Сочинение an only child

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

So, I’m the only child in the family and I like it. Of course I’m spoilt a little but it doesn’t disturb me.

The attention is all mine, consequently I’m the apple of my parent’s eyes. I feel lucky, and my friends are jealous because of my single state, particularly because I don’t have to share a bedroom. It’s an advantage. You get undivided attention from your parents. Being alone made me close to animals but it also made me quite demanding. If you don’t have sisters or brothers you need friends and so I tried hard to make them, I am good at making them still and such experience is very useful nowadays.

It may be true that an only child is spoilt, but, believe me, there are occasions on which you wish there was a brother or sister to share problems, but when you solve you problems yourself you tend to become strong and rational person, and it’s better to spend more time in the company of adults than with your contemporaries.

I’ve seen a lot of big families where were two or more children in a family and most of my friends have brothers or sisters. And I didn’t make up my mind and think that it’s better to be the only child then the other way round. I suppose that only people who have a good financial situation or are rich can afford more than one child. Cause in the other way they’ll make a great mistake.

Most of specialists suppose that only in a family with one child a real leader can be born and educate.

In the former situation parents usually believe in his possibilities, praise him for small successes and reward his good deeds. Thus he becomes self-centered and conceited. He is greedy for money.

In the latter situation parents are overprotective, underestimating their child’s skills and talents and often criticizing his efforts to be independent. Thus he is not sure of his real value.

His start into adult life seems to be easier when we take into consideration welfare, comfort and living standards. But from the point of view of maturity his start is more difficult as he becomes independent later than his friends of the same age and sometimes cannot solve simple problems at work because so far his parents have always done it for him.

Responsible parents should know that family is the first little community where the personality of a child develops and if there are more than three in the family the children can learn in a more natural and easy way how to cope with every day problems and learn to compromise in an argument, as well as understand others and love them. It is much more difficult to bring up the only child as the process of teaching him the terms of living in a society is rather artificial. In their books, educational films, and therapy meetings, psychologists give a lot of positive evidence that multi-children families provide a better psychological and socially healthier environment for development.

The parents’ effort to rear their children is rewarded when the children grow up. And when the parents are old it is impossible to be forgotten – form the bunch of kids there is at least one or two who will always remember to hasten with assistance to their loving parents.

Таким образом, я единственный ребенок в семье, и мне это нравится. Конечно, я испортил немного, но это не мешает мне.

Внимание все мое, следовательно я яблоко глаз моих родителей. Я чувствую себя счастливым, и мои друзья завидуют из-за моего единого государства, в частности, потому, что мне не придется делить спальню. Это преимущество. Вы получаете безраздельное внимание от своих родителей. Будучи один сделало меня ближе к животным, но также сделало меня вполне требовательным. Если у вас нет сестер или братьев, нужно друзей, и поэтому я старался, чтобы найти их, я хорошо нахожу их еще и такой опыт очень полезен в настоящее время.

Это может быть верно, что только ребенок избалованный, но, поверьте мне, есть случаи, на которые вы хотите там был брат или сестра имеют общие проблемы, но когда вы решаете ваши проблемы сам, что вы, как правило, становятся сильными и рациональным человеком, и лучше потратить больше времени в компании взрослых, чем со своими современниками.

Я видел много больших семей, где были два или больше детей в семье, и у большинства моих друзей есть братья или сестры. И я не решусь, и думаю, что лучше быть единственным ребенком, то наоборот. Я полагаю, что только люди, которые имеют хорошее финансовое положение или богатых могут позволить себе более одного ребенка. Причина в другом, как они делают большую ошибку.

Большинство специалистов полагают, что только в семье с одним ребенком реальный лидер может родиться и воспитываться.

В первом случае родители обычно верят в свои возможности, хвалят его за небольшие успехи и вознаграждать его добрые дела. Таким образом, он становится эгоистичным и тщеславным. Он жаждет денег.

