Junk food сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Food plays an important role in our life. I can not imagine my life without food and water. This is the thing number one I think to be active, happy and hardworking.

I try to eat healthy food only. I do believe that if you feed your body with the healthy food, it will sure tell you “thank you” in many years.

Well breakfast I eat everyday. In the beginning I pushed myself to eat only healthy food: oatmeal, porridge, cereals, fresh juice and so on. After couple of weeks I liked that menu and now I eat only these products.

For lunch I prefer vegetables and fruit. I eat a lot of them and feel perfect.

For dinner I choose steamed vegetables and fish or chicken.

Sometime I want to eat junk food, but this can happen once in a month.

I enjoy a lot this kind of meal. It’s like my fuel to keep my body strong and to have energy. I noticed that my life has changed. My skin became more pure, I feel energy every day, my body is really thankful to me.

Many people unfortunately waste their life eating fast food and drinking soda, missing breakfast and keeping to strange diets.

Food has to be delicious, healthy, well-balanced and on time. There is a big variety of food in the shop today, but we have to be smart and choose right products. Supermarkets and firms, restaurants and fast foods make so much money today while offering all kind of products. I never believe to advertising on TV or in the shops, I choose natural products. Also I prefer to eat home-made food to any semimanufactures. Yes, it takes longer but it is much better and more delicious.

I think if you eat well, you will be always healthy, wealthy and fit.

Еда играет важную роль в нашей жизни. Я просто не могу представить свою жизнь без еды и воды. Это, наверное, вещь номер один, которая делаем меня активной, счастливой и трудолюбивой.

Завтрак я ем каждый день. Вначале я заставляла себя питаться правильно: овсянка, каши, хлопья, свежий сок и так далее. Через пару недель мне так понравилось это меню, что теперь я питаюсь только так.

На обед я предпочитаю фрукты и овощи. Я ем очень много и чувствую себя замечательно.

На ужин я выберу овощи на пару и рыбу или курицу. Порой хочется съесть чего-нибудь вредного, и такое случается раз в месяц.

Я очень люблю свой рацион. Это как топливо, чтобы поддерживать силу и энергию в моем теле. Я заметила, что моя жизнь круто изменилась. Моя кожа стала чище, у меня прилив энергии каждый день, мое тело мне благодарно.

Многие люди не дорожат своей жизнью и здоровьем, питаются фаст-фудом, пьют газированные напитки, пропускают завтраки и сидят на диетах.

Еда должна быть вкусной, здоровой, сбалансированной, а приёмы пищи - во время. В магазине сегодня огромный выбор еды, но мы должна разумно выбирать продукты. Супермаркеты, фирмы, фаст-фуды и рестораны зарабатывают большие деньги, предлагая нам все подряд. Я никогда не верю рекламам на ТВ и в магазинах, я выбираю все натуральное. А ещё предпочитаю домашнюю еду полуфабрикатам. Да, готовка занимает дольше, но эта еда полезнее.

Я считаю, что если вы питаетесь правильно, вы всегда будете выглядеть хорошо, здорово и иметь стройное тело.

Nowadays junk food is becoming very popular because of the advertising it on TV. Some people consider that this advert should be banned completely. But others think that there is nothing wrong with advertising junk food.

On the one hand, this advert has many disadvantages. Firstly, it convinces children to buy and eat unhealthy food. As a result, they become overweight and start not to listen to their parents. Also children can get addicted to TV. Secondly, even adults cannot resist the temptation to buy advertised food. Fast food contains a high number of saturated fats and calories which are harmful for your body if you eat them in abundance. Eating junk food leads to stomach problems and obesity and causes high blood pressure and heart diseases. Anyway, advertising reduces life expectancy and increases the risk of disease of young people. Finally, advertising junk food occupies the majority of TV time. That is why many people have to waste time on it instead of watching useful programmes.

