Is it easy to be a teenager сочинение

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

It has never been easy to be a teenager. I believe that the teenage period is the most important one in our life. It is the time when we receive our education and try to learn the right from the wrong.

Teenage hormones make young people more sensitive and emotional than usual. They feel quite miserable, hurt and rejected when they split up with their friends. Young boys and girls often suffer from depressions. Moreover, they constantly have serious arguments with their overprotective parents who try to control everything their children do and do not allow everything they want. Strong parents’ pressure to do well in school can also be really annoying for teens.

Teens often face a lot of problems in their relations with parents, teachers and friends. Sometimes they are teased or bullied by their elder brothers or other peers. They also need to be free and independent, so they can feel ashamed while going shopping with their mothers, for example. Some young people get jealous when their friends own a more expensive smart-phone model or a more fashionable piece of clothes.

There are young people who join teenage groups or gangs in order to express their individuality, to increase their self-esteem and to feel accepted and secure. However some subcultures are quite aggressive and opposed to the normal standards in our society. In many gangs teens start using drugs or alcoholic drinks and committing crimes.

One of the main problems among teenage girls is their worry about the body image. They compare themselves with other beautiful and fit girls in their class or even some celebrities and they strongly wish to look like them. This unhealthy self-esteem leads to serious eating disorders and such illnesses as anorexia and bulimia. Girls refuse to eat food in order to change their body shape and to become skinny and then gradually they can’t eat at all.

Most teenagers don’t know how to cope with their problems because they don’t feel like sharing their emotions and discussing them with their parents or friends. Young people are usually afraid of disapproval and misunderstanding. In this case it may be useful to consult a professional psychologist who can offer some good advice and probably give a helping hand.

Проблемы современных подростков

Быть подростком никогда не было легко. Полагаю, что подростковый период является наиболее важным в нашей жизни. Это время, когда мы получаем образование и пытаемся отличить плохое от хорошего.

Подростковые гормоны делают молодежь более чувствительной и эмоциональной, чем обычно. Они чувствуют себя довольно несчастными, обиженными и отвергнутыми, если расстаются с друзьями. Молодые парни и девушки часто страдают от депрессий. Более того, у них постоянно происходят серьезные ссоры с чрезмерно опекающими родителями, пытающимися контролировать все, чем занимаются их дети и не позволяющими делать, что им хочется. Сильное родительское давление на успехи в школе также очень раздражает подростков.

Подростки часто сталкиваются со множеством проблем в отношениях с родителями, учителями и друзьями. Иногда их дразнят или травят старшие братья или другие сверстники. Им также необходимо быть свободными и независимыми, поэтому им становится стыдно выходить за покупками вместе с матерью, к примеру. Некоторые молодые люди ревностно относятся к друзьям, имеющим более дорогую модель смартфона или более модную одежду.

Существует молодежь, вступающая в подростковые группы или банды для того, чтобы выразить свою индивидуальность, повысить самооценку и почувствовать себя признанным и защищенным. Однако некоторые неформальные группы довольно агрессивны и противопоставляют себя нормам нашего общества. Во многих группировках подростки начинают принимать наркотики или алкогольные напитки и совершают преступления.

Одной из основных проблем среди девушек-подростков является их беспокойство по поводу своей внешности. Они сравнивают себя с другими красивыми и стройными девушками в классе или даже со знаменитостями и очень хотят стать похожими на них. Эта нездоровая самооценка приводит к серьезным нарушениям в питании и таким заболеваниям, как анорексия и булимия. Девушки отказываются принимать пищу для того, что изменить свои формы и стать худыми и затем, постепенно, они вообще не могут есть.

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My granny says teenagers today are the laziest people in the world. From one side I can understand her. She sees us often using computer or phone, going around, chatting with our friends and so on. From another side, she can not even imagine how much busy we are. Our school program becomes more difficult, we have to think about future education and profession and pass some extra courses. That’s why we have to use computer every day, visit different places and still we have to communicate and keep in touch with our fellows.

I am a teenager and sometime I feel helpless. Adults are so busy today, that they don’t have time to speak to us and understand our problems. I am lucky to have my parents because they can always give me a piece of advice. Still a lot of my friends can not share their problems with their parents. I feel very sorry for them.

To be a teenager today means to be an adult person already. Some of us have a part-time job. It’s not mandatory, but this is the way to get some extra money.

Teenager today has to choose what to do in future. I am not ready to say which profession I want to choose. There are many interesting jobs I would like to try, but I have to make one only decision.

