Future development of television сочинение

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Mass media are one of the most characteristic features of modern civilizations. People are united into one global community with the help of mass media/ People can learn about what is happening in the world very fast using mass media.

The mass media include newspapers, magazines, radio, TV.

Magazines appeared in 18 century.

The most exciting and entertaining kind of mass media is television. It brings moving pictures and sounds directly to people’s homes. So one can see events in faraway places.

Radio is widespread for its portability. It can be easily carried around. People like to listen to the Radio in the park, on the beach, at the seaside, in the car, while driving a car, on the picnic. The main kind of radio entertainment is music, news, musical quiz.

Newspapers can present all comment on the news in much detail in compares on to radio and TV.

Magazines are designed to be kept for a long time. So it have cover and binding. They are printed on better paper then newspapers.

The youngest kind of mass media is global computer net called Internet. I think that Internet is kind of mass media of the future. People can find on word wild web whole information about all things from sport to travel, from music to shopping. Internet is the most advanced and fast-growing kind of digital media. It gives people the freedom of speech and self-expression unavailable before, at the same time allowing many new and unforeseen combinations of different media types. Internet is also the foundation of new technologies that will impact the society in numerous ways, such as e-commerce and virtual multi-user communities.

There are commercial stations, they sell advertising time to pay for their operating costs and to make profit/ The public stations are nonprofit organizations.

Commercial TV stations broadcast mostly entertainment programs to attract lager number of viewers.

These programs include light dramas called situation comedies, action-packed dramas about life of detectives, police officers, lawyers and doctors, show dancers and singers, movies, quiz shows, soap operas, cartoons, talk shows. On talk shows a host interviews politicians, TV, movie stars athletes. There are also sport programs, brief summaries of local, national and international news.

Advertising is an important part of commercial TV. Commercials appear between and during most programs. They urge viewers to bye different kinds of products – from dog food to hair spray, from cars to insurance polices.

Public TV focuses mainly on education and culture. Public TV also broadcasts plays, ballets, symphonies as well as programs about art and history. It attract less viewers then commercial TV.

TV. Past and Future.

In just half a century, television has covered the planet. TV affects our daily life is a way that no other media can. It was simply an idea of a machine able to broadcast both sound and vision.

First TV-sets were in black and white.

Since 1980 there have been four major developments of TV. The first is video, which has given viewers the power to control what they watch and when they watch it. These days, fifty percent of homes have a video-cassette-recorder (VCR) and millions more are being sold every year.

The third development is cable – a system of hi-tech wires. Which provides even more channels.

Будущее телесвязи

Я хотел бы рассказать вам о телекоммуникациях и их будущем.
Мы не можем отрицать роль телекомуникаций в нашей жизни. Интернет, телефон, телеграф, сотовый телефон, радио, телевидение, спутниковое телевидение, сотовые видеотелефоны — все это средства связи. В настоящее время мы живем в информационной эре, когда информация — это ключ и двигатель прогресса. Нашему обществу для своего будущего развития нужно развивать средства информационного обмена, именно поэтому все типы телесвязи находятся в процессе постоянного развития.
Будущее — это скорость и мощь. Новые технологии в электронике продолжают развиваться. Компьютеры становятся более компактными, быстрыми и недорогими. Технология оказывает революционное влияние на общество только тогда, когда она универсальна. Реальная революция в производстве, накоплении и обработке материала начинается только после появления первой машины и создания систем телекоммуникаций. В древних машинах энергия была неотъемлемой частью самой машины, но в процессе развития, разделения производства появились новые способы передачи и потребления энергии.
Революционные изменения в использовании энергии, связанные с появлением универсальных электрических механизмов и энергетических систем и социальный переход к информационному обществу наблюдается во всех странах.
На основе аналогии между материей, энергией и информацией могут быть воплощены и наши будущие идеи. Ранее, например, количество изготовленного Металла играло стратегическую роль и было определяющим в развитии. Теперь мы экономим металл, энергию и думаем об энергосберегающих технологиях.
Очень трудно предсказать все шаги развития телекоммуникаций. Телекоммуникации очень сильно изменяют мир и, возможно, изменят и самого человека в будущем.

1. What means of telecommunication do you know?
2. Why are all types of telecommunication under the permanent developing?
3. What is the engine of progress nowadays?
3. Can we connect to the Internet using our cell phone today?
4. What was invented late in the nineteenth century?
5. Are social changes to informational society observed in all the countries?
6. Why do we develop the telecommunication system?

telecommunications — телекоммуникация, дальняя связь
to deny — отрицать, отказываться от
cell phone — мобильный телефон
exchange — обмен
to develop — развивать, совершенствовать
growth — прирост, рост
permanent — постоянный
compact — компактный
to exert — оказывать влияние
revolutionary — революционный
influence — воздействие, влияние
manufacture — производство
treatment — обработка
ancient — древний, старый
source — источник
to combine — комбинировать
transmission — передача
consumption — потребление
modification — модификация, усовершенствование, изменение
power grids — энергетические системы
to observe — наблюдать
description — описание
to predict — предсказывать, предвидеть

Топик The Future of Telecommunications - Будущее телесвязи

I would like to tell you about telecommunications and their future.

Revolutionary modifications in use of energy connected with appearance of universal electric machines and power grids, social changes to informational society are observed in all the countries.

