Сочинение итальянская кухня на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Презентация на тему: " THE ITALIAN CUISINE Заикина Ольга Петровна Учитель английского языка МАОУ СОШ 1 г. Апрелевки." — Транскрипт:

1 THE ITALIAN CUISINE Заикина Ольга Петровна Учитель английского языка МАОУ СОШ 1 г. Апрелевки

2 The Italian cuisine The traditional Italian cuisine is one of the most popular and best-known cuisine in the world!

3 Italy The Arabs The Greeks The Romans

4 Specialities The Italian cuisine has a lot of fresh food. It is its main feature.

5 The typical foods Rice Cheese Olives and olive oil Fresh vegetables

6 The typical foods Dough Species Beef Seafood

7 The most popular dishes Pizza The tart baked with tomato sauce, cheese and a variety of different ingredients.

8 Pasta (spaghetti) They are certainly served with one of the many traditional sauces, plenty of which create a variety of dishes. Spaghetti Bolognese Spaghetti a Milano

9 Risotto A dish from rice on the broth or water. It has different ingredients: seafood, meat, green and vegetables.

10 Lasagna The layered pie with meat and tomato sauce and grated cheese.

11 Pyadina Its a tortilla stuffed with fresh vegetables and spices.

12 Ice-cream The Italians called it gelato. It has different tastes.

13 Red wine The Italians like to drink wine, because it is good for blood.

14 The Mediterranean cuisine The Italian cuisine is a part of the Mediterranean cuisine. It is healthy because it contains a lot of seafood and meat combined with vegetables, rice and flour products. The taste is enriched by the use of olives, garlic, herbs and spices.

15 Life span Average life span in Italy is 80 years old. Women – 83 years. Men – 77 years.

16 Questions 1. What are the main ingredients in the Italian cuisine? 2. What is the main feature? 3. Tell the names of the national dishes. 4. What is the average life span in Italy? 5. Is the Italian cuisine good for health? And why?

I would like to tell about my favourite restaurant. It is called IL Punto. This Italian restaurant is located in the city centre. The restaurant serves traditional Italian cuisine in a calm, relaxing atmosphere.

In front of the entrance there is a summer terrace where guests can enjoy a light business lunch or a cup of coffee.

The interior of the restaurant is elegantly decorated in warm colours. Quiet music is played in the background. Guests can order fresh pizza, delicious pasta as well as excellent meat and fish specialties.

A wide range of salads and snacks is also served here. After a lunch or dinner, you will be offered to try one of the desserts. The meal can be accompanied by alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

Prices in this restaurant are affordable. Waiters are very attentive and can assist with the choice of the dishes. I have their loyalty card and receive 5% discount every time I go there. You can also order food online and they will deliver it to your door. The delivery is free of charge.

Перевод на русский язык

Я бы хотел рассказать о своем любимом ресторане. Он называется IL Punto. Этот ресторан итальянской кухни находится в центре города. Традиционные блюда итальянской кухни подаются в ресторане в спокойной расслабляющей обстановке.

Перед входом в ресторан расположена летняя терраса, на которой можно отведать легкий бизнес-ланч или выпить чашку кофе.

Интерьер ресторана изысканно оформлен в теплых цветах. В зале звучит тихая музыка. Здесь можно заказать свежую пиццу, вкусную пасту, а также великолепные мясные и рыбные блюда.

В меню представлен широкий выбор салатов и закусок. После обеда или ужина вам предложат попробовать один из десертов. К столу подают алкогольные и безалкогольные коктейли.

Цены в этом ресторане приемлемые. Официанты очень внимательны и могут помочь с выбором блюда. У меня есть их дисконтная карта, и каждый раз я получаю скидку 5%. Также можно заказать любые блюда онлайн с доставкой на дом. Доставка в этом ресторане бесплатная.

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Presnyakov Nikita Mokrinskaya Dasha Paramonova EkaterinaItalian cuisine

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Presnyakov Nikita Mokrinskaya Dasha Paramonova EkaterinaItalian cuisine

Presnyakov Nikita
Mokrinskaya Dasha
Paramonova Ekaterina
Italian cuisine

Italian cuisineItalian cuisine is known and popular worldwide. Everybody kno.

Italian cuisine
Italian cuisine is known and popular worldwide.
Everybody knows pizza, pasta and ciabatta.
But there are a lot of other delicious dishes.

Italian cuisineItalian cuisine is characterized by fresh food of the Mediterr.

