Мэрилин монро сочинение на английском с переводом

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Marilyn Monroe, who called herself a "blonde from head to toe," was not really a natural blondinkoy- it repainted at the insistence of the owners of the agency model shortly before the cinematic career. Of course, it would have left a trace in the history of cinema and its own light chestnut hair color, but lighting has allowed it to become the perfect embodiment of position dumb blondie, dumb blonde. Unlike dangerous brunette, femme fatale, femme fatale, insidious and malicious, dumb blonde is a light-hearted, cheerful creature, at one and the same time unbearably attractive and absolutely stupid. As a dumb blonde Marilyn received the status of implementation of femininity, if tochnee- became revived the notion of women as gifts for men of woman as man's best friend. Certainly, dumb blondie knocked out of the framework of the patriarchal world, but because stupidity does it completely harmless, patriarchal world forgiving of its existence, enliven the severe domostroevskie weekdays.
Representation, which happened about Marilyn Monroe in the public mind, the myth of Marilyn Monroe is a variation of a common myth about a beautiful woman who is a priori can not be smart, a priori, selfish, moody, promiscuous sexual relations, mediocre, but, in general, quite ingenuous and goodness. Partly myth of Marilyn Monroe was formed by the authors tabloids that on the Procrustean bed of newspaper pages and magazine pages stretched and shortened the heroine of his lyrics in accordance with its objectives, in part, this myth was formed itself Marilyn and it can be considered the most important of its actors' achievements, since in reality it did not have the myth of itself nothing to do. And although now she created the image of many may seem an anachronism, one should bear in mind that their talent and force of his personality she was able to contribute to the occurring changes in American society and contribute to the flourishing of the present feminism. In accordance with its citizenship Monroe contributed greatly to the fact that blacks, Jews, and all kinds of dissident could feel in this country much better than in the era of McCarthy witch hunts, her struggle with the movie company "20th vector Fox "was one of the main reasons for the collapse of the old Hollywood system of stars, putting the actors in position bondage from studios, and its proper actor's work showed that a woman can, without being a villain, and live successfully outside of the kitchen and the nursery. If we look at her character, it becomes obvious that most of them are not at all stupid, that they are often shown lightness is due to a conscious, prudent desire to conform to the philistine notion of a weak field. So, paradoxically, Marilyn Monroe showed that dumb blondie- is not the only kind of blondes.

Напишите пожалуйста биографию Мерлин Монро на английском языке с переводом на русский.

Маленько(кратко и главное) 60 слов.

Marilyn Monroe, whose real name was Norma

Jeane Mortenson, was an American actress.

She became an idol for millions of

She was considered to be the major sex symbol of the 20th

Also she was a singer and a model.

She was born on June 1st, 1926, in

She was the third child of a film installer Gladys Baker.

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Напишите пожалуйста сочинение на тему "моя школа" на английском языке!

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1. will be stolen 2. Make 3. Hears 4. Will make 5. Will be lost 6. Don't leave 7. Will not let I - b II - b III - b 1. I would be very happy 2. I would solve a problem with hunger 3. They would not believe me 4. I would go to Italy 5. I wo..

1) Mr Lewis often takes a shower after dinner. 2) We seldom find a parking place near the library. 3) Sometimes I go to a night - club on saturdays 4) Sometimes my parents and I fly to Australia in winter.

С 1. в 2. В 3. с 4. А 5. с 6. В.

Никак, только если was / were travelling - Past Continuous Нужен контекст.

1. not 2. About 3. Can 4. Let's 5. Would.

УРОК 1 : Напишите 8 предложений о своём городе / деревне. Используйте действие 2б для помощи.

1 - 3, 2 - 1, 3 - 1, 4 - 1, 5 - 4.

Theywere sittingon the sola andwatchingTV al his time = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =.

1) My sister usually dusts the furniture. 2)They regularly patrol the beach. 3) My brother likes to put up posters. 4) My friends often raise money for charity. 5) He takes out the rubbish every day. 6) I mop the floor twice a week. 7) My mothe..

Hi . I want to tell you about my freind. His name is . . He is . We are freinds from the childhood . And we know each other well . I want to tell about his / her hobby . From the childhood he / she interested in English. He begin to study it w..

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And I'm Steve Ember with the VOA Special English program PEOPLE IN AMERICA.

А я Стив Эмбер с программой "Люди Америки" на "Голосе Америки"

Today we tell about movie star Marilyn Monroe. She died many years ago, yet still is one of the best known American women.

