Моя малая родина сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Our country is huge and I love every piece of its territory. I was born here same like my parents and my grandparents. And I would never change Russia for any other place.

Russia has very long and interesting history. During more than 12 centuries we had been building, fighting, creating. Our country was powerful and weak. We had friends and enemies. But our people have always been hospitable, friendly and bright. I think Russia is the best country in the world.

I have been to so many places already. There are many different towns here and historical places, wonderful monuments and huge buildings. Tourists keep coming here every year and I am really proud of it. That means we have something interesting for other people and they like our lifestyle. There is no person who has never heard about Russia.

Moscow is our capital. Here you can find different types of cuisine, fashionable clothes and historical monuments. This city never sleeps and I like to come here from time to time. Our culture is really interesting and has many differences with other countries.

My grandparents remember the World War II. Granny says they could run away but the family had decided to stay together and to fight. Every time when we talk these words sound so patriotic to me. I see that granny is really proud to be Russian. And this love she has she also passed to me and my dad. We like to watch discovery channel and we want to travel in future. But I am really proud that Russia is my Motherland. I am proud that our people are so strong and stress resistant. I am proud that our nation is unconquerable.

Россия — моя родина

Наша страна огромная, и я люблю каждый участок земли здесь. Я родилась тут также, как и мои родители, мои дедушки и бабушки. И я бы ни за что не променяла Россию ни на одно другое место.

Россия имеет долгую и интересную историю. На протяжении более 12 веков мы строили нашу страну, воевали за неё и постоянно создавали что-то новое. Наша Родина была могущественной и слабой. У нас были друзья и враги. Но наши люди всегда оставались гостеприимными, дружелюбными и светлыми в душе. Я думаю, что Россия - это самая лучшая страна во всем мире. Я уже повидала многие места здесь. В нашей стране есть много разных городов и исторических мест, чудесных памятников и огромных сооружений.

Туристы продолжают приезжать сюда каждый год и я этим очень горжусь. Ведь это значит, что у нас есть что-то интересное для них и им нравится наш образ жизни. В мире нет человека, который бы не знал о России и где она находится.

Москва - столица нашей родины. Здесь вы найдёте кухни разных народов, модную одежду и исторические памятники. Этот город никогда не спит и мне нравится бывать здесь время от времени.

Наша культура интересна другим национальностям и очень отличается от них. Мои дедушка и бабушка помнят Вторую Мировую войну. Бабушка говорит, что они могли убежать отсюда в те времена, но семья решила остаться вместе сражаться со всеми. Всякий раз, когда мы разговариваем о тех временах, ее слова звучат очень патриотично. И я вижу, что бабуля очень гордится тем, что она русская. И эту любовь она передала мне и моему папе. Нам нравится смотреть приключенческие программы и в будущем мы планируем путешествовать. Но я и правда горжусь тем, что Россия - моя Родина. Я горжусь тем, что наши люди такие сильные и стрессоустойчивые. Я горжусь, что наша нация - непобедима.

Моя малая родина
My Little Homeland

Мир детства – это такой волшебный мир, в котором ребенок может поиграть в куклы, в машины, в мяч. И хотя детство пролетает очень быстро, это все-таки очень интересное, яркое и веселое время. Я всегда вспоминаю своё детство с улыбкой и трепетом в душе.
The world of childhood is such a magical world where a child can play dolls, cars and balls. Although one’s childhood runs very quickly, it is still a very interesting, bright and cheerful period of life. I always remember my childhood with a smile and a thrill in my soul.

Кстати, Гурзуф сыграл свою роль в том, что я научилась рисовать. Иногда мне кажется, что все жители Гурзуфа умеют рисовать. Это город художников. Где бы вы ни появлялись в Гурзуфе, вы обязательно увидите художника с мольбертом, рисующего Крымские горы, морскую гладь или просто эти узкие, но очень уютные улицы.
Gurzuf has played its role in the fact that I can draw. Sometimes I think all the people in Gurzuf know how to draw. This is a city of artists. Wherever you go, you will certainly see an artist with an easel, painting the Crimean Mountains, a sea surface or just these narrow but very cozy streets.

