Хоббит сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Летом я не только гулял, купался и загорал. Когда шел дождь, я читал свои любимые книжки. А бабушка мне подарила на день рождения книгу про хоббитов. Она мне очень понравилась, и я хочу рассказать о ней.

Главный герой книжки — хоббит Бильбо. Хоббиты — маленькие существа ростом меньше людей. У них на ногах растет густой мех, поэтому они не носят ботинки. Они такие маленькие, что могут быстро прятаться, и никто не может их найти. Я думаю, что хоббиты — это сказочные герои, которых придумал писатель Толкин для своей сказки. Хоббиты не любят приключений и путешествий. Они живут в уютных теплых норках, как кролики. Но Бильбо не такой. Он хотел путешествовать, но боялся, потому что никто из его друзей никогда не путешествовал. Бильбо помог добрый волшебник Гэндальф. Он сделал так, чтобы хоббит отправился за древними сокровищами гномов к страшному

дракону Смогу. С ним пошли 13 гномов. Гномы — это тоже сказочные герои. Они маленькие, но выше хоббитов, и добывают золото в горах. От хоббитов гномы еще отличаются тем, что они бородатые, а хоббиты нет.

В путешествии гномы, хоббит Бильбо и волшебник Гэндальф встретили разные приключения. Один раз их чуть не съели злые великаны тролли, но Гэндальф спас всех. Он спрятался в кустах и передразнивал глупых великанов, пока солнце не превратило их в камень. Они еще дрались с гоблинами и злыми волками-варгами. Потом они повстречались с эльфами. Эльфы очень веселые. Они пели веселые и смешные песенки и помогли гномам и Бильбо добраться до дракона и сокровищ.

Мне понравилось, как под землей, когда он убегал от гоблинов, Бильбо играл в загадки с Голлумом и выиграл у него волшебное кольцо. Когда Бильбо надевал это кольцо на палец, то его никто больше не видел. Это кольцо помогло Бильбо убежать от злых гоблинов И найти снова своих друзей-гномов.

Дракон в сказке злой и свирепый. Дракон Смог сжег огнем целый город и съел много людей. За это люди убили его стрелами. Но дракон заразил всех драконовой болезнью: все захотели взять себе его золото. Поэтому началась ссора между гномами и хоббитом, между людьми и эльфами. Каждый говорил, что золото должно при надлежать ему. Но кончилось в сказке все хорошо, потому что на героев напало огромное войско гоблинов. И все объединились, потому что в одиночку победить гоблинов нельзя. После победы каждый получил часть сокровища, потому что заслужил ее. Бильбо вернулся домой и стал курить там трубку и вспоминать свои приключения. Бильбо в путешествии многое узнал. Он нашел новых друзей и понял, что сидеть дома скучно. Ведь иногда нужно отправляться в путешествие, особенно если с тобой идут друзья. Мне очень понравилась эта книга. В ней люди и другие герои победили злого дракона, каждый нашел много друзей. И еще эта книжка зовет путешествовать.

My favourite film is “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring”. It is the first film of the ”Lord of the Rings“ film series, based on the book of the same name by J. R. R. Tolkien. The film was shot in 2001. It was directed by the New Zealand film director Peter Jackson.

The film is set in Middle-earth – a land where such “goodly” races as hobbits, elves, dwarfs and men live. Since the ancient times they have warred with orcs, goblins and trolls. At the beginning of the film we learn about the One Ring – a powerful weapon created by the Dark Lord Sauron – which was occasionally found by Bilbo Baggins, the hobbit.

On his 111th birthday Bilbo had a great party, after which he suddenly departed and left his young cousin Frodo all his belongings, including the magic ring.

A few years later Gandalf, the wizard, visits Frodo to tell him the truth about the ring. A short time after that Frodo and three of his friends leave Shire. They are followed by the Black Riders, who are searching for Frodo and the Ring. On their way they meet a new friend Aragorn.

The Black Riders attacked Frodo and his friends and one of them stabbed Frodo in the shoulder with a cursed knife. Aragorn took Frodo and the hobbits to the Rivendell where his wound was healed and the Fellowship of the Ring was formed to take the One Ring to Mordor and destroy it.

