Его сочинение гораздо интереснее чем твое или мое

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Correct them.D E C E M B E R , 24 WednesdayChristmas is going to be fun: much people are coming,the house will be crowded. There will be a little youngmen. I’m happy, I love dancing, I’m sure to get manypresents tomorrow.D E C E M B E R , 25 ThursdayIt was a wonderful morning. I got much presents underthe firtree: many from my parents and grandparentsand a little from my friends.The Christmas dinner was delicious: much cakes andsweets. I didn’t eat many, I wanted to dance much.The evening was fun. I danced a lot with all the boys.(B) Translate into English.1. В бутылке есть немного воды.

2. Кто из них переводит много статей с русского на английский?3. Сколько иностранных языков вы собираетесь учить? 4. Извините, у меня мало времени, и я не могудолго разговаривать с вами. 5. Мы будем обедать через несколько минут. 6. В комнате много света.7. Вы пригласили много гостей? 8. Ты увидишь его через несколько дней. 9. У вас сегодня много илимало работы? 10. В субботу в магазинах много народа. 11.

У нас сегодня было много посетителей.12. Он зарабатывал мало денег и не мог жить в большом городе. 13. Я прочёл много книг по этомувопросу. 14. Ты знаешь много французских слов? 15. Сейчас в университете мало студентов, сейчасканикулы.245THEPRONOUN2. TESTSI1.Ты можешь обойтись (do without) без моей помощи, а без её помощи не можешь.Куда ты положил деньги? - Они в кошельке.По обе стороны улицы стояли большие дома.Он внимательно осмотрел каждую комнату.

Все они были большими и уютными.Можно мне взять словарь? - Вы можете взять любой из двух, но не оба. - Я возьму либо тот,либо этот словарь.6. Все люди любят праздники. Все хотят праздника.7. Некоторые из нас поехали поездом, а другие полетели самолётом.8. Казалось, они были одни и смотрели только друг на друга.9. Мы дошли до другого конца коридора и остановились.10. Я не ем много фруктов. Сколько яблок вы принесли?11. В сахарнице очень мало сахара.12. Вчера в парке было мало детей.II1.Его сочинение гораздо интереснее, чем твоё или моё.Мой брат бреется через день.

Пойди побрейся.Съешь ещё мороженое. - Спасибо, мне больше не надо. Я больше не хочу.В гостинице есть две свободные комнаты. Можете занять любую.Обе руки у него были заняты. Он нёс по чемодану в каждой руке.Он пролил всё молоко (spill).Все сведения поступили вовремя. Теперь все знают об этом.Всё здание было разрушено.Оба говорили по-английски, они хорошо понимали друг друга.Театр находится на другой стороне улицы.Подождите, пожалуйста, я должен надеть другой пиджак.Я купил всего несколько книг, но потратил много денег.IIII1.Ты не умеешь вести себя.

- The party was veryenjoyable.A prefix (e.g. im -) added to an adjective generallyhas a negative effect:□ I think it’s possible to solve the problem. Ithink it’s impossible to solve the problem.-able (capable of being)-ible (like -able)-ful (full of)-ic-ive (capable of being)-ant, -ent-(i)an (historical period, etc.)-ish (having the quality of)-ly, -y (having this quality)-ous-al-en (made of; similar to)manageablepermissibleboastfulenergeticattractivehesitantVictorianfoolish, reddishfriendly, snowyhumorousoccasionalwooden, goldenuninilimdisir-uncooked, unimaginableincapable, inhumanillegal, illegibleimmoral, impracticaldishonest, disagreeableirresponsible, irregularNote pre- (pre-war) and hyper- (hyperactive), whichdo not create opposites but modify the meaning ofthe word in some wav.Also, note -ing forms used as adjectives: runningwater.247THEADJECTIVECom pound Adjectives of Measurement, etc.:"a twenty-year-old m an”1.

trouble - . truth - . insist -. , frost - . fog - . sun - . nature - . , art - . beauty - . .. shame -(A, B) Form adjectives from the given words with the help of prefixes and explain changes inmeaning.■=> in ter urban((Model?) urbanpractical ■=> impracticalAcceptable - . national - .

continuous possible - . , legal - . appointing - . complete - . married - . accurate - ..able - . .. bearable - . .. available - . believable - .

conscious - . 248FORMATION3OFADJECTIVES(A, B) Write the adjectives of nationalities according to the models.(Model?) RussiaEnglandRussian•=> EnglishEurope - . America - . Asia - . Scandinavia - . Australia - . Poland Finland - . , Spain - . , India Canada - . Egypt - .

