История беларуси сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

с переводом на русский язык



Minsk is the capital of Belarus, a big and beautiful city with rich history. It is an administrative, economic, scientific, and cultural center of the country having large population (approximately 2 million citizens), advantageous geographical position (Minsk is situated on the river Svislach, almost in the geographical center of Belarus) and political significance (for example, the headquarters of CIS is located there). Minsk is an important transport junction: its first railways were built in the 19 th century, and nowadays there are international airport and MAZ, a well-known automobile factory. Parks, gardens, and architectural monuments of various styles create the unique charm of Minsk.

Минск – столица Беларуси, большой и красивый город с богатой историей. Он является административным, экономическим, научным и культурным центром страны, имеющим крупное население (примерно 2 миллиона жителей), выгодное географическое положение (Минск находится на реке Свислочь, почти в географическом центре Беларуси) и политическую значимость (например, там расположена штаб-квартира СНГ). Минск – важный транспортный узел: первые железные дороги в нём были проложены в XIX веке, а в наши дни есть международный аэропорт и МАЗ, известный автомобильный завод. Парки, сады и архитектурные памятники разных стилей создают неповторимое очарование Минска.

Slavic tribes lived on the territory of Minsk from antiquity, but the urban settlement was founded in the 11 th century. As a part of the Ancient Rus’, Minsk was a capital of a principality and became a trading center. Hard times came with numerous wars: the city passed from one Russian prince to another, was joined to the Duchy of Lithuania, and later – to Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, so Polish culture and religion (Catholicism) played a great role in Minsk as well as original ones. Afterward, as a part of Russian Empire and the USSR, Minsk grew and developed intensively. It suffered during Great Patriotic War and got the hero city status.

Славянские племена жили на территории Минска с древности, но городское поселение было основано в XI веке. В составе Древней Руси Минск был столицей княжества и стал центром торговли. Трудные времена настали с многочисленными войнами: город переходил от одного русского князя к другому, был присоединён к Княжеству Литовскому, а позднее – к Речи Посполитой (союзу Литвы и Польши), поэтому польские культура и религия (католицизм) играли в Минске такую же важную роль, как изначальные. Впоследствии, в составе Российской империи и СССР, Минск интенсивно рос и развивался. Он пострадал в ходе Великой Отечественной войны и получил статус Города-героя.

Modern Minsk has many landmarks and picturesque places: monumental baroque Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral (the 17 th century), several huge squares, the National Opera and Ballet Theater, botanical garden, and even the Museum of carriages. Besides, Minsk is famous for its delicious sweets produced by local confectionery factories.

В современном Минске много достопримечательностей и живописных мест: монументальный барочный Собор святых Петра и Павла (XVII
век), несколько колоссальных площадей, Национальный театр оперы и балета, ботанический сад и даже Музей карет. Кроме того, Минск знаменит своими вкусными сладостями, которые производят местные кондитерские фабрики.

The region that is now modern-day Belarus was first settled by Slavic tribes in the 6th century. They gradually came into contact with the Varangians, a band of warriors consisting of Scandinavians and Slavs from the Baltics.[10] Though defeated and briefly exiled by the local population, the Varangians were later asked to return[10] and helped to form a polity—commonly referred to as the Kievan Rus'—in exchange for tribute. The Kievan Rus' state began in about 862 at the present-day city of Novgorod.[11]

Upon the death of Kievan Rus' ruler, Prince Yaroslav the Wise, the state split into independent principalities.[12] These Ruthenian principalities were badly affected by a Mongol invasion in the 13th century, and many were later incorporated into the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.[13] Of the principalities held by the Duchy, nine were settled by ancestors of the Belarusian people.[14] During this time, the Duchy was involved in several military campaigns, including fighting on the side of Poland against the Teutonic Knights at the Battle of Grunwald in 1410; the joint victory allowed the Duchy to control the northwestern border lands of Eastern Europe.[15]

On February 2, 1386, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland were joined in a personal union through a marriage of their rulers.[16] This union set in motion the developments that eventually resulted in the formation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, created in 1569. The Russians, led by Tsar Ivan the III, began military conquests in 1486 in an attempt to gain the Kievan Rus' lands, specifically Belarus and Ukraine.[17] The union between Poland and Lithuania ended in 1795, and the commonwealth was partitioned by Imperial Russia, Prussia, and Austria, dividing Belarus.[18] Belarusian territories were acquired by the Russian Empire during the reign of Catherine II[19] and held until their occupation by Germany during World War I.[20]