Я считаю, что у меня было счастливое детство, потому что я родилась в полной семье. У меня были родители, братья, бабушки и дедушки. Однако в Крыму я большую часть времени проводила с папой. Он строил дом, а мама работала в Минске. Но она очень часто приезжала к нам. Конечно, нам помогали родители отца.
I am very lucky to have been born in a full family. I have my parents, my brothers and my grandparents. However, I spent most of my time with my dad in the Crimea. He built a house, and my mother worked in Minsk. Nevertheless, she often came to see us. Certainly, father’s parents helped us.

Бухта Чехова – это особенное место. Далеко не все меня поймут, ведь это не такой оборудованный для туристов пляж, где вы найдете лежаки и мягкий песок. Но в этом и заключается красота этого места, ведь оно сохранило свой первоначальный вид. По всей бухте лежат огромные камни, и даже в море, но именно они и делает море в бухте таким необыкновенным. Если вы любите нырять и смотреть на подводный мир, вы бы сразу поняли, что я имею в виду. Ведь среди этих камней, покрытых водорослями, находится огромное количество красивых рыб, маленьких крабов, мидий и даже креветок.
The Chekhov Bay is a special place. Not many people will understand me,if I say it is not a comfortable beach for tourists where one find plank beds and soft yellow sand. However, this is the beauty of this place, because it retained its origin. There are huge stones throughout the bay, even in the sea, but this is what makes the sea so unusual in this place. If you like to dive and look at the underwater world, you would immediately understand what I mean. After all, among these stones, covered with algae, there is a huge number of beautiful fish, small crabs, mussels and even shrimps.

Я благодарна своим родителям за такое детство. Ведь немногие имеют воспоминания о таком детстве. Моё детство прошло на море и под солнцем, благодаря чему я выросла здоровой. Ведь мой каждый день начинался с чистого морского воздуха, яркого солнца и соленой воды моря.
I am grateful to my parents for my childhood. After all, not many people can tell you the same. I spent my childhood at the seaside with a lot of the sun, so I grew healthy. I started my life with breathing clean sea air, enjoying the bright sun and swimming in the sea.

Я считаю, что мир детства – это прекрасный период в жизни каждого человека. У всех людей оно проходит по-разному, но я не слышала, ни от одного человека, кто бы говорил, что детство прошло плохо. Ведь все равно в жизни каждого человека есть какие-то яркие незабываемые моменты, своя малая родина.
I believe the world of childhood to be a wonderful period in the life of every person. People have spent it in a different way, but I have not heard from anyone to say their childhood was bad. After all, in one’s childhood there are many bright and unforgettable moments linked with the places we call our little homeland.


My Little Homeland
Моя малая родина

I was born in a small town of Rogachev, and my mother – in the village of Ozerany in the Rogachev district. My father spent his childhood at his grandmother’s place. Now my grandmother lives there. So, I can spend almost all my holidays at her place. She likes to share her stories from her youth. She was born before the war – in 1934. I come to her house with my friends, and she is very happy about it.
Я родилась в небольшом городе Рогачёве, а моя мама – в деревне Озераны Рогачёвского района. Там же проводил детство у своей бабушки и мой папа. Сейчас там живет моя бабушка, у которой я до сих пор провожу почти все свои каникулы. Она любит делиться своими историями из юности и молодости. Родилась она еще до войны – в 1934 году. К ней я также приезжаю с друзьями, чему она очень рада.

Ozerany is a very picturesque place. The Drut’ river flows there. There are beautiful meadows and fields, where you can meet a black stork and a white heron, even swans. A small lake is placed in a dense, a little bit gloomy, forest.
Озераны – очень живописный уголок. Там протекает река Друть, есть красивые луга и поля, на которых можно встретить черного аиста и белую цаплю, даже лебедей. В густом, местами мрачноватом, лесу есть озеро.

It is not just the undeniable beauty that has made this place my little homeland. I am attracted by the privacy of this very place, where I can feel myself, where I can plant trees, watch them growing and gather fruits at the harvest time.
Не только неоспоримая красота делает это место моей малой родиной. Меня привлекает уединенность этого края, в котором я могу быть собой, сажать деревья, наблюдать за их ростом, собирать урожай.