Сегодня мы расскажем о кинозвезде Мерилин Монро. Она умерла много лет назад, но остаётся одной из самых известных женщин Америки

Her name at birth was Norma Jean Baker. Her life as a child was like a bad dream.

Её настоящее имя Норма Джин Бейкер. Её детство было похоже на дурной сон.

She lived with a number of different people, and often was mistreated.

Она (в детстве) жила в нескольких разных семьях, и везде с ней плохо обращались

At age sixteen Norma Jean married a sailor. But she soon ended that marriage.

В 16 лет Норма Джин вышла замуж за моряка. Но вскоре развелась

She changed her hair color from brown to shining gold. And she changed her name to Marilyn Monroe.

Она перекрасила волосы из коричневого в ярко-золотистый цвет. И изменила имя на Мерилин Монро

She wanted to be an actress. And she succeeded. She appeared in a number of Hollywood movies.

Она хотела стать актрисой. И ей это удалось. Она снялась в нескольких голливудских фильмах

Millions of people went to see them. By the time Norma Jean had reached the age of twenty-six, her beautiful face and body earned her a place as one of America's leading movie stars.

Их видели миллионы людей. К моменту, когда Норме Джин исполнилось 26 лет, она, благодаря прекрасному лицу и телу, заняла место среди ведущих кинозвёзд Америки

But success and fame were not enough to make her happy. The troubles of her childhood days stayed with her.

Но для счастья ей мало было успеха и славы. Трудности детских лет не покидали её

She drank too much alcohol. She took too many drugs.

Она силком много пила и принимала наркотиков

At the age of thirty-six, she took her own life.

В возрасте 36 лет она совершила самоубийство

She has been dead since nineteen sixty-two. Still, her fame continues to grow.

С 1962 года её нет в живых. И всё же её слава постоянно растёт

People born long after she died are watching her movies on television. Objects that belonged to her bring huge prices at public sales.

Люди, родившиеся много позже её смерти, продолжают смотреть её фильмы по телевидению. Её личные вещи продаются по огромной цене на аукционах

People continue to talk about what they feel is her strange death. Some people believe she was murdered.

Продолжаются разговоры о её странной смерти. Некоторые считают, что её убили

Two investigations showed that she died as the result of too many drugs.

Два расследования показали, что она умерла от передозировки наркотиков

Why is the public still so interested in a woman who died so many years ago?

Почему же публике до сих пор интересна женщина, умершая так много лет назад?

A number of reasons. Her exciting but tragic life. Her connections with well-known people.

Причин несколько. Её яркая, но трагичная жизнь. Её связи с известными людьми

And her image as an especially desirable woman.

И её образ особо желанной женщины

In the nineteen fifties, many Americans believed sex was a very private subject.

В 1950-ых годах многие американцы считали секс очень частным делом

People often severely judged those who were sexually appealing.

Люди часто сурово судили тех, кто имел сексуальную привлекательность

Into this atmosphere burst Marilyn Monroe. As one critic said, her body was round in all the right places.

В эту атмосферу ворвалась Мерилин Монро. Как сказал один критик, её тело было округлым везде, где надо

She wore her clothes like skin. When she walked, she moved her lower body in a way that few other actresses had done.

Одежда сидела на ней как влитая. Когда она шла, нижняя часть тела двигалась так, как мало у кого из актрис

Her voice was soft and breathy. She soon became America's golden girl.

Голос у неё бы мягкий, тихий и придыханием. Она быстро стала золотой девушкой Америки

The story of Marilyn Monroe begins on June first, nineteen twenty-six.

История жизни Мерилин Монро начинается 1 июня 1926 года

Norma Jean was born that day in the West Coast city of Los Angeles, California.

В этот день Норма Джин родилась в Лос-Анджелесе, на западном побережье США в Калифорнии

Her birthplace was not far from the Hollywood movie studios where she would someday be a star.

Родилась недалеко от киностудий Голливуда, где позднее она станет звездой

Her mother, Gladys Baker, suffered from mental problems.

У её матери Глэдис Бейкер были проблемы с психикой

Often the mother had to be treated in a hospital for long periods of time. Her daughter was sent to live with a number of different people.

Часто ей приходилось подолгу лежать в больнице. Дочь отсылали жить к разным людям

The actress later would describe her stays with these foster families as sometimes very unhappy.