Italian cuisine
Italian cuisine is characterized by fresh food of the Mediterranean region, which significantly differs the original Italian cuisine from its simulation in the world.

Italian cuisineItalian cuisine differs from region to region. Roman cuisine.

Italian cuisine
Italian cuisine differs from region to region.
Roman cuisine
Sicilian cuisine
Sardinian pastries
Lazio cuisine.

Roman cuisineCuisine of Rome is based on seasonal ingredients coming mainly f.

Roman cuisine
Cuisine of Rome is based on seasonal ingredients coming mainly from the Roman Campaign, and a fairly simple way of cooking.
It is therefore important ingredients are vegetables, meat (lamb and goat meat) and cheese (Pecorino romano and ricotta).

Roman cuisineTypical dressing in the Roman kitchen serves Strutt - lard, serv.

Roman cuisine
Typical dressing in the Roman kitchen serves Strutt - lard, served every winter.
Widely used fat from prosciutto, while olive oil - only raw vegetables and sometimes when frying.

Sicilian cuisineThe island of Sicily for centuries been under the domination.

Sicilian cuisine
The island of Sicily for centuries been under the domination of different cultures, so cuisine combines elements of different countries.
From these cuisines Sicilian cuisine has adopted a love to spices, as well as to the "exotic" fruits and vegetables (melon, apricots, citrus fruits, sweet peppers).

Sicilian cuisineSicilian cuisine can be broadly described in three words: pas.

Sicilian cuisine
Sicilian cuisine can be broadly described in three words: pasta, fish and sweets.

The most famous Sicilian dishes include arancini (rice balls with fillings), Pasta alla Norma, caponata.

Sardinian cuisineSardinian cuisine is based on simple ingredients that origin.

Sardinian cuisine
Sardinian cuisine is based on simple ingredients that originate pastushechih and peasant traditions: bread, cheese and meat.

The central role in the kitchen Sardinia got tuna, eel, lobster and other seafood.

Sardinian cuisineThe traditional Sardinian cuisine is famous for its desser.

Sardinian cuisine
The traditional
Sardinian cuisine is famous for its desserts, many of which consist of honey, nuts and fruit.
Pecorino sardo - one of the varieties of pecorino.

Lazio cuisineThe capital of Lazio and the whole Italy is Rome, where the best.

Lazio cuisine
The capital of Lazio and the whole Italy is Rome, where the best restaurants and many famous cafes, specializing in ice cream are placed.
Extensive use of lamb and veal are typical for regional cuisine and cooking of high quality products is simplified.

Lazio cuisineOne of the typical dishes of Lazio is Suppli al telefono (means.

Lazio cuisine
One of the typical dishes of Lazio is Suppli al telefono (means "Telephone line"), presenting risotto balls stuffed with hot melt mozzarella cheese.

Italian cuisine is very popular all over the world, but there are a lot of di.

Italian cuisine is very popular all over the world, but there are a lot of different dishes, which you haven’t tried yet.
Try as many different Italian dishes, as you can, because it's worth it.

Bon Appetit!

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Italian - traditional kuhnyaItalii, common and popular in the world, thanks to dishes like pizza and spaghetti.

It is very diverse and regional, each region has its own traditional dishes.

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Вчера я с друзьями играл в футбол. Три дня назад я смотрел лигу чемпионов. Сегодня утром я помог маме прибраться дома.

Dad is doing repairs in our apartment asked me to prop the door open.

Me and my friends have decided to go to the beach. We took out our surfing boards, put them all in the car and went to catch the waves. As we arrived at the beach it seemed a bit too windy for us. Water started to splash our car and turned over th..

Держи, думаю поможет.

I go to school because I need for it.

It is always fun to visit a zoo. Both children and grown - ups like to watch different animals : mammals, reptiles and others. The problem is that not every city and every town has a zoo. In my opinion, we do not have to build a zoo on every place..

1) He said that he had seen a film about the war. 2)He said that he was not sure he knew the truth. 3)He asked me if I could tell him the way to the museum. 4)My mother told me to stay in bed , I was ill.

3. At present, farmers (are given) a set quota of sheep to produce in return for a subsidy under the common agricultural policy.

Tolerant - d) patient To succed in c) to win Threat - e) warning To be ashamed - b) to be shy Mad - a) crazy.

11 K 12 H 13 B 14 I 15 C 16 L 17 D 18 A 19 F 20 G.

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