Карнавал сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024



Festivals as a form of some performance or celebration have always been there. In ancient times they were connected with some mystical or religious traditions. Gradually new festivals had appeared. They could be connected with some national, family or personal celebrations.

Праздники, как форма какого-то представления или празднования, всегда существовали. В древние времена они были связаны с некоторыми мистическими или религиозными традициями. Постепенно появились новые праздники. Они уже могли быть связаны с национальными, семейными или личными торжествами.

Festivals can be religious. It means that they are connected with some religious events, for example, Saint Patrick’s Day which is held on the 17th of March. It is the death date of Saint Patrick, the foremost patron saint of Ireland. Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated in many countries all over the world. One more religious festival is Holi, a Hindu spring festival also known as “festival of colours”.

Some festivals are national. They are national days. National day is a designated date on which celebrations mark some events which are of high importance for a nation. It can also be connected with the independence of a country or other important state events.

Некоторые праздники являются национальными. Это национальные дни. Национальный праздник – это установленная дата, когда отмечаются события, имеющие большое значение для нации. Это также может быть связано с независимостью страны или другими важными государственными событиями.

There are festivals which are celebrated in one country but attract people from all over the world. One of such festivals is Rio Carnival. People put on festive dresses, dance samba and make holiday. Many tourists visit Rio Carnival. All Brazilian samba schools take part in this carnival.

Существуют праздники, которые отмечаются в одной стране, но привлекают людей со всего мира. Одним из таких праздников является Карнавал в Рио-де-Жанейро. Люди надевают праздничные костюмы, танцуют самбу и веселятся. Многие туристы посещают Карнавал в Рио-де-Жанейро. Все бразильские школы самбы принимают участие в этом карнавале.

Festivals are an important part of everyday life. Some festivals have long history and some festivals have just appeared. Festivals can be celebrated in many parts of the world and some festivals are celebrated only by one family.

Праздники – важная часть повседневной жизни. Некоторые праздники имеют давнюю историю, а некоторые образовались совсем недавно. Праздники могут отмечаться во многих частях мира, а некоторые праздники отмечает только одна семья.

Parade in Brazil- celebration which is worth to see. Usually people dress a very beautiful costumes with sequins and feathers (костюмы с блестками и перьями). Many people from other countries are very glad to see it and they share their feelings with friends and relatives.
Celebration is continues to deep night and even to morning. It's very bright and hot celebration.
There are many people take part in this festival, which make they glad and happy.

Парад в Бразилии- праздник который стоит увидеть. Обычно на этот праздник люди надевают костюмы с блестками и перьями. Многие люди из других стран рады увидеть это и делятся своими впечатлениями с друзьями и родственниками.
Праздник продолжается до глубокой ночи, а иногда и даже до утра. Это событие яркое и жаркое. Много людей принимают участие в этом фестивале, которое делает их радостными и счастливыми.

The Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is a world famous festival held before Lent every year and considered the biggest carnival in the world with two million people per day on the streets. The first festivals of Rio date back to 1723.

The typical Rio carnival parade is filled with revelers, floats and adornments from numerous samba schools which are located in Rio (more than 200 approximately, divided into 5 leagues/ divisions). A samba school is composed of a collaboration of local neighbours that want to attend carnival together, with some kind of regional, geographical common background.

There is a special order that every school has to follow with their parade entries. Each school begins with the "comissão de frente" ("Front Commission" in English), that is the group of people from the school that appear first. Made of ten to fifteen people, the "comissão de frente" introduces the school and sets the mood and style of their presentation. These people have choreographed dances in fancy costumes that usually tell a short story. Following the "comissão de frente" is the first float of the samba school, called "abre-alas" ( "Opening Wing" in English ). These are followed by the Mestre-sala and Porta-Bandeira (Room Master and Flag Carrier), with one to 4 pairs, one active and 3 reserve, to lead the dancers, which include the old guard veterans and the "ala das baianas", with the bateria at the rear and sometimes a brass section and guitars.

Карнавал в Бразилии — один из главных национальных праздников. Он проходит ежегодно в течение 4 дней (с субботы по вторник) в феврале-марте: даты карнавала подвижные и каждый год меняются. Карнавал заканчивается в ночь на пепельную среду, когда начинается Великий Пост по католическому календарю.

