Сочинение books are dead long live the books

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

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Books in modern life

The book is the best friend a human being can have. It is a friend that will never betray. And there is no more unhappy person than the one who does not like to read. Reading a book is not simple receiving of any information. This is an immersion into the world of bright fantasies, real feelings, travelling, and many other things that the author has experienced or composed.
Some people say that the role of books is important in modern life; others do not support this idea. Who is right?

Books play an essential part in people’s life. We all need a good education, and books can give us much knowledge. Historical books can give you a chance to learn all about your Motherland, and what time was a thousand of years ago. From books you can get answers to lots of questions. For example, how to attain your ideal, what you should do in difficult situations, how to make friends. Only books keep all the secrets of our life. You will remember many interesting facts from books, and it helps you with school subjects. It is a real pleasure to know something that your teacher has not said yet. People should keep the books from all over the world.

But there is another point of you on this problem. Some people think that books are not important in our life. They think that everybody has a computer with the Internet access and can use it every day. They say that books are very old things, and it is not interesting to read them because books do not understand their life. They also think that modern books are very boring. These people prefer to read magazines in the mornings. It is a pity that many children prefer playing computer games to reading books.
Many people prefer to watch movies instead of reading books. They think that films can replace the book. But it is not true. When a person reads a book, he is immersing himself into it. He sympathizes with the characters living their own lives. He lives a whole life as long as holding a book in his hands.
In the movie talented scriptwriters and stage directors devise the characters. But these images are biased. After reading the book the screenwriter writes a scenario. And not always this scenario matches the content of the book itself. In fact, each person finds something new for himself in the book. Someone sees himself in the place of its characters; someone wants to become a hero… The film imposes its emotions and images of the characters.
You will never be alone reading books. You will not get bored or sad either. The book will immerse you into its unusual world, and the gray everyday life will sparkle for you with new colors.

Books in modern life

The book is the best friend a human being can have. It is a friend that will never betray. And there is no more unhappy person than the one who does not like to read. Reading a book is not simple receiving of any information. This is an immersion into the world of bright fantasies, real feelings, travelling, and many other things that the author has experienced or composed.
Some people say that the role of books is important in modern life; others do not support this idea. Who is right?

Books play an essential part in people’s life. We all need a good education, and books can give us much knowledge. Historical books can give you a chance to learn all about your Motherland, and what time was a thousand of years ago. From books you can get answers to lots of questions. For example, how to attain your ideal, what you should do in difficult situations, how to make friends. Only books keep all the secrets of our life. You will remember many interesting facts from books, and it helps you with school subjects. It is a real pleasure to know something that your teacher has not said yet. People should keep the books from all over the world.

But there is another point of you on this problem. Some people think that books are not important in our life. They think that everybody has a computer with the Internet access and can use it every day. They say that books are very old things, and it is not interesting to read them because books do not understand their life. They also think that modern books are very boring. These people prefer to read magazines in the mornings. It is a pity that many children prefer playing computer games to reading books.
Many people prefer to watch movies instead of reading books. They think that films can replace the book. But it is not true. When a person reads a book, he is immersing himself into it. He sympathizes with the characters living their own lives. He lives a whole life as long as holding a book in his hands.
In the movie talented scriptwriters and stage directors devise the characters. But these images are biased. After reading the book the screenwriter writes a scenario. And not always this scenario matches the content of the book itself. In fact, each person finds something new for himself in the book. Someone sees himself in the place of its characters; someone wants to become a hero… The film imposes its emotions and images of the characters.
You will never be alone reading books. You will not get bored or sad either. The book will immerse you into its unusual world, and the gray everyday life will sparkle for you with new colors.

1. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. Some people say that the role of books is important in modern life; others do not support this idea.

2. From books you can get answers to lots of questions.

3. You will remember many interesting facts from books, and it helps you with school subjects.

4. They think that everybody has a computer with the Internet access and can use it every day.

5. It is a pity that many children prefer playing computer games to reading books.

6. They think that films can replace the book.

2. Find in the text

1. Он сочувствует героям, переживает с ними.

2. В фильме герои придуманы талантливыми сценаристами и режиссерами.
3. Книга погрузит его в свой необычный мир, и серые будни заиграют новыми красками.
4. Они говорят, что книги в прошлом, и им не интересно читать эти книги, потому что не понимают их жизни.