Homeland is the place where you are appreciated and waited for. My Grandmother always waits for us with delicious home-made food – draniki and babka, and buns from the oven and fresh milk from the neighbor's cow. Cows graze on the meadow near the river in a warm season.
Родина – то место, где тебя ценят и ждут. Бабушка всегда ждет нас с приготовленной вкусной домашней едой – драниками или бабкой, булочками из печи и свежим молоком от соседской коровки. В теплое время года она пасется на лугу возле реки.

Due to modern decorations, the house cannot boast of its authenticity from inside, just a hand-embroidered rushnik (a towel) on the icon reminds of it. But outside the house, you can see carved window frames, preserved from the construction of the house in 1959.
Из-за современной отделки дом не может похвастаться изнутри своей аутентичностью, о ней говорит лишь вышитый вручную рушник на иконе. Зато снаружи можно увидеть резные оконные наличники, сохранившиеся с постройки дома в 1959 году.

Ozerany for me is my soul’s place of tranquility and I consider it to be my homeland.
Озераны для меня – место отдыха моей души, и я считаю его моим родным домом, моей малой родиной.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

The relevance of current research: Students would like to study history of ou.

The relevance of current research: Students would like to study history of our village in English to develop language skills, history of Buzan village is described in English for the first time.

The problem is in fact that older generation goes off and nobody collects and.

The problem is in fact that older generation goes off and nobody collects and saves their knowledge of our village, though it can become a cause of disappearing of Buzan history.

The object of investigation: the history of the village (the period of histor.

The object of investigation: the history of the village (the period of history from 1929 till 2017)

The hypothesis: if we collect and save the historical information about villa.

The hypothesis: if we collect and save the historical information about village Buzan it will preserve the historical memory of generations.

The aim of the research: to study the history of the village and work out ide.

The aim of the research: to study the history of the village and work out ideas of its development.

The following objectives are established To define a research problem. To stu.

The following objectives are established To define a research problem. To study literature on this issue. To systematize historical data of the village. To work out the ideas for the future development of the village.

Some facts about the village. We live in the most beautiful country in the wo.

Some facts about the village. We live in the most beautiful country in the world. We live in Russia. Our native place village Buzan is situated in Astrakhan Region. It is a small quiet village. The population is about 1000 people.

It was founded in the 1929. The village is situated on the bank of the River.

It was founded in the 1929. The village is situated on the bank of the River Buzan that flows into the river Volga. You can see a green countryside and beautiful landscapes. Villagers worked in the cattle farms and in the fields. The first collective-farm was organized in 1929.

The history of the village is connected with the Great Patriotic War The Grea.

The history of the village is connected with the Great Patriotic War The Great Patriotic war was a dramatic page in the history of mankind, our country and our village. Many people of our village took part in it. 73 inhabitants of our village went to defend our Motherland. Not all of them come back to the village again.

Glorious Heroes of our Land We remember the heroes names, who gave their live.

Glorious Heroes of our Land We remember the heroes names, who gave their lives for our Motherland. In school museum you can see some exhibits where documents and private things are displayed.

Glorious Heroes of our Land By tradition we come to the memorial to commemora.

Glorious Heroes of our Land By tradition we come to the memorial to commemorate the heroism of our people during the Great Patriotic war.

Aleksey Vasilievich Nekozirev was born in 1925. He went to the Front in 1943.

Aleksey Vasilievich Nekozirev was born in 1925. He went to the Front in 1943. He participated in the battle of Kurskaya Duga , where he was wounded.

During the Great Patriotic war he was wounded three times. All the war he was.

There are not only the war veterans in our village, there are a lot of home f.

There are not only the war veterans in our village, there are a lot of home front workers. One of them Zapivalova Pavla Pavlovna. She was born in 1918. She was a teacher of Russian. During the Great Patriotic War she was teaching children to read and write.

For that she was awarded the medal «For Valorous Labour during the Great Patr.

The veterans of war, home front workers became the example of native land dev.

The veterans of war, home front workers became the example of native land devotion, and we should remember them.

After the War It was very difficult but all people worked with enthusiasm. Fr.

After the War It was very difficult but all people worked with enthusiasm. From year to year Buzan became larger and nicer.