On base of analogy between matter, energy and information we can have ideas about future. Earlier, for example, number of manufactured metal played the strategic role and was the description of development. Now we save metal, energy and we think about energy saving technologies.

It is very difficult to predict many steps of telecommunication development. Telecommunications change world very much and probably will change the human being.

Перевод топика: Будущее телесвязи

Я хотел бы рассказать вам о телекоммуникациях и их будущем.

Мы не можем отрицать роль телекомуникаций в нашей жизни. Интернет, телефон, телеграф, сотовый телефон, радио, телевидение, спутниковое телевидение, сотовые видеотелефоны — все это средства связи. В настоящее время мы живем в информационной эре, когда информация — это ключ и двигатель прогресса. Нашему обществу для своего будущего развития нужно развивать средства информационного обмена, именно поэтому все типы телесвязи находятся в процессе постоянного развития.

Будущее — это скорость и мощь. Новые технологии в электронике продолжают развиваться. Компьютеры становятся более компактными, быстрыми и недорогими. Технология оказывает революционное влияние на общество только тогда, когда она универсальна. Реальная революция в производстве, накоплении и обработке материала начинается только после появления первой машины и создания систем телекоммуникаций. В древних машинах энергия была неотъемлемой частью самой машины, но в процессе развития, разделения производства появились новые способы передачи и потребления энергии.

Революционные изменения в использовании энергии, связанные с появлением универсальных электрических механизмов и энергетических систем и социальный переход к информационному обществу наблюдается во всех странах.

На основе аналогии между материей, энергией и информацией могут быть воплощены и наши будущие идеи. Ранее, например, количество изготовленного Металла играло стратегическую роль и было определяющим в развитии. Теперь мы экономим металл, энергию и думаем об энергосберегающих технологиях.

Очень трудно предсказать все шаги развития телекоммуникаций. Телекоммуникации очень сильно изменяют мир и, возможно, изменят и самого человека в будущем.

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A. Ten years ago, even five, your question would have seemed absurd for a TV lover. Yes, if you wanted to wait for your favorite shows to come out on DVD, and pay a significant amount of money for that privilege, you could dump your TV. To tell the truth, your question is the one that scares television networks, cable companies and advertisers.

Personally, I do not see any threat to television at the moment. Television is developing, it has gone digital and offers new and interesting services. I would still rather watch television on the big screen, particularly now with flat screens, showing programs in high definition. If you're a sports fan, then I'd also hold on to your television. Watching a baseball, football or hockey game in HD is a transformative experience. And if you like the control the DVR gives you (for example, you are able to skip advertisements or watch programmes any time you want), you need to think twice.

Q. I have the most unimaginative question for you: What is the task at hand when you transport your newspaper to the Web? How do you do that?

A. Actually there's nothing unimaginative about the question. But I’ll have to make the answer imaginative. First of all, our mission is to bring the interactivity of the Web to the newspaper and spread journalistic standards and depth to the Web.

Secondly, we want our online newspaper to be timely, lively and to reflect the excitement and dynamism of the Web. One of the best examples of new possibilities is the world of blogs. Blogs allow writers to present news and information in a quick way and conversational tone. At the same time, they allow readers to join in the discussion.

Q. I believe, that in spite of their conversational tone, blogs should keep to high standards of traditional print journalism. But how do you keep a respectful tone in a conversation of hundreds or thousands of readers?

A. That's a challenge we deal with every day and it's one we take very seriously. Our blogs are all overseen by our editors, and every comment by readers is reviewed by our staff to make sure that they are not abusive and are on the topic discussed.

Q. In the digital era news is updated round the clock. For example, when breaking stories appear online, you can always see the time of their last update. How does this continually updated style correspond to the more traditional newswriting process? Do writers spend more or less time working on and improving articles? (Matthew Stoff)

A. I think most news reporters at most newspapers would tell you that the needs of online journalism have greatly changed their jobs in the past decade.

These days, reporters are often asked to file articles to the Web shortly after news events take place. On some breaking stories we expect an extremely quick response. In the competitive news environment, minutes often count.

To help our reporters manage the demands, our newspaper has a small staff of reporters and editors dedicated to online news.

Q: What does going digital mean both for readers and newspaper staff members?

A. Oh, now it takes 30 minutes to read all of my printed local newspaper, this is if you take the time to read the editorial! Since advertisers took away all their classified ads, my paper now makes money by adding photographs to the death notices. Dead people smiling out at you now, that's journalism! Newspapers cut down their size, they become compact, some of them are not daily newspapers anymore. They are issued 3 – 4 times a week. Reporters lose their jobs … The solution of all these problems lies in the future. What’s the future of mass media? I invite you to think about it.

Ex. 2c

Q: What does going digital mean both for readers and newspaper staff members?

A. Oh, now it takes 30 minutes to read all of my printed local newspaper, this is if you take the time to read the editorial! Since advertisers took away all their classified ads, my paper now makes money by adding photographs to the death notices. Dead people smiling out at you now, that's journalism! Newspapers cut down their size, they become compact, some of them are not daily newspapers anymore. They are issued 3 – 4 times a week. Reporters lose their jobs … The solution of all these problems lies in the future. What’s the future of mass media? I invite you to think about it.

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