5. Исторические книги могут дать вам шанс узнать все о вашей родине, и какое время было тысячу лет назад.
6. Некоторые люди думают, что книги — это не главное в нашей жизни.

3. Answer the questions
1. What is reading a book?

2. What can historical books give to a reader?

3. What answers can you get from a book?

4. Why do people think that books aren’t important?

5. What can replace a book?

6. What can you feel reading a book?
4. Mark the sentences true or false

1. And there is no happier person than the one who does not like to read.

2. We all need a good education, but books can’t give us much knowledge.

3. And always this scenario matches the content of the book itself.

4. These people prefer to read magazines in the mornings.

5. It is a real pleasure to know something that your teacher has said .

6. Only books keep all the secrets of our life.

1. Translate the sentences into Russian

1. Some people say that the role of books is important in modern life; others do not support this idea.

2. From books you can get answers to lots of questions.

3. You will remember many interesting facts from books, and it helps you with school subjects.

4. They think that everybody has a computer with the Internet access and can use it every day.

5. It is a pity that many children prefer playing computer games to reading books.

6. They think that films can replace the book.

2. Find in the text

1. Он сочувствует героям, переживает с ними.

2. В фильме герои придуманы талантливыми сценаристами и режиссерами.
3. Книга погрузит его в свой необычный мир, и серые будни заиграют новыми красками.
4. Они говорят, что книги в прошлом, и им не интересно читать эти книги, потому что не понимают их жизни.

5. Исторические книги могут дать вам шанс узнать все о вашей родине, и какое время было тысячу лет назад.
6. Некоторые люди думают, что книги — это не главное в нашей жизни.

3. Answer the questions
1. What is reading a book?

2. What can historical books give to a reader?

3. What answers can you get from a book?

4. Why do people think that books aren’t important?

5. What can replace a book?

6. What can you feel reading a book?
4. Mark the sentences true or false

1. And there is no happier person than the one who does not like to read.

Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать Reading books is a waste of time. Essay. Чтение книг - трата времени на английском.

Если материал и наш сайт сочинений Вам понравились - поделитесь им с друзьями с помощью социальных кнопок!

Information has become more concise and factual with the advent of social networks and blogs on the Internet. Undoubtedly, it saves human’s precious time. However, there are still people who are willing to devote most of their time to reading and not to consider it as a waste. Let us examine each of these points in detail.

My personal view is that reading books is the most meaningful part of our life. To begin with, while reading, we passively memorize the style of an author’s presentation of thoughts and correct sentence constructions.

Consequently, it teaches us to be eloquent and creative in producing your own aphorisms. Furthermore, reading short statements from the Internet cannot be authentic. There is a simple reason for this. A person who prepares extracts from books cannot analyze it objectively and provide the full amount of information.

Nevertheless, let us consider this problem from another angle. This point of view can be reflected in the quotation: ‘A person who has thoughtlessly read even great works can be compared to a bookcase’. Indeed, unconscious reading can be called a waste of time, because such a person does not remember and does not apply what has been read.

However, personally, I incline more to the opinion of the effectiveness of reading. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

As far as I am concerned, a sensible person devotes tremendous attention to what he reads. The fact is that book can help us to discover a way out of a disturbing question or just to empower yourself physically and spiritually.

To draw the conclusion, it should be observed that it depends on you whether your reading will be useful and delightful.

I enjoy reading books by such English writers as Charles Dickens, Walter Scott. My favorite writer is William Shakespeare, one of the outstanding personalities in the world literature.

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon not farm from London. His father, John Shakespeare, came to Stratford from a village and opened a shop there. He never became a rich man but at one time he was an important official in the city. William Shakespeare lived in Stratford until he was twenty-one. He got married and had three children. At the age of 21, William left Stratford for London to join a company of actors. William Shakespeare lived and worked in London for 25 years.

In all William Shakespeare wrote 37 plays, 2 long poems, and a sonnet cycle of 155 small pieces.

William Shakespeare had a natural gift for comedy. In his comedies, William Shakespeare describes the adventures of young men and women, their love, friendship, happiness.