Перевод на русский язык

Действие фильма происходит в Средиземье – земле, где живут такие "добрые" расы как хоббиты, эльфы, гномы и люди. С древних времен они воевали с орками, гоблинами и троллями. В начале фильма мы узнаем о Кольце Всевластия – могущественном оружии, созданном Темным Властелином Сауроном, которое было случайно найдено хоббитом Бильбо Бэггинсом.

На свой 111-й день рождения Бильбо устроил большую вечеринку, после которой он внезапно исчез и оставил все свое имущество, в том числе волшебное кольцо, своему молодому кузену Фродо.

Через несколько лет волшебник Гэндальф навестил Фродо и рассказал ему правду о кольце. Вскоре после этого Фродо и трое его друзей покинули Шир. Их преследовали Черные Всадники, которые искали Фродо и Кольцо. На пути они встретили нового друга Арагорна.

Черные Всадники атаковали Фродо и его друзей, и один из них ударил Фродо в плечо проклятым клинком. Арагорн помог Фродо и хоббитам добраться до Ривенделла, где рану Фродо залечили, и где появилось Братство кольца, целью которого было доставить Кольцо в Мордор и уничтожить его.

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien is set in a fantasy world that has differences, as well as similarities, to our own world. The author has created the novel s world, Middle Earth, not only by using imagination, but by also adding details from the modern world. Realistic elements in the book enable readers to relate to the setting, yet have the ability to “imagine” exciting events and organisms not found on Earth.

The majority of differences between Middle Earth and today s world are found in objects and the actions of characters that can not be carried out or created in our world. The most abundant example of this in The Hobbit is the presence of magic. Gandalf, the wizard, is able to help the adventurers out of a number of dangerous situations by using his magical powers to harm their enemies. He set Wargs afire while he was trapped in a tree and created a bolt of lightening to kill many of the Goblins who had surrounded the group in a cave. The magical ring, which was a key to helping the group succeed in the book, allowed he who was wearing it to become invisible to others. Also, there was a black stream in Mirkwood that made he who drank out of it suddenly very drowsy and forgetful of previous events. All of these examples of happenings and objects found in Middle Earth are physically impossible in a world such as ours.

Several of the organisms in the book are not known to exist on Earth. Hobbits, of course, are fictional characters, as are dwarves, elves, goblins, and trolls. Many species of animals are able to vocally communicate with humans and dwarves in the novel, which is not possible on our planet. Beorn, a human who is able to morph into other creatures at an instant, is an excellent example of such fiction. The dragon, Smaug, is the main adversary of the fourteen adventurers and is a type of creature that has long been used in fantasy writing. Although most of the characters species are merely creations of the author, they all exhibit a sense of realism that causes them to seem almost human.

There is a vast difference between Middle Earth and the modern world, but there are also several similarities. In Middle Earth, there live humans, and hobbits, which are very much similar to miniature people. The language spoken and food consumed in the novel s world are found in modern society. Also, the fact that Thorin Oakenshield is heir of the throne of the King under the Mountain and inherits all of the riches of the kingdom is like the parliamentary system of England. The environment and terrain the group passes through on their adventure is primarily the same as lands unchanged by humans and surrounded by nature appear today. In the novel, there are forests with miles of trees, high, rocky mountains, and flowing rivers just as there are here on Earth.

It is not possible that a fantasy story such as The Hobbit could occur in real life. However, I do believe that fantasy can effectively teach us about reality. There are morals, lessons, and themes to be found within the text that can help us gain knowledge and live our lives more productively.

Bilbo Baggins took a stand and raised enough courage to do something he had never thought of doing before, going on a great adventure. This choice caused Bilbo to gain endurance, bravery, an appreciation of his life, and many valuable experiences that made him a wiser person. Thorin s selfish act of not wanting to share the dragon s riches with the other towns citizens caused only bad events to occur. This teaches us that kindness and giving to others will not only benefit them, but will also cause you to feel more content inside. When the group of fourteen was staying with Beorn to rest, he gave them suggestions and information about the journey that lie ahead of them. He informed them about a black stream out of which they should never drink, no matter how thirsty they may be, for it would put them to sleep for days. If they had not listened to his words, their adventure would have ended, as they all would have consumed the water and probably been captured by enemies. Their experiences teach us that it is wise to listen to those with more knowledge than us, as it is likely that they have been in our position before and have experience. If we shun them and take their words as mere bragging, then we are missing an opportunity to learn and will probably make a mistake that we could have prevented. Although The Hobbit is fictional, one can learn much about reality in the morals it contains.

