Канберра сочинение на английском 7 класс

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Choose one of these Australian cities and speak about it using the information below.
• the capital of the country (became the capital in 1927 )
• is situated in the southeast of Australia
• the newest city on the continent
• a long way from the sea (about 120 kms)
• has thousands of trees
• has a big lake in the centre
• an important centre of learning
• has the National University of Australia
• Canberra = meeting place

• Australia’s oldest and biggest city
• appeared in 1788
• a city of old and new tall buildings
• more than 5 . 5 ( 2017 ) million people
• the first European city
• the centre of business
• Australia’s big seaport
• has an Opera House with an unusual roof
• the roof of this building looking like sails
• the longest bridge in Australia near the Opera House
• a lot of parks and gardens


Перевод задания
Выбери один из этих австралийских городов и расскажи об нем, используя информацию ниже.
• столица страны (стала столицей в 1927 году)
• расположен на юго−востоке Австралии
• самый новый город на континенте
• далеко от моря (около 120 км)
• в нем тысячи деревьев
• в нем большое озеро в центре
• важный центр обучения
• в нем Национальный университет Австралии
• Канберра = место встречи
• старейший и самый большой город Австралии
• появился в 1788 году
• город старых и новых высотных зданий
• более 5,5 ( 2017 ) миллионов человек
• первый европейский город
• центр бизнеса
• Большой морской порт Австралии
• имеет оперный театр с необычной крышей
• крыша этого здания похожа на паруса
• самый длинный мост в Австралии возле Оперного театра
• много парков и садов

Canberra is the capital of Australia. Canberra became Australia’s capital in 1927 . It is situated in the southeast of Australia. The meaning of the word is “meeting place”. Canberra is the newest city of all. And it is rather far from the sea beach. This beautiful city has thousands of trees and a big lake in the centre. Canberra is an important centre of learning; it has the National University of Australia.

Sydney is the oldest and the biggest city in Australia; it appeared in 1788 . It is a busy modern city with tall buildings. More than 5 . 5 million people lived there in 2017 . Sydney is the centre of business and Australia’s big seaport. It is also an international city where you can find food from all over the world. There are a lot of parks, gardens and beaches in Sydney.
When people think of Sydney, they often think of the Sydney Opera House. The roof of this beautiful building looks like sails. The Opera House opened in 1973 for music, theatre performances and dance. Near the Opera House is one of the longest bridges in the world.

Сидней – это самый старый и самый большой город в Австралии; он появился в 1788 году. Это современный оживленный город с высокими зданиями. В 2017 году там проживало более 5,5 миллионов человек. Сидней является центром бизнеса и крупным морским портом Австралии. Он также международный город, где вы можете найти еду со всего мира. В Сиднее много парков, садов и пляжей.
Когда люди думают о Сиднее, они часто думают о Сиднейском оперном театре. Крыша этого красивого здания выглядит, как паруса. Оперный театр открылся в 1973 году для музыкальных, театральных представлений и танцев. Рядом с Оперным театром находится один из самых длинных мостов в мире.

The capital of Australia, Canberra, is a young and comparatively small city. It was founded in the 20th century and now has a population of about 260 000 people.

The centre of Canberra is a small hill. Several streets run from that hill. Special charm is given to Canberra by an artificial lake in the centre of the city. A fountain more than 100 metres high is in the western part of the lake. At night powerful lights illuminate the water. It is the Captain Cook Fountain, one of the main places of interest in Canberra. Another one is a memorial military museum. The building of the Australian Academy of Sciences is quite unusual in form — it is like a huge overturned bowl.

Melbourne is the second largest city in Australia. It was the capital of the country till 1927 and now is the centre of Australian business world. It is also one of the largest ports in the country. Melbourne is a beautiful city with numerous skyscrapers, straight boulevards and large parks and gardens. One of Melbourne’s places of interest is the house of Captain Cook, the famous British navigator.

Sydney is Australia’s largest and oldest city. It was the first British settlement. Sydney has the oldest in the country botanical gardens and the Zoo. One of the main places of interest of the city is the famous bridge over the Bay of Port Jackson. Another one is the Opera House, which resembles large white shells in form. It is surrounded by the sea on three sides. Sydney is the city of three universities.