, Iran Chile - . Sweden - . Rumania Italy - . H(B) Complete the following sentences with theadjectives made by adding suffixes to the nouns initalics.4. Bob’s not very capable.

He’s . ofmaking sound decisions. 5. I doubt she is literate.She can’t read or write. She is an . person. 6. This scheme isn’t very practical. In fact,it’s q u ite . 7. I can’t trust him.

He isnot always honest. He is said to b e . (M o d e l:) The story is full of humour. I’ve rarely readanything that’s so humorous.1. I enjoyed his company greatly. It was just. 2. This firm produced a lot in recentyears. This firm has been v e ry . in recentyears. 3. Bob hardly escaped the danger. Thesituation was v e r y . 4. I don’t knowwhere you find all that energy. You’re tremendously. 5 .

1found the book easy and pleasantto read. It’s . 6. I don’t know how todescribe the colour of the sky. It’s almost red, sorto f . 7. I’ve never met anyone who boastsas he does. He’s extrem ely. 8. Whatlevel of radiation can be perm itted? How muchradiation i s .

9. I’m attracted by thisman. I find him v e ry . 10. The sun wasshining brightly. It was a . day. 11. Olafhoped to earn fame for his book. Did he hope tob e co m e . ? 12. The soldier was given amedal for his courage. He w a s . чJ'J(B) Rewrite the following sentences, usingcompound adjectives.(M o d e l:) The car costs twenty thousand dollars. It*1is a twenty-thousand-dollar car.1. The woman is seventy years old.

She’s . 2. The trip lasted two days. It was. 3. The farm is eightyhectares. It’s . 4. The babyis three months old. It is a . 5. The parcel weighs two kilos. It’s . 6.

The jar contains three litres. It’s. 7 . 1live not far from theUniversity. It takes me 10 minutes to walk there. It is. 8. The fence is twentymiles. It’s . 9. The road isseventy kilometres. It’s . (B) Write the negative adjective forms.(M o d e l:) The coast line is not regular in shape. It isquite irregular.1. This arrangement isn’t strictly legal. Some peoplewould regard it a s . 2.

1) Его сочинение гораздо интереснее, чем твое или мое. 2) Мой брат бреется через день. Пойди побрейся.3) Съешь еще мороженое. - Спасибо, мне больше не надо. Я больше не хочу. 4) В гостинице есть две свободные комнаты. Можете занять любую. 5) Обе руки у него были заняты. Он нес по чемодану в каждой руке. 6) Он пролил все молоко (spill). 7) Все сведения поступили вовремя. Теперь все знают об этом. 8) Все здание было разрушено. 9) Оба говорили по английски, они хорошо понимали друг друга. 10) театр находится на другой стороне улицы. 11) подождите,пожалуйста, я должен надеть другой пиджак. 12) я купил всего несколько книг, но потратил много денег.

1) Its composition is much more interesting than yours or mine. 2) my brother shaves a day later. 3. another idiot in boxing go) Eat more ice cream. -Thank you, I don't have to. I no longer want. 4) there are two free rooms. Can take any. 5) both hands were busy. He carried a suitcase in each hand. 6) he shed all the milk (the spill). 7) All information received in a timely manner. Now everyone knows about it. 8) All the building was destroyed. 9) both spoke English, they understand each other. 10) Theatre is located on the other side of the street. 11) wait, please, I have to wear another jacket. 12) I bought a few books, but spent a lot of money.

1) His book is much more interesting than yours or mine. 2) My brother shave every other day. Go pobreysya.3) Eat more ice cream. - Thank you, I no longer need. I do not want. 4) The hotel has two free rooms. Can take any. 5) Both his hands were busy. He carried a suitcase in each hand. 6) He shed all the milk (spill). 7) All information received on time. Now everyone knows about it. 8) All the building was destroyed. 9) Both spoke English, they understood each other. 10) The theater is on the other side of the street. 11) Wait, please, I have to put on another coat. 12) I bought a few books, but spent a lot of money.

