Сочинение кража на английском

Обновлено: 28.06.2024

Crime has been around us for many centuries. Every day when we open a newspaper or turn on TV almost all we read or hear is about criminals and their illegal actions. According to the law, people who commit a crime must be punished, imprisoned or even sentenced to a death penalty. Without punishment our life in the society would be less secure, although sometimes punishment isn’t strict enough, to my mind.

Some kinds of crimes are as old as the human society (such as stealing, pick-pocketing, vandalism, assault or domestic violence, murder and manslaughter), others are a more recent phenomenon. Armed robbery of stores and banks, hacking into computers (so called “cyber frauds”), corruption or forgery of money and documents, for instance, are some of them. The 20 th century has also seen the appearance of organized crimes such as drug-trafficking, drug-smuggling and hijacking. Statistics show an alarming rise of violent crimes and crimes to do with the illegal sale of arms across the world. Unfortunately women and children often become the victims of crime. Sometimes criminals kidnap rich people or their kids and ask for a ransom to be paid for them.

Besides violent crimes, there are so called “white-collar crimes” in our modern society. These are frauds when a person isn’t physically threatened or hurt. Among them are tax evasion (when people are accused of not paying taxes on purpose), bribery, identity theft (when a criminal steals personal information of another person in order to use his credit cards or bank accounts, for example).

To crown it all, we must regret that today a great deal of crimes is committed by teenagers who want to become independent as soon as possible and to find a royal road to getting much money. Teenagers use drugs and drink alcohol, so they can’t control themselves. Moreover, modern TV programs and films containing much violence and sex often have huge and negative influence on teenagers.

In conclusion I should say that crime prevention in our society is an extremely difficult and complicated task because we should change our social and moral principles at large.


Преступления окружают нас многие столетия. Каждый день, когда мы открываем газету или включаем телевизор, почти все, что мы читаем или слышим – это преступники и их противоправные действия. По закону люди, совершившие преступления, должны быть наказаны, заключены в тюрьму или даже приговорены к смертной казни. Без наказания наша жизнь в обществе была бы менее безопасной, хотя иногда наказание бывает недостаточно строгим, по моему мнению.

Помимо жестоких преступлений, в нашем современном обществе существуют так называемые должностные преступления. Это мошеннические действия, когда человеку не угрожают физически и не причиняют боль. Среди них – уклонение от налогов (когда люди обвиняются в преднамеренной неуплате налогов), взяточничество, хищение персональных данных (когда преступник похищает личную информацию другого человека с целью использования его кредитных карт или банковских счетов, к примеру).

Ну и наконец, мы должны с сожалением признать, что сегодня большое количество преступлений совершается подростками, которые хотят стать независимыми как можно быстрее и найти легкий способ добычи денег. Подростки употребляют наркотики и алкоголь, поэтому они не контролируют себя. Более того, современное ТВ и фильмы содержат много жестокости и секса и часто имеют огромное негативное влияние на подростков.

В завершение хочу сказать, что предотвращение криминала в нашем обществе является крайне трудной и сложной задачей, потому что нам следует менять наши общественные и моральные принципы в целом.

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There is a lot of violence in the modern world. Although pris­ons keep us safe from dangerous criminals, they do not complete­ly solve the problem of crime. In my opinion, people should find more effective punishments for criminals than prison.

The way I see it, imprisonment works adversely against crime. First of all, prisoners face horrible conditions such as inadequate medical care or abuse by guards, which, coupled with an environment of criminal peers, often make prisoners more violent than when they went in. In addition, some criminals learn in prison how to commit worse crimes. What is more, they are released with only a few roubles in their pockets and a perspective of being unemployed. As a result, most ex-prisoners commit a crime again.

To my mind, kind treatment, such as sending abroad with a social worker, on the contrary involves the positive side of human nature. Young criminals have someone to talk to about their attitudes, values and behaviour. It goes without saying that imprisonment does not help criminals to realize what positive values in life are. All in all criminals who passed through soft measures of punishment are less likely to re-offend.

Yet some people consider prisons to be the most effective punishment for criminals. They also believe that prisons protect people from those who might harm us. Although murderers and other violent criminals deserve being sent to prison, a vast major­ity of prisoners are locked up for non-violent crimes such as low level property crimes. In this case they only need help finding jobs. Moreover, some people who commit crimes are mentally ill and doctors can help them much more than prisons.

In conclusion, I believe that prisons are necessary for crimi­nals who are a real danger to society. It may be better if less dan­gerous criminals receive different punishments, such as commu­nity service or a fine. Rehabilitation programmes cost far less and are more effective than prisons.

There is a lot of violence in the modern world. Although pris­ons keep us safe from dangerous criminals, they do not complete­ly solve the problem of crime. In my opinion, people should find more effective punishments for criminals than prison.

The way I see it, imprisonment works adversely against crime. First of all, prisoners face horrible conditions such as inadequate medical care or abuse by guards, which, coupled with an environment of criminal peers, often make prisoners more violent than when they went in. In addition, some criminals learn in prison how to commit worse crimes. What is more, they are released with only a few roubles in their pockets and a perspective of being unemployed. As a result, most ex-prisoners commit a crime again.