During the negotiations of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Belarus first declared independence on 25 March 1918, forming the Belarusian People's Republic. The Germans supported the BPR, which lasted for about 10 months.[21] Soon after the Germans were defeated, the BPR fell under the influence of the Bolsheviks and the Red Army and became the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1919.[21] After Russian occupation of eastern and northern Lithuania, it was merged into the Lithuanian-Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic. Byelorussian lands were then split between Poland and the Soviets after the Polish-Soviet War ended in 1921, and the recreated Byelorussian SSR became a founding member of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1922.[21]

In September 1939, as a result of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, the Soviet Union invaded Poland and annexed its eastern lands, including most Polish-held Byelorussian land.[22] Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941. Byelorussia was the hardest hit Soviet Republic in the war and remained in Nazi hands until 1944. During that time, Germany destroyed 209 out of 290 cities in the republic, 85% of the republic's industry, and more than one million buildings, while causing human losses estimated between two and three million (about a quarter to one-third of the total population).[3] The Jewish population of Byelorussia was devastated during The Holocaust and never recovered.[23] The population of Belarus did not regain its pre-war level until 1971.[23] After the war ended, Byelorussia was among the 51 founding countries of the United Nations Charter in 1945 and began rebuilding the Soviet Republic. During this time, the Byelorussian SSR became a major center of manufacturing in the western region of the USSR, increasing jobs and bringing an influx of ethnic Russians into the republic.[24] The borders of Byelorussian SSR and Poland were redrawn to a point known as the Curzon Line.[22]

Joseph Stalin implemented a policy of Sovietization to isolate the Byelorussian SSR from Western influences.[23] This policy involved sending Russians from various parts of the Soviet Union and placing them in key positions in the Byelorussian SSR government. The official use of the Belarusian language and other cultural aspects were limited by Moscow. After Stalin died in 1953, successor Nikita Khrushchev continued this program, stating, "The sooner we all start speaking Russian, the faster we shall build communism".[23] When Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev began pushing through his reform plan, the Belarusian people delivered a petition to him in December 1986 explaining the loss of their culture. Earlier that year, Byelorussian SSR was exposed to nuclear fallout from the explosion at the Chernobyl power plant in neighboring Ukrainian SSR.[25] In June 1988 at the rural site of Kurapaty near Minsk, archaeologist Zianon Pazniak, the leader of Christian Conservative Party of the BPF, discovered mass graves which contained about 250,000 bodies of victims executed in 1937-1941.[25] Some nationalists contend that this discovery is proof that the Soviet government was trying to erase the Belarusian people, causing Belarusian nationalists to seek independence.[26]

Two years later, in March 1990, elections for seats in the Supreme Soviet of the Byelorussian SSR took place. Though the pro-independence Belarusian Popular Front took only 10% of the seats, the populace was content with the selection of the delegates.[27] Belarus declared itself sovereign on July 27, 1990, by issuing the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic. With the support of the Communist Party, the country's name was changed to the Republic of Belarus on August 25, 1991.[27] Stanislav Shushkevich, the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Belarus, met with Boris Yeltsin of Russia and Leonid Kravchuk of Ukraine on December 8, 1991 in Belavezhskaya Pushcha to formally declare the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States.[27] A national constitution was adopted in March 1994, in which the functions of prime minister were given to the president.

Two-round elections for the presidency (24 June 1994 and 10 July 1994)[28] resulted in the politically unknown Alexander Lukashenko winning more than 45 % of the vote in the first round and 80 %[27] in the second round, beating Vyacheslav Kebich who got 14 %. Lukashenko was reelected in 2001 and in 2006.

Рассказы на английском

Рассказ про Беларусь на английском 8 класс может использовать чтобы подготовиться к уроку. Информация про Беларусь на английском может быть дополнена интересными фактами.

Рассказ про Беларусь на английском языке

The Republic of Belarus is a small, beautiful country with the heroic past and interesting present. It is situated in Eastern Europe. The Republic borders on Russia, the Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. It has an area of 207 square kilometers and a population of more than 10 million.

Two-Thirds of Belarus’ population live in cities. There are 97 cities in the Republic. Its capital is Minsk, with the population of about two million people.
The largest cities in Belarus are Minsk, Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, and Mogilev.

Belarussian`s natural scenery is wide, lonely plains covered with hills, and many lakes and forests. The highest place in Belarus is the mount Dzerzhinskaya (345m) in Minsk region.

There are nearly 3.000 rivers with the total length of over 51.000 kilometers in Belarus. The chief rivers are the Dnieper, the Nieman, the Zapadnaya Dvina, thePripyat. In the past they were great trade ways from Europe to Asia and India and many towns appeared on their banks.

