How to make friends сочинение

Обновлено: 18.05.2024

Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
- explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



Some people say that it is easier to make friends than to keep them, whereas others say that it is not true. They consider keeping friends as an easier job.

In my opinion it is easier to make new friends than to keep good relationship with the old ones. First of all , making new friends takes less time . For example , one can go to a club and make a lot of new friends in a few hours. Secondly , it is easier to impress people when a person just meets them for the first time. For instance , people tend to show only good qualities in the beginning of any relationship. They are always polite, they smile and are always ready to help.

At the same time there are some people who think that it is easier to keep friends than to make them. They say that it is really hard to come up to a stranger and start a conversation. There is also a big chance to meet a person with completely different interests who peple can hardly get along with.

I my opinion those people are just too shy to talk to a stranger. In order to keep good relationship one should have qualities like tolerance and understanding that are hard to find nowadays .

In conclusion I would like to say that it is not very easy to make new friends or to keep them. Yet , choosing between what is easier I would say that making new friends is easier than keeping current friends. Making new friends takes less time and effort, patience and willingness to compromise than keeping current friends.

Most people would agree that there are a lot of important values, but friendship is one of the most significant. Everybody has friends; life without friendship is life without living. Who is a friend? It is a person, whom one likes, respects and trusts. Still, it is easier to make new friends, if you are communicative, reliable and humorous.

For a start, sociable people can naturally get acquainted with interesting people. They also can find many topics for communication. Moreover, it is easier for outgoing people to share feelings, emotions, exiting thoughts. Friends are needed for this.

Besides, human who is reliable is a really good friend. We should trust our mates, but how can we trust lying people, who is capable of betraying.

We cannot rely on them.

Finally, humor is one of the most important life’s elements. It can connect long friendship of different people for many years. It is very good to have old friends, because it is not easy to make new ones. British proverb says: “Old friends and old vine are the best”.

All in all, if people want to find or keep friends they should be communicative, reliable, humorous and they should be themselves.

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Most people would agree that there are a lot of important values, but friendship is one of the most significant. Everybody has friends; life without friendship is life without living. Who is a friend? It is a person, whom one likes, respects and trusts. Still, it is easier to make new friends, if you are communicative, reliable and humorous.

For a start, sociable people can naturally get acquainted with interesting people. They also can find many topics for communication. Moreover, it is easier for outgoing persons to share feelings, emotions, exiting thoughts. Friends are needed for this.

Besides, human who are reliable is a really good friend. We should trust our mates, but how can we trust lying people, who are capable of betraying.

We cannot rely on them.

Finally, humor is one of the most important life’s elements. It can connect long friendship of different people for many years. It is very good to have old friends, because it is not easy to make new ones. British proverb says: “Old friends and old vine are the best”.

All in all, if people want to find or keep friends they should be communicative, reliable, humorous and they should be themselves.

Friendship is very important today. We study, work, have stress and solve many problems every day. It’s difficult to do everything alone. Sometimes we need help and support, a piece of good advise and just someone to listen to us. At the end of the day there must be a person who can say that everything will be alright. This person is a true friend. It’s not easy to find good friend and it’s more difficult to be a good friend.

There are different kind of friends and in general it’s easy to make friends. But it’s almost impossible to save them. We can make new friends everyday. In a park, at school, in the bus and on vacation we meet different people and make friends. The question is if you can trust them. Today everyone has friends. But you can ask any person and he will tell you that friends come and go away. Because it is really difficult to keep friends close to you.

While we are children, we have a lot in common with our friends. At the university we change our hobbies and we have less time for our friends. When we marry and go to work we don’t have time at all. So friendship is over. You can give a call in a holiday or have a coffee one weekend.

But people also say that a friendship can lasts forever. Everything depends on us. We also have to support our friend, help him and give advise sometime. If you call them and give presents to each other on holidays your friends will be with you.

In general I think that family is the most important thing in our life. Friendship is something can help us to manage with stress. But it’s also something can let us down. I like to make new friends, but I really trust only my family. Also I think you don’t have to try to keep friends, because real ones will always be with you.

Легче заводить друзей, чем оставлять их

Дружба сегодня очень важна. Мы учимся, работаем, получаем стресс и решаем много проблем каждый день. Трудно все это делать в одиночку. Порой нам нужна помощь и поддержка, хороший совет и просто кто-то родной, чтобы выслушал нас. В конце дня где-то должен быть человек, который скажет, что все будет в хорошо. Этот человек - настоящий друг. Нелегко найти хорошего друга, но ещё сложнее быть таковым.

Есть разные друзья. И вообще заводить друзей не так уж и сложно. Но практически невозможно сохранить их. Мы можем заводить новых друзей каждый день. В парке, в школе, в автобусе и на отдыхе мы встречаем разных людей и заводим знакомства. Другое дело, можете ли вы доверять им. Сегодня у каждого есть друг. Но спросите любого и он ответит, что друзья как приходят, так и уходят. Ведь удержать друга рядом достаточно трудно.

Пока мы дети, у нас есть много общего. В университете меняются наши хобби и предпочтения, у нас уже меньше времени, чтобы проводить с друзьями. Когда мы женимся и идём работать, у нас нет времени на друзей вообще. Так дружба заканчивается. Вы можете позвонить им на праздник или выпить чашку кофе на уикенд.

Но люди также говорят, что есть дружба, которая длится вечно. Все зависит лишь от нас. Мы должны поддержать нашего друга, помочь ему в трудную минуту и дать совет порой. Если вы звоните им и дарите подарки друг другу по праздникам, ваши друзья всегда будут с вами.

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It’s easier to make friends than to keep them

A person in a modern postindustrial society can make many more social contacts with other people than a few decades ago. Because of it the close relations between people have become much more valuable. Is it difficult to save them?

Some people claim that we have a lot of possibilities to make friends, especially with the Internet. The opponents of this view believe that the main goal is not to make an acquaintance but to find a real friend and save him. So do I.

There are various barriers in the way of the maintenance of friendship. First of all, it demands to be involved in the companion’s life and be caring to him. Furthermore, a person who is a friend in one’s opinion can have completely opposite of one’s worldview. This difference can be so great that it will be impossible to continue the relations. The partners should be strong personalities who can give in and change their mind to stay friends.

It can be argued that nowadays we are able to choose our fellows as we want. For instance, the Internet made it possible to find a man with the same judgments and values who will be loyal and will never betray.

I completely disagree with this statement because we cannot look into one’s head and understand his temper, his nature. How does this character behave with others? We cannot find out so without a long communication with him. No matter how much someone’s views are similar to yours, he may still be a bad friend. Only one way to get a real friend whom you can trust is to train him in your acquaintance and also train yourself to be same because the friendship is always mutual.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize the main idea that the constant supporting of the close relations is much more complicated and much more difficult than searching for them because it requires from you much more attention, patience and loyalty to your friend.

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