Should animals be used for your entertainment сочинение

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Why do people want to have a pet? For some people it is a way to avoid the loneliness, for other people it is a kind of entertainment. Someone wants to have a pet to be closer to the nature and other people just love animals very much and need a pet to share their feelings.

Почему люди хотят завести домашнее животное? Для некоторых людей это способ избежать одиночества, для других – это своего рода развлечение. Одни люди хотят завести домашнее животное, чтобы быть ближе к природе, а другие просто очень любят животных и нуждаются в питомце, чтобы поделиться с ним своими чувствами.

Everyone has an opportunity to choose a pet they like: a cat or a dog, a parrot or a canary, aquarium fish or guinea pigs. Some people choose exotic animals as their pets: a raccoon, a monkey, a tarantula. There are plenty of choices here, besides, there are many breeds of cats and dogs.

У каждого есть возможность выбрать питомца: кошку или собаку, попугая или канарейку, аквариумную рыбку или морскую свинку. Некоторые люди выбирают экзотических питомцев: енотов, обезьянок, тарантулов. Здесь есть много вариантов, кроме того, существует много пород кошек и собак.

Pets always make the life of people better and eventful. In turn, people are responsible for their pets. Unfortunately, people quite often neglect their duties concerning pets: they pay little attention to them, forget to feed them or visit veterinarian. Sometimes people even abandon pets at all.

Домашние животные всегда делают жизнь людей лучше и насыщеннее. В свою очередь, люди несут ответственность за своих питомцев. К сожалению, люди нередко пренебрегают своими обязанностями в отношении питомцев: они уделяют им мало внимания, забывают накормить их или сводить к ветеринару. Иногда люди вообще бросают своих питомцев.

Before you bring a pet to your home you should learn about the peculiarities of the species and how to treat them. For example, dogs and parrots, unlike cats and fish, need not only the feed but also regular communication with their master. Spending little time with a pet is one of the most common problems connected with pets.

Прежде чем вы принесете домашнее животное в свой дом, вы должны узнать об особенностях его вида и о том, как с ним обращаться. Например, собаки и попугаи, в отличие от кошек и рыб, нуждаются не только в корме, но и в регулярном общении с хозяином. Одной из самых распространенных проблем, связанных с домашними животными, является дефицит общения питомцев с хозяином.

I believe that when you have a pet you are responsible for it. It is important to understand that animals are living beings, not toys. Be a good friend for a pet, and a pet will be a friend for you.

Я считаю, что когда у вас есть домашнее животное, вы несете ответственность за него. Важно понимать, что животные – это живые существа, а не игрушки. Будьте хорошим другом для питомца, и он станет другом для вас.

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Выполнила: ученица 9а класса

Руководитель: учитель английского языка

Какенова Муслима Амандыковна

“ Keeping animals in zoos .”

Some people believe zoos, where wild animals are kept in a man-made environment, should no longer exist in the twenty century. What is your opinion about this? What are the main advantages and disadvantages of this?

There is no doubt that subject of zoos creates a lot of debate. There are those who argue that wild animals must kept in imprisonment, whereas others believe that zoos useless in our modern world of the twenty first century. While some people believe that we can protect and save animals are undeniable, my own view is that wild animals must live in their natural habit not in a fabricated environment.

One clear advantage of zoos is that people keep wild animals in zoos just to save them from merciless killing. Zoo workers feed them; inhabitants are treated from different diseases. We can save rare animals.

Another positive aspect of zoo is that it may be used for entertainment. People, especially children, come to zoo to see animals they haven`t met in their usual life. They introduce with different types of animals from all over the world in real not by the pictures. They get positive emotions. In addition (to this) is a financial issue. Most of us can make money creating such environment as zoo.

On the other hand, there are many arguments against unnatural conditions for wild animals. Firstly, many inhabitants suffer from people and various diseases. Sometimes there are unfair zoo workers whom treat animals badly. Some visitors can cause problems for them because of their freak or carelessness. Another drawback is that most of the people suffer from wild animals. It is very dangerous to work with wild animals because they may harm people. However, perhaps the most serious negative aspect of zoos is that animals live in an unnatural condition. It would be better if wild animals hunt, satisfy their brute.

In conclusion, there are both advantages and disadvantages to keeping animals in zoos. Personally, though, I believe that people find the way to protect and save wild animals. As we live in the twenty first century of innovations of technologies, we should create something new for such type of animals not keeping them in imprisonment.

It is common practice to use animals for experiments, especially in medicine. People feel differently about experimentation on animals because, on the one hand, such research is a necessity but, on the other hand, the poor creatures can suffer a lot.

On the positive side, experiments on animals have helped to achieve great breakthroughs in medical science and biology. New vaccines against dangerous diseases have been created, the structure of human and animals' genes has been discovered, and the technology of cloning organisms and body organs has been developed.

In contrast, experiments on animals have a negative side. Thousands and perhaps millions of animals have died or have been severely crippled. Many tests on animals may prove to be useless for people. An example is the technology of cloning, which is banned for use on humans in many countries. Besides, reaction of animals to drugs is different to that of humans, which means that our "biological relatives" suffer for nothing.

Weighing up pros and cons, I should say that not only animals but people as well die from diseases and the need to save human lives is urgent. In addition, every possible measure is taken to lessen or completely eliminate the pain of animals during experiments. As for the efficiency of sacrificing animals' lives and health, I must say that it is too early to judge and time will tell. Perhaps, cloning human organs will be a solution to transplant operations in the future.

Summing up my argumentations, I side with those who support the practice of using animals for medical experiments on condition that scientists show maximum consideration for treating animals humanely.

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The problem of keeping animals in zoos has recently been a popular topic for discussion. While some people believe that zoos are useless and dangerous for wildlife, others believe that zoos are very useful and educational.

In my view, some animals should be taken from their natural surrounding and put into zoos. There are several reasons to support my opinion. First of all, zoos help save endangered species.

The animals are protected from poaching and severe climatic conditions. Apart from that, animals do not die from hanger because they always have enough food in zoos. Specialists monitor the proper nutrition of animals, for their vitamin balance, for females during pregnancy and feeding. Furthermore, zoos are good for entertainment and education. People can come to zoos and see rare species of animals that do not live in their country or

Or children living in the city can see and touch the pets that usually live on a farm such as cows, sheep, goats, chickens,

turkey, ducks, horses, rabbits.

However, opponents of this view say that animals are stressed and exhausted in zoos. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

Often in large animals such as a lion or bear very small cells, their nutrition is not always sufficient, frequent travel from place to place adversely affects the health of animals. They also argue that animals live in poor conditions. Dirty cages and animal`s feeders can become a breeding ground for disease-causing bacteria, which in turn can damage animal health in zoos.

It is hard to agree with their opinion because veterinarians treat animals and constantly monitor their health. They periodically make them vaccinations, collect tests, add the necessary vitamins. Besides, now the authorities have allocate a lot of money to zoos. Owners of zoos can expand their area to arrange large waltzes for animals, so they are not crowded into small cells. There ate large cages in zoos now where the animals feel comfortable.

As already stated, I am convinced that some animals should live in zoos. After all, I wanted to say that people should gently treat the wildlife.

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