Unfortunately all the teenagers today are different. Some of us study at school and at home, go to library and visit extra classes. But you can meet many teenagers in the nightclub or walking around doing nothing, drinking alcohol and smoking.

Teenagers today are very different. I am proud to be a teenager. I know I have just started my way and my future depends only on me. Everybody has to make the own decision. And if you are a teenager but still consider yourself as a child, you will never become an adult. But if you think smart today, your life will be full and happy.

Я подросток

Моя бабушка говорит, что сегодняшние подростки - это самые ленивые люди в мире. С одной стороны, я понимаю свою бабулю. Она ведь видит, как каждый день мы сидим в компьютерах, пользуемся постоянно своими телефонами, гуляем по городу, общаемся с друзьями и так далее. С другой стороны, она даже не представляет, насколько загружены мы сегодня. Наша школьная программа становится все сложнее, мы должны думать о своём будущем образовании и проходить дополнительные курсы. Вот поэтому нам нужно пользоваться компьютером каждый день, посещать различные места и все же нам нужно общаться друг с другом, чтобы поддерживать связь с приятелями.

Я - подросток и порой чувствую себя совсем беспомощной. Взрослые так заняты сегодня, что у них нет времени поговорить с нами и понять наши проблемы. Я довольна своими родителями, потому что они всегда могут дать мне дельный совет. Но все-таки многие мои друзья не могут поделиться своими переживаниями с родителями. Мне их очень жаль.

Быть подростком сегодня - значит быть взрослым человеком. Некоторые из нас уже имеют работу на полдня. Это не обязательно, но так мы можем заработать немного денег.

Подростки сегодня должны выбрать, чем заняться в будущем. Я не готова вам сказать, какую профессию хочу для себя. Есть много интересных профессий, которые мне нравятся, но необходимо выбрать что-то одно.

К сожалению, все подростки сегодня абсолютно разные. Некоторые из нас много занимаются в школе и дома, ходят в библиотеку и посещают дополнительные занятия. Но многих подростков вы можете встретить в ночных клубах и слоняющихся по городу без дела, выпивая и покуривая.

Подростки сегодня все разные. Я горжусь, что я тинейджер. Я знаю, что только начала свой жизненный путь и мое будущее зависит только от меня.

Каждый должен сделать свой выбор сам. И если вы подросток, но ведёте себя как ребёнок, вы никогда не вырастите. Но если вы размышляете разумно, ваша жизнь станет счастливой и наполненной.

Название работы: Is it easy to be a teenager?

Категория: Конспект урока

Предметная область: Педагогика и дидактика

Описание: Last year 2009 is declared the year of young people. Youth is a very important period in the life of a man. This is the time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine the place in the universe.

Дата добавления: 2014-04-04

Размер файла: 86 KB

Работу скачали: 6 чел.

Тема: “ Is it easy to be a teenager?”

Мета: розвивати усне мовлення по темі уроку на основі проблемних питань та прослуханого тексту; систематизувати вживання вивченої лексики та висловів по темі; активізувати навички діалогічного мовлення; вчити учнів знаходити вихід із проблемної ситуації; виховувати в учнів повагу до своїх однолітків та дорослих.

Обладнання: підручник, картки, тексти, мультимедійна презентація, аудіо диск

І.Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

Dear friends! You are welcome to our lesson dedicated to the problems of teenagers.

-Listen, read and talk about…

  • Yourself
  • Youth problems
  • Youth life and interests
  • Find the necessary information quickly
  • Characterize people

. pieces of advice

2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

Last year 2009 is declared the year of young people. Youth is a very important period in the life of a man. This is the time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine the place in the universe.

II. Основна частина уроку.

1.Teacher: Young people face a lot of problems which are very important for them. Everybody of you is a teenager. What problems do you have in your daily life?

1.Problems with classmates.

2.My parents don’t understand me.

3.The first love.

5.Problems with friends.

6.I need pocket money.

7.I have too much homework.

8.I’ve got bad marks at school.

(Pupils speak on each problem)

2.Teacher: So, pupils, who are teenagers?

3.Teacher: Listen to the conversation between 5 teenagers. Try to tell me what is this dialogue about.