Позднее актриса вспоминала эту жизнь в приёмных семьях как порой очень несчастную

During the worst experiences, she would go to a movie theater.

Когда бывало особенно тяжело, она ходила в кинотеатр

There the young Norma Jean escaped into the make-believe world of movies.

Там молодая Норма Джин находила убежище в выдуманном мире кино

By the time she was seventeen, Marilyn was trying very hard to be a movie actress.

К 17-и годам Мерилин уже прилагала все усилия, чтобы стать актрисой кино

She finally was able to get an actors' agent to help her.

Наконец, она нашла помощь у актёрского агента

He got Twentieth Century Fox Company to give Marilyn parts in some movies it produced.

Он добился того, что компания "Твентис Сенчэри Фокс" дала Мерилин роли в её кинофильмах

Marilyn may have worked more to improve her appearance than to improve her performance in acting classes.

Возможно, Мерилин больше сил прилагала на улучшение своей внешности, чем на учёбу в актёрской школе

Some people at Twentieth Century Fox said she did not like to work at all. She appeared in only one movie.

Некоторые в компании "Твентис Сенчэри Фокс" говорили, что она совсем не любила работать. Она снялась только в одном фильме

And she had only one line to speak in that. The Fox movie company dismissed her.

И там у неё была только одна строчка текста. Компания "Фокс" её уволила

Soon, however, her agent got her a job at Columbia Pictures.

Однако вскоре агент нашёл ей работу в компании "Коламбия Пикчерс"

She appeared in a movie called "Ladies of the Chorus." She sang two songs. Several critics praised her performance. But Columbia dismissed her.

Она снялась в фильме "Хористки". Там она спела две песни. Несколько критиков похвалили её игру. Но "Коламбия" её уволила

Marilyn did not stop struggling. She next won a small part in a movie called "Love Happy."

Мерилин не прекратила борьбу. Теперь она добилась маленькой роли в фильме "Счастливая любовь"

It was a comedy starring the famous Marx Brothers. Critics said it was not one of their better efforts.

Это была комедия со знаменитыми братьями Маркс в главных ролях. Критики сказали, что это не лучшая их картина

Marilyn, though, earned praise for simply taking a short walk in the movie.

Однако Мерилин удостоилась похвалы просто за короткий проход в этом фильме

The movie called for her to say, "Some men are following me."

По фильму она должна была произнести слова: "Некоторые мужчины меня преследуют"

Groucho Marx answered that he did not understand why.

Гручо Маркс отвечал, что не понимает почему

As he said that, he watched Marilyn walk her famous walk. His eyes opened very wide.

И когда он это сказал, он увидел знаменитую походку Мерилин. Его глаза широко раскрылись

That short scene in the movie made many people in Hollywood talk about Marilyn Monroe.

Эта короткая сцена в фильме заставила многих в Голливуде заговорить о Мерилин Монро

Marilyn got her first major chance when director John Huston invited her to act in a movie called "The Asphalt Jungle."

Первый большой шанс представился Мерилин, когда режиссёр Джон Хьюстон пригласил её в фильм "Асфальтовые джунгли"

Huston said her performance as a criminal's girlfriend was good.

Хьюстон говорил, что она хорошо сыграла подругу преступника

It gained Marilyn her dream of a long-term agreement with Twentieth Century Fox, the company that had dismissed her earlier.

И сбылась мечта Мерилин: она получила долгосрочный контракт с компанией "Твентис Сенчэри Фокс", той самой, которая её раньше уволила

Now its officials gave her a part in "All About Eve." The movie, released in nineteen fifty, was about a movie star

Теперь руководители компании дали её роль в фильме "Всё о Еве". Этот фильм 1950 года рассказывал о кинозвезде

She played a golden-haired woman who did not have much intelligence -- "a dumb blonde."

Она сыграла золотоволосую женщину, не отличающуюся умом -- "глупую блондинку"

In nineteen fifty-two, Marilyn again appeared as a dumb blonde in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes."

В 1952 году Мерилин вновь сыграла глупую блондинку в фильме "Джентельмены предпочитают блондинок"

This performance at last won her widespread fame.

Эта роль, наконец, принесла ей широкую славу

Huge successes now followed.

Затем последовали огромные успехи

Between nineteen fifty-three and nineteen fifty-nine she appeared in lead parts in many popular movies: "How To Marry a Millionaire." "The Seven Year Itch." "Bus Stop." "Some Like it Hot."

