Еда в турции на английском сочинение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Turkey - successor to the traditions of great Byzantium, country of paradise gardens, tasty and juicy fruits, incinerative sun, wasted lands, strict customs and east type of thinking. All this pun is not by no means invented by me, but comprehended on personal experience; really Turkey includes all listed spectrum.
As any east civilization, Turkey is characterized by a rather specific measures, in particular by kitchen. My poor knowledge concerning to the turkish kitchen will be stated below in brief.
As it is probably well known to everyone, turks are very legible in meat. In particular, they do not use pork in the pure state at all, for under the legend the pig has bitten the Mahomet, by virtue of what pork is considered dirty. Therefore they basically give back their sympathies to the mutton. The turkish kitchen has a huge set of dishes prepared using the mutton meat, but being very little educated in this area, I'll limit only by two of them.
One of the most popular and accessible at the rate of price foods, which meet, going for a walk, for example, on the streets of Istanbul, is “Donner”. By the way “Donner” from recent time is already sold in Moscow, but for some reasons under the other label. So “Donner” is prepared from the several components, main of them are loaf, roasted mutton and ketchup. The essence of process is: the piece of mutton is roasted on a long twirled from the different directions, making rotary movements concerning its axis. Then, having convinced, that the meat has reached up to the necessary condition, it is being cut off by a thin bits and bread cut half-and-half is being filled by it. Further dish is watered by ketchup, at will, strewed by onion, put tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper, species etc. By a word, I shall tell frankly this dish from the mutton is very tasty, though, it is necessary to admit, it is being prepared from the hen too.
Other dish from the mutton meat, about which I would like to narrate, is “Lakhmadzu”. I would even say, that “Lakhmadzu” is much more national dish, than “Donner” mentioned above, because is possible often to see a radical turks preparing this food. But let's return to our rams. So “Lakhmadzu” is being prepared from unrolled fresh loaf, on which is strewed the minced mutton meat. An all this mass is being baked on the special large pan in the furnace. This process lasts about one minute. Then the dish is withdrawn from the furnace, moved on a large plate and plentyful watered by the citric juice. I dare to notice, that “Donner” is liked to me more than “Lakhmadzu”.
Turkey, as was already spoken above, country of very hot sun. Being there in summer, you feel, how a star literally incinerate the flesh, squeezing out all your vital juices, and main the water. You are terribly thirsty, but alas, the more you drink water the thirst becomes stronger. For prevention of this pernicious influence of the sun the sour-dairy product, something like our curdled milk serves, only more diluted. This drink surprisingly well copes with thirst and fills your organism up by the lost forces and vitamins up. I'm again compelled to add that I have not any gentle feelings to this drink, for as useful would it be, it's taste is quite repulsive to me.
I supose it will be not superfluous if I'll mention the sellers, scurring here and there with trays on the head, carrying so-called “Selit” on it - an air bagel, strewed by the caraway seeds.
Aproching to the end of my narration, I would like to tell about the verily turkish vodka “Raki”. Being of aniseed it dissipates not very pleasant aroma. But in spite of it turks are frequently seen, sitting in the cafe or in the own's garden and drinking a liquid of dairy colour, which prepares by mixing of aniseed vodka with water in the certain consistence. By this fraud achieved its muddy dairy colour.
In the conclusion I wish to add that the turkish kitchen, grown on the roots and traditions of the ancestors, is one of most remarkable and interesting in the world.

Выполнено студентом группы И-2-4 Москаленко Антоном.
Москва 1998 год.

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Turkey - successor to the traditions of great Byzantium, country of paradise gardens, tasty and juicy fruits, incinerative sun, wasted lands, strict customs and east type of thinking. All this pun is not by no means invented by me, but comprehended on personal experience; really Turkey includes all listed spectrum.

As any east civilization, Turkey is characterized by a rather specific measures, in particular by kitchen. My poor knowledge concerning to the turkish kitchen will be stated below in brief.

