Эрнест хемингуэй сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

The life of Ernest Hemingway exemplifies courage, valor, and fortitude as he recovered from a World War I wound, stalked big game, and pursued other blood sports. In fact, where there was action, there was Hemingway. This influential writer, who uses his simple prose to portray strong, stoic characters, ultimately created his own genre of “good guy” characters-the “Hemingway code hero.” These anti-heroes, as they are sometimes called, are a strange brew. He created this hero as a result of his vision of the world after World War I. Hemingway and other writers of that time were called the “Lost Generation” by Gertrude Stein who saw that they all had lost their idealism due to the senseless bloodshed of the war. With no positive outlook on life, Hemingway created characters like himself who confront the meaninglessness of life in various settings, such as nature, night, rain, and fields of battle. Thus, Hemingway uses setting to reveal Frederic Henry in A Farewell to Arms, Nick Adams in “Big Two-Hearted River,” and the old man in “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” as “Hemingway code heroes.”

In another story, “Big Two-Hearted River,” Hemingway depicts a wounded veteran of World War I returning to the northern woods to heal, perhaps as Frederic Henry might have done. As Nick meticulously puts together his tent, meticulously baits his hook, and carefully catches and releases his fish, he reveals himself to be a Hemingway code hero. In putting up his tent so carefully, Nick shows great self-discipline, as well as his need to perform rituals that are familiar, mechanical, and require no thinking. A typical code hero, Nick sees the healing benefits of separating himself from people, grabbing a fishing pole, and getting back to nature where the cycle of life and death is predictable and meaningful. With a pole in his hand and the sun’s rays at his back, Nick has endless hours to relax and keep his mind off the meaninglessness of the war in which he was nearly killed and one of his friends, Hopkins, died. Nick, a typical code hero, can now mend his wounds and enjoy his separate peace with the war in this soothing, natural setting.

Another Hemingway code hero found in “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” is a much older version of the previous two men. The old, hearing impaired man is a nightly patron at a small caf where he enjoys indulging himself by carefully sipping alcohol as he tries to cope with his loneliness and isolation. His nights are especially lonely for he has no wife. His niece, the one who cut him down after he, in despair, tried to commit suicide, is the only one in his life to care for him. The old man, after realizing life has no meaning for him, enjoys the caf setting because he can be near two waiters who essentially let him alone, get drunk with dignity, and forget he is dying of old age. The old, nihilistic man, craving the well-lighted caf and his saucers of brandy, manages to cope and show grace under pressure, like a true code hero, despite the fact that he knows his life means nothing in this world, and he is soon going to die.

Through his settings, Hemingway reveals these three code heroes. Frederic, in A Farewell to Arms, is a code hero who is stoic in the face of danger. Nick, in “Big Two-Hearted River,” is a code hero who isolates himself from man and uses nature to heal both his physical and mental wounds, and the old man in “A Clean, Well-Lighted place” is a code hero who, even though he realizes that life has no meaning, manages to cope with death and depression and show grace under pressure in this dark and lonely world. These code hero traits are embodied in Hemingway’s own life. In a sense, a part of each of these three heroes’ lives or stories is an autobiographical vignette of Hemingway’s own life.

Ernest Hemingway is one of the great 20th century American writers. His incredible career, and the legend which developed around his impressive personality, was that of a man of action, a devil-may-care adventurer, a brave war correspondent, an amateur boxer, a big-game hunter and deep-sea fisherman, the victim of three car accidents and two plane crashes, a man of four wives and many loves, but above all a brilliant writer of stories and novels.

Hemingway was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. His father was a doctor who initiated the boy into the outdoor life of hunting, camping and fishing. In high school Hemingway played football and wrote for the school newspaper.

In 1917, when the United States entered the First World War, Hemingway left home and schooling to become a young reporter for the Kansas City Star. He wanted to enlist for the war but was rejected because of an eye injury from football. Finally he managed to go to Europe as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross. He joined the Italian army and was seriously wounded.