4.Teacher: Read the text and fill in the gaps in it:

politics, part-time, problems, spots, boring, money, chore, appearance, guy, drugs, grades

I am a teenager so my life isn’t easy. I have many (1)_______. My parents want me to get good (2)_______ at school. But I have so many subjects at school and some of them are extremely (3)_______. I have to do much homework and to read many foolish books, while some teachers don’t understand that their subjects are not the most important things in my life. Some of my friends worry a lot about their (4)_______ and their teenage (5)_______ which spoil our lives! I must confess that (6)_______, alcohol and AIDS don’t really bother me or my friends. The same I should say about (7)__________. What we really care about is how to impress a cute (8)_______ or an attractive girl. Of course I, like many other teenagers, have problems with (9)_______. Some of my friends found a (10)_______ job in order to have an opportunity to earn some money. But despite all these problems, the life of a teenager today isn’t a (11)_______, it is still fun.

1. problems;
2. grades;
3. boring;
4. appearance;
5. spots;
6. drugs;
7. politics;
8. guy;
9. money;
10. part-time;
11. chore

5.Teacher: Read the texts and choose the titles:

1. Teenagers’ Interests
2. Do Teenagers Have Problems?
3. Typical American Teenagers.
4. Are Teenagers a Problem?
5. What is a Teenager?

A . Officially, a teenager is anyone aged from 13 to 19 inclusively, but most people would probably think first of the younger age group and exclude 18 and 19-year-olds. After all, once you reach 18 you can vote, get married without your parents’ permission, and join the army. On the other hand, children are growing up and developing more quickly, and these days 11 and 12-year-olds would like to include themselves in the ‘teenager’ group.

B. According to ‘the older generation’, teenagers are lazy, they wear ridiculous clothes, and are appallingly rude to their betters and elders; they find it impossible to be polite, helpful, constructive, caring or hard-working. What’s more, they spend all their time listening to awful music and watching unsuitable films.

C. Teenagers are human so, of course, they have problems. It is a difficult time for them because it is a period of transformation. It isn’t quite as bad as a chrysalis changing into a butterfly, but it may seem like that. It isn’t easy to grow up, and the dramatic physical and emotional changes are often confusing and worrying.

D . Typical American teenagers are in fact very ordinary. They think their teachers make them work too hard; they love their parents, but are sure they don’t understand anything; and their friendships are the most important things in their lives. Some of them do have a lot of money to spend, but usually they have earned it themselves.

6. Навчальна бесіда Are you allowed to…

-watch films during the week?

-have friends stay over 10 p.m.?

-go out at the weekend?

-play music after midnight?

7.Teacher: What features are suitable if you want to describe a typical teenager?

Pupils: selfish, brave, creative, sociable, honest, decent, fun-loving, easy-going, well-wishing…

8.Teacher: Read the sentences and find the adjectives you think each sentence illustrates.

1.Sarah is friendly and enjoys being with other people. (…)

2.Mark was not at all interested in the project. (…)

3.Alfred was determined to be successful, rich and powerful. (…)

4.John isn’t afraid of anything- bunjee jumping, sky diving, even mountain climbing. (…)

5.Monica is sympathetic and kind about other people’s problems. (…)

6.When my cousin thinks that a situation is unacceptable, he usually shouts trying to make people do what he thinks is right. (…)

9.Teacher: Do the matching:

Match the adjectives to the reasons:

1.honest a) never stop talking

2.jealous b)not say a lot

3.talkative c)feel angry about not having what others have

4.shy d)talk to everybody

5.mean e)never betray friends

6.loyal f) able to think of new ideas

7.imaginative j)never tell lies

8.sociable h)hate spending money

10.Listen to the dialogue and then you’ll do the task.

The teenagers of a secondary school are going to participate in a show programme "Face Art Show" during the English Language Week. Young fans all over the school know that the participants are very talented. Everybody is waiting for a fascinating show and an extraordinary disco party after it.

Ann: You look amazing! I've never thought I can paint on somebody's face. Like it?

Jane: Let me have a look. Wow! How impressive it is! There's no doubt,

my face fits the character of Silver Moon now.

Ann: Just a second! Let me finish a star above your eyes.

Jane: Oh, Ann! You are really a gifted person.

Ann: Thank you. I like the costume you are wearing. Have you made it by yourself?

Jane: Not really. My mum made it, but I helped her to decorate it with

beads and all this romantic stuff.

Ann: You look perfect! How about the show? You are supposed to

dance, aren't you?

Jane: Yes, of course. It's the most difficult dance I've had. I've taken

up jazz and hip-hop*, but nothing could have ever prepared me

for dancing the waltz with my partner.