1. We can’t use an adjective on its own in place of a singular countable noun. We must use a noun after an adjective or we must use one to avoid repeating the noun:

□ Don’t use that cloth. Use this clean one. (Not “Use this clean.”)

2. We use ones to avoid repeating a plural countable noun:

□ I don’t want to wear my old shoes. I want to wear my new ones. (Not “Wear my new.”)

3. We can use one and ones for people as well as things:

□ Do you know John Smith/Jane Smith? - Is he/she the one who phoned last night?

□ Do you know the Smiths ? - Are they the ones who used to live in this house?

4. We do not use one in place of an uncountable noun. We repeat the noun or use no noun atall:

□ Don’t use that milk. Use this fresh milk. On Use this fresh. (Not “this fresh one.”)


1. We use one/ones to refer to people and things after “Which?”, this/that and adjectives:

□ Which one would you like? This one or that one? - I’d like thelarge one/thered one.

We can also say:

□ Which would you like? This or that?

2. We sometimes omit one and ones after superlatives and in short answers:

□ Which One/ones would you like? - I’d like the best (one/ones).

□ Which one/ones would you like? - The large/the red.

3. We usually avoid ones after these/those :

□ I want these. I want those. (Not “these ones.”)

4. We normally use one/ones after this/that/these/those + adjective:

□ I want this/that white one. I want these/those white ones.

5. We cannot omit one/ones in structures like:

□ Which woman? - The one in the green dress.

Ex. 47. (A, B) Use one or ones instead of the nouns in italic type:

1. This copy is torn. Bring me another copy.

2. I’ve read all the books, may I take the other books too?

3. These cherries are sour. Have your got sweeter cherries ?

4. He’s fond of nearly all games, but tennis and football are the games he likes best.

5. Which is my glass here? -Take the glass nearest to you.

6. Galileo showed that the small weight dropped as quickly as the large weight.

7. There are two vacant tables here. Which table will you take?

Ex. 48. (A, B) Supply one or ones only where necessary.

1. I simply took this book because it was the first____I chanced to see.

2. Which actresses did you like? - The____who appeared in Act I.

3. I’ve had enough soup. Give me no more____.

4. Which computer did you use? - The____that is in your office.

5. We shouldn’t have taken this wireless. Itseems to me that____is better.

6. Pour away that dirty water and get some clean____.

Ex. 49. (B) Supply one or ones.

1. I need that plate. - Do you mean the small one?

2. Which shoes fit you best? - The big_____ .

3. Have you got a rain-coat? - Yes, I have got a blue_________ .

4. Which jeans are you going to buy? - The most expensive_____ .

5. Has Paul got a silk tie? - Yes, he has got_____ .

6. Two of those coats suit you very well. - Which______?

7. If I were you, I’d sell that old car and buy a new______ .

8. I’d like to see some rings, please. - These_____ in silver or those______in gold?

9. I’d like to try one of these shirts. Please pass me that white__ .

10. Kate has a new dress. - Do you mean the red_____ ?

Ex. 50. (B) Translate the sentences.

1. Какие перчатки ты хочешь купить? - Те, что на витрине. 2. Какой пуловер ты предпочитаешь? Красный или синий? 3. Пожалуйста, передай мне ту тарелку. - Какую? 4. Я хочу проверить (test-drive) одну из этих машин. - Эту или ту? 5. У тебя есть новая сумка? - Да, черная. 6. Дай мне, пожалуйста, нож. - Какой? - Тот, длинный. 7. Принеси мне книгу с моего стола. - Какую? - Новый роман. 8. Мне нужен словарь, тот, что стоит на полке.


Much + uncountable nouns:

□ I haven’t got much time.

□ Is there much milk in the fridge?

Many + plural countable nouns:

□ He has lived here for many years.

□ Have you got many problems?

A lot of/plenty о1 T P'ural countable nouns

r + uncountable nouns

□ I’ve got a lot of books.

□ I know old Mr Hopper has a lot of money.

□ There are plenty of eggs in the house.

□ We have plenty of time to get to the station.

1. in negative statements:

□ There isn’t much space in this flat.

□ There aren’t many pandas in China.

□ Isthere much demand for silk stockings?

□ Will there be many guests at the party?

3. in formal statements (= a lot of):

□ Much money is spent for defence.

□ Many teachers retire early.