On the other hand, junk food advert should be allowed. To begin with, modern life runs so quickly that people often do not have enough time to eat. They get little time for cooking. Junk food is a good solution in this situation. What is more, young people need fast food advert because the meal is very tasty and nourishing. In addition, fast food is not expensive and you can buy it almost everywhere. In one way or another, advertising junk food saves money.

To conclude, there are both advantages and disadvantages to advertising unhealthy foods on TV. Although there are many arguments against it, I believe that if young people eat this food not very often, it cannot be dangerous for health.

В наше время нездоровая пища становится очень популярной из-за рекламы по телевизору. Некоторые люди полагают, что эта реклама должна быть запрещена полностью. Но другие думают, что нет ничего плохого в рекламе нездоровой пищи.

С одной стороны, у этой рекламы есть много недостатков. Во-первых, она убеждает детей покупать и есть нездоровую пищу. В результате они толстеют и начинают не слушаться своих родителей. Также дети приобретают ТВ зависимость. Во-вторых, даже взрослые не могут сопротивляться искушению, чтобы купить прорекламированную пищу. Фаст-фуд содержит высокое число насыщенных жиров и калорий, которые вредны для вашего тела, если вы едите их в изобилии. Употребление нездоровой пищи приводит к проблемам с желудком и ожирению и вызывает высокое давление и болезни сердца. Так или иначе, реклама уменьшает продолжительность жизни и увеличивает риск развития болезней у молодых людей. Наконец, реклама нездоровой пищи занимает большинство телевизионного времени. Именно поэтому много людей должны напрасно тратить время на это вместо того, чтобы смотреть полезные программы.

С другой стороны, реклама нездоровой пищи должна быть разрешена. Для начала, современная жизнь бежит так быстро, что у людей часто нет достаточного количества времени, чтобы поесть. У них мало времени, чтобы готовить еду. Нездоровая пища - хорошее решение в этой ситуации. К тому же, молодым людям нужна реклама фаст-фуда, потому что еда очень вкусная и питательная. Кроме того, фаст-фуд не дорогой, и вы можете купить его почти везде. Так или иначе, реклама нездоровой пищи экономит деньги.

В заключение, у телевизионной рекламы нездоровой пищи есть как преимущества, так и недостатки. Хотя существует много аргументов против этого, я полагаю, что, если молодые люди будут есть эту пищу не очень часто, это не будет опасно для здоровья.

These days, young people are influenced very much by TV advertisements, a large number of which are for fast food. As a result, some people believe that eating habits among the young are becoming so bad that it is time for such advertising to be banned completely.

There are a number of arguments in favour of banning ads for junk food on TV. To start with, if youngsters do not watch them, then they will not be influenced by them and buy the products. In addition, these adverts do not inform young people of the fact that this kind of food is unhealthy. As it contains high levels of fat, salt and sugar, researchers say it could be addictive.

On the other hand, there are also arguments in favour of keeping the ads. For example, many people believe that fast food plays an important role in society because it is convenient, inexpensive and tastes good. Moreover, the rise in obesity and health problems among the young probably has more to do with their lack of discipline in what they eat and how much they eat rather than with TV advertisements for fast food.

In conclusion, I believe youngsters need to learn to take responsibility for their own choices and the results of those choices regardless of advertising campaigns. As long as parents inform children of the dangers of eating this type of food, then there is no reason why such advertisements should be banned from TV.

В наши дни молодые люди находятся под сильным влиянием телевизионной рекламы, большое количество которой предназначено для фаст-фуда. В результате, некоторые люди считают, что привычки в еде среди молодых становятся настолько плохими, что настало время полностью запретить такого рода рекламу. Есть ряд аргументов в пользу запрета рекламы нездоровой пищи на телевидении. Начнем с того, что если молодежь не будет смотреть на них, то они не будут зависеть от них и не купят эти продукты. Кроме того, эти объявления не информируют молодых людей в том, что этот вид пищи вреден для здоровья. Так как эта пища содержит высокий уровень жиров, соли и сахара, исследователи говорят, что она может вызвать привыкание.