There are more than 10800 lakes in Belarus. Most of them are situated in the northern part of the republic. The largest lake is the Naroch(80 sq km) and the deepest one is the Dolgoye(54 metres).

One third of the Republic’s territory is covered with forests. The largest of them are called pushehas. The most beautiful is the Byelovezhskaya.

The climate in the Belarus is moderately continental. The climate is mild and one can travel comfortably here at any time of year.

Today Belarusian industry produces tractors, big lorries, automatic lines, computers, television sets, bicycles, and else. Agriculture specializes in milk and meat production. The main cultures here are potatoes, flax, grain, herbs and vegetables. More than 30 minerals have been discovered nowadays in Belarus. Among them we have oil, natural gas, coal, rock salt, potassium salts, phosphorites, marl, iron ore, dolomites and others.
Belarus is a republic of well- developed science and culture. Every eight person in Belarus has higher education.

Про Беларусь на английском языке с переводом

Республика Беларусь — маленькая, красивая страна с героическим прошлым и интересным настоящим. Она находится в Восточной Европе. Республика граничит с Россией, Украиной, Польшей, Литвой и Латвией. Площадь Беларуси — 207 квадратных километров и население более 10 миллионов человек.

Две трети населения Беларуси живут в городах. В республике 97 городов. Ее столица Минск, с населением около 2 миллионов человек.

Крупнейшие города Беларуси — Минск, Брест, Витебск, Гомель, Гродно и Могилев.

Белорусские природные пейзажи — это широкие равнины, покрытые холмами, множеством озер и лесов. Самое высокое место в Беларуси — гора Дзержинская (345 м) в Минской области.

В Беларуси насчитывается около 3 000 рек общей протяженностью более 51 000 км. Главные реки — Днепр, Неман, Западная Двина, Припять. В прошлом они были отличными торговыми путями из Европы в Азию и Индию, и на их берегах появилось много городов.

В Беларуси более 10800 озер. Большинство из них расположены в северной части республики. Самое большое озеро — Нарочь (80 кв. км), а самое глубокое — Долгое (54 метра).

Одна треть территории республики покрыта лесами. Самые большие из них называются пущами. Самая красивая это Беловежская пуща.

Климат в Беларуси умеренно континентальный. Климат мягкий, и здесь можно путешествовать с комфортом в любое время года.

Сегодня белорусская промышленность выпускает тракторы, большие грузовики, автоматические линии, компьютеры, телевизоры, велосипеды и многое другое. Сельское хозяйство специализируется на производстве молока и мяса. Основными культурами здесь являются картофель, лен, зерно, зелень и овощи.

В настоящее время в Беларуси обнаружено более 30 минералов. Среди них нефть, природный газ, уголь, каменная соль, калийные соли, фосфориты, мергель, железная руда, доломиты и другие.
Беларусь — республика с развитой наукой и культурой. Каждый восьмой человек в Беларуси имеет высшее образование.

The republic of Belarus is situated in the center of Europe on the watershed of the Baltic and Black Seas. The capital is Minsk. Belarus borders on Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and Ukraine. The total length of the state border makes up 2,969 km. Geographic and climatic conditions favor the development of transport and economic relations. The shortest ways from Russia to Western Europe and from the Baltic Sea to the Black sea run through Belarus.

The territory of Belarus is 207.6 thousand sq km. It stretches from west to east for 650 km and from north to south for 560 km.

The country’s relief is flat with hills. The climate of Belarus is moderate continental with mild and humid winters, warm summers and damp autumns.

Forests constitute 33 % of the country’s area. In Belarus there are over 20 thousand rivers and lakes. The largest lake is Naroch. The navigation is carried out on the rivers Pripiats, Dnieper, Neman, Berezina and Western Dvina.

Belarus consists of 6 regions: the Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk and Mogiliov regions. Minsk, the capital, is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

The industrial potential of Belarus includes 20 thermoelectric power stations, 17 metallurgical works, 70 petrochemical plants (the concern “Belneftekhim”), 29 machine-tool construction enterprises, 36 automakers and so on. According to recent researches the number of small enterprises has exceeded 30 thousand. 6 economic zones are established. Foreign enterprises are created with participation of 80 countries.

The financial market is represented by the National bank of Belarus, 29 commercial banks and 10 foreign ones.

There are 27 state theaters, including opera and ballet theater, a musical comedy theater, etc. The Ministry of culture has 128 state museums. The sports facilities include almost 500 stadiums and swimming pools, more than 5000 outdoor sports grounds. In 2000 all regional centers had Ice palaces and skating rinks.

Minsk citizens and all inhabitants of Byelorussia are especially proud of the new National Library being unique as in Europe, and all over the world.


