Have you ever been the victim of a crime сочинение

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

The fragment from the cartoon “Captain Vrungel” is in progress

Teacher: So, hear we are! Any ideas if you have got any-you are welcome-also remember to use the structure patterns, you see on the screen, in your sentences-5-7 seconds are given to you to concentrate and think it over.

The following structure patterns are displayed on the screen-these patterns are

As far as I have become aware……..I can judge/suppose/admit/assume that the topic will be……

If you ask me I personally reckon that……….

Pupil I As far as I have become aware according to the fragment we have just seen I can suppose that we shall be talking about bandits, hooligans, people who do something illegal about the police who keep an eye on people like those and try to prevent them from committing a crime!

Pupil II If you ask me, I personally reckon, that the topic will be about crimes committed by criminals , the advantages(merits and demerits)of leading an out-of-law life!

Teacher: I can’t but agree with you, my friends, all your guesses are right to the point-you are reading my mind like an open book-At our lesson today we shall dwell upon the topic under the title

“Crime and punishment”

But it’s not by chance since you are perfectly aware that this topic is very actual now-a-days to speak about and not only in our country.

Why do you think it is?

It won’t be an exaggeration to point out/underline and so on.

Another significant point I am about to highlight:

Pupil I: the structure pattern………….that the crime rate has increased lately, the world has become cruel and wild, people live and act just like the Latin proverb has it-Homo hominy-Lupus est. (Человек человеку-волк). People, no doubt, get what they deserve but in most of cases innocent people are punished and so on….

Pupil II: the structure pattern…………. Is that people can’t be tolerant to each other, they can’t solve misunderstanding on friendly terms and the result of that we face cruel and inhuman bomb attacks nearly in all parts of the world

Teacher : Thank you very much for your answers and my next question will be the following:

Is the place where you live safe enough to go out at night? What preventive measures can you take if it is not?

Pupil I: Of course not as Moscow streets are alive with the unemployed who can hardly keep their body and soul together –well, anyone can easily turn out to be a victim of a crime.

Pupil II: I suppose that there is the only place in Moscow where the person can feel safe and sound is Rublevskoye highway where, as the rumors fly, there are two policemen for a soul there.

Pupil III: If you ask me, I try to choose the lit streets that lead directly to my place of living! If I am about to delay or come late at night-my parents stay alert and are always in the fighting trim to meet me when I call them and ask to do me a favour.

Teacher: Thanks for your excellent work and now I want you to get the idea how we call the people who commit different sorts of crimes-(the task is in your folders, friends, have a look!) and

You are asked to match the name of a criminal with the wrongdoing he is usually blamed for.

1) A poacher, a) brings goods into one country fro another illegally
2) A burglar, b) steals things from people pockets, especially in a crowd
3) An arsonist, c) attacks and robs people, especially in public places
4) A blackmailer, d) kills for political reasons or reward
5) A mugger, e) hunts illegally on somebody’s land
6) A hijacker, f) sets fire to property
7) A kidnapper, g) breaks into someone’s house to steal valuables
8) A pickpocket, h) writes anonymous letters with threats and asks for ransom (выкуп)
9) A shoplifter, i) captures an aircraft demanding to complete all his/her conditions
10) A smuggler, j) captures kids by force and keeps them till the time all his demands are met
11) A vandal, k) takes goods from a shop without paying
12) An assassin, l) destroys monuments, doing harm to everything he sees around

The pupils are taken with the task on matching (the answers appear on the screen)

Teacher: Have you ever been a victim of a crime?

Pupil I: Yes, I have- it was once I was waiting for the train to arrive at the platform – I was leaving for Rostov –on – Don to pay my relatives a short visit and my all belongings were snatched.

Pupil II: No, I have not! God gracious-I am a lucky strike! So far I have not been a victim of a crime but my friend has-he was stopped by muggers near his block of flats and robbed him on the cell-phone.

Teacher: Dear friends, I reckon an old lady deserves pity to be taken on her since she was a victim of a crime and the assignment is to listen to the tape twice and fill in the missing information in the police report given.

3 Сопоставьте подчеркнутые слова / фразы с их значениями: напал силой; доверительно / легко обманули, небольшие / несовершеннолетний; уводить чье-то внимание от чего-то; увлечен; недавно, в шоке, удалите это тканью; неожиданно. Затем объясните слова жирным шрифтом.
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Преступление и закон

2) Понедельник 1 ноября 09:03:12
Стив. Грабители недавно ворвались в наш дом, в то время когда мы спали наверху! Мы с сестрой услышали шум, поэтому разбудили нашего папу, который вызвал полицию. К тому времени, когда полиция прибыла, грабители ушли. Пока мы проверяли то, что они украли, сосед сообщил о краже также и в их доме. Полиция поймала их с поличным! Мой папа должен дать показания в суде через несколько

b Какое из преступлений является наиболее серьезным? Сравните с партнером, для каких преступлений будет следующее:
• обратиться в суд • заплатить штраф • сесть в тюрьму
• отделается предупреждением • общественные работы
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5 Выберите правильные слова. Проверьте в списке слов.
1 Адам должен идти в суд из-за нарушения правил дорожного движения.

