Плюсы и минусы транспорта на английском сочинение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

I absolutely agree with the opinion that cars are the most important type of transport in today's world. ON THE ONE HAND having of a car has many advantages, but on the other hand it also has disadvantages.

I want to start on the positive side of this thing. At first glance, if people buys a car, they also buys comfort for yourself. For example, when we go to work or study, we don't have to get up so early and take a bus at a particular time. If we go to a store to buy a lot of food, it will be much more comfortable to put it in the trunk and go home.On public transport, we would carry heavy bags and it would be difficult for us to manage. Also, many people like to go to other cities or some long trips by car. It happens to be very atmospheric.

We can stop anywhere and anytime without disturbing anyone.

But on closer inspection, cars are harmful mechanisms. The gas which comes out of the car's pipe is very harmful to both humans and nature. It makes, as scientists say, a "greenhouse effect". the amount of carbon dioxide getting into atmosphere is increasing every day and the air is getting dirty. Many kinds of plants and animals begin to die out, human health is getting worse from the dirty air and nature has no time to clean itself. In addition, every day there are accidents on the roads and sometimes many people die. The car is one of the most dangerous types of transport. There are other problems with this technology which are not so serious. For example, cars often break and people spend a lot of money to fix them. There are long traffic jams because at least every second person has a car.

But still, having so many disadvantages in such an invention, people do not refuse from it. That's because we are used to using them and we have no idea what we are going to do if there are no cars, and no phones. They make life easier for people. Scientists and nature protectors have accepted this fact and created a new ecological machine. Such machines are not fed by gasoline and they do not give out harmful gas and do not destroy our planet.

I hope that this invention will soon come into common use and everyone will switch to eco friendly cars.

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Millions of people all around the world adore travelling. We travel because we wish to see new countries and cities, visit historical places, meet new people and taste different cuisines.

There are different means of transportation. People can travel by ship, airplane, train or car. All means of transportation have their advantages and disadvantages.

I would like to talk briefly about each of them.

Travelling by airplane

Travelling by airplane is the fastest, but the most expensive. A lot of people prefer travelling by airplane, but some people are afraid of heights and that’s why they prefer travelling by train.

Travelling by train

I have to notice that travelling by train is very popular in Russia. Modern trains have very comfortable carriages and seats. There is also the dining-car in each train. You can see many interesting places and enjoy the nature, looking through the window.

Travelling by ship

Trips on cruise ships have a lot of advantages. One of them is the amazing pricing. Most cruise lines are all-inclusive packages. This includes a person’s cruise fare, lodging, food and some onboard entertainment and sightseeing.

Travelling by car

And, finally, travelling by car is also very popular in Russia. A lot of people choose this means of transportation. They don’t need to buy tickets, book hotels etc. They can stop whenever they wish, rest and stay at the same place as long as they want.


Hiking is a very popular means of travelling, but not as popular in Russia as it is popular abroad. Generally, young people prefer this kind of travelling. Walking tours are very exciting.

My opinion

I prefer travelling by plane. To my mind, it is the most comfortable and fast means of transportation.

And finally, it is commonly known that travelling is a great thing! Nothing can give you so many positive emotions and memories as travelling to some remarkable country or city.

Перевод на русский язык

Миллионы людей по всему миру обожают путешествовать. Мы путешествуем, потому что хотим увидеть новые страны и города, посетить исторические места, встретить новых людей и попробовать кухни разных стран.

Существуют различные средства передвижения. Люди могут путешествовать на корабле, самолете, поезде или на машине. Все средства передвижения имеют как достоинства, так и недостатки.

Я хочу сказать несколько слов о каждом из них.

Путешествия на самолете

Путешествие на самолете самое быстрое, но и самое дорогое. Многие люди предпочитают путешествовать на самолете, но некоторые боятся высоты и поэтому путешествуют на поезде.

Путешествия на поезде

Следует отметить, что в России самым популярным средством передвижения является поезд. У современных поездов очень комфортабельные вагоны и места. Также в каждом поезде есть вагон-ресторан. Вы можете увидеть интересные места через окно вагона и наслаждаться красотой природы.

Путешествия на корабле

Путешествия на круизных лайнерах имеют много преимуществ. Одно из них – выгодная цена. Большинство круизных лайнеров работают по принципу "все включено". В стоимость включены билеты, размещение в каютах, питание, развлечения, посещение достопримечательностей.

Путешествия на машине

И, наконец, путешествовать на машине также очень популярно в России. Многие люди выбирают этот вид транспорта. Им не нужно покупать билеты, бронировать гостиницы и т.д. Они могут останавливаться там, где хотят, отдыхать и проводить в каждом месте столько времени, сколько хочется.

Пеший туризм

Пеший туризм также очень популярный вид путешествия, но в России не такой популярный, как за границей. Его предпочитают в основном молодые люди. Экскурсии пешком очень увлекательные.

Мое мнение

Я предпочитаю путешествовать на самолете. По моему мнению, это самый комфортный и быстрый вид транспорта.

И, в конце концов, общеизвестно, что путешествовать просто замечательно. Ничто не может вам дать столько положительных эмоций и воспоминаний как путешествие в какую-нибудь замечательную страну или город.