Республика Беларусь расположена в центре Европы на водоразделе Балтийского и Черного Морей. Столица - город Минск. Белоруссия граничит c Польшей, Литвой, Латвией, Россией и Украиной. Общая протяженность государственной границы составляет 2,969 км. Географические и климатические условия способствуют развитию транспортных и экономических отношений. Кратчайшие пути из России до Западной Европы и от Балтийского моря до Черного моря проходят через Белоруссию.

Общая территория Беларуси - 207.6 тысяч кв. км. Она простирается с запада на восток на 650 км и с севера на юг на 560 км.

Рельеф страны плоский с холмами. Климат - умеренно-континентальный, зимы мягкие и влажные, летом тепло, а осенью сыро.

Леса составляют 33 % области страны. В Белоруссии более 20 тысяч рек и озер. Самое большое озеро - Нарочь. Судоходны реки Припять, Днепр, Неман, Березина и Западная Двина.

Белоруссия состоит из 6 областей: Брестской, Витебской, Гомельской, Гродненской, Минской и Могилевской. Минск, столица, является одним из наиболее красивых городов в Европе.

Индустриальный потенциал Белоруссии включает 20 термоэлектрических станций, 17 металлургических заводов, 70 нефтехимических заводов (предприятие "Белнефтехим"), 29 машиностроительных предприятий, 36 автомобилестроительных и так далее. Согласно недавним исследованиям число малых предприятий превысило 30 тысяч. Установлено 6 экономических зон, иностранные предприятия созданы с участием 80 стран.

Финансовый рынок представлен Национальным банком Белоруссии, 29 коммерческими банками и 10 иностранными.

Есть 27 государственных театров, включая Театр Оперы и Балета, музыкальный комедии и др. Министерство культуры имеет 128 государственных музеев. Спортивные сооружения включают около 500 стадионов и бассейнов, почти 5000 наружных спортплощадок. В 2000 все региональные центры имели Ледяные дворцы и катки.

Особой гордостью минчан и всех жителей Беларуси является новая Национальная Библиотека, являющаяся уникальной как в Европе, так и во всем мире.

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Belarus – Белоруссия

Belarus is a country in Eastern Europe. It borders Russia to the east, Ukraine to the south, Poland to the west and Lithuania and Latvia to the northwest. Belarus is the largest European landlocked country.

Minsk is the capital of Belarus. There are two official languages in Belarus – Belarusian and Russian. The Dnieper is one of the major rivers running through the country. Besides, there are more than 10,000 lakes located on its territory.

Major cities

Minsk, the capital of Belarus, is the largest city. The second largest city is Gomel. Vitebsk, Mogilev, Hrodna and Brest are also among the largest cities of the country.

The industrial activity of the country includes power engineering, mechanical engineering, farming, chemical industry, timber industry and construction.

Small business accounts for 20% of the country's economy (2012). In retail and wholesale trade, as well as in customer service sector, most of the companies are privately owned.

Places of interest

Part of the Białowieża Forest, known as Belovezhskaya Pushcha National Park, is located on the territory of Belarus. It is the unique and largest part of the primeval forest which initially covered the whole area of northeastern Europe. It is remarkable for its rich flora and fauna.

In Brest there is famous Brest Fortress which became one of the most important World War II monuments commemorating the resistance of the Soviet people.

In Vitebsk there is Marc Chagall Museum. It is located in the House of Marc Chagall who was a well-known Russian and Belarusian artist.


Белоруссия – государство в Восточной Европе. Оно граничит с Россией на востоке, с Украиной – на юге, с Польшей – на западе и с Литвой и Латвией – на северо-западе. Белоруссия является крупнейшей европейской страной, не имеющей выхода к морю.

Основные факты

Минск – столица Белоруссии. В Белоруссии два официальных языка – белорусский и русский. Днепр является одной из главных рек, протекающих по территории страны. Кроме того, на ее территории находится более 10000 озер.

Крупнейшие города

Минск, столица Белоруссии, является крупнейшим городом. Второй крупнейший город – Гомель. Витебск, Могилев, Гродно и Брест также относятся к крупнейшим городам страны.

В стране развиты такие виды промышленности, как энергетика, машиностроение, сельское хозяйство, химическая промышленность, лесная промышленность и строительство.

Малый бизнес в экономике страны составляет около 20% (2012). В розничной и оптовой торговле, в сфере услуг преобладает частный сектор.


В Бресте находится знаменитая Брестская крепость, ставшая одним из важнейших памятников стойкости советского народа во время Второй Мировой войны.

В Витебске расположен музей Марка Шагала. Он находится в доме, где жил Марк Шагал, известный русский и белорусский художник.

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