To my mind, kind treatment, such as sending abroad with a social worker, on the contrary involves the positive side of human nature. Young criminals have someone to talk to about their attitudes, values and behaviour. It goes without saying that imprisonment does not help criminals to realize what positive values in life are. All in all criminals who passed through soft measures of punishment are less likely to re-offend.

Yet some people consider prisons to be the most effective punishment for criminals. They also believe that prisons protect people from those who might harm us. Although murderers and other violent criminals deserve being sent to prison, a vast major­ity of prisoners are locked up for non-violent crimes such as low level property crimes. In this case they only need help finding jobs. Moreover, some people who commit crimes are mentally ill and doctors can help them much more than prisons.

In conclusion, I believe that prisons are necessary for crimi­nals who are a real danger to society. It may be better if less dan­gerous criminals receive different punishments, such as commu­nity service or a fine. Rehabilitation programmes cost far less and are more effective than prisons.

2 Выберите правильный ответ.
1 поскольку она была замечена на месте преступления, ее рассматривали в качестве подозреваемой
A свидетель В подозреваемый
2 это уголовное преступление, продавать украденное имущество
A преступление В нарушение
3 незаконно не одевать ремень безопасности при вождении в Великобритании
A неправомерно В незаконно
4 наказание за кибер мошенничество в виде лишения свободы сроком до 10 лет
A приговор В лишение свободы
5 обвиняемый был признан невиновным и освобожден от тюремного заключения
A признан невиновным В объявлен
6 молодой человек был арестован полицией, а затем передан в суд
A передан В перевезен
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3 Кто из людей в списке являются правонарушителями? Обведите их.
• судья • вор • охранник • преступник • сосед • полиция • прохожий • жертва • граббитель банка• магазинный вор • свидетель • мошенник
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4 Используйте фразы, чтобы закончить предложения.
• удирать • признать виновным • заплатить штраф • общественные работы• тюремный срок • отделаться предупреждением • нарушить закон • обратиться в суд
1 Она была признана виновной в убийстве Джесси Робертс.
2 Любой, пойманный за превышение скорости должен будет заплатить штраф в размере £60.
3 Вчера, моя мама обратилась в суд для дачи показаний для уголовного процесса.
4 Молодой магазинный вор отделался предупреждением, потому что это было его первое преступление.
5 Грабителю было назначено тюремное заключение сроком в 11 месяцев.
6 Катерина нарушила закон, нелегально скачивая музыку.
7 Судья сказал вандалу, что должен работать на общественных работах в районе, где он проживает.
8 Грабители ворвались в магазин, и удрали с драгоценностями общей суммой в £100,000.
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5 Сопоставьте слова.
1 безопасность
2 расследовать
3 тюрьма
4 жизнь
5 тяжелый
6 вождение
7 полиция
8 давать

a преступление
b прекрасный
с приговор
d нарушение
e доказательство
f стоянка
g охрана
h лишение свободы
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1 pickpocket was caught yesterday at Red borough Shopping Centre after a shopper reported seeing him steal a purse from an elderly woman's handbag.
2 News was released yesterday of the kidnapping of multi-millionaire businessman. George Multiband. Il is believed a note was left demanding £500,000 for his safe return.
3 Caver stone City Hall's walls were spray painted by vandals last niggle, the second such act in one month. PC Robert Hogarth said.
4 Home owners in the Darlington Circle area expressed their concern today as they learned of a burglary at one of their neighbors’ homes.
5 A 16-year-old boy is recovering in hospital this morning after a violent mugging the attacker stole the victim's mobile phone and left the teenager bruised and shaken up.

Главная задача сайта: помогать школьникам и родителям в решении домашнего задания. Кроме того, весь материал совершенствуется, добавляются новые сборники решений.

Unfortunately, nowadays criminal rates are high in many countries. Whether the protection of society from crime is the responsibility of the government or not is a controversial issue. Some people believe the government is obliged to protect people through various laws, whereas others suppose that they can defend themselves from criminals without the help of law enforcement agencies.

It seems to me that it is important to have law enforcement agencies that protect society in every state. To begin with, a state cannot exist without law and order. While in many poor states there are wars and anarchy reigns, developed states finance the rule of law system ensuring peace and tranquility in the society. Moreover, in every country citizens pay taxes, with the help of which the state is obliged to finance the judicial system, law enforcement agencies, the police and the army.

For example, if people break the law, they must realize that it is unlawful and culprits receive proper punishment to prevent further harm.

However, there is an opposing opinion. Some people prefer to be protected by themselves. They install alarms in their houses, buy safes for storing finances, and also carry some of their own means of first self-defence in their bags. The main argument is that it helps people to be self-confident of their security.

Despite the point of view mentioned above, I still believe that being prepared for dangerous situations will not prevent every person, but in developed countries, in which the government cares about the safety of the population, it is necessary only for psychological certainty.

To sum it all up, I would like to say that there are two different opinions on this issue, but I am convinced that all governments in all modern states should be aware of citizens’ security. All criminals found guilty must be punished in accordance with the law.

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