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Рассказ-описание фильма на английском языке с переводом


My favourite film is “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring”. It is the first film of the ”Lord of the Rings“ film series, based on the book of the same name by J. R. R. Tolkien. The film was shot in 2001. It was directed by the New Zealand film director Peter Jackson.

The film is set in Middle-earth – a land where such “goodly” races as hobbits, elves, dwarfs and men live. Since the ancient times they have warred with orcs, goblins and trolls. At the beginning of the film we learn about the One Ring – a powerful weapon created by the Dark Lord Sauron – which was occasionally found by Bilbo Baggins, the hobbit.

On his 111th birthday Bilbo had a great party, after which he suddenly departed and left his young cousin Frodo all his belongings, including the magic ring.

A few years later Gandalf, the wizard, visits Frodo to tell him the truth about the ring. A short time after that Frodo and three of his friends leave Shire. They are followed by the Black Riders, who are searching for Frodo and the Ring. On their way they meet a new friend Aragorn.

The Black Riders attacked Frodo and his friends and one of them stabbed Frodo in the shoulder with a cursed knife. Aragorn took Frodo and the hobbits to the Rivendell where his wound was healed and the Fellowship of the Ring was formed to take the One Ring to Mordor and destroy it.

Действие фильма происходит в Средиземье – земле, где живут такие "добрые" расы как хоббиты, эльфы, гномы и люди. С древних времен они воевали с орками, гоблинами и троллями. В начале фильма мы узнаем о Кольце Всевластия – могущественном оружии, созданном Темным Властелином Сауроном, которое было случайно найдено хоббитом Бильбо Бэггинсом.

На свой 111-й день рождения Бильбо устроил большую вечеринку, после которой он внезапно исчез и оставил все свое имущество, в том числе волшебное кольцо, своему молодому кузену Фродо.

Через несколько лет волшебник Гэндальф навестил Фродо и рассказал ему правду о кольце. Вскоре после этого Фродо и трое его друзей покинули Шир. Их преследовали Черные Всадники, которые искали Фродо и Кольцо. На пути они встретили нового друга Арагорна.

Черные Всадники атаковали Фродо и его друзей, и один из них ударил Фродо в плечо проклятым клинком. Арагорн помог Фродо и хоббитам добраться до Ривенделла, где рану Фродо залечили, и где появилось Братство кольца, целью которого было доставить Кольцо в Мордор и уничтожить его.

любимый фильм текст на английском языке

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I like movies very much, especially fantasy. My favorite movie is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The movie came out in 2001, but it is still very good. Of course, I have seen all the Harry Potter movies, but the first one is special for me.

The movie is set in modern England and in a fictional place called Hogwarts. The story is a mixture of real-life drama and fantasy. The main character of the movie is a ten-year-old orphan Harry. His parents died when he was a baby, and now he lives with his foster parents and his stepbrother who do not like him. Although Harry has a family, he is a very lonely boy.

What I like about this movie is how drastically Harry’s life changed one day. On his eleventh birthday he was invited to study at Hogwarts, the magic school that, as it turned out, his parents attended. He started learning how to use magic and fly on a broomstick. He found good friends and a new home. At the beginning of the movie, Harry is just an ordinary boy. At the end of the movie, he is a hero and one of the most promising young wizards in Hogwarts.

In the following movies, Harry’s story continues, but I like the first one the most. For me, it is not just a story about magic, wands, spells, it is a story about ordinary people and friendship. Yes, Harry, Ron, and Hermione can cast spells, but do not seem to be some sort of mysterious creatures. For us, they are just normal people. They speak and act like any kids of their age. I like Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone because it is the beginning of their story. The storylines of the main characters develop as they grow up in the other movies, but it is so nice to see them at the beginning of their journey.

Текст на английском языке с переводом. Мой любимый фильм / My Favorite Movie

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