In England and other countries it is the highest honor for an actor to be invited to play in a comedy or tragedy by William Shakespeare. In the last 35 years all the plays by William Shakespeare have been filmed. Since 1879 Shakespeare’s Festival has been held every year at Stratford-upon-Avon.

Тask 1 Определите, соответствует ли предложение содержанию текста.

I read books about love and adventures.

I enjoy reading books by such English writers as A. Pushkin.

My favorite writer is William Shakespeare.

William Shakespeare lived in Stratford until he was twenty-six.

William Shakespeare lived and worked in London for 25 years.

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon not farm from Moscow.

Тask 2 Расположите предложения в правильном порядке.

He got married and had three children .

Since 1879 Shakespeare’s Festival has been held every year at Stratford-upon-Avon.

His father, John Shakespeare , came to Stratford from a village.

He never became a rich man but at one time he was an important official in the city.

In the last 35 years all the plays by William Shakespeare have been filmed.

Тask 3 Напишите перевод предложений:

Many people are fond of reading detective stories or spy thrillers.

My favorite writer is William Shakespeare, one of the outstanding personalities in the world literature.

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon not farm from London.

He got married and had three children.

In his comedies William Shakespeare describes the adventures of young men and women, their love, friendship, happiness.

Books play a very important role in our life. Since the very childhood our parents and grandparents read fairytales for us, later on at school we study modern and classical literature. At that time we can understand what is our favorite genre of literature and what books we prefer. When we become adults we read detective stories or novels, psychological books and so on. As you can see books are with us during all our life.

We can learn many things and get a lot of useful information there. For example, if you want to learn information about yourself, psychological books will be very helpful for you. Here you can read how to grow up the children or how to manage with depression. This is what I am interesting in now. I know different writers, but of course I have already my favorite ones.

Classical literature is interesting and unique. First of all we can learn the way people used to live before, the hobby and norms. Also these books will teach us and our children some simple truths. There are good and bad things, friends and enemies, love and betrayal. Dostoevskii, Pushkin, Bulgakov, Turgenev will describe these truths very well to everybody.

My parents like to read detective stories and novels. They say these books help them to relax and see another reality. They can not be sure what is the end of the story and that’s why it’s so interesting to read. I think modern literature is not so interesting. Unfortunately today many people can write a book with no plot. I guess you need to have a gift to write an interesting book.

Books are never bore to me. I can read a book the whole day and I would feel happy and I will spend this time with use and pleasure. I believe books make us smart, communicative and friendly people.

Книги в нашей жизни

Книги играют очень важную роль в нашей жизни. С самого детства наши родители, дедушки и бабушки читали нам сказки на ночь, потом в школе мы изучаем современную и классическую литературу. В этот период мы начинаем понизать, какой наш любимый литературный жанр и какие книги мы все-таки предпочитаем читать. Когда мы вырастаем, мы читаем детективные истории или романы, психологические книги и тому подобное. Как видите, книги сопровождают нас всю жизнь.

Мы можем изучить много интересных вещей и почерпнуть полезную информацию. Например, если вы хотите узнать какую-то информацию о себе, психологические книги тут будут крайне полезны. В них вы найдёте и как вырастить ребёнка, и как побороть депрессию. Это та литература, которой я интересуюсь сейчас. Я знаю, что есть разные писатели, но у меня уже появились любимчики.

Классическая литература довольно интересная и уникальная. Прежде всего, мы узнаем, как люди жили раньше, их хобби и нормы жизни. А ещё эти книги учат нас и научат наших детей простым истинам. Ведь в мире есть добро и зло, друзья и враги, любовь и предательство. Достоевский, Пушкин, Булгаков, Тургенев опишут эти истины самым простым языком каждому из нас.

Мои родители любят читать детективы и романы. Они говорят, что эти книги помогают расслабиться и увидеть другую реальность. Они не знают наверняка, чем закончится история, поэтому этот жанр им так интересен. А я не считаю современную литературу такой уж интересной. К сожалению, сегодня многие люди пишут книги без захватывающего сюжета. Я считаю, что у человека должен быть дар, чтобы написать интересную книгу.

Книги мне никогда не наскучат. Я могу читать целый день и буду чувствовать себя счастливой. А ещё проведу время с пользой и в своё удовольствие. Я верю, что книги делают нас умными, общительными и дружелюбными.

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