4. in time references:

□ I’ve lived here for many years.

□ Take as much as you like.

6. not much/not many to begin a sentence:

□ Not many know about this.

□ Not much happens around here in winter.


1. in the affirmative:

□ She spends a lot of money on clothes.

□ There were such a lot of people in the shops.

2. in negative statements for emphasis:

□ I haven’t got a lot of time for people like him.

Little + uncountable nouns:

□ He gained little advantage from the scheme.

□ I have very little time for reading.

Few + plural countable nouns:

□ He has got very few friends.

□ There seem to be very few people in this area.


1. a little means “some but not much”, “a small quantity”(“немного”):

□ He knows a little French.

□ A little care would have prevented the accident.

2. a few - “a small number”(“несколько”)

□ We are going away for a few days.

3. little/few are negative (= hardly any)] a few/a little are positive (= some).

Ex. 51. (В, C) Choose between much and many, (a) little and (a) fewto use in the following sentences.

1. Last week there was so_____rain that I was not able to go out. 2. He knows______, but the_____ he knows he knows well. 3. He is a man of______words. 4. My dear, I’m

afraid I have not_____ news to convey but still there are______ things I should like to add. 5.____ is spoken about it, but______believe it. 6. The forces were unequal, they were____ we were____ . 7. My engagements were____________ and I was glad to accept the invitation. 8. We shan’t get all into the car. We are one too______ . 9. He was so happily absorbed in the building of his house that events outside it affected him_____ . 10. He has very_____ knowledge of the matter. 11. There isn’t ______ harm in it.

12._____ was said but______done. 13.1suggested that he should get______ plums and some bread. 14. At the bar_____ men were discussing the coming elections in loud barking tones. 15.1have so_____ things to do that I don’t know which to do first. 16. Aunt Florrie had_____ money while none of the other family had inherited a s______ as a pound. 17. Very_____ people know about it. 18. My sister spends so______money on her clothes that she has none left for holidays. 19. I began to miss London: it was not so

_____ that I had______ close friends there, for I have______ friends, but I missed variety. 20. Tom has eaten so_____ that he can’t move. 21. Say_____ and do_____ . 22. Adeline had slept_____ last night and she had a headache. 23. She was glad to see me because I was English and she knew_____ English people. 24. He knew he was not a good teacher, and he intended to do_____ of that. 25.______heard about the book, but

_____ read it. 26. Nowadays he was very busy and he saw______ of his old friends. 27.Virginia returned to England at the moment when_____ were leaving it.

Ex. 52. (B) Make the following sentences affirmative and replace many and much bysuitable expressions.

1. Is there much water in the kettle? 2. Mary hasn’t got much work to do today. 3 .1drove along the edge of the sea. There were not many people about. 4. Do you have much time this week? 5. There isn't much I can do to help you. 6. Dick doesn’t smoke much. 7. There isn’t much time to catch the train. 8. I didn’t get much to eat when I had dinner with the Greens. 9.1haven’t much time for watching TV. 10. There isn't much snow in Moscow this winter.

Ex. 53. (B) Translate into English.

1. В бутылке есть немного лимонада. 2. У нее не много платьев. 3. Кто из них переводит много статей с русского на английский? 4. Сколько иностранных языков вы собираетесь учить? 5. В университете много абитуриентов (applicants) на одно место.

6. Каждый день мы получаем много иностранных журналов и газет. 7. Извините, у меня мало времени, и я не могу долго разговаривать с вами. 8. Мы будем обедать через несколько минут. 9. В комнате много света. 10. Вы пригласили много гостей?

11. Ты увидишь его через несколько дней. 12. У вас много бумаги. Дайте мне немного,

пожалуйста. 13. У вас сегодня много или мало работы? 14. В субботу в магазинах много народа. 15. У нас сегодня было много посетителей. 16. Он зарабатывал мало денег и не мог жить в большом городе. 17. Мама дала мне много поручений (things to do), но я смог выполнить только несколько. 18. Я прочел много книг по этому вопросу.

19. По воскресеньям в парке много народа. 20. Ты знаешь много французских слов?

21. Сейчас в школе мало детей, сейчас каникулы.

1. Ты можешь обойтись (do without) без моей помощи, а без ее помощи не можешь.

2. Ты не умеешь вести себя. Веди себя прилично!

