Should everyone have a university education сочинение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Education has an impact on everyone’s life. It has always been so. However, education was not so obtainable several centuries ago when people couldn’t get at least a primary education. Only noble families could afford a governess and then send their children to study abroad.

Today, primary and secondary education is obligatory. In addition, we may study in colleges or at a high school and then go to university. There is a great variety of careers from which to choose, so everyone can get any sort of education.

Nevertheless, public education is not the only one we can obtain. Self-education is crucial in all senses. If we cultivate ourselves, we may become not only smarter and more skilled, but also stronger emotionally and mentally. Self-development is important and it should take all your life. Don’t stop on your way to perfection, it is impossible to be reached.

Moreover, literate and educated people form the picture of the whole society. If you become better, so will the society. It is wrong to think a person is unable to change the world. If everyone started changing from himself/herself, the world would become a better place in one day.

And education is an important aspect of life which should not be underestimated. Take both your basic and self-education seriously and you will manage to become a better person and the life will probably seem less difficult if you are wise and experienced.


Сегодня начальное и среднее образование – обязательно. Более того, мы можем учиться в колледжах или окончить старшую школу и затем пойти в университет. Существует огромное множество специальностей, из которых можно выбрать, поэтому каждый может получить любое образование.

Тем не менее, государственное образование не единственное, которое можно получить. Самообразование – жизненно важно во всех смыслах. Если мы будем работать над собой, то сможем стать не только умнее и умелее, но также сильнее эмоционально и умственно. Саморазвитие важно и должно занять все вашу жизнь. Не останавливайтесь на пути к совершенству, его и так невозможно достичь.

Более того, образованные и воспитанные люди формируют картину всего общества. Если вы станете лучше, то таким станет и общество. Суждение о том, что один человек не может изменить мир – не верно. Если бы каждый начал меняться сам, то мир бы стал лучшим местом за один день.

И образование – важный аспект жизни, который не стоит недооценивать. Воспринимайте всерьез как общее образование, так и самообразование и вы сможете стать лучшим человеком, и жизнь, возможно, покажется вам менее сложной, если вы будете мудрыми и опытными.

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A university education is not compulsory. However, nowadays the role of higher education is growing. It is often required to get a good job and make a sound career. AS well, it influences person’s social state. Therefore, many people suppose higher qualifications are necessary to succeed in life. I agree with that and I think graduation from the university provides a lot of opportunity.

Studying at university develops a person greatly. Students have to read a lot of books and articles on some sciences. So, students need to work hard to understand the information. Besides, they have to do writing tasks which involve different skills, for example, finding necessary information, organizing and summarizing it.

`there are also various assignments that should be done. Students learn various methods and get information in diverse fields that help them to solve atypical problems at work and in ordinary life. Furthermore, hard work makes people patient, tolerant, purposeful and open-minded. These qualities are very useful and valuable. Even more studying enlarges their world-outlook. So, a person becomes more interesting to others.

Higher education makes a person more resistible to competitions and more mobile. People with higher qualifications have special skills and understand the theory of their field and knowledge. As a result, the will be more effective at work and an employer will get more profit. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

At the same time, a person without qualifications needs much time to learn. So, education helps to get a good job and a high salary. It is easier for people with higher education to get some more qualifications. Moreover, they have more social weight and other people listen to them more attentively.

To sum up, people who have graduated from the university have a lot of

opportunities. Knowledge develops their brains, world-outlook and behavior and

makes them more creative, ambitious and mobile, Thus, to succeed in today’s world a university education is necessary.

Клековкина Е., Манн
М., Тейлор-Ноулз С.

Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



Some people think that university is the place to go after school, whereas others feel it is not for them.

I think that it is very important to go to university after school. First of all , the knowledge one could obtain there can help him or her to get a good job in the future. It helps one get a better understanding of how things work in life and society. Secondly , some of the best friendships start at universities. Some people meet their future husbands and wives there. Oftentimes , as people get older they think of their university years as the best times of their life .

At the same time , there are people who do not believe they are cut out for university. Some of them just can not get there because of their poor performance at school. Others already know what they want to do in life and they do not believe they need university for it.

Well , even though it is great to know what a person wants to do early in life, things may not work out the way he or she plans, and having a university degree would give them more options and a Plan-B. I truly believe everyone could get to university if they really set their mind to it . People should not give up so easily.

In conclusion , I would like to say that one can have a good and happy life regardless of whether they go to university or not. However , I strongly believe that having a university degree might make their lives much easier and interesting. Thus , I am sure that a person should have a higher education whenever possible.


In conclusion , I would like to say that there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight going to university is a big waste of time and money but in actual fact studying in university gives students a lot of opportunities for getting good jobs. Thus , I strongly believe that attending university is worth doing.

Some people think that to get a good education one should go abroad

Every pupil at school dreams to have a good profession in future. To have a good profession you need to have education. Today we have many universities and colleges, gymnasiums and schools. Some of them are free and some of them need to be paid. But good education you can have only if you work hard, if you read the right literature and learn from smart people.

Today very often I hear that good education you can have only abroad. Well our universities can help you to enrich your mind and to learn many new things. But still I think that only developed countries can provide good education. There you can study not only by books, but you can use Mac, different programs, conduct research. To learn and speak English you have to go abroad. All these things are still not developed well in our country.

From the other side, our engineers, doctors and programmers can find the job in any country. That means, that our universities give excellent base and everything depends on us. In our universities you can meet professors and doctors of science who had been studying abroad and came back to Russia to share their knowledge. So you can learn many things from them.

Still I would like to go abroad to study. I believe that Cambridge or Oxford universities could provide an excellent profession for me. Of course I need to do my best. But so far all the possibilities and remedy are better abroad. Also some professions are still unknown in our countries or not very popular yet, but in the USA you can have already particular education. That’s why I am sure that education abroad is a great possibility to develop yourself and improve your skills.

Некоторые считают, что для получения хорошего образования нужно уехать за границу

Каждый учащийся мечтает иметь хорошую профессию в будущем. Чтобы получить хорошую профессию, вы должны получить хорошее образование. Сегодня у нас есть много университетов, колледжей, гимназий и школ. Некоторые из этих заведений бесплатные, а за некоторые необходимо платить. Но хорошее образование вы можете получить только, если вы усердно работаете, читаете правильную литературу и учитесь у умных людей.

Сегодня я часто слышу, что хорошее образование реально получить только заграницей. Хотя, и в наших университетах можно получить хорошие знания, обогатить свой ум и изучить много полезного. Но все-таки я считаю, что только развитые страны могут обеспечить человека действительно хорошим образованием. Там вы сможете обучаться не только по книгам, но можно использовать макбуки, различные программы и проводить множество исследований. Наконец чтобы выучить и заговорить на английском, вам придется уехать заграницу. Все это ещё не совсем развито в нашей стране пока что.

С другой стороны, наши инженеры, доктора и программисты сегодня способны найти работу в любой стране. А это значит, что наши университеты дают отличную базу и все зависит только от нас. В наших университетах встречаются профессора и доктора наук, которые учились за границей и вернулись в Россию, чтобы делиться своими знаниями и опытом. А вы можете многое усвоить именно у них.

И все-таки, я бы хотела поехать учиться за границу. Я полагаю, что Кембриджский или Оксфордский университеты могли бы обеспечить меня отличной профессией. Конечно, мне нужно очень постараться. Но пока что все возможности и средства лучше все же заграницей. А также в нашей стране некоторые профессии не популярны или вообще не известны, а в США вы бы могли уже получить образование по ним. Я считаю, что учеба заграницей - это отличное вложение в себя, свои способности и развитие личных навыков.

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