His war experience and adventurous life provided the background for his many short stories and novels. He achieved success with A Farewell to Arms, the story of a love affair between an American lieutenant and an English nurse during the First World War.

Hemingway actively supported the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War and wrote another successful novel of war, love and death. It was For Whom the Bell Tolls. During the Second World War Hemingway was a war correspondent first in China and then in Europe. He fought in France, and helped to liberate Paris.

In his later years Hemingway lived mostly in Cuba where his passion for deep-sea fishing provided the background for The Old Man and the Sea. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954.

Hemingway is famous for his lean style, which has been widely imitated but never matched. His heroes show courage in the face of danger, a characteristic which Hemingway admired greatly and which he prided himself on possessing.

Unwilling to live with the inevitable physical aging, Hemingway committed suicide, as his father had done before him under similar circumstances.

Мой любимый писатель (Эрнест Хемингуэй)

Эрнест Хемингуэй является одним из великих американских писателей 20-го века. Его невероятная карьера, и легенда, которая развилась вокруг его впечатляющей личности, характеризует его как человека действия, бесшабашного авантюриста, храброго военного корреспондента, боксера-любителя, охотника и глубоководного рыбака, жертвы 3 дорожно-транспортных происшествий и двух авиакатастроф, мужа 4 жен и многих любовниц, но прежде всего блестящего писателя рассказов и романов.

Хемингуэй родился в 1899 в г. Оук-Парк, штат Иллинойс. Его отец был врачом, который инициировал занятия мальчика охотой, туризмом и рыбалкой. В школе Хемингуэй играл в футбол и писал для школьной газеты.

В 1917 году, когда Соединенные Штаты вступили в Первую мировую войну, Хемингуэй покинул свой дом и школьное образование, чтобы стать молодым репортером в "Канзас Сити Стар ". Он хотел принять участие в войне, но был отвергнут из-за травмы глаза из футбола. Наконец ему удалось уехать в Европу, водителем машины скорой помощи Красного Креста. Он присоединился к итальянской армии и был тяжело ранен.

Его опыт войны и приключений стали фоном для его многочисленных рассказов и романов. Он добился успеха с "Прощай, оружие", - историей любви между американским лейтенантом и английской медсестрой во время Первой мировой войны.

Хемингуэй активно поддерживал республиканцев в гражданской войне в Испании и пишет еще один успешный роман о войне, любви и смерти. А именно "По ком звонит колокол ". Во время Второй мировой войны Хемингуэй был военным корреспондентом сначала в Китае, а затем в Европе. Он воевал во Франции и помогал освобождать Париж.

В последние годы Хемингуэй жил в основном на Кубе, где его страсть к глубоководной рыбной ловли стала основой для "Старик и море ". Он был удостоен Нобелевской премии по литературе в 1954 году.

Хемингуэй известен своим тонким стилем, которому широко подражали, но никогда не повторяли. Его герои проявляют мужество перед лицом опасности, характеристикой, которой Хемингуэй восхищался значительно и гордился тем, что обладает ею.

Не желая смириться с неизбежностью физического старения, Хемингуэй покончил с собой, как и его отец сделал до него, при аналогичных обстоятельствах.

После ознакомления с содержанием Топика ( Сочинения ) по теме " О Себе " Советуем каждому из вас обратить внимание на дополнительные материалы. Большинство из наших топиков содержат дополнительные вопросы по тексту и наиболее интересные слова текста. Отвечая на не сложные вопросы по тексту вы сможете максимально осмыслить содержание Топика ( Сочинения ) и если вам необходимо написать собственное Сочинение по теме " О Себе " у вас возникнет минимум сложностей.

Если у вас возникают вопросы по прочтению отдельных слов вы можете дважды нажать на непонятное слово и в нижнем левом углу в форме перевода есть отдельная кнопка которая позволит вам услышать непосредственно произношение слова . Или также вы можете пройти к разделу Правила Чтения Английского Языка и найти ответ на возникший вопрос.

