Искусственный интеллект сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

В будущем я думаю все будет иначе. Быстрые машины, модернизированные дома, новая техника, роботы, которых будет связывать не искусственный интеллект, а интеллект на основе биотехнологий и самое главное - умные и добрые люди, которые будут заботиться о других.
Модернизация Спорта; например футбол будет совсем на другом уровне. Offside будет вычислять компьютер, так как судью иногда ошибаются, и это серьезно влияет на результат матча.
Я многое жду от будущего, думаю что все измениться в лучшую сторону.

In the future I think all will be differently. The Fast cars, the modernized houses, the new technics, robots which will be connected not by artificial intelligence, and intelligence on the basis of biotechnologies and the most important thing - clever and kind people who will care of others.
Sports modernization; for example football will be absolutely at other level. Offside will calculate the computer as the judge sometimes are mistaken, and it seriously influences result of a match.
I much wait from the future, I think that all to change to the best.

В первую очередь надо ставить местоимение, потом глагол а потом все остальное:

I think In the futureall will be differently. Fast cars, the modernized houses, the new technics, robots which will connected not by artificial intelligence, and intelligence on the basis of biotechnologies and the most important thing - clever and kind people who will take care of others.
The Modernization of the Sport; for instance football will be quite be on the other level. Offside will calculate the computer, since judge sometimes mistaken, and this seriously influences upon result of the match.
I wait from the future much, I think that all will change to the best side.

When I think about the future changes on our planet, I feel rather optimistic. As the technology rapidly progresses, many new things might come to use. For example, the space telescopes will soon send photographs of distant planets to Earth. The skyscrapers will become like separate cities, having all the necessary facilities in one building. People will be able to participate in space flights. Online romances will become more common. Robots will perform most household duties. They will also replace lots of professions. All these changes sound realistic, but nobody thinks about nature. Scientific and technologic advances can easily lead to natural collapses. The growing number of factories, their waste into the World Ocean and atmosphere are rather harmful. This means, while people will be enjoying life in smart houses and flats, animals will be dying out. The air will become so polluted that we’ll have to stay in our houses all the time and do everything from there. As I see it, life in the future will remind a real vacuum. People will work from their homes. They will buy fruit and vegetables grown only at the greenhouses. They will communicate with their relatives and friends via skype or other similar programs. If people continue leading such life, they will end up being lonely. On the other hand, I know that a growing number of people move to the countryside and create their own communities there. They build houses, that save energy. They try to use all natural resources reasonably. Hopefully, they will make life better on our planet.

Analysts agree that artificial intelligence is an integral part of the fourth industrial revolution. Already, those processes that can be automated are performed by robots.

But while such an approach enhances business efficiency and removes the human factor, I also think that AI is still very expensive in implementation and the limitations of our economy will have negative consequences if more and more jobs go to non-living beings.

One of the biggest drawbacks of robotics is that the ubiquitous transition to AI will lead to incredibly severe structural unemployment.

Knowing the economic theory, it can be said that the wages that workers of a particular production receive come to the market of goods and services, thereby presenting a demand for the results of their labor.

Remove this factor and the payback of new technologies can stretch for hundreds of years due to the low living standards of citizens. Then the apparent progress will turn into a large-scale decline.

In addition, A related criticism is that robotics is a flashy luxury. Not every entrepreneur, especially representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, is decisive enough to purchase such devices, which for many years will bring him/her losses due to high costs, also risking losing competitors with a traditional organization of labor. Therefore, the idea that all the work will be done by AI is still by far exaggerated at least for now.

Despite these downsides, humanity cannot deny that robotics has made various spheres of life safer and more comfortable. The unnecessary collection of information of traffic density, accidents, weather data allows AI to control the switching of traffic lights, significantly speeding up the movement of cars. In addition, driver assistance functions are gradually being introduced, for example, the system, if necessary, calls a tow truck.

There are also huge benefits to using AI, surprisingly, for agriculture. Nowadays, the involvement of harvesting robots, drones providing reliable delivery of hazardous chemicals, and bots recognizing and eliminating weeds have become a real breakthrough. Many samples are already very affordable and make a real contribution to the fight against hunger in certain regions.

Clearly, AI introduces numerous benefits if used pointwise in a specific company or industry. Nevertheless, our world is not yet ready to accept the consequences of this innovation. However, cheaper materials, maintenance, and government provision of alternative jobs can multiply pluses and decrease drawbacks.

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Artificial Intelligence: AI is an American science fiction drama that was released in 2001. Steven Spielberg directed this film that was based, in part, on the short story by Brian Aldiss called Supertoys Last All Summer Long . In the film, the main character, David, is played by Haley Joel Osment. David is an 11-year-old boy… or is he?

Although no year is given for the setting, it seems to be in the near future. David is a mecha that is a realistic robot created by Professor Allen Hobby, played by William Hurt in the movie. David is the first robot to have genuine feelings, especially for his “mother” who adopted him as a substitute for her real son who is suffering from a terrible disease.