Города Австралии

Столица Австралии, Канберра, является молодым и сравнительно небольшим городом. Она была основана в 20-м веке и в настоящее время насчитывает около 260 000 жителей.

В центре Канберры находится небольшой холм. Несколько улиц берут начало у этого холма. Особое очарование Канберре придает искусственное озеро в центре города. Фонтан более 100 метров высотой находится в западной части озера. Ночью мощные фонари освещают воду. Это фонтан капитана Кука, одна из главных достопримечательностей в Канберре. Другая - Мемориальный военный музей. Здание Академии наук Австралии весьма необычно по форме - оно похоже на огромную перевернутую чашу.

Мельбурн является вторым по величине городом в Австралии. Он был столицей страны до 1927 года и в настоящее время - центр австралийского делового мира. Это также один из крупнейших портов в стране. Мельбурн очень красивый город с многочисленными небоскребами, прямыми бульварами, просторными парками и садами. Одна из достопримечательностей - дом капитана Кука, известного британского мореплавателя.

Сидней является крупнейшим и старейшим городом Австралии. Это было первое британское поселение. В Сиднее находятся старейшие в стране ботанические сады и зоопарк. Одной из главных достопримечательностей города является знаменитый мост через залив Порта Джексон. Другой является Оперный театр, который по форме напоминает большие белые раковины. Он окружен морем с трех сторон. Сидней - город трех университетов.

Австралия настолько интересна, что сложно представить с чего начать описывать эту страну. Самый изолированный континент на планете с самыми оригинальными вещами. Прекрасные пляжи, погода — еще лучше! Отличная еда, музыка и очень приятные люди. Эта страна похожа на старый Лос–Анджелес. A place to visit at least once in a lifetime for sure!

Essay on Australia

Australia is the only country in the world that is also a continent. It is the sixth largest country and the smallest continent. It lies between the South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. The name of the country comes from Latin word "australis" which means "southern". The country's official name is Commonwealth of Australia.

The Commonwealth of Australia is a federation of states. Australia has six states — New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. Each state has its government.

About 23 million people live in Australia nowadays. The natives of the country are called Aborigines. Now they occupy a very small part of the country’s population due to the former extrusion of the native people in the past.

The capital of Australia is Canberra. All the government buildings are situated there.
The capital is also the home of many cultural institutions, such as Australian National University, National Gallery, National Museum, Royal Military College, Australian Institute of Sport and many others.

The largest and the most visited city in Australia is Sydney. With the population of more than 4.6 million people. There is a great number of attractions in Sydney. The most well–known ones are Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge, St. Mary's Catholic Cathedral and others.

The country has some unique species of animals, which can’t be found anywhere else. Among them, koalas, kangaroos, wallabies, flightless emus, wombats and many others. So, the Australian Zoos can be another place of interest for tourists.

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Сочинение на тему Австралия

Содружество Австралии является федерацией государств. В Австралии шесть штатов - Новый Южный Уэльс, Квинсленд, Южная Австралия, Тасмания, Виктория и Западная Австралия. Каждое государство имеет свое правительство.

В настоящее время в Австралии проживает около 23 миллионов человек. Туземцев страны называют аборигенами. Сейчас они занимают очень небольшую часть населения из–за прежней экструзии коренных жителей в прошлом.

Столица Австралии — Канберра. Все правительственные здания расположены там.
Столица также является домом для многих культурных учреждений, таких как: Австралийский национальный университет, Национальная галерея, Национальный музей, Королевский военный колледж, Австралийский институт спорта и другие.

Самый большой и самый посещаемый город в Австралии — Сидней. С населением более 4,6 млн. человек. В Сиднее есть множество достопримечательностей. Самыми известными из них являются Сиднейский оперный театр, Мост Харбор–бридж, Католический кафедральный собор Святой Марии и ряд других.

В стране есть некоторые уникальные виды животных, которых больше нигде не найти. Среди них: коалы, кенгуру, валлаби, нелетающие эму, вомбаты и многие другие. Таким образом, австралийские зоопарки могут быть еще одним интересным местом для туристов.

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Canberra and Sydney – two major Australian cities

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Canberra and Sydney – two major Australian cities

Canberra and Sydney –
two major
Australian cities

Canberra - the capital of Australia The capital of lovely Australia, has alw.