As it is probably well known to everyone, turks are very legible in meat. In particular, they do not use pork in the pure state at all, for under the legend the pig has bitten the Mahomet, by virtue of what pork is considered dirty. Therefore they basically give back their sympathies to the mutton. The turkish kitchen has a huge set of dishes prepared using the mutton meat, but being very little educated in this area, I’ll limit only by two of them.

One of the most popular and accessible at the rate of price foods, which meet, going for a walk, for example, on the streets of Istanbul, is “Donner”. By the way “Donner” from recent time is already sold in Moscow, but for some reasons under the other label. So “Donner” is prepared from the several components, main of them are loaf, roasted mutton and ketchup. The essence of process is: the piece of mutton is roasted on a long twirled from the different directions, making rotary movements concerning its axis. Then, having convinced, that the meat has reached up to the necessary condition, it is being cut off by a thin bits and bread cut half-and-half is being filled by it. Further dish is watered by ketchup, at will, strewed by onion, put tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper, species etc. By a word, I shall tell frankly this dish from the mutton is very tasty, though, it is necessary to admit, it is being prepared from the hen too.

Other dish from the mutton meat, about which I would like to narrate, is “Lakhmadzu”. I would even say, that “Lakhmadzu” is much more national dish, than “Donner” mentioned above, because is possible often to see a radical turks preparing this food. But let’s return to our rams. So “Lakhmadzu” is being prepared from unrolled fresh loaf, on which is strewed the minced mutton meat. An all this mass is being baked on the special large pan in the furnace. This process lasts about one minute. Then the dish is withdrawn from the furnace, moved on a large plate and plentyful watered by the citric juice. I dare to notice, that “Donner” is liked to me more than “Lakhmadzu”.

Turkey, as was already spoken above, country of very hot sun. Being there in summer, you feel, how a star literally incinerate the flesh, squeezing out all your vital juices, and main the water. You are terribly thirsty, but alas, the more you drink water the thirst becomes stronger. For prevention of this pernicious influence of the sun the sour-dairy product, something like our curdled milk serves, only more diluted. This drink surprisingly well copes with thirst and fills your organism up by the lost forces and vitamins up. I’m again compelled to add that I have not any gentle feelings to this drink, for as useful would it be, it’s taste is quite repulsive to me.

I supose it will be not superfluous if I’ll mention the sellers, scurring here and there with trays on the head, carrying so-called “Selit” on it - an air bagel, strewed by the caraway seeds.

Aproching to the end of my narration, I would like to tell about the verily turkish vodka “Raki”. Being of aniseed it dissipates not very pleasant aroma. But in spite of it turks are frequently seen, sitting in the cafe or in the own’s garden and drinking a liquid of dairy colour, which prepares by mixing of aniseed vodka with water in the certain consistence. By this fraud achieved its muddy dairy colour.

In the conclusion I wish to add that the turkish kitchen, grown on the roots and traditions of the ancestors, is one of most remarkable and interesting in the world.

Turkey is a very beautiful , historical , and interesting country with many ancient attractions. The culture of Turkey takes its roots from the Ottoman Empire. Straddling many countries, Turkey is the bridge between Europe and Asia. 75 million people live there. Turkey has many cities with ancient history, and largest and arguably the most beautiful city is Istanbul. Constantinople was the name of Istanbul a long time ago. One on the most famous attractions in Istanbul , the Hagia Sophia what is mean Holy Wisdom from Greek language. It is a great architectural beauty and an important monument both for Byzantine and for Ottoman Empires. Once a church, later a mosque, and now a museum, people from Turkey consider Hagia Sophia to be one of their most precious landmarks.
Turkey has four seas. The names of the four seas are : The Black Sea, The Sea of Marmara, The Aegean Sea and The Mediterranean Sea.
I really want to live there!
Турция очень красивая, историческая, и интересная страна с многими древними достопримечательностями.Культура Турции берет свое начало от Османской империи. Она граничит с многими странами, Турция является мостом между Европой и Азией. 75 миллионов человек живут там. Турция имеет много городов с древней историей, и самый большой и, пожалуй, самый красивый город Стамбул. Константинополь было название Стамбуле давно. Одна из самых известных достопримечательностей в Стамбуле, Собор Святой Софии, что является средним Софийский из греческого языка. Это большой архитектурной красотой и важный памятник, как для Византийской и Османской империй. После того, как церковь, позже сделали мечетью, а ныне музей, выходцы из Турции рассмотрели Собор Святой Софии который является одним из наиболее драгоценных памятников.
Турция имеет четыре моря. Имена четырех морей: Черноге море, Мраморное море, Эгейское море и Средиземное море.
Я очень хочу жить там !

