Самбо на английском языке сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

самбо — 1. САМБО, неизм.; ср. Спортивная борьба, допускающая употребление болевых приёмов (сокращение словосочетания: самозащита без оружия; борьба разработана в СССР в 30 е гг. путём соединения наиболее действенных приёмов из различных национальных… … Энциклопедический словарь

САМБО — (самозащита без оружия) вид спортивной борьбы, в основе которого наиболее эффективные приемы, применяемые в различных национальных видах борьбы. Возник в СССР в 30 е гг. В Международной любительской федерации самбо ФИАС (FIAS; основана в 1985) св … Большой Энциклопедический словарь

САМБО — [исп. zambo] 1) потомок от смешанного брака индейца и негра; 2) спорт. вид спортивной борьбы (русск. сокр. Словарь иностранных слов русского языка

САМБО — (самозащита без оружия), вид спортивной борьбы, в основе которого наиболее эффективные приемы, применяемые в различных национальных видах борьбы. Возник в СССР в 1930 х гг. В 1985 основана Международная любительская федерация самбо (ФИАС);… … Современная энциклопедия

самбо — сущ., кол во синонимов: 4 • боевое самбо (2) • борьба (34) • самозащита без оружия ( … Словарь синонимов

САМБО — (исп. zambo) название в Лат. Америке потомства от браков индейцев с неграми или мулатами … Большой Энциклопедический словарь

Самбо — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Самбо (значения). Эту статью следует викифицировать. Пожалуйста, оформите её согласно правилам оформления статей … Википедия

самбо — нескл., с. Вид спортивной борьбы, в основе которого наиболее эффективные приемы, применяемые в различных национальных видах борьбы. Приемы самбо. Родственные слова: самби/ст Этимология: Сокращение словосочетания самозащита без оружия.… … Популярный словарь русского языка

мой любимый вид спорта это самбо, я очень люблю им заниматься. Я занимаюсь им десять лет. мне очень нравится эти тренеровки, это очень увлекательный спорт я занимался в свободное время. рекомендую его всем своим друзьям,там я нашел много друзей,поднимал настроение и веселился.

my favorite sport is a Sambo, I love them to deal with. I have been dealing with them for ten years. I really like these lessons, it's a very exciting sport I did in my spare time. recommend it to all my friends, where I found a lot of friends raised the mood and amused.

My favorite sport is Sambo, I love them to do. I've been doing it for ten years. I really like these trenerovki, this is a very exciting sport I did in my spare time. I recommend it to all my friends, where I found a lot of friends, uplifting and fun.

my favorite sport is sambo, i love doing it. i do them for ten years. i really like these we trained, this is a very good sport i do in my spare time.i recommend it to all my friends, i find a lot of friends, has the mood to party and have fun.

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Урок по теме: Самбо — это интернациональный вид спорта,

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1. Discussion Club

- Name types of wrestling you know.

- Name countries from which these types of wrestling origin.

- Name three Olympic Champions in different types of wrestling.

- Can you name the Russian martial arts?

2. Read the article Once-Secret Martial Art Rises in Ring’s Bright Lights”


Once-Secret Martial Art Rises in Ring’s Bright Lights

Stephen Koepfer, left, Vinnie DeSantis, standing at right, and Alexius Phoenix at New York Combat Sambo in Manhattan. Credit Bess Greenberg/The New York Times

It was born in the aftermath of the Bolshevik revolution and remained largely a state secret until the collapse of the Soviet Union. It is called sambo, a Russian acronym that stands for self-defense without weapons, and it is a martial art that combines striking, submissions, throws and weapons disarmament.

Popular in Russia and the former Soviet republics, sambo was relatively unknown in the rest of the world. But over the last 15 years that has slowly changed in the United States with the increased popularity of mixed martial arts, a sport that counts a number of sambo experts among its elite fighters.

Sambo originated in the early 1920s. Two men, Viktor Spiridonov and Vasili Oschepkov, studied various martial arts throughout the world — disciplines like karate, judo and Mongolian wrestling — to find the most efficient way to thwart an armed opponent.

To make sambo a sport, Soviet officials prohibited striking a competitor, for safety reasons. They also created a new uniform: a modified judo jacket along with shorts and shoes. Even as sambo was transformed into a sport, the country’s military and secret police continued to practice it without competitive restrictions, a form of the martial art known as combat sambo. This variation includes strikes, chokes and weapons disarmament maneuvers.

Sambo has grown over the last 15 years in the United States because of the popularization of mixed martial arts and the increased access to Russian coaches, said Stephen Koepfer, the head coach of New York Combat Sambo in Manhattan.

Experts say that it is the dominance of fighters like Arlovski and Emelianenko that has been the main factor in the growth of both combat and sport sambo in the United States. “Sambo is mixed martial art,” said David Rudman, the founder of Sambo-70 in Moscow, the sport’s largest academy in the world. “Show me a move and it’s good, we use it.”

Some schools are doing just that. The American Sambo Association, an organization founded by Koepfer and Barakov to promote the sport, has modified the rules to broaden the sport’s appeal. Vladislav Koulikov, a Russian immigrant who owns Ultimate Sambo, a school in upstate New York, implemented a belt system to help attract students.

Some of these inventions may rub traditionalists the wrong way, but not Emelianenko.“I’m all for it,” he said through an interpreter. “It’s my desire to advance the sport.”

3. Read the words from the text, copy them into your notebooks and learn:

Sambo — simple kind of struggle that attracts men, youth and adolescents to master the art of self - defense without weapons in difficult situations.

This kind of struggle has United elements of many national kinds of struggle.

As combat sports with two types — sport and combat Sambo exists since 1938

The main task of the wrestlers that have entered into a single combat — to achieve a clear victory over the enemy, throwing him on his back, and stand on their feet or use the locks, forcing the enemy to accept defeat.

Engaged in Sambo, a young man passes a comprehensive test their will, endurance, hard work, developing perseverance in achieving goals, self - discipline, self - control of feelings and emotions, becomes a Mature and courageous.

High moral and strong - willed qualities Sambo wrestler should be combined with excellent physical qualities and motor abilities.

The variety used in Sambo techniques places high demands on psychomotor abilities : you need to quickly and accurately coordinate the many parts of the movement when performing sweeps, traps, throws, grabs, hooks, turntables and other attacking actions and counterreceptions.

The wrestling rules assign the athletes into weight categories based on age.

Lightest weight among adolescents, 29 kg, maximum weight — more than 71 kg (weight category vary by 3 kg).

Boys Junior age minimum weight — 35 kg and maximum — over 77 kg adult has 10 weight categories from 48 kg to 100 kg and more.

Your contractions are limited by age and is 4, 6 or 8 min.

The results of the matches are evaluated as a clean victory, the odds on points with the odds with the minimum advantage.

Action overly reckless and aggressive fighters reglementary the list of prohibited techniques, leading to injury.

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