С другой стороны, есть и аргументы в пользу сохранения рекламы. Например, многие люди считают, что фаст-фуд играет важную роль в обществе, потому что это удобно, недорого и вкусно. Кроме того, рост ожирения и проблем со здоровьем среди молодых, вероятно, имеет больше общего с их отсутствием дисциплины в том, что они едят и сколько они едят, а не от телевизионной рекламы для фаст-фуда.

В заключение, я считаю, что молодежи нужно научиться брать на себя ответственность за собственный выбор и результаты этих выборов, независимо от рекламных кампаний. Пока родители информируют детей об опасностях употребления этого типа питания, то нет никаких причин, почему такая реклама должна быть запрещена на телевидении.

Young people these days are eating more and more unhealthy foods. Some people feel that advertising junk food.

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Should junk food be banned from schools?

Nowadays one of the most debatable questions is whether junk food should be banned from schools because of its long-term health-hazard effects or not. Although some schools authorities come up with their own definition of what junk food is, it’s clear from its content-fats, salt, carbohydrates, it could be harmful for children’s health. There are some people who claim that junk food in schools is very gainful and conventional for students. Others are against it because without it children will have a good chance to develop health-nutritional skills.

A lot of people believe that we should delete junk food from our life. Firstly, it’s a fact that the more student eat this kind of food the worse educational level he has. Eating healthy food leads to better academic results, improving the children’s memory and concentration. Secondly, school-the best place to create lasting life-style changes. School should build habits of healthy lifestyle, demonstrate good patterns to follow, create healthy atmosphere, especially in canteen.

What is more, schools need to practice what they preache.

Children should have some interesting competitions in classes, which are connected with healthy food, they should be given free milk, fruits, vegetables. For example, the chef Jamie Oliver implemented a new approach to preparing pupils’ meals in some schools in UK. It was a high-quality food without a big number of salt.

However, some people are against banning junk food. First of all, JF-the source of money. Vending machines were introduced in schools for getting money, when schools didn’t have it enough. Furthermore, schools should educate on healthy-lifestyle without the press. This ban falls short of truly educating the children about how important physical activity, balanced meals are. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

They should focus on the importance of their own choice, since the case of childhood obesity. But they should also focus on the importance of choice for a society and how all should take responsibility for their choices in such a society. Last but not least, if we ban junk food children will bring it to schools with them. A ban of something serves only to build interest in the things that has been prohibited. When a ban affects something that is a familiar part of everyday life there is a risk that individuals may try to acquire the banned thing through other means.

To be honest, these arguments don’t sound reasonable when the health issues are involved. Of course, schools can’t change students’ habits under the pressure but they can introduce healthy-food by some competitions, games. It should be interesting for children, thus it will be financially attractive for schools. But if it doesn’t work, school authorities should introduce the law about not taking food to school.

All things considered, although junk food might be one of the most important sources of money in schools and it is very difficult to ban it from children, I strongly believe that it shouldn’t be allowed. Future of children is in our hands. They should have strong health and good habits. We should interest them in the healthy lifestyle, organizing some events, actions or laws.

Should junk food be banned from schools?

Nowadays one of the most debatable questions is whether junk food should be banned from schools because of its long-term health-hazard effects or not. Although some schools authorities come up with their own definition of what junk food is, it’s clear from its content-fats, salt, carbohydrates, it could be harmful for children’s health. There are some people who claim that junk food in schools is very gainful and conventional for students. Others are against it because without it children will have a good chance to develop health-nutritional skills.

A lot of people believe that we should delete junk food from our life. Firstly, it’s a fact that the more student eat this kind of food the worse educational level he has. Eating healthy food leads to better academic results, improving the children’s memory and concentration. Secondly, school-the best place to create lasting life-style changes. School should build habits of healthy lifestyle, demonstrate good patterns to follow, create healthy atmosphere, especially in canteen.