Турецкая кухня предлагает широкий выбор блюд и лакомств.

Приоритет отдается блюдам из говядины и баранины.

Типичные турецкие блюда - донер и кебаб.

В Турции очень популярна долма, где используются помидоры, кабачки, баклажаны, перец и виноградные листья.

Рестораны по всей Турции предлагают богатый ассортимент холодных закусок (“мезе”), горячих блюд, салатов и сладостей.

На шведском столе в гостинице предоставляется возможность неограниченного выбора блюд.

Национальным напитком является раки (анисовая водка), которая разбавляется водой и получается напиток, называемый “львиное молоко”.

В Анатолии пьют турецкий чай ежедневно на протяжении всего дня, и Вам, вероятно, будет предложено выпить его на протяжении Вашего посещения.

Чай прибывает с побережья Черного моря.

Турецкий чай подается в небольших чашках в форме тюльпана с добавлением молока на западный манер.

Турецкий кофе также подается в очень маленьких чашках обычно вместе со стаканом воды.

Черный и крепкий турецкий кофе пьется без сахара, однако Вы можете всегда добавить в него ложку - другую.

Особое значение в турецкой кухне придается сладостям.

Сладости всегда были частью турецкой культуры, начиная с открытия легендарного лукума.

Это традиционное кушанье было привезено в Европу в XVIII ст.

Лукум изначально приготавливался из меда, роз и жасмина и арабскими пряностями.

Свежие фрукты и ягоды подаются на десерт круглый год.

Одно из преимуществ отпуска в Турции - большой выбор блюд на любой вкус

Turkish cuisine offers a wide selection of food and treats.

Priority is given to dishes of beef and lamb.

Turkish cuisine - varies across the country .

In Turkey, a very popular dolma , which uses tomatoes , zucchini , eggplant , peppers and grape leaves .

Restaurants throughout Turkey offer a rich assortment of cold appetizers ( " Mesa " ) , hot dishes, salads and sweets.

At the buffet at the hotel have the opportunity of unlimited choices.

National drink is raki ( anisette ), which is diluted with water and get a drink called the " lion's milk " .

In Anatolia drink Turkish tea every day all day long , and you will probably be asked to drink it during your visit.

Tea comes from the coast of the Black Sea.

Turkish tea is served in small cups in the shape of a tulip with milk in the Western manner .

Turkish coffee is also served in very small cups usually together with a glass of water.

Black and strong Turkish coffee is drunk without sugar , but you can always add a spoonful or two.

Particular importance is attached to the Turkish cuisine sweets.

Sweets have always been a part of Turkish culture, beginning with the discovery of the legendary delights .

This is a traditional dish was brought to Europe in the XVIII century .

Delight originally was prepared from honey, rose and jasmine and Arabic spices.

Fresh fruits and berries for dessert are served all year round.

One of the benefits of holidays in Turkey - a large selection of dishes to suit all tastes.

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4 стиха на английском языке про еду?

4 стиха на английском языке про еду.

Как будет Турция по английски?

Как будет Турция по английски.

Написать рассказ, как я провел лето?

Написать рассказ, как я провел лето.

Естественно на английском языке.

1 - in 2 - are 3 - for 4 - along 5 - for.

Which class are you in? Class - универсальное слово, grade - American, form - British но это тебе выбирать какое слово использовать).

Which form(British) / grade(American) are you in.

Your sister's daughter is your NIECE your sister's son is your NEPHEW.