3) Четверг 28 октября 11:14:32
Давид. Раньше я думал, преступление было чем-то, что происходит с другими людьми, пока меня не ограбили в прошлом году по дороге домой из школы. Злоумышленник просто появился из ниоткуда, угрожал мне ножом, схватил мобильный телефон и убежал. К счастью, я был в состоянии опознать грабителя по фото в полицейском участке. Он был известным преступником в этом районе, так что полиция знала, где его найти. Во всяком случае, он признался в преступлении, полиция арестовала его, и он получил два года тюремного заключения! Я был потрясен и оскорблён, но могло быть намного хуже. Я даже получил свой телефон обратно!

4) Суббота 30 Октября 20:11:54
Анна. Я шла за покупками в центр города, когда вдруг, что-то вроде птичьего помёта упало на мое плечо! Сразу же, так называемый прохожий появился с тканью стереть его. Только когда я потянулась за своим бумажником, чтобы оплатить что-то, я поняла, что он был украден. Когда я сообщила о преступлении в полицию, мне сказали, что это часто происходит в последнее время. Эти люди профессиональные карманники, которые используют любые средства, которые могут отвлечь их жертв!

2 грабители были задержаны и предстали перед судом.
3 Незаконно посягать на частную собственность.
4 Судья признал его виновным в убийстве.
5 Убийца получил пожизненное лишение свободы.
6 Не было свидетелей аварии.
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6 Заполните пробелы глаголами ниже в правильном напряженной форме.
1: Вы когда-нибудь нарушали закон?
B: Ну, мне когда-то пришлось заплатить штраф за превышение скорости!
2: А: Человек признался в краже со взломом?
B: Да, полиция арестовала его, и он появится в суде в четверг.
3: А: Значит воры не ушли с ограблением тогда?
B: Нет, они этого не смогли. Охранники погнались за ними, чтобы они не смогли убежать с деньгами.

4: А: Судья признал мужчину виновным в опасном вождении?
B: Да, но он позволил ему только заплатить большой штраф.
5: А: Правда ли, что ваш сосед только что был осужден за мошенничество?
B: Да, он был приговорен к десяти годам тюремного заключения.
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7 Продолжи рассказ. Используй эти слова: внезапно, грабить, захватывать, нападать, угрожать, опознал, преступник.
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Подумай! Что означает пословица? Согласны ли вы с этим? Почему / почему нет?
!Слова Мудрости
Преступление никогда не оправдывается.


Tue Oct 26 16:34:06

A couple of months ago, received a letter out of the blue saying I'd won a prize in an international lottery. I couldn't even remember buying a ticket! Anyway, I contacted the people the letter was from, who asked me to send them a 'fee' to process my winnings. Like an idiot, I fell for it and sent them the money. I realised it was a scam when I didn't hear from them again. So basically, the 'prizes' don't exist. These terrible fraudsters are just trying to trick gullible people (like me!) into sending them money. The police say they've been investigating this crime for a while now, but they haven't found the culprits yet.

Mon Nov 1 09:03:12

Burglars recently broke into our house while we were sleeping upstairs! My sister and I heard a noise, so we woke up our dad, who called the police. By the time the police arrived, though, the burglars had gone. While we were checking what they had taken, a neighbour reported a burglary at their house too. The police caught them red- handed! My dad's got to give evidence in court in a few weeks!
Perhaps you've been taken for a ride by a con artist or been the victim of some other petty crime? Or maybe the crime was something more serious? Let's see what our readers say.

Thur Oct 28 11:14:32

I used to think crime was just something that happened to other people until I got mugged on the way home from school last year. The attacker just came out of nowhere, threatened me with a knife, grabbed my mobile phone and ran away. Fortunately, I was able to identify the mugger from a photo at the police station. He was a well-known criminal in the area, so the police knew where to find him. Anyway, he confessed to the crime, the police arrested him, and he received a two-year prison sentence! I was shaken up and bruised, but it could have been a lot worse. I even got my phone back!