3. Куда ты положил деньги? - Они в кошельке.

4. Есть ли какая-нибудь разница между ними? -Я не вижу разницы и думаю, что ее нет.

5. По обе стороны улицы стояли большие дома.

6. Он внимательно осмотрел каждую комнату. Все они были большими иуютными.

7. Можно мне взять словарь? - Вы можете взять любой из двух, но не оба. - Я возьму либо тот, либо этот словарь.

8. Он возложил (put) всю вину на меня.

9. Все лкрди любят праздники. Все хотят праздника.

10. Все кричали. Никто друг друга не слушал.

11. Весь город перестраивается.

12. Казалось, они были одни и смотрели только друг на друга.

13. Мы дошли до другого конца коридора и остановились.

14. Другие люди рассказывали мне ту же историю.

15. Я не ем много фруктов. Сколько яблок вы принесли?

16. В сахарнице очень мало сахара.

17. Вчера в парке было мало детей.

18. Возьмите, пожалуйста, этот стул и принесите мне другой.

1. Его сочинение гораздо интереснее, чем твое или мое.

2. Мой брат бреется через день. Пойди побрейся.

4. Съешь еще мороженое. - Спасибо, мне больше не надо. Я больше не хочу.

5. В гостинице есть две свободные комнаты. Можете занять любую.

6. Я помню каждый дом на нашей улице.

7. Обе руки у него были заняты. Он нес по чемодану в каждой руке.

8. Он пролил все молоко (spill).

9. Все сведения поступили вовремя. Теперь все знают об этом .

10. Все здание было разрушено.

11. В комнате было пять человек. Все с удивлением смотрели друг на друга.


A prefix (e.g. im-) added to an adjective generally has a negative effect:

□ I think it's possible to solve the problem. I think it's impossible to solve the problem.

un- uncooked, unimaginable

in- incapable, inhuman

il- illegal, illegible

im- immoral, impractical

dis- dishonest, disagreeable

ir- irresponsible, irregular

And note pre- (pre-war) and hyper- (hyperactive), which do not create opposites but
modify the meaning of the word in some way.


          1. We combine numbers with nouns in the singular to form compound adjectives with hyphens: a twenty-year-old man (not "a twenty-years-old man").

                  1. Compound adjectives of this kind can refer to:

                  • agea three-year-old building

                  • volumea two-litre car

                  • lengtha twelve-inch ruler

                  • price a $50 dress (a fifty-dollar dress)

                  • weighta five-kilo bag

                  • area a fifty-acre farm

                  • durationa four-hour meeting

                  • deptha six-foot hole

                  • time/distancea ten-minute walk.

                  Ex. 1. (A) Form adjectives from the given words with the help of the suffixes.

                  Model: care careful careless; wool woollen.

                  Use, frost, rain, rock, fog, snow, ice, sun, noise, speed, nature, trouble, hope, art, truth, possibility, beauty, insist, significance, shame.

                  Ex. 2. (A, B) Form adjectives from the given ones with the help of the prefixes and point out the changes in meaning.

                  Model: urban interurban

                  practical impractical Acceptable, national, continuous, possible, legal, appointing, complete, married, accurate, able, bearable, available, believable, conscious, stellar.

                  Ex. 3. (A, B) Give the adjectives of the nationalities according to the models.

                  Model: Russia Russian;

                  Europe, America, Asia, the Ukraine, Scandinavia, Australia, Poland, Finland, Spain, India, Canada, Egypt, Iran, Chile, Yugoslavia, Sweden, Rumania, Nigeria, Italy.

                  Ex. 4. (B) Supply the right adjective forms for the italicized words.

                    1. I enjoyed his company greatly. It was just .

                    2. This firm produced a lot in recent years. This firm has been very in recent years.

                    3. Many years have passed but I recognized the place at once. It is .

                    4. I don't know where you find all that energy. You're tremendously .

                    1. I found the book easy and pleasant to read. It's .

                    2. I don't know how to describe the colour of the sky. It's almost red, sort of .

                    3. I've never met anyone who boasts as he does. He's extremely .

                    4. What level of radiation can be permitted ? How much radiation is .

                    5. I'm attracted by this man. I find him very .

                  Model: The play was full of humour. The audience laughed at the humorous situations.