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway is one of the greatest 20th-century American writers. The legend which developed around his impressive personality was that of a man of action, a devil-may-care adventurer, a brave war correspondent, an amateur boxer, a big-game hunter and deep-sea fisherman, the victim of three car accidents and two plane crashes, a man of four wives and many loves, but above all a brilliant writer of stories and novels.
Hemingway was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. His father was a doctor who initiated the boy into the outdoor life of hunting, camping, and fishing. While at school, Hemingway played football and wrote articles for the school newspaper.
In 1917, when the United States entered the World War I, Hemingway left home and schooling to become a reporter for "The Kansas City Star". He wanted to enlist for the war but was rejected because of an eye injury from football. Finally he managed to go to Europe as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross. He joined the Italian army and was seriously wounded.
His war experience and adventurous life provided the background for his many short stories and novels. He achieved success with "A Farewell to Arms", the story of a love affair between an American lieutenant and an English nurse during the World War I.
Hemingway actively supported the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War and wrote another successful novel of war, love and death. It was "For Whom the Bell Tolls".
During the World War II Hemingway was a war correspondent first in China and then in Europe. He fought in France and helped to liberate Paris.
In his later years Hemingway lived mostly in Cuba where his passion for deep-sea fishing provided the background for "The Old Man and the Sea". He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954.
Unwilling to live with the inevitable physical aging, Hemingway committed suicide, as his father had done under similar circumstances.

Эрнест Хемингуэй

Ernest Hemingway is one of the greatest 20th-century American writers. The legend which developed around his impressive personality was that of a man of action, a devil-may-care adventurer, a brave war correspondent, an amateur boxer, a big-game hunter and deep-sea fisherman, the victim of three car accidents and two plane crashes, a man of four wives and many loves, but above all a brilliant writer of stories and novels.

Hemingway was born in 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois. His father was a doctor who initiated the boy into the outdoor life of hunting, camping, and fishing. While at school, Hemingway played football and wrote articles for the school newspaper.

In 1917, when the United States entered the World War I, Hemingway left home and schooling to become a reporter for "The Kansas City Star". He wanted to enlist for the war but was rejected because of an eye injury from football. Finally he managed to go to Europe as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross. He joined the Italian army and was seriously wounded.

His war experience and adventurous life provided the background for his many short stories and novels. He achieved success with "A Farewell to Arms", the story of a love affair between an American lieutenant and an English nurse during the World War I.

Hemingway actively supported the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War and wrote another successful novel of war, love and death. It was "For Whom the Bell Tolls".

During the World War II Hemingway was a war correspondent first in China and then in Europe. He fought in France and helped to liberate Paris.

In his later years Hemingway lived mostly in Cuba where his passion for deep-sea fishing provided the background for "The Old Man and the Sea". He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954.

Unwilling to live with the inevitable physical aging, Hemingway committed suicide, as his father had done under similar circumstances.

Эрнест Хемингуэй

Эрнест Хемингуэй — один из самых великих американских писателей 20-го столетия. Легенда, которая была создана вокруг его необычной личности, была легендой о человеке действия, безрассудном авантюристе, храбром военном корреспонденте, боксере-любителе, охотнике на крупную дичь и подводном охотнике, жертве трех автомобильных катастроф и двух авиационных катастроф, муже четырех жен, и многих любовных приключений, но прежде всего блестящем авторе рассказов и романов.

Хемингуэй родился в 1899 г. в Оук-Парке, Иллинойс. Его отец был доктором, который приобщил мальчика к жизни на открытом воздухе и рыбной ловле. Находясь в школе. Хемингуэй играл в футбол и писал статьи для школьной газеты.

Во время Второй мировой войны Хемингуэй был военным корреспондентом сначала в Китае, а затем в Европе. Он сражался во Франции и помогал освобождать Париж.

Нежелающий жить с неизбежным физическим старением, Хемингуэй совершил самоубийство, так же как поступил его отец при подобных обстоятельствах.

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