Canberra - the capital of Australia

The capital of lovely Australia, has always been the city of Canberra,
which is why it's not so frequently mentioned, as,
for example, on the same Sydney,
the city once came unexpectedly and accidentally, experts declare that if there were number cities such as Sydney and Melbourne that are following to each other, and Canberra would not be here, as these two cities are very long argued among themselves and fought for the title of the capital of Australia, and
as a result of these disputes appeared Canberra which eventually became known as capital.

The main and, perhaps, the only function of this city is the direct manageme.

The main and, perhaps,
the only function of this city is the direct management
of the country, there is number large-scale production, there are number factories here, mainly representatives
of the government live here, who manage the continent as a whole, of course, this couldn't but affect
this city.

Despite the fact that Canberra is the capital of the continent, there are nu.

Despite the fact that Canberra is
the capital of the continent, there are number direct flights to it.
Ifyou wish to arrive here, you'll initially need to obtain either to Melbourne or Sydney by plane,
and then modify there to a plane that flies within the country, which will get tourists to Canberra.
The climate in Canberra is the same as in all other cities in Australia, that is, in the summer it can reach thirty degrees of heat, and in the winter
it s to ten, but still the city
remains warm.

What to see in Canberra? Naturally, it is in Canberra that the Parliament b.

What to see in Canberra?

Naturally, it is in Canberra that
the Parliament building is located,
where the government lives, where all the most important meetings are held and receptions of representatives
of the government
of other countries are held.
The parliament building is very large, and it is also noteworthy that it has been rebuilt for a long time
and relatively recently finally came
to the final version.
On the bucket of the Parliament there is a huge mast, which impresses
with its scale.

In this city there are a lot of monuments and a wide variety of memorials, wh.

In this city there are a lot of monuments and a wide variety of memorials, which are definitely worth a look if you managed to get to this city.
The most famous, without
a doubt, is the Australian war memorial, it is dedicated
to people who took part
in the wars of the Australian Soldiers ' Union.
The amazing thing is that it managed to depict
all the existing army units.

The National Gallery of Australia The Australian National Gallery is also.

The National Gallery
of Australia

The Australian National Gallery is also located
in a very beautiful building, but you need to come here not only to admire the building from the outside. Here is the most important art gallery in general
of the entire continent, is this a weightless reason to go here on a tour?

You should definitely visit the hill in Canberra, which has the name Black.

You should definitely visit
the hill in Canberra,
which has the name
Black Mountain,
on this hill it is strictly forbidden
to build any buildings,
as it belongs to the main
national parks of this city,
the government
carefully protects it.
This hill is located next to the business center of the city,
which creates a magnificent picture in which civilization borders on untouched nature.

Every year, Canberra hosts a famous music festival, which is worth a try to.

Every year, Canberra hosts a famous music festival, which is worth a try
to get into to immerse yourself
in this incredible fun atmosphere.
There is also another
very popular Australian
holiday-the flower festival, which lasts
for a whole month, during this period the city becomes incredibly beautiful.
Tourists who were in Canberra
at this time, strongly recommend during the flower festival to go
for a walk in a beautiful balloon
to see all the splendor of the city
from a bird's eye view.

Canberra is called the elegant city of fragrant gardens, and this city is.

Canberra is called
the elegant city
of fragrant gardens, and this city
is really like that and it can be seen with the naked eye.
This city is always in order
and therefore it is so comfortable to be in it, perhaps this is due to the fact that the government lives in Canberra and, accordingly,
it carefully monitors the state
of the Australian capital,
but still it deserves great respect, since not all world capitals are clean and tidy.

Sydney Sydney is the oldest and largest city in Australia, as well as the.

Sydney is the oldest and largest
city in Australia, as well as the administrative center
of New South Wales. Sydney
was founded by Arthur Phillip –
the head of the British colonists ‘
party in 1788, and the name
of the city was given in honor
of Lord Sidney-the Minister
of the Interior. Since colonization,
the city has grown significantly,
and has become a civilized center with a population of about 3.8 million people, which today accounts
for more than 20% of the total population of Australia.

Sydney is the capital of the Australian state of New South Wales and the lar.