В последнем родители ситуации чрезмерно, недооценивая навыки и таланты своего ребенка часто критикуют свои усилия, чтобы быть независимыми. Таким образом, он не уверен в своей реальной стоимости.

Его начало во взрослую жизнь, кажется, легче, когда мы принимаем во внимание благосостояния, комфорт и уровень жизни населения. Но с точки зрения зрелости его начало сложнее, так как он становится независимым позже, чем его друзья того же возраста, а иногда и не может решать простые задачи на работе, потому до сих пор его родители всегда делали это за него.

Усилия родителей, чтобы поднять их детей вознаграждены, когда дети вырастут. И когда родители старые, невозможно забывать - сформировать кучу детей есть по крайней мере один или два, которые всегда будут помнить спешить на помощ своим любящим родителям.

Nowadays, when the problem of being a single kid in the family has become a matter of heated debates, some people argue that there are no drawbacks in having no siblings. Still, others suppose that having a brother or a sister is undoubtedly amazing.

Personally, I share the second opinion and, to my mind, to have siblings is wonderful in all aspects. First and foremost, the children who do not have any brothers or sisters are prone to be self-conscious, depressed, egotistical and even greedy. What is more, siblings are the prop and stay for each other over the course of a lifetime because they are the main emotional support.

However, opponents of this point of view consider that being a single kid is great as there are many advantages in it. According to this perspective, when an only child, parents have more financial opportunities for providing for their kid, so they can afford to buy him or her high-quality clothes, up-to-date gadgets and to enroll a child for a private school with excellent teachers.

Nevertheless, this argument does not sound reasonable enough due to the following logical assumption.

Generally, material possessions cannot substitute for brother and sister who actually constitute the best friends in the world.

To sum up, although opinions may differ, I still strongly believe that having siblings is so much fun. To tell the truth, I have a younger sister and she is a person who is there for me regardless of any circumstances.

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 2 балла

1) Автор использует слово kid, являющееся разговорным.

2) Слово self-conscious имеет нейтральный или положительный оттенок значения, поэтому не решает поставленную автором в данном предложении задачу.

К2 (организация текста) – 3 балла

Текст построен в целом корректно.

К3 (лексика) – 2 балла

1) self-conscious – self-centred [Для передачи негативной оценки следует заменить слово];

2) constitute the best friends – make the best friends [Слово constitute не используется в подобных контекстах].

К4 (грамматика) – 3 балла

1) drawbacks in having no siblings – drawbacks to having no siblings [В данном выражении традиционно используются предлоги to или of];

2) when an only child , parents – when having an only child, parents / when they have an only child, parents [В исходном виде фраза является грамматически неполной].

К5 (орфография и пунктуация) – 2 балла

Существенных отклонений от правил орфографии и пунктуации нет.

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Топик Единственный ребенок в семье - рассказывает о преимуществах и недостатках того, что в семье воспитывается лишь один ребенок. Если ребенок – единственный, то все свое внимание родители уделяют только ему, заботятся о его образовании и, по некоторым данным, такому ребенку легче стать лидером в его будущей взрослой жизни. С другой стороны, в многодетных семьях с детства прививается дух солидарности, взаимопонимания и умения ладить с другими детьми, что необходимо и во взрослой жизни. Поэтому дети из таких семей легче сходятся с разными людьми и успешно строят с ними отношения. Также, родители нескольких детей могут быть уверены, что в трудную минуту им будет помогать не один, а сразу несколько их повзрослевших детей.

I'm the only child in the family and I like it. Of course I'm spoilt a little but it doesn't disturb me. The attention is all mine, consequently I'm the apple of my parent's eyes. I feel lucky, and my friends are jealous because of my single state, particularly because I don't have to share a bedroom. It's an advantage. You get undivided attention from your parents. Being alone made me close to animals but it also made me quite demanding. If you don't have sisters or brothers you need friends and so I tried hard to make them, I am good at making them still and such experience is very useful nowadays.

