My learning style сочинение

Обновлено: 16.05.2024

Some people believe that there is no end to education, while others are sure that this process stops after graduation. In this essay, I will try to look upon this issue.

In my opinion, there is no end to the process of learning. First, the learning process starts well before a person goes to school or even kindergarten. Children start learning right after their birth. They learn to walk, talk, etcetera. Second, even after retirement, people have to continue to learn new things and activities to keep themselves busy.

However, some people believe that education ends when a person graduates from a university or leaves school. According to them, a degree and skills learned during study are enough for a successful career.

I cannot totally agree with that opinion, because despite the fact that in general education stops after school, college or university, it does not mean that the studying itself stops.

In the modern world, workers have to improve their skills throughout their career. They must keep themselves updated by reading professional literature and receiving upgrading training because everything changes very fast nowadays. It also concerns everyday life. That is why studying has no holidays.

To summarise, I would like to say that there is no end to education and each person has to constantly continue evolving to be up to date.

Одни считают, что образование не заканчивается, другие уверены, что после окончания вуза этот процесс прекращается. В этом эссе я постараюсь рассмотреть этот вопрос.

На мой взгляд, процесс обучения никогда не заканчивается. Во-первых, процесс обучения начинается задолго до того, как человек идет в школу или даже детский сад. Дети начинают учиться сразу после рождения. Они учатся ходить, говорить и так далее. Во-вторых, даже после выхода на пенсию люди должны продолжать учиться новым вещам и видам деятельности, чтобы поддерживать себя в форме и быть здоровыми.

Однако некоторые считают, что образование заканчивается, когда человек заканчивает университет или школу. По их мнению, диплом и навыки, полученные в процессе обучения, достаточны для успешной карьеры.

Я не могу полностью согласиться с этим мнением, потому что, несмотря на то, что общее образование прекращается после школы, колледжа или университета, это не означает, что само обучение прекращается. В современном мире рабочие должны совершенствовать свои навыки на протяжении всей своей карьеры. Они должны быть в курсе событий, читая профессиональную литературу и повышая квалификацию, потому что в настоящее время все меняется очень быстро. Это касается и повседневной жизни. Поэтому в учебе нет каникул.

Подводя итог, хочу сказать, что образование бесконечно, и каждый человек должен постоянно развиваться, чтобы быть на высоте.

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People not only learn at different rates, but also in different ways. Some people want everything written down, others prefer to listen. Some prefer small group settings rather than large group discussions; others like to listen to a lecture and translate it into pictorial doodles in a notebook. Each person has to find his or her own style and use it to learn new things.

Thinking about what you do when to have to learn something new, how do you learn? You probably approach the task in a similar manner each time. You build a pattern to use for new learning. That is a learning style. There are 3 basic learning styles: visual learning, auditory learning, and tactual learning. Each has it own distinct characteristics. It is important to remember that each individual has his or her own unique learning style.

Visual learning involves seeing something in writing before it is understood and believed. Visual learners tend to have difficulty interpreting verbal directions, often-misinterpreted words and their meanings. Yet they are more artistic than most others are. The visual learner is more likely to picture or memorize the written directions or instructions in their mind and follow those directions rather than listen to someone telling them what to do. They must see something to comprehend the topic.

Auditory learners listen to verbal instruction and remembering. They prefer information that is given to them as spoken words rather than in writing or in a pictorial presentation. They tend to have difficulty following written direction and may have trouble reading and writing. They may use a tape recording of a lecture or speech to reference later.

The last learning style is one with which I am very familiar with, tactual learning. Learning from doing and touching something rather than reading or listening to instructions. They just jump into something and figure it out be trying it. It is a little more difficult for most people who have a structured and routine learning style. It is more of a trial and error type of learning. But in the end you should reach the same result. Tactual learners also tend to be more active physically and unable to sit still for long periods of time. They need more hands-on experiences rather than sitting and listening to someone lecture or reading a book or manual. The lectures and reading tend to bore them.

In my case, I enjoy trying an activity without instruction to see if I can accomplish the end result without following the precise instruction. It becomes a challenge to figure out the answers without the answer key. It may take a little longer to comprehend a subject than other learning styles but for me it is more rewarding to know that I can do it.

?Approximately 20 to 30 percent of the population remembers what is heard; 40 percent recalls well visually the things that are seen or read; many must write or use their fingers in some manipulative way to help them remember the basic facts; other people cannot internalize information or skills unless they use them in real-life activities such as actually writing a letter to learn the correct format.? (Teaching Students to Read Through Their Individual Learning Styles, Marie Carbo, Rita Dunn, and Kenneth Dunn; Prentice-Hall, 1986, pg. 13.)