Sightseeing There are a lot of interesting places to visit in our village. Th.

Sightseeing There are a lot of interesting places to visit in our village. The monument to soldiers,

Sightseeing house of culture, post office, the hospital, many shops.

Sightseeing house of culture, post office, the hospital, many shops.

A secondary school in Buzan Our school was built in 1972. More then 90 pupils.

A secondary school in Buzan Our school was built in 1972. More then 90 pupils study at our school, and 13 teachers work here. The director of the school is Kutlina Elena Viktorovna.

Cossacks In 2013 cossack movement begin to develop rapidly in our village. Fr.

Cossacks In 2013 cossack movement begin to develop rapidly in our village. From that time they help to celebrate such holidays as Maslenitsa,

Christmas Epiphany and others.

Christmas Epiphany and others.

According to the cossak tradition children should learn to love their motherl.

According to the cossak tradition children should learn to love their motherland and be prepared to defend it. The further aims of Cossaks are the military- patriotic education of the youth.

They organize very interesting excursions to Astrakhan.

They organize very interesting excursions to Astrakhan.

New year party for the future cossaks in Astrakhan

New year party for the future cossaks in Astrakhan

Cossacks often organize the youth military- Patriotic competitions in Krasnyy.

Cossacks often organize the youth military- Patriotic competitions in Krasnyy Yar.

Analysis of the survey We surveyed school teachers and pupils with the follow.

Analysis of the survey We surveyed school teachers and pupils with the following question: - What they would like to have in their village? The results showed that 96% of them would like to see their village become more attractive. They are dreaming about the development of tourism, jobs for young people, new and well equipped stadium, the new church of St. Olga.

The relevance of current research Students would like to study the history of.

The relevance of current research Students would like to study the history of our village in English to develop language skills.

The practical value: the material can be used in language teaching lessons. T.

The practical value: the material can be used in language teaching lessons. This project incorporates both patriotic education and English communication.

My small Motherland My village is my home! Every thing is mine, Everything is.

My small Motherland My village is my home! Every thing is mine, Everything is native… It is the place, Where I was born, Where I became elder. I don’t want to live Anywhere else but at my village.

Краткое описание документа:

Проект на английском языке по теме "Моя малая родина: вчера, сегодня, завтра" можно использовать в своей работе по внеклассной деятельности для развития коммуникативных навыков, активизации изученного лексического материала, поддержания интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка.Работа над таким проектом способствует воспитанию чувства гордости и любви к своему родному краю. Учащиеся не только изучают историю села, но и вырабатывают идеи о его дальнейшем развитии.

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Гуцал Елена Анатольевна

Учащаяся описывает достопримечательности своей малой родины - посёлка Рождественского Ленинского района Тульской области, раскрывая многообразие и красоту родного края, величие многовековой истории малой родины

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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

Автор Стрешнева Дарья Денисовна,

обучающаяся 11Б класса

Everyone has his favorite city. It can be a little quiet, but very family. I want to tell you about my small homeland. I was lucky enough to be born and grow up in the village Rozhdestvensky which is now part of my favourite city Tula. Our village has many attractions: former manor houses, school, Christmas church, former open-cast mine. But I will tell about some of them.

In the centre of our village there is an obelisk put in memory of its inhabitants, victims during the Great Patriotic War. Students, veterans, inhabitants of our village gather here on a Victory Day and lay flowers to the obelisk.

The history of an orthodox temple of the village Rozhdestveno-Akulshino is very long. The date of the building of the temple is unknown, it was renewed in 1856 on the means of landowner M. I. Bulygin.

The temple was destroyed in 1936 and the church was being used for needs of Rozhdestvensky open-cast mine.

Now the orthodox service in a temple has been renewed and the modern edifice of the church is being built.

Rozhdestvensky open-cast mine has appeared in the 30th years of the 20th century. During many years limestone, received gravel, rubble were being extracted here and used for building needs in Tula, Moscow and other areas.

I have much more to tell about the sights and beauty of my native land: the purest sky, the most beautiful forest, the most favorite places for my heart. East or West, home is best. For me there is nothing more native than my small homeland.

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