В 1953-59гг. она сыграла главные роли во многих популярных фильмах: "Как выйти замуж за миллионера", "Семь лет желания", "Автобусная остановка", "В джазе только девушки"(=Некоторые любят погорячее)

Her part in "Some Like it Hot" showed that she was very good at making people laugh.

Её роль в фильме "В джазе только девушки" показала, что она хорошо умеет рассмешить зрителей

Marilyn's picture appeared on the front cover of many magazines and the front pages of many newspapers. She began to earn more money.

Фото Мерилин появилось на обложках многих журналов и первых страницах газет. Она стала больше зарабатывать

Life should have been good. But Marilyn was not happy.

Настала хорошая жизнь, Но Мерилин не была счастлива

She was being asked to repeat her part as a dumb blonde in movie after movie.

Из фильма в фильм её просили повторить свою роль глупой блондинки

She wanted to be accepted as a good actress. She went to the Actors' Studio school in New York City with many serious actors.

Она хотела признания как хорошая актриса. Она училась в Актёрской студии в Нью-Йорке вместе со многими серьёзными актёрами

She thought she could change the way people thought of her.

Она считала, что может изменить мнение людей о себе

MARILYN MONROE: “What I’d like to do, that is, what I would like to accomplish, I would like to be a good actress.

"Что мне хочется сделать, то есть чего я хотела бы достигнуть -это стать хорошей актрисой

And it’s not a matter of being on top because I think some of the best actors and actresses perhaps aren’t on the top.

И дело не в том, чтобы быть наверху. Потому что, по-моему, даже из лучших актёров и актрис не все наверху

So that’s not the thing. I’m terribly grateful for everything that’s happened because I remember when things weren’t like this at all.

Дело не в этом. Я ужасно благодарна за всё, что произошло, потому что помню время, когда всё было иначе

But you do miss sometimes just being able to be completely yourself and some place and people just know you as another human being.”

Но иногда жаль, что не можешь быть полностью собой, занять своё место, и люди знают тебя как совсем другого человека"

But she did not succeed. People thought of Marilyn Monroe as "that blonde bombshell." Few people thought of her as a serious actress.

Но это ей не удалось. В представлении публики Мерилин Монро была той "блондинкой-сексбомбой". Немногие считали её серьёзной актрисой

She also failed in her attempts at marriage

Не удались ей и попытки семейной жизни

She admitted that she got married the first time only to escape from being forced to live in a group home for children without parents.

Она признавалась, что в первый раз вышла замуж только для того, чтобы уйти из сиротского приюта

In nineteen fifty-four she married again.

В 1954г. она вновь вышла замуж

Her husband was the famous New York Yankee baseball player, Joe Di Maggio.

Её мужем стал знаменитый бейсболист Джоу Ди Маджио из клуба "Нью-Йорк Янки"

They were together for only a few months.

Они прожили всего несколько месяцев

Later, she tried again. She married Arthur Miller, a famous writer of plays.

Позднее она сделала ещё попытку. Вышла замуж за Артура Миллера, знаменитого драматурга

That marriage ended unhappily in nineteen sixty-one, after five years.

После пяти лет этот брак закончился неудачно в 1961г.

Marilyn returned to Hollywood. But things were different now.

Мерилин вернулась в Голливуд. Но теперь всё изменилось

Friends said she was drinking too much alcohol. They said she was taking too many drugs.

Друзья говорили, что она слишком много пьёт и принимает слишком много наркотиков

She seemed to always be in trouble with the movie company. She had gained too much weight.

Похоже, у неё были постоянные трудности с кинокомпанией. Она слишком поправилась

Or, she had not learned what she was to say in the movie. Or she had arrived late for the filming.

Или могла не выучить слова своей роли. Или опоздать на съёмку

By nineteen sixty-two, Marilyn's problems were threatening her work in the movies.

К 1962 г. проблемы Мерилин стали угрожать её работе в кино

She was to appear in the Twentieth Century Fox movie called "Something's Got to Give.”

Она должна была сняться в фильме компании "Твентис Сенчэри Фокс" под названием "Надо что-то дать"

She lost weight for her part. She tried to arrive on time for the filming.

Для роли она похудела. Пыталась не опаздывать на съёмки

She reportedly knew her part. However, she became sick several times and missed work. Fox company officials dismissed her.