Of the 3 learning styles, not one is more important or better than the other. All of them are equally important to learning and have a significant impact on what you actually learn in the end. Everyone uses a combination of all the learning styles. You may have written instruction about a subject, but the verbal communications and hands-on experiences will give you a fuller understanding. Using just one style will leave out important details, and the whole meaning will be lost.

стиль обучения

Многие из вас слышали о том, что в мире есть семь основных видов обучения. Мы каждый из них постараемся затронуть, но для начала хотелось бы узнать, как вы думаете, какой стиль обучения используется в школах.

Как оказалось, в государственных школах чаще всего используются все стили. Ведь нет одного преподавателя, который бы учил вас и литературе и математике.

Соответственно, многие из вас начинают понимать, что у каждого преподавателя какой-то свой подход к ученикам. Давайте постараемся вспомнить каждый из стилей обучения, и понять, чем он отличается от других.

К примеру, первый стиль обучения - визуальный. Такой стиль присущ немым людям. То есть, они могут воспринимать все визуально. В данном стиле обучения используют картинки с рисунками, или с текстом. Насчет его актуальности в школах, ничего конкретного сказать не можем, так как на той же биологии, приходится показывать детям картинки со строением тела человека, или же с животными.

Второй стиль обучения - это кинестетический, мы бы назвали его практическим. То есть, не сложно догадаться, что в данном случае, люди стараются все проверять на практике, так сказать, использовать приобретенные знания тут же. По сути, данный стиль один из самых интересных и быстрых в плане получения знаний. Ведь только что вы получили знания, и тут же начинаете применять их в жизни. Еще один стиль обучения - аудиальный. Суть данного стиля в том, что вы всю информацию воспринимаете на слух. То есть, каждый человек получает информацию только послушав учителя.

Можно также вспомнить вербальный стиль, который присущ людям, которые все стараются записать.

Еще один интересный стиль - логический. Он особенен тем, что вам приводят примеры логического характера из которых и выплывает правильный ответ на все ваши вопросы.

Социальный стиль обучения интересен тем, что вы занимаете в группе, или в классе. То есть, этот стиль обучения нам знаком по различным кружкам, школам, институтам или даже курсам.

Последний стиль обучения - уединенный. Это когда люди занимаются в одиночестве.

As we know, not all lessons with teens run smoothly. The teacher is perfectly prepared but some learners don’t do what is expected. For example, instead of working in mini-groups, they google something on their smartphones, take refuge in silence while others are sharing their ideas or hardly bear the pain of writing. What motives stand behind such behaviour: a lack of motivation or a learner style?

Each of us has their own learning style that is the way we prefer to learn and do that in the most effective way.

Although teachers can’t tailor the program to every teenager if there are twenty or even thirty of them in class, knowledge of different learning strategies explains what triggers such behaviour and helps to deal with it.

Here is a basic overview of learners’ styles and strategies.

One of the most accepted theories of styles is the VARK model by Neil Fleming (1987) based on the sensory channels. According to these modalities, learners fall into four categories:

What can we do to personalize lessons for VARK teens?

Even if you fail to define learning styles, you can always use a variety of different tasks in one lesson to fulfill the needs of every student:

  • visual tasks, for example, a picture description or a picture dictation.
  • auditory exercises, for example, a dictogloss or listen and spot the mistakes.
  • read/write tasks, for example, text-based language input and engaging writing tasks for teens such as text messages, posts for social networks.
  • kinesthetic activities, for example, cards to match or mingle activities.

There are a number of cognitive theories including Anthony Grasha and Sheryl Riechmann (1974) . They formulated the Grasha-Reichmann Learning Style Scale . According to this theory, students can be:

Learning styles and strategies Skyteach

Another example of learning strategies was provided by Keith Willing (1987):

  • Convergers are pragmatic, independent and confident in their abilities. They are like the independent type in the table above.
  • Conformists are good at following instructions and do what they are told without displaying too much initiative. They are similar to the dependent style.
  • Concrete learners like to learn from direct experience. They are pragmatic and value the practical use of language. They eagerly participate in group work. The teacher can emphasize how studied material can help them in real life and focus more on practice.
  • Communicative learners are ‘ideal’ for the communicative approach environment. They are happy to interact with other students and like to analyzing the language with some guidance from the teacher (guided discovery). They tend to do extra work out of class like chatting in English with peers.

How to define your learners’ style?

First of all, observation is the simplest way to categorize your teens. You can also offer them to do a quiz in your very first lesson. Here you can test your teens according to VARK model. This test (though quite expansive) can help you to identify your students according to the Grasha-Reichmann Learning Style Scale . No worries if you can’t define the styles clearly since some learners are mixed types.

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