Исаакиевский собор сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Среди рекомендованных музеев и памятников есть Эрмитаж, Зимний дворец, Исаакиевский собор и Екатерининский дворец.

Among the recommended museums and monuments are Hermitage, Winter Palace, St. Isaac's Cathedral and Catherine Palace.

Исаакиевский собор не был единственным музейным объектом, на который претендовала РПЦ. Претензии касались нескольких объектов Владимиро-Суздальского музея-заповедника.

В городе, исторический центр которого охраняется ЮНЕСКО, находятся известные на весь мир музеи, театры, галереи, памятники архитектуры, культурные и образовательные учреждения: Эрмитаж, Исаакиевский собор, Российская национальная библиотека, Русский музей - лишь некоторые из них.

The city boasts world-famous museums, theatres, galleries, architectural monuments, cultural and educational institutions: the Hermitage, St. Isaac's Cathedral, Russian National Library, and the Russian Museum are just four of them.

Во время экскурсии, после осмотра основных достопримечательностей центральной, исторической части города, Вы посетите Исаакиевский собор - третий по величине купольный собор в мире, детище французского архитектора Монферрана, на строительство которого понадобилось 40 лет.

The cathedral is adorned with decorative sculptures. Some 20 varieties of decorative stone, including porphyry, malachite, lapis lazuli and marble, were used, transforming the cathedral into a museum of coloured stone.

Demands from Petersburg Metropolitanate that St Isaac's Cathedral (Isaakievskii sobor) be returned to it evoked a public outcry.

St Isaac's Cathedral

Designed by the architect Auguste Montferrand, St Isaac’s Cathedral is an outstanding monument of mid-19th century late Russian Neo-Classicism. Noteworthy is the Cathedral’s interior decoration, representing all forms of monumental and decorative arts – painting, sculpture, mosaic and colored stonework. Its main iconostasis is adorned with columns of malachite and lapis lazuli, while the main altar features the stained glass Christ Risen, a feature rarely seen in an Orthodox church.

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№ слайда 1

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In 1816 Alexander I charged the young French architect Auguste Ricard Montferran

№ слайда 5

In 1816 Alexander I charged the young French architect Auguste Ricard Montferrand with designing the Cathedral.

The cathedral was being built for 40 years. Looking at it one can understand how

№ слайда 6

The cathedral was being built for 40 years. Looking at it one can understand how much afford was made in order to carry out the architect’s plans. The Cathedral was being built on a swampy soil. Nearly 11 thousand piles and 120 granite columns were used to build it. The heaviest columns’ weigh was 144 tons. It took workers only 45 minutes to set the columns in their places.

In plan the Cathedral is an equilateral Greek cross with four porticos. It is fa

№ слайда 7

In plan the Cathedral is an equilateral Greek cross with four porticos. It is faced with grey Karelia marble. There are a lot of big arch windows. On the top of the Cathedral there is a great golden dome. The Cathedral is 101 m high.

The diameter of outer dome is 25 m. 100 kg of pure gold was used for building th

№ слайда 8

The diameter of outer dome is 25 m. 100 kg of pure gold was used for building the main dome.

On the porticos there are statues of 12 apostles. In the left side Peter the apo

№ слайда 9

On the porticos there are statues of 12 apostles. In the left side Peter the apostle hands the keys to the gate of Eden.

In the right side Paul the apostle hands a sword which is the symbol of his earn

№ слайда 10

In the right side Paul the apostle hands a sword which is the symbol of his earnest service to Christ.

On the northern relief you can see resurrection of Christ and in the centre ther

№ слайда 11

On the northern relief you can see resurrection of Christ and in the centre there is Christ risen from the dead. Beautifully made sculptures wonder.

The Cathedral is wonderful in any season.

№ слайда 12

The Cathedral is wonderful in any season.

Fill in the missing words: 1. In________ Alexander I charged the young architect

№ слайда 13

Fill in the missing words: 1. In________ Alexander I charged the young architect with designing the cathedral. 2. It was being built for _____years. 3. It took workers ____minutes to set the column in its place. 4. The total height of the cathedral is _______meters. 5. ______kg of pure red gold was used for building the main dome. 6. On the porticos there are _____apostles. 7. Peter the apostle hands _________________________ 8. Paul the apostle hands _________________ 9. ________________________supervised the building of the cathedral and was its architect

Использованные ресурсы: www.amfora-video.ru www.classicmp3.ru www.google.ru/imag

№ слайда 14

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
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Author: S.M. Tkhagusheva
Gymnasium 76, Sochi, Russia

St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It was found.

St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It was founded in 1703
гимназия №76, г. Сочи, Тхагушева С.М.

The beauty of the city amazes and takes the breath away. There are a lot of a.

The beauty of the city amazes and takes the breath away. There are a lot of architectural monuments. St. Petersburg can be called Palace City indeed.

One of the most amazing constructions in St. Petersburg is St. Isaac’s Cathe.

One of the most amazing constructions in
St. Petersburg is St. Isaac’s Cathedral.

In 1816 Alexander I charged the young French architect Auguste Ricard Montfer.

In 1816 Alexander I charged the young French architect Auguste Ricard Montferrand with designing the Cathedral.

гимназия №76, г. Сочи, Тхагушева С.М.

The cathedral was being built for 40 years. Looking at it one can understand.

The cathedral was being built for 40 years.
Looking at it one can understand how much afford was made in order to carry out the architect’s plans.
The Cathedral was being built on a swampy soil. Nearly 11 thousand piles and 120 granite columns were used to build it. The heaviest columns’ weigh was 144 tons. It took workers only 45 minutes to set the columns in their places.

In plan the Cathedral is an equilateral Greek cross with four porticos. It i.

In plan the Cathedral is an equilateral Greek cross with four porticos. It is faced with grey Karelia marble. There are a lot of big arch windows. On the top of the Cathedral there is a great golden dome. The Cathedral is 101 m high.

гимназия №76, г. Сочи, Тхагушева С.М.

The diameter of outer dome is 25 m. 100 kg of pure gold was used for building.

The diameter of outer dome is 25 m.
100 kg of pure gold was used for building the main dome.

On the porticos there are statues of 12 apostles. In the left side Peter the.

On the porticos there are statues of 12 apostles. In the left side Peter the apostle hands the keys to the gate of Eden.

In the right side Paul the apostle hands a sword which is the symbol of his e.

In the right side Paul the apostle hands a sword which is the symbol of his earnest service to Christ.

On the northern relief you can see resurrection of Christ and in the centre t.

On the northern relief you can see resurrection of Christ and in the centre there is Christ risen from the dead. Beautifully made sculptures wonder.

The Cathedral is wonderful in any season.

The Cathedral is wonderful in any season.

Fill in the missing words: 1. In________ Alexander I charged the young arc.

Fill in the missing words:

1. In________ Alexander I charged the young architect with designing the cathedral.
2. It was being built for _____years.
3. It took workers ____minutes to set the column in its place.
4. The total height of the cathedral is _______meters.
5. ______kg of pure red gold was used for building the main dome.
6. On the porticos there are _____apostles.
7. Peter the apostle hands _________________________
8. Paul the apostle hands _________________
9. ________________________supervised the building of the cathedral and was its architect

Использованные ресурсы:www.amfora-video.ru www.classicmp3.ru www.google.ru/im.

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