Слова роли она вроде бы выучила. Но несколько раз болела и пропускала работу. Руководство "Фокс" её уволило

On August fourth, nineteen sixty-two, Marilyn Monroe died alone in her home.

4 августа 1962г. Мерилин Монро умерла в одиночестве в своём доме

She was thirty-six years old. Reports said taking too many drugs killed her.

Её было 36 лет. Сообщали, что смерть наступила от передозировки наркотиков

But people who knew her said failed marriages, and the failure of her latest movie also led to her death.

Но знавшие её говорили, что неудачные браки и неудача в последнем фильме также привели к её смерти

Many people said Marilyn Monroe never escaped her past.

Многие говорили, что Мерилин Монро не удалось убежать от своего прошлого

She continued to suffer from the early, sad life of a little girl named Norma Jean.

Она продолжала страдать от своего печального детства, когда её звали Норма Джин

This Special English program was written by Jeri Watson and directed by Marilyn Christiano. I'm Steve Ember.

Авто - Джери Уотсон, режиссёр - Мерилин Кристиано. Я Стив Эмбер

And I'm Shirley Griffith. Join us again next week for another PEOPLE IN AMERICA program on the Voice of America.

А я Ширли Гриффит. До встречи через неделю в программе "Люди Америки" на "Голосе Америки"

Биографии на английском

Мерлин Монро биография на английском языке представлена в этой статье.

Краткая биография Мерлин Монро на английском

She was born on 1 June 1926 in the Los Angeles County Hospital, the third child of Gladys Baker. She lived with a number of foster parents, as her mother was mentally unstable, until her mother’s best friend Grace McKee became her guardian.

McKee was inspired by Jean Harlow and allowed the nine-year-old Norma to wear makeup and curl her hair, until McKee married and sent Norma Jean to an orphanage.

The young girl was then sent to live with her great aunt Olive Brunings, where it is thought she was sexually assaulted by Olive’s son. At 16, she escaped her old life by marrying a 21-year-old aircraft plant worker, Jim Dougherty. The couple divorced four years later. By this time she had begun modelling bathing suits and, after bleaching her hair blonde, was posing for pin-ups and glamour photos.

Howard Hughes tried to get her a screen test but was beaten to the punch by 20th Century-Fox, who signed her to a contract — at $125 per week for six months — and changed her name to Marilyn Monroe.

After appearing in small parts in films including ‘Love Happy’ and ‘All About Eve’, Monroe found fame in 1953 with ‘Niagara’, ‘Gentlemen Prefer Blondes’ and ‘How To Marry a Millionaire’. That same year, she began dating baseball player Jo DiMaggio, and a nude spread of her appeared in the debut issue of Playboy magazine. Monroe had hit stardom. The nude spread caused a scandal with her studio, so she agreed to admit she had posed for the photo as she was struggling to pay her rent. The resulting publicity created some sympathy for the struggling actress.

In 1954, she eloped with DiMaggio — a union which was only to last eight months — before filming ‘There’s No Business Like Show Business’ and ‘The Seven-Year Itch’, the latter featuring the classic scene in which she stood over a subway grating, skirt billowing. She applied for divorce from DiMaggio on the grounds of mental cruelty. Despite this, he secured her release from the Payne Whitney Psychiatric Mental Clinic in 1961.

Monroe’s work began to slow down, but critics praised her acting in 1956 film ‘Bus Stop’. She married playwright Arthur Miller the same year, divorcing him four years later. In the meantime, she fell prey to alcohol and pills, and suffered two miscarriages.

After a year off in 1958, Marilyn returned to the silver screen for smash comedy ‘Some Like It Hot’. In 1960, she appeared in ‘Let’s Make Love’, with Yves Montand, with whom she had an affair.

‘The Misfits’, written by husband Miller, was to be her final film. Work was interrupted by exhaustion, and she was then fired from ‘Something’s Got to Give’ for not turning up for filming.

On 19 May 1962, the actress attended the early birthday celebration of John F Kennedy at Madison Square Gardens, singing ‘Happy Birthday Mr President’ in a performance that became legendary.

She went into seclusion and on 5 August 1962, she was found dead at her home of an overdose of sleeping pills, aged 36. The verdict was suicide but has always been disputed, with countless conspiracy theories triggered by alleged affairs with brothers John F and Robert Kennedy.

Monroe has been portrayed by a number of actresses over the years, including Michelle Williams in 2011’s ‘My Week With Marilyn’.

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