Sydney is the capital of the Australian state
of New South Wales and the largest
of Australia’s two main financial, transport, commercial and cultural centers (the second is Melbourne – Sydney's eternal rival
for the title of outstanding Australian city). Many people consider it the capital
of Australia and are genuinely surprised
to learn that this is not true.
In fact, Sydney is often confused with Canberra, because it is the most populous city on the entire continent of Oceania,
known worldwide.
Today we will touch not only on the question:
"Where is Sydney?", but also try to learn
about the most interesting places of this magical city

Sydney is located in the deepest part of the great bay at the mouth of the P.

Sydney is located in the deepest part
of the great bay at the mouth of the Paramatta River.
All year round, this one of the largest bays
in the world is filled with
a large number of ships.
It has a subtropical climate, with summers
in Sydney falling in winter, but even
in the winter months it is sunny and not cold
most of the time.
If you move inland from Sydney,
then in a couple
of dozen kilometers you will see the Blue Mountains, a pile of steep steeps and hills.
To the south and north of Sydney, there are sandy beaches and green suburbs.
The beautiful climate, the location,
the azure waters of the ocean, the blue sky
and the modern look make Sydney one
of the most beautiful cities in the world.

The tallest building in the entire Southern Hemisphere, the Sydney Tower, is.

The tallest building in the entire Southern Hemisphere, the Sydney Tower, is a giant pillar that reaches
a height of more than 300 meters.
You can get to the observation
deck either on foot – for those
who like hiking,
you will have to overcome
1504 steps, or by elevator,
which will take tourists to the very top
in a few minutes.
And from the observation deck,
you will have an extraordinary view
of the whole of Sydney, and even
the Blue Mountains.

A great place to relax is the Chinese Garden of Friendship. Here, speciali.

A great place to relax
is the Chinese Garden
of Friendship.
Here, specialists-gardeners from the Chinese province created unusual plant compositions according to the strict canons
of design of the
V century.

You should definitely take a trip to the Sydney Aquarium, which is considere.

You should definitely take
a trip to the Sydney Aquarium, which is considered one
of the best in the world. Through two huge aquariums — one with seals,
and the other with sharks, there are paths for tourists, which give the opportunity
to admire so close representatives
of the underwater world.

Probably the most important attraction in Sydney is the Habor Bridge, locate.

Probably the most important attraction
in Sydney is the Habor Bridge, located in
Sydney Harbour.
It was built during
the Great Depression.
It is the largest bridge
in the city, and one
of the most prominent
arch bridges in the world.

Sydney has a reputation as one of the most exciting night cities in the wor.

Sydney has a reputation as one
of the most
exciting night cities in the world:
with holidays
that sometimes last for nights on the fly.
Such events are usually held
at the Sydney Showground and
are pre-announced in local newspapers.
It is interesting and easy to visit
different cafes and listen to good music,
because all the most famous Australian
music groups come to Sydney.
A lot of impressions and emotions can be obtained from walking
in the delightful parks
of Sydney, such as the Tropical Center
or the Royal Botanic Garden,
inhabited by white ibises.

Sydney has always been considered the "pearl of Australia" - the center wher.

Sydney has always been considered the "pearl
of Australia" - the center where
every traveler aspires to visit.
Of course, in order to get
to know the city better,
it will take more than one day, because this extraordinary city has preserved a large number of architectural monuments,
ancient values and
the richest nature.

Thanks to the subtropical oceanic climate, summers are not too hot and winte.

Thanks to the subtropical oceanic climate,
summers are not too hot and winters
are not too cold.
If you look at any photo
of Sydney, you will see a beautiful azure sky.
There are rarely days when the sun does not
shine in the city, because there are 340
sunny days a year.
And here we are waiting for a new surprise,
which can be an additional bonus, since as a gift,
tourists get the opportunity to experience
the second summer of the year,
since the summer season
here is from December to February.
But you do remember which mainland
is the city of Sydney?
Australia, located in the Southern Hemisphere,
is the smallest and driest continent.
January and February are the hottest months,
with an average daily temperature of around 26 degrees Celsius. Winter is moderately cool,
and in coastal areas
the temperature rarely falls below 5 degrees.

The only thing you will not be able to face here is the questions of where.

The only thing you will not be able
to face here
is the questions of where to put yourself and what to see, because this wonderful city will do everything to make your stay here turn
into a real holiday. Sydney's luxury hotels will provide you
with a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere and excellent service.
Numerous restaurants and cafes will delight you with delicious delicacies, and the locals will warm you with the warmth of their hospitality.

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