Ann: Who is the one?

Jane: Andriy, he's a good dancer and the turns we do. It's so sweet and romantic.

Ann: Oh! You have to be proud of Andriy. Boys don't like classical . dances so he does an amazing job. Now I know that things are good with you, and where's Maria? I have to finish her face decor. Here she is! Hi, Maria! You look excited! What's up?

Olena: That's all because of Petro! He's run away again! We've never trained to dance break together. I know that he can dance well, but practice makes perfect.

--Teacher: say if the statements are true or false :

1. The children are preparing for the school carnival.

2.They have painted their faces and made wonderful clothes.

3.Jane has never danced the waltz before.

4.Olena and Petro are going to perform a break dance.

5.Ann does the face décor.

6.The girls made their costumes by themselves.

11.Listening to the text:

I am very worried. My children play computer games very often. They eat their meals while they are playing. They don’t do their homework. Yesterday my son Leo came home at 5 p.m. He started to play on the computer. He played thirty minutes. Then my daughter came. They played for an hour more. I asked them to go out to ride bikes. They didn’t want to. They played computer games until 9 o’clock. I know computers are useful but not for my children. They don’t talk with me or with their friends. They always play computer games. What should I do?

- Answer the questions:

1.Who is worried about the children. Why?

2.What did her children do after school yesterday?

3.Did they go out to ride bikes?

4.How many hours did Leo play on a computer?

5.Did they communicate with friends?

6.What advice can you give to the mother.

-Grouping.( Find the ending or the beginning)

They eat their meals…while they are playing.

They don’t …do their homework.

…with my friends.

He played …thirty minutes.

…for ten hours more.

I asked them…to go out.

- Retelling of the text.

12.Work in pairs. Give pieces of advice to grown-ups.

I can climb the highest mountain,

Sail across the wildest sea,

Now that I’ve discovered

That I’m happy to be me.

I can study mathematics,

Be a man of high degree,

Now I’ve solved the puzzle

That I’m happy to be me.

I can make the finest music,

Write a book of poetry,

Now I’ve learned the lesson

That I’m happy to be me.

I can do the things

Live a life that’s great and free,

How I’ve found the secret

That I’m happy to be me.

14.How do you imagine your life ten years from now?

15.Teacher: Let it be as you want and listen to the song “Let It Be”

III . Заключна частина уроку.

1.Домашнє завдання 1)написати листа до мами

2) підготуватись до диктанту

2.Підведення підсумків уроку.

Is it easy to be young?

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Hello, my name is [your name] and I'm a teenager.My life is very interesting, because I was born in the era of electronics and computers.Anytime I can use My computer to find any interesting information or to find an interesting book. but apart from that I can call my friend to go for a walk and to visit the cinema or any other interesting place and that's why I think that a teenager is the best age in our time.
Здравствуйте, меня зовут [твоё имя] и я подросток.Жизнь Моя очень интересна, потому что я родился в эпоху электроники и компьютеров.В любое время я могу использовать Мой компьютер, чтобы найти какую-либо интересную информацию или найти интересную книгу. но помимо этого я могу позвонить моему другу, чтобы пойти на прогулку и посетить кинотеатр или любое другое интересное место и вот почему я думаю, что подросток это лучший возраст в наше время.

The most important day in my life is when I realized that the need to appreciate the time, when you are close to their relatives (parents).
It all started with the fact that his parents had to go to another city, because of my grandmother's illness, and I was given the opportunity to make a choice: to move with them to another city or to continue their studies in the same school and stay in that city in which I am now (Astana). Considering all the pros and cons, I gave an unexpected answer, that is to remain. I thought that it would not be difficult because next to me is my aunt, so much I never made a mistake. I had to allocate your budget every month, often cooking, cleaning in general to do what my mother did before.
And now, after a long separation with the closest people to me, finally came the long-awaited vacation I bought a ticket, and a few days later I was already in the arms of his mother. And at that moment I realized that this is one of the most important days of my life, I realized that I had become a little more mature, more independent, more confident. It was not small, but at the same time, rewarding experience for me. In the distance from your parents, I realized, as they are dear to me. I love and appreciate their parents.

1. No. I've got a camb.
2. No. She's got fair hair.
3. He's got a cold.
4. We've got them.
5. No. I've got a headache.
6. No. She has got a sister.
7. They have got a cat.
8. We have got £50.
9. They have got a little boy.
10. No. It has got a cinema.

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