Sat Oct 30 20:11:54

I was out shopping in the town centre when suddenly, something that looked like bird mess landed on my shoulder! Immediately, a so-called passer by appeared with a cloth to wipe it off. It wasn't until I reached for my wallet to buy something that I realised it had been stolen. When I reported the crime to the police, I was told that this has been happening a lot lately. These people are professional pickpockets, who use any means they can to distract their victims!

Главная задача сайта: помогать школьникам и родителям в решении домашнего задания. Кроме того, весь материал совершенствуется, добавляются новые сборники решений.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

A B C D 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4

ABCD 1111 2222 3333 4444

someone who enters a building illegally in order to steal things

someone who enters a building illegally in order to steal things


someone who attacks people in public places and steals their money, jewellery.

someone who attacks people in public places and steals their money, jewellery, or other possessions

A mugger

 someone who steals money or property

someone who steals money or property

a robber

someone who steals items from a shop

someone who steals items from a shop

A shoplifter

 someone who damages or destroys things, especially public property

someone who damages or destroys things, especially public property

a vandal

the crime of killing someone

the crime of killing someone


the crime of making and selling illegal copies of computer programs, books.

the crime of making and selling illegal copies of computer programs, books, videos, or CDs;


the crime of entering a building illegally in order to steal things

the crime of entering a building illegally in order to steal things


to discover a fact or piece of information

to discover a fact or piece of information

Find out

to try to discover the facts about something such as a problem or crime

to try to discover the facts about something such as a problem or crime

Look into

to search for someone or something

to search for someone or something

 look for

to arrive or appear unexpectedly

to arrive or appear unexpectedly

Turn up

to meet someone or find something by chance

to meet someone or find something by chance

 Come across

to find an answer to something by calculating it

to find an answer to something by calculating it

Work out

When you trick somebody to get money or something from them

When you trick somebody to get money or something from them


a person believed to have committed a crime or done something wrong

a person believed to have committed a crime or done something wrong

A suspect

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Crimes and punishments

Crimes and punishment.

Одна из старых, но интересных разработок, которые я делала во времена работы в Лесомеханическом техникуме. Для студентов специальности "Правоведение" я проводила открытый урок по теме ".

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Задания повышенного уровня сложности. Предполагается использование на заключительном уроке соответствующей темы.

Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment

Answer the questions. 1) How many different kinds of crime can you name? 2) Have you or anyone you know ever been the victim of crime? 3) What do you think would be the worst thing about being in prison? 4) What makes people commit crimes? 5) Can the crimes be prevented? If yes, how? 6) Can private detectives help us? In what cases? 7) Are you for or against the death penalty (capital punishment)? 8) Do you think that life-term imprisoning is a fair measure for cruel criminals?

Answer the questions.

1) How many different kinds of crime can you name?

2) Have you or anyone you know ever been the victim of crime?

3) What do you think would be the worst thing about being in prison?

4) What makes people commit crimes?

5) Can the crimes be prevented? If yes, how?

6) Can private detectives help us? In what cases?

7) Are you for or against the death penalty (capital punishment)?

8) Do you think that life-term imprisoning is a fair measure for cruel criminals?

What kinds of crime do you know? blackmail hijacking terrorism mugging murder pick- pocketing crime shoplifting forgery burglary drug- trafficking smuggling kidnapping

What kinds of crime do you know?


Match the word with its definition 1) blackmail a. stealing something from someone’s home 2) terrorism b. taking a person hostage in exchange for money or other favors 3) mugging c. killing someone 4) pickpocketing d. buying and selling drugs 5) forgery 6) drug-trafficking e. taking something illegally into another country 7) kidnapping f. threatening to make a dark secret public in order to get money g. stealing something from a shop 8) smuggling h. the robbing of a plane for political or other reasons 9) burglary 10) shoplifting i. using violence for political ends 11) murder j. to try to pass off a copy as the real thing 12) hijacking k. attacking someone in the street to get money l. stealing from someone’s pocket or handbag

Match the word with its definition

1) blackmail

a. stealing something from someone’s home

2) terrorism

b. taking a person hostage in exchange for money or other favors

c. killing someone

4) pickpocketing

d. buying and selling drugs

6) drug-trafficking

e. taking something illegally into another country

7) kidnapping

f. threatening to make a dark secret public in order to get money

g. stealing something from a shop

8) smuggling

h. the robbing of a plane for political or other reasons

10) shoplifting

i. using violence for political ends

j. to try to pass off a copy as the real thing

12) hijacking

k. attacking someone in the street to get money

l. stealing from someone’s pocket or handbag

Look at the picture of Sheila Dixon and answer the questions Where is she? What’s she doing? Who do you think the man is? Why is he watching her?

