Подольск сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

policeman: what were you doing when the accident happened?

cyclist: i was waiting for my friend.

policeman: did you see the accident?

cyclist: no,i wasn*t looking in that direction because i was reading a newspaper.suddenly i heard terrible noise and saw the crashed cars.

"welcome to london" dear frends to the homeland of robert thomas pattinson the main vampire of our world lol

1) firstly, i don't like that some teachers think everyone likes their subject. - во-первых, я не люблю, что некоторые учителя думают, что все любят их предмет.

2) secondly, i don't like that we are given a lot of homework. - во-вторых, я не люблю, что нам много .

3) besides, i don't like how some pupils behave themselves. - кроме того, мне не нравится как некоторые ученики ведут себя.

4) more over, i don't like we have very short breaks. - более того, мне не нравится, что у нас короткие перемены.

5) in addition, i don't like we have to stay after classes to clean our class-room. - помимо этого, я не люблю оставаться после уроков убирать в классе.

6) finaly, i don't like to carry such heavy students' books. - я не люблю носить такие тяжелые учебники.

Podolsk is my native beloved city. It is more than two hundred and thirty years old. It is located in the south of Moscow, very close to the capital. The name of the city is due to the fact that it was built along the valley of the Pakhra River. The Desna and Mocha rivers flow in Podolsk and its environs. .

Podolsk is a beautiful, compact, sparsely populated city. More than two hundred thousand people live in it. It is a large industrial center. There are a large number of factories and plants.

In recent years, Podolsk has grown significantly, expanded. One microdistrict Kuznechiki in its scale resembles a whole modern city.

I love my city because I was born and live there,

Located on the Pakhra River (a tributary of the Moscow River). One of the largest satellite cities in Moscow (the second after Balashikha).

Until 2015, it was also the administrative center of the Podolsky district, now abolished.

It is located 36 km from the center of Moscow and 15 km from the Moscow Ring Road. In the northern part it borders with Moscow (the settlements of Voskresenskoye and Ryazanovskoye of New Moscow), in the south - with the Chekhov district. The area of ​​the city itself (before unification with Klimovsk) according to Rosstat was 37.92 km², and according to the legislative acts of the Moscow Region - 40.39 km². The population of the urban district is 317 551 people, including the city itself - 290 987 people, including 304 245 people in the former borders that existed before the summer of 2015. (2019), as well as the city of Klimovsk (56,239 people in 2015) and the village of Lvovsky (10,852 people in 2015) included in the city limits of Podolsk. Large industrial and cultural center of the Moscow region.

It was formed from the village of Podil, which belonged to the Moscow Danilov Monastery in the 18th century. The status of the city received in 1781. In 1971 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. In 2004, it was endowed with the status of an urban district.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:


Vocabulary Sightseeing – достопримечательности Presentation – презентация Not.

Vocabulary Sightseeing – достопримечательности Presentation – презентация Not far – недалеко Previously - ранее Monastery -монастырь To be founded – быть основанным Founder - основатель Monument - памятник Bronze - бронза To weight - весить Rail way – ж/д станция Resistance - сопротивление Sewing Machine – швейная машина Produce – производить Industrial - промышленная Moscow Area- Московская область Cadets-курсанты To simbolize- символизировать Manor- усадьба Wedding-свадьба Church of Holy Virgin – церковь пресвятой богородицы Remarkable- удивительный Prince- князь One more – ещё один Century – век Emblem -герб *

Podolsk stands on the Pakhra river , not far from Moscow - only 15 km. Previ.

Podolsk stands on the Pakhra river , not far from Moscow - only 15 km. Previously Podolsk was the village of Moscow St. Daniel Monastery. Podolsk was founded in 1781 . *

The Founder of the city is Catherine II. The monument to Catherine II was ope.

The Founder of the city is Catherine II. The monument to Catherine II was opened in 2008 in Podolsk. The monument is made of bronze, it weighs about two tons. It is located next to the railway station area in the Catherine Park. *

Podolsk is an industrial center of Moscow Area. The center of the city is Len.

Podolsk is an industrial center of Moscow Area. The center of the city is Lenin Square with the tower-clock. *

 There is a Monument to Podolsk Cadets. It symbolizes the resistance display.

There is a Monument to Podolsk Cadets. It symbolizes the resistance displayed by the soldiers during World War II. *

In the picture below you can see a monument to the sewing machine. The factor.

In the picture below you can see a monument to the sewing machine. The factory began to produce sewing machine "Zinger“ in Podolsk in 1902. *

There are a lot of sights in Podolsk. This is the Golitsyn’s manor. The weddi.

There are a lot of sights in Podolsk. This is the Golitsyn’s manor. The weddings are held in the Registry Office in this manor. *

There is the Church of Holy Virgin in Dubrovitsy, not far from the manor. It.

There is the Church of Holy Virgin in Dubrovitsy, not far from the manor. It is so beautiful and remarkable! *

Prince Boris Alekseevich Golitsyn ordered to build this church. *

Prince Boris Alekseevich Golitsyn ordered to build this church. *


Finally there is one more wonderful monument – the manor Ostafyevo. *

Finally there is one more wonderful monument – the manor Ostafyevo. *

It was built by Prince Vyasemskiy in the end of the 18 century. *

It was built by Prince Vyasemskiy in the end of the 18 century. *

The monument to Prince Vyasemskiy A very small monument to Pushkin *

The monument to Prince Vyasemskiy A very small monument to Pushkin *

The emblem of the city of Podolsk. Podolsk is 235 years old now! *

The emblem of the city of Podolsk. Podolsk is 235 years old now! *

Thanks for your attention!