The real son is being held in suspended animation while the parents wait for a cure. Later, the son is cured and David’s life changes forever. The movie made over 78 million domestically and over 150 million internationally. It raises the question, can robots feel?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is arguably the most exciting field in robotics. It's certainly the most controversial. Everybody agrees that a robot can work in an assembly line, but there's no consensus on whether a robot can ever be intelligent.

Like the term "robot" itself, artificial intelligence is hard to define. Computer scientists prefer a looser definition, calling AI the study of how to make computers to do things. According to the technical dictionary − artificial intelligence is a field of study that explores how computers can be used for tasks that require the human characteristics of intelligence, imagination and intuition. Ultimate AI would be a recreation of the human thought process − a man-made machine with our intellectual abilities. This would include the ability to learn just about anything, the ability to reason, the ability to use language and the ability to formulate original ideas. But today’s AI machines can only replicate some specific elements of intellectual ability.

In early days of artificial intelligence, scientists thought that the computer would experience something like an electronic childhood, in which it would gobble up the world’s libraries and then begin generating new wisdom. Few people talk like this today because the problem of simulating intelligence is far more complex.

Today the term artificial intelligence encompasses several subsets of interests.

Problem solving. This area of AI includes a spectrum of activities from playing games to planning military strategy. The basic idea of AI problem-solving is very simple, though its execution is complicated. The computer can only solve problems it's programmed to solve − it doesn't have any generalized analytical ability. Existing chess computers are one example of this sort of machine.

Natural language. It is associated with artificial intelligence because humans can make the best use of AI if they can communicate with the computer in natural language. Furthermore, understanding natural language is a skill thought to require intelligence. In one of infamous example, the computer was supposed to demonstrate its prowess by translating a phrase from English to Russian and back. Despite the computer’s best efforts “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” came back “The vodka is good, but the meat is spoiled”. One of the most frustrating tasks for AI scientists is providing the computer with the sense of context that humans have.

Fuzzy logic. This is a type of artificial intelligence that allows machines to “think” more like humans, providing a method of precisely measuring vague concepts. Fuzzy logic was invented more than 25 years ago and had been used successfully in electronically controlled devices ranging from vacuum cleaners and automobile transmissions to subway system and rocket-docking system. It also helps guide self-guidance system in robots.

Expert systems. An expert system is a software package used with an extensive set of organized data that presents the computer as an expert on a particular topic. For example, a computer can be an expert on where to drill oil wells, or what stock purchase looks promising or how to cook soufflés. Therefore, these AI systems present programs that mimic the decision-making and problem-solving thought processes of human expert on some particular topic.

Robotics. This field involves endowing computer-controlled machines with electronic capabilities for vision, speech, and touch. Scientists hypothesize on how and why we learn and think, and they experiment with their ideas using robots. Some scientists focus on humanoid robots because they feel that being able to experience the world like a human is essential to developing human-like intelligence. It also makes it easier for people to interact with the robots, which potentially makes it easier for the robot to learn.

Although considerable progress has been made in these sophisticated fields of study, a hard band of scientists are continuing to explore AI, focusing on how computers to learn.

Find the answers to the questions.

1. What do you think artificial intelligence means?

2. Can robots be intelligent?

3. What false opinion was spread among some scientists in early days of AI?

3. What subsets of interests does AI encompass?

4. What is the main idea of AI problem-solving?

5. What is meant by fuzzy logic?

6. What is an expert system?

7. How does an expert system work?

8. Where might you find an expert system at home, at work?

9. What role does natural language play in a process of creating AI?

10. Give some successful and infamous examples.

11. What role will robots and AI play in our everyday life?

Complete the sentences.

1. Everybody agrees that . .

2. According to the technical dictionary . .

3. In early days of artificial intelligence . .

4. Few people talk like this today . .

5. . several subsets of interests.

6. . as an expert on a particular topic

7. . with the sense of context that humans have.

8. . which potentially makes it easier for the robot to learn.

Match the following English words with their definitions.

1. robot a. is a branch of computer science concerned with teaching computers to think.
2. an expert system b. is an approach to computing based on "degrees of truth" rather than the usual "true or false" (1 or 0) Boolean logic on which the modern computer is based.
3. artificial intelligence c. is a computer program that simulates the judgment and behaviour of a human or an organization that has expert knowledge and experience in a particular field.
4. robotics d. computers whose chips are designed to mimic the human brains
5. neutral networks e. traditionally recognize objects by their shapes or else “see” a dominant colour.
6. vision robots f. is a computer-controlled device that can physically manipulate its surroundings.
7. fuzzy logic g. is a branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture, and operation of robots.

True or false statements.

1. Artificial intelligence is only used in playing chess.

2. AI software can rely on vocabulary and rules of grammar for language translation.

3. In early days of AI, scientists thought that it would be useful just to stuff facts into computer; however facts are useless without the ability to interpret and learn form them.

4. Robots are distinct from ordinary computers in their physical nature -- normal computers don't have a physical body attached to them.

5. Robots have to look or act like humans but they don't need to be flexible to perform different tasks.

6. Already, there are prototype medical robots designed to ask patients about their symptoms and to provide counsel, simulating comforting emotions -- a role traditionally occupied by a human doctor.

7. Robots and artificial intelligence are two of the most exciting scientific fields today.

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