Look at the picture of Sheila Dixon and answer the questions

Sheila is a shoplifter. She steals things from shops. What has she stolen? Look at the picture for one minute. Make a list of things you remember.

Check your list up an apple some bubble bath a chicken some champagne a magazine some cheese a melon some coffee an orange some milk some bananas some shampoo some biscuits some spaghetti some chocolates some washing powder some flowers some whisky some grapes

Check your list up

some bubble bath

some washing powder

How do we call a person who judge Conducts a trial and passes the sentence? Has a first-hand knowledge of the event and gives evidence under oath in court? Brings a suit against another person? In cooperation with other person is to decide the truth of the case tried before the judge? Helps in a crime or who keeps a crime secret? Who acts for the state in prosecuting criminals? Who breaks laws? Who is believed or suspected in committing a crime and brought before the court? Who suffers from an offence? witness plaintiff juror accomplice public prosecutor accused suspect victim

How do we call a person who

  • Conducts a trial and passes the sentence?
  • Has a first-hand knowledge of the event and gives evidence under oath in court?
  • Brings a suit against another person?
  • In cooperation with other person is to decide the truth of the case tried before the judge?
  • Helps in a crime or who keeps a crime secret?
  • Who acts for the state in prosecuting criminals?
  • Who breaks laws?
  • Who is believed or suspected in committing a crime and brought before the court?
  • Who suffers from an offence?

Complete the sentences with the words given below bank robbers, burglars, muggers, pickpockets, steal (*4), rob (*2), break into 1) __________usually “work” in crowded, busy places They __________things from people when they’re not looking. 2) _______often “work” at night or when people are away on holiday. They ______houses, shops and offices and ______ things. 3) _________usually “work” in quiet streets or places where there aren’t any witnesses. They______ people and ______anything valuable that the person has on them. They are sometimes violent. 4) ___________often carry guns. They _____ banks. Sometimes they _______ a lot of money. pickpockets are stealing burglars rob steal muggers steal rob steal bank robbers rob

Complete the sentences with the words given below

bank robbers, burglars, muggers, pickpockets, steal (*4), rob (*2), break into

1) __________usually “work” in crowded, busy places They __________things from people when they’re not looking.

2) _______often “work” at night or when people are away on holiday. They ______houses, shops and offices and ______ things.

3) _________usually “work” in quiet streets or places where there aren’t any witnesses. They______ people and ______anything valuable that the person has on them. They are sometimes violent.

4) ___________often carry guns. They _____ banks. Sometimes they _______ a lot of money.

Complete the text with the words from the box defend, got time off , committed a crime, were tired , guilty, was released from , witnessed, pay a fine , innocent, prosecuting , served, charged with , acquitted of, accused of , sentenced to, passed verdict on , pleaded not guilty. Bill (1)______________ when he robbed a bank. Someone (2)__________the crime and told the police. The police (3)__________him ______bank robbery. They also(4)__________his twin brother, Ben, __ _ being his accomplice. The case came to the court and they (5)__________. The trial did not last very long. Bill and Ben both (6) __ _____________in court. Their lawyer did her best to (7)________them but the (8)___________lawyer produced a very strong case against them. After brief deliberations, the jury (9)________________them. They decided that Bill was (10)_______but Ben was (11)________. The judge (12)_________Ben ____any involvement in the robbery but (13)_________ Bill ___three years in prison. He also had to (14)______a large_____. Bill (15)_____ 2 years in prison but (16) __ ____________prison a year early. He (17)__________for good behaviour. witnessed committed a crime with charged accused of were tired pleaded not guilty defend prosecuting passed verdict on guilty innocent of sentenced acquitted pay fine served to was released from got time off

Complete the text with the words from the box

defend, got time off , committed a crime, were tired , guilty, was released from , witnessed, pay a fine , innocent, prosecuting , served, charged with , acquitted of, accused of , sentenced to, passed verdict on , pleaded not guilty.

Bill (1)______________ when he robbed a bank. Someone (2)__________the crime and told the police. The police (3)__________him ______bank robbery. They also(4)__________his twin brother, Ben, __ _ being his accomplice. The case came to the court and they (5)__________. The trial did not last very long. Bill and Ben both (6) __ _____________in court. Their lawyer did her best to (7)________them but the (8)___________lawyer produced a very strong case against them. After brief deliberations, the jury (9)________________them. They decided that Bill was (10)_______but Ben was (11)________. The judge (12)_________Ben ____any involvement in the robbery but (13)_________ Bill ___three years in prison. He also had to (14)______a large_____. Bill (15)_____ 2 years in prison but (16) __ ____________prison a year early. He (17)__________for good behaviour.

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