What is more, schools need to practice what they preache. Children should have some interesting competitions in classes, which are connected with healthy food, they should be given free milk, fruits, vegetables. For example, the chef Jamie Oliver implemented a new approach to preparing pupils’ meals in some schools in UK. It was a high-quality food without a big number of salt.

However, some people are against banning junk food. First of all, JF-the source of money. Vending machines were introduced in schools for getting money, when schools didn’t have it enough. Furthermore, schools should educate on healthy-lifestyle without the press. This ban falls short of truly educating the children about how important physical activity, balanced meals are. They should focus on the importance of their own choice, since the case of childhood obesity. But they should also focus on the importance of choice for a society and how all should take responsibility for their choices in such a society. Last but not least, if we ban junk food children will bring it to schools with them. A ban of something serves only to build interest in the things that has been prohibited. When a ban affects something that is a familiar part of everyday life there is a risk that individuals may try to acquire the banned thing through other means.

To be honest, these arguments don’t sound reasonable when the health issues are involved. Of course, schools can’t change students’ habits under the pressure but they can introduce healthy-food by some competitions, games. It should be interesting for children, thus it will be financially attractive for schools. But if it doesn’t work, school authorities should introduce the law about not taking food to school.

All things considered, although junk food might be one of the most important sources of money in schools and it is very difficult to ban it from children, I strongly believe that it shouldn’t be allowed. Future of children is in our hands. They should have strong health and good habits. We should interest them in the healthy lifestyle, organizing some events, actions or laws.

Преподаватель: Ирина Владимировна Криницкая, преподаватель дисциплин ОДБ.03 Иностранный язык, ОНСЭ.03 Иностранный язык, ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности, ОП.08 Иностранный язык в сфере профессиональной коммуникации.


Учебное задание: написать эссе с аргументами ЗА и ПРОТИВ.

Тема: Нездоровая пища

Количество слов: 200 – 250

- вступление (обозначение проблемы);

- выражение личного мнения с 2-3 доводами собственной позиции;

- выражение противоположного мнения с 1-2 доводами противоположной позиции;

- объяснение, почему не согласны с противоположным мнением;

- заключение с повторным выражением собственного мнения.


Task: to write For-and-Against Essay

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?

Theme: Junk Food

- make an introduction (state the problem);

- express your personal opinion and gave 2-3 reasons of your opinion;

- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion;

- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion;

- make a conclusion restating your position.

Выполнила студентка: ЛАПЧЕНКО ЕЛЕНА

Специальность: 38.02.04 Коммерция

Полностью сохранена орфография автора.

Количество слов : 2 59

Nowadays junk food is everywhere, on the TV, in the Internet and even on subway ads, it is a big problem for twenty first century and we have to face it face to face. Some people believe that junk food is only an fast opportunity to have lunch while others think it is a big treat for our health.
So who is right?

As for me, I believe that fast food is gigantic problem of our society. Firstly, food culture is decaying with the help of fast food. Secondly, it kills our health no less than smoking or drinking alcohol. Thirdly, junk food is addictive.

However, there exists another point of view on this issue, not everybody can have a nutrition lunch because it is quite expensive. But who have the money for that eventually do not have time to do healthy lunch and fast food is the only opportunity to have some food.

Despite my respect for this opinion, I cannot share it because demand generates supply and when we all will make decision to support our health so it will cause the restaurant that offer good food for affordable prices. As regards time issue I think we should learn effective time management so we can have time for healthy lunch.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the problem is massive and we all should to to realize that to make it work better. While we are ready to consume the junk food the restaurants are ready to offer that food. Everything is in our hands.

Сначала преподаватель только выделяет слова, словосочетания, в которых допущены ошибки – даёт возможность студенту самому обнаружить неточности. Затем обсуждаются нюансы, таким образом, проверка эссе носит поэтапный характер.

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