Carnival in BrazilCarnival in Brazil is one of the major national holidays. It takes place annually during 4 days (from Saturday to Tuesday) in February-March: the Carnival dates movable and change every year. The carnival ends in the night on Ash Wednesday, when lent begins on the Catholic calendar.Carnival in Brazil comes from the Portuguese Carnival is "èntrudo" which was celebrated in Portugal even with 15 century. During this holiday, people poured over each other with water, thrown rotten eggs and tomatoes, peppered flour. The ritual itself has pagan roots and symbolized the emancipation and saturation before Lent.By the end of the 19 century the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro became very popular and was manifested in three main forms: kordau ("rope", where Carnival participants lining up narrow close), street or Carnival block (lining up a rectangle) and ranšu (fashion shows with elements of African rites). Interestingly, Brazil carnival incorporates elements from other countries, particularly France (used masks as the Parisian balls).

Carnival in Brazil Carnival in Brazil - one of the major national holidays. It is held annually during 4 days (Saturday to Tuesday) in February-March: Carnival date mobile and change every year. Carnival ends on the night of Ash Wednesday, when Lent begins in the Catholic calendar. Carnival in Brazil is derived from Portuguese Carnival - "entrudo", which was celebrated in Portugal since the 15th century. During this holiday people poured water on each other, threw rotten eggs and tomatoes, covered with flour. The very ritual has pagan roots and symbolized the liberation and saturation before Lent. By the end of the 19th century Rio de Janeiro carnival has become very popular and was manifested in three basic forms: Kordan ( "rope" when the participants of the carnival line up the narrow side by side), street or carnival block (aligned rectangle) and ranshe (fashion show with elements of African rites). Interestingly, the Carnival in Brazil has incorporated elements of other countries, particularly France (steel use the mask as in the Parisian balls).

Festivals are popular all over the world. There are different types of them: music festivals, sport festivals etc. People visit such events to have a good time and to see something extraordinary.

Recently I visited “Flower jam” fest. It is held in Moscow annually. It starts at the end of August and lasts about two weeks.

The fest was not limited to a single location. There were floral arrangements and jam fairs in many districts of Moscow. My parents and I went to the center of Moscow to see the most impressive art objects. I liked the most Installations in Stoleshnikov lane and compositions of roses in the square of the Revolution.

One could buy jam for any taste and other sweets. There were both traditional and exotic jams. We bought a jar of jam with blueberries and lavender. It turned out to be very tasty.

The program of the fest included excursions, competitions and master classes. I attended a master class on making a fruit tea. Now I can make it for my family.

The next day I took part in a flower bed design competition. It was held not far from my school. I did not win but it was an interesting exrerience.

So I liked “Flower jam” festival very much. I hope we will visit it again next year.

Фестивали популярны во всем мире. Есть такие разновидности как музыкальные фестивали, спортивные фестивали и др. Люди посещают такие мероприятия, чтобы хорошо провести время и увидеть что-то необычное.

Недавно я посетила фестиваль "Цветочный джем". Он проводится в Москве ежегодно. Он начинается в конце августа и длится около двух недель.

Фестиваль не ограничивался одной площадкой. Во многих районах Москвы были цветочные композиции и ярмарки варенья. Мы с родителями поехали в центр Москвы, чтобы посмотреть самые впечатляющие арт-объекты. Больше всего мне понравились инсталляции в Столешниковом переулке и композиции из роз на площади Революции.

Можно было купить варенье на любой вкус и другие сладости. Здесь были как традиционные, так и экзотические джемы. Мы купили банку варенья с черникой и лавандой. Оно оказалось очень вкусным.

Программа фестиваля включала экскурсии, конкурсы и мастер-классы. Я посетила мастер-класс по приготовлению фруктового чая. Теперь я могу делать такой чай для своей семьи.

На следующий день я принимала участие в конкурсе дизайна клумбы. Он проходил недалеко от моей школы. Я не выиграла, но это был интересный опыт.

Так что мне очень понравился фестиваль “Цветочный джем". Я надеюсь, что мы посетим его снова в следующем году.

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