                  1 . The child obeys his parents. He is an child. 2. The Sun was shining brightly. It was

                  a day. 3. Everybody respected the man. He is a man. 4. Bob hardly

                  escaped the danger. The situation was very . 5. Olaf hoped to earn fame for his

                  book. Did he hope to become ? 6. He sleeps on a bench in the park because he

                  has no home. He is . 7. The flood in India was a disaster. It was very .

                  8. The soldier was given a medal for his courage. He was .

                      1. The coast line is not regular in shape. It is quite irregular.

                      2. This arrangement isn't strictly legal. Some people would regard it as .

                      3. It is not possible. Don't ask me to do the .

                      4. Such a situation is barely imaginable. It's quite .

                      5. Bob's not very capable. He's of making sound decisions.

                      6. I doubt she is literate. She can't read or write. She is an person.

                      7. This scheme isn't very practical. In fact, it's quite .

                      8. I can't trust him. He is not always honest. He is said to be .

                        1. The car costs twenty thousand dollars. It is a twentv-thousand-dollar car.

                        2. The woman is seventy years old. She's .

                        3. The trip lasted two days. It was .

                        4. The farm is eighty hectares. It's .

                        5. The baby is three months old. It is a .

                        6. The parcel weighs two kilos. It's .

                        7. The jar contains three litres. It's .

                        8. I live not far from the University. It takes me 10 minutes to walk there. It is

                        1. The fence is twenty miles. It's .

                        2. The road is seventy kilometres. It's .

                          1. He helped them. He was very helpful.

                          2. Children depend on their parents. c> They are dependent on their parents.

                          3. I'm going to wash my new dress. I hope it's washable.

                            1. 1 . Mrs Bosch had stripes on her skirt. She was wearing a blouse to match.

                  details, I need a description. 4. There were crowds of people in the streets. The

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                  — Главная — Сочинение ЕГЭ

                  В соответствии с критериями проверки сочинений формата ЕГЭ 2022 ваша работа оценивается следующим образом.

                  К1 - Формулировка проблем исходного текста: + 1 балл

                  Проблема определена верно, сформулирована корректно.

                  K2 - Комментарий: + 5 баллов

                  Пример 1 в сочинении указан, пояснен.

                  Пример 2 указан, пояснен.

                  Взаимосвязь между примерами определена верно, проанализирована недостаточно: не указано, с какой целью автор использует выбранный способ взаимосвязи примеров.

                  K3 - Отражение позиции автора исходного текста: + 1 балл

                  Позиция автора относительно поставленной проблемы определена корректно.

                  K4 - Отношение к позиции автора по проблеме исходного текста: + 0 баллов

                  Отношение к позиции автора содержит согласие, тезис отсутствует, обоснование тезиса также отсутствует. Пример, который вы привели, не относится к теме "искусство", так как то, чем занимаются ваши дядя и тетя, можно назвать творчеством, а не искусством в прямом смысле этого слова.

                  K5 - Смысловая цельность, речевая связность и последовательность изложения: + 2 балла.

                  K6 - Точность и выразительность речи: + 1 балл.

                  K7 - Соблюдение орфографических норм: + 2 балла.

                  Мы понимаем: люди ещё в древности ,увидя красоту природы и захотя восоздать такую же красоту, стали украшать свои орудия труда.

                  K8 - Соблюдение пунктуационных норм: + 2 балла.

                  Так ЗПТ моя тетя любит рисовать на тарелках, чтобы украсить их, а мой дядя пишет стихи, в которых он выражает свое состояние души.

                  K9 - Соблюдение грамматических норм: + 1 балл.

                  Мы понимаем: люди ещё в древности , увидя красоту природы и захотя восоздать такую же красоту, стали украшать свои орудия труда.

                  От глаголов совершенного вида (увидеть, захотеть) нельзя образовать деепричастия настоящего времени, можно только прошедшего: увидЕВ, захотЕВ. 2 грам.ошибки.

                  K10 - Соблюдение речевых норм: + 1 балл.

                  Местоимение употреблено некорректно. Правильно: второй путь искусства -- выражение человеческих эмоций.

                  K11 - Соблюдение этических норм: + 1 балл.

                  К12 - Соблюдение фактологической точности в фоновом материале: + 1 балл

                  Общие рекомендации: следует усилить работу над анализом связи между примерами. Удачи!

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