Thanks for your attention!

Краткое описание документа:

Презентация по английскому языку "Достопримечательности г. Подольска" содержит фото основных памятников истории города, а также лексический словарь по теме. Подойдет для знакомства с темой - Мой родной край. Используя полученную информацию о достопримечательностях, рекомендую дать творческое задание по мини-группам - составить маршрут экскурсии по городу.

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Podolsk is my native beloved city. It is more than two hundred and thirty years old. It is located in the south of Moscow, very close to the capital. The name of the city is due to the fact that it was built along the valley of the Pakhra River. The Desna and Mocha rivers flow in Podolsk and its environs. .

Podolsk is a beautiful, compact, sparsely populated city. More than two hundred thousand people live in it. It is a large industrial center. There are a large number of factories and plants.

In recent years, Podolsk has grown significantly, expanded. One microdistrict Kuznechiki in its scale resembles a whole modern city.

I love my city because I was born and live there,



Located on the Pakhra River (a tributary of the Moscow River). One of the largest satellite cities in Moscow (the second after Balashikha).

Until 2015, it was also the administrative center of the Podolsky district, now abolished.

It is located 36 km from the center of Moscow and 15 km from the Moscow Ring Road. In the northern part it borders with Moscow (the settlements of Voskresenskoye and Ryazanovskoye of New Moscow), in the south - with the Chekhov district. The area of ​​the city itself (before unification with Klimovsk) according to Rosstat was 37.92 km², and according to the legislative acts of the Moscow Region - 40.39 km². The population of the urban district is 317 551 people, including the city itself - 290 987 people, including 304 245 people in the former borders that existed before the summer of 2015. (2019), as well as the city of Klimovsk (56,239 people in 2015) and the village of Lvovsky (10,852 people in 2015) included in the city limits of Podolsk. Large industrial and cultural center of the Moscow region.

It was formed from the village of Podil, which belonged to the Moscow Danilov Monastery in the 18th century. The status of the city received in 1781. In 1971 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. In 2004, it was endowed with the status of an urban district.


Podolsk is my native beloved city. It is more than two hundred and thirty years old. It is located in the south of Moscow, very close to the capital. The name of the city is due to the fact that it was built along the valley of the Pakhra River. The Desna and Mocha rivers flow in Podolsk and its environs. .

Podolsk is a beautiful, compact, sparsely populated city. More than two hundred thousand people live in it. It is a large industrial center. There are a large number of factories and plants.

In recent years, Podolsk has grown significantly, expanded. One microdistrict Kuznechiki in its scale resembles a whole modern city.

I love my city because I was born and live there,


Located on the Pakhra River (a tributary of the Moscow River). One of the largest satellite cities in Moscow (the second after Balashikha).

Until 2015, it was also the administrative center of the Podolsky district, now abolished.

It is located 36 km from the center of Moscow and 15 km from the Moscow Ring Road. In the northern part it borders with Moscow (the settlements of Voskresenskoye and Ryazanovskoye of New Moscow), in the south - with the Chekhov district. The area of ​​the city itself (before unification with Klimovsk) according to Rosstat was 37.92 km², and according to the legislative acts of the Moscow Region - 40.39 km². The population of the urban district is 317 551 people, including the city itself - 290 987 people, including 304 245 people in the former borders that existed before the summer of 2015. (2019), as well as the city of Klimovsk (56,239 people in 2015) and the village of Lvovsky (10,852 people in 2015) included in the city limits of Podolsk. Large industrial and cultural center of the Moscow region.

It was formed from the village of Podil, which belonged to the Moscow Danilov Monastery in the 18th century. The status of the city received in 1781. In 1971 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. In 2004, it was endowed with the status of an urban district.


I think everyone has a place where they want to live. Everyone has a dream in which he knows what his future home will be, where he will be, what will surround him. Everyone knows, or at least imagines, the place where this miraculous house is located .. Of course, over time, when a person grows up, the place where he wanted to live changes in his mind, it seems to me that they take on a different shape. Because the person himself is changing, his priorities and habits are changing, he begins to like over time what he did not like before. But it seems to me that the place where I would like to live will never change, because I came up with it for a long time, and gradually only slightly adjust it.

I don’t have a certain country or place that attracts me very much, I just would like to live somewhere near the sea. It may be in Russia, or somewhere else, but the ideal place of my dreams should be located very close to the sea. I really like to swim, so I would like to come to the sea when I want and swim as much as I want. It may seem strange, but I really want it. Perhaps this choice is influenced by the fact that the summer in the place where I live is very short, and the swimming season is even shorter, because the water does not have time to get warm.

When I imagine a place where I would like to live, it seems to me that it is very calm, this is a place where there are not very many people, most likely it is a small coastal city where there are bays where you can fish and sunbathe. that I don’t have many neighbors, but we all know each other and communicate in a friendly manner. Sometimes we get together in the evening to have a cup of tea and a little chat. In the place where I would like to live, there should not be many tourists. Of course, I understand that if the place is good and convenient for relaxation, there will always be many tourists, especially in the tourist season. But, if you take into account that I am describing a place where I would like to live and not really exist, I would not want to see crowds of tourists there, either in the city or on the beach.

Most likely, such a place does not exist, but I would like to believe that it still exists. In addition, I would like to add that there is work for me there. It doesn’t matter what kind of work it will be. The main thing is that she bring me sufficient income and pleasure. If I live near the sea, in a place where it will be warm, where I have work, and where friends surround me, I think I will be happy.

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