It may be true that an only child is spoilt, but, believe me, there are occasions on which you wish there was a brother or sister to share problems, but when you solve you problems yourself you tend to become strong and rational person, and it's better to spend more time in the company of adults than with your contemporaries. I've seen a lot of big families where were two or more children in a family and most of my friends have brothers or sisters. And I didn't make up my mind and think that it's better to be the only child then the other way round. I suppose that only people who have a good financial situation or are rich can afford more than one child. Cause in the other way they'll make a great mistake.

Most of specialists suppose that only in a family with one child a real leader can be born and educate. In the former situation parents usually believe in his possibilities, praise him for small successes and reward his good deeds. Thus he becomes self-centered and conceited. He is greedy for money.

In the latter situation parents are overprotective, underestimating their child's skills and talents and often criticizing his efforts to be independent. Thus he is not sure of his real value.

His start into adult life seems to be easier when we take into consideration welfare, comfort and living standards. But from the point of view of maturity his start is more difficult as he becomes independent later than his friends of the same age and sometimes cannot solve simple problems at work because so far his parents have always done it for him.

Responsible parents should know that family is the first little community where the personality of a child develops and if there are more than three in the family the children can learn in a more natural and easy way how to cope with every day problems and learn to compromise in an argument, as well as understand others and love them. It is much more difficult to bring up the only child as the process of teaching him the terms of living in a society is rather artificial. In their books, educational films, and therapy meetings, psychologists give a lot of positive evidence that multi-children families provide a better psychological and socially healthier environment for development.

The parents' effort to rear their children is rewarded when the children grow up. And when the parents are old it is impossible to be forgotten – form the bunch of kids there is at least one or two who will always remember to hasten with assistance to their loving parents.

Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



Some people think that one child is enough, whereas others think that a family has to have minimum 2 children.

I think that it is better to have many children. First of all , it is easier to raise a few children than one. Elder children take care of the younger ones. Second , children in big families are less egocentric . Taking care of others, they learn how to serve in a good meaning of this word. Big families are more well-knit than families with an only child.

At the same time there are people who say that it is hard to raise one child what to say about many. Raising children requires money and time which are hard to find nowadays.

I cannot agree with the opinion mentioned above for a particular reason. Bringing up children is a difficult task, nevertheless , this process gives a lot of pleasure. When parents see their children learn new things, achieve good results they forget about the difficulties they have.

In conclusion , I would like to say that it is up to parents to choose how many children to raise. There might be some reasons for having an only child. Nevertheless , I stick to the traditional look at this point where families have a lot of children and everybody helps each other.


In conclusion , I would like to say that there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight having only one child, parents have fewer problems with raising him but in actual fact elder children can take care of the younger ones thus helping their parents. That is why I would support the idea of having many children.

Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться и скачать Some families have an only child; others choose to have two, three or even more children. What is your opinion? Is it good to be an only child in the family? Эссе по английскому.

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Some people say that they prefer to have only one child while others think that it is better to have a large family.

In my opinion, it is preferable to have a large family as your children can help you about house and they could inspire you in all your emotional conditions. I have one little sister Nastya. She makes my life happier because she is very friendly and merry. My parents and I take to different clubs.

She likes dancing and painting pictures. I’d like to have more brothers and sisters because we can learn to be friendlier and more caring and loving.

On the other hand, my opponents say that having only one child saves money and time which we can use for different kinds of entertainment for adults such as travelling abroad and throwing parties. Moreover, we can give more care and love to our child. He/she can get more prestigious education and job.

I partly agree with my opponent’s opinion as an only child can become a genius scientist or talented musician. However, this way of upbringing makes children selfish and demanding. I’d like to bring up three children who would help me in my old age. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

To sum up, I would say that I prefer a large family because all people and relatives respect large families and their parents. We would live in St. Petersburg to give my children good education and visit cultural places.

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