сделать для этих людей.


1. mike said that he often (watch) tv 2. the people told me that the train (arrive) 3. mother said that she (cook) dinner 4. the postman said he (come) earlier next time 5. mary said she (bring) flowers to school next day 6. ann said that she always (forget) grammar rules 7. we were sure that nick (spend) his holidays in the country


Дополните предложения, употребляя модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты в утчредительной или отрицательной форме. 1. you remember the adress? - i not even remember the street. 2. the sick man had restless night, but he sleep for an hour or two. 3. he was very strong, he ski all day and dance all night. 4. when they buy a car, they visit their friends more often. 5. you ring the bell, i have a key. 6. you drink this: it is a poison. 7. the buses were all full, i get a taxi. 8. what were your instructions about phoning, bill? - i phone him at 6.00. 9. that hat doesn’t suit you, you buy another one. 10. tom was often late and his father told hiim that he wake up earlier. 11. the policeman told the driver that he drive more carefully. 12. the woman is looking ill. she see a doctor.


Как сделать: задайте общие вопромсы и сделайте предложения отрецательными 1 they swam in the river 2 jack opened the window

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