CAR Advantages:
- travelling by car is comfortable
- you can listen to the radio while you drive
- you can go anywhere anytime – you don’t have to use the public transport, you don’t have to buy a ticket
- you can stop at any time you need to have a break
- the car has a boot /kufor/ - it has a big space to carry your luggage and other things
- a car is expensive to buy
- petrol /benzín/ is expensive
- you must have a driving licence
- you must pay for parking
- you can end up in a traffic jam
- statistically it is the most dangerous way of transport – you can have a car crash /dopravná nehoda/
- it pollutes the air which is not good for our environment

BUS Advantages:
- we can spend time talking to other passengers on the bus
- we can relax – read and look out of the window, work, eat .
- buses stop more often than trains – you can get off at a bus stop which is closer to the place where you need to go
- you don’t have to drive
- it is expensive /but usually cheaper than traveling by car/
- it is often crowded /preplnené/
- it is sometimes delayed /mešká/
- you have to get to the bus stop
- you must travel at certain times
- sometimes stopping at too many bus stops can be a disadvantage

T RAIN Advantages:
- we can spend time talking to other passengers on the train
- we can relax – read and look out of the window, work, eat .
- it usually isn’t stressful
- trains are comfortable if they are not crowded
- you don’t have to drive
- it is expensive /but usually cheaper than traveling by car/
- it is often crowded /preplnené/
- it is sometimes delayed /mešká/
- you have to get to the station
- sometimes you have to use other transport to get to the station
- you must travel at certain times

PLANE Advantages:
- traveling by plane is comfortable
- it is safe /bezpečné/
- it is fast - you can get to any place in the world and it takes only a few hours
- you can read, sleep . during the flight
- it is expensive
- it is strictly dependent on timetable – you have to travel at certain times
- sometimes the flight can be delayed or cancelled
- you have to buy the plane ticket in advance /vopred/
- some people are afraid of heights and confined spaces

BOAT / SHIP Advantages:
- it is relatively safe /bezpečné/
- it is mostly used for trips during holidays /používa sa najčastejšie na výlety počas dovolenky/
- you can get seasick /morská nemoc/
- a ship can sink /potopiť sa/
- it isn’t used often nowadays – it was more often used in the past – one of the biggest and the most famous ships was the Titanic. It was considered unsinkable but it sank on its maiden voyage from England to New York and more than 1500 people died.

+allows you to do other things while you travel.

+don’t worry about finding a parking place

+taxis are cheaper than having your own car

+privacy (make phone calls etc)

-much more expensive than public transportation

-sometimes a taxi might not always be immediately available when you need it.

Travelling: means of transport (Путешествия: виды транспорта) топик по английскому

Travelling: means of transport (Путешествия: виды транспорта) топик по английскому в котором описываются общие сведения о видах транспорта, который используется для путешествий: корабли, самолеты, поезда, автомобили. Из этого топика вы также узнаете о том, какой транспорт наиболее предпочтителен или удобен, а какой нет.

Топик на английском Travelling: means of transport (Путешествия: виды транспорта) поможет вам при составлении рассказа о поездках и путешествиях. При помощи этого топика вы сможете описать виды транспорта, который использовали в своих путешествиях, а также рассказать о его преимуществах.

Travelling: means of transport

People started traveling many years ago. The first travelers were explorers. They traveled because they wanted to become wealthy and famous, to find adventures or something else. Their trips were extremely dangerous, but they kept on going to discover the new lands.

Today traveling isn`t so dangerous, and it is more convenient.

There are hundreds of tourist companies. They take care of tickets and make all the necessary reservations. If you don't speak the language of the country you want to go to, there are interpreters who can help you.

While traveling around the world you can choose different means of transport: trains, ships, plains or bicycle. You can also travel hiking.

The fastest and the most convenient way of traveling is by air. However, it is the most expensive. Trains are slower than plains, but this way of traveling has its advantages.

Modern trains are very comfortable, besides, you can see the interesting places of the country you are traveling through. Dining cars and sleeping cars make even the longest journey enjoyable. The main advantages of plains and trains are safety, comfort, and speed. That the reason why most people prefer them to other means of transport.

Nowadays traveling by sea has become very popular. You can visit other countries or various places of interest within the country when you travel by ship or boat.

My favourite way is traveling by car. I believe it is very convenient. I don`t need to make any reservations or carry heavy suitcases. I can stop wherever I wish, and spend as much time as I wish at any place.

Путешествия: виды транспорта

Люди начали путешествовать много лет назад. Самые первые путешественники были исследователями. Они отправлялись в путь, так как хотели стать богатыми и известными, найти приключения или что-то еще. Их путешествия были очень опасными, но они продолжали исследовать новые земли.

Сегодня путешествовать не так опасно и более удобно.
Есть сотни туристических компаний. Они возьмут на себя заботы о билетах, а также забронируют все что необходимо. Если вы не говорите на языке страны, в которую хотите поехать, вам помогут переводчики.

Путешествуя по миру, вы можете выбирать различные виды транспорта: поезда, корабли, самолеты или велосипед. А еще можно путешествовать пешком.

Самый быстрый и самый удобный способ путешествовать – по воздуху. Однако, это самый дорогой способ.

Поезда медленнее самолетов, однако, этот способ имеет свои преимущества.

Современные поезда очень удобные, кроме того, вы можете посмотреть достопримечательности страны, по которой вы путешествуете. Вагоны-рестораны и спальные вагоны превращают даже самое длинное путешествие в удовольствие. Главными преимуществами самолетов и поездов являются безопасность, комфорт и скорость. По этой причине большинство людей предпочитают их другим транспортным средствам.

В наше время путешествие по морю стало очень популярным. Вы можете посещать другие страны, а также разные интересные места своей страны, путешествуя на кораблях или лодках.

Мой любимый способ - путешествие на автомобиле. Я считаю, что это очень удобно. Мне не надо резервировать билеты или носить тяжелые чемоданы. Я могу останавливаться там, где хочу, и в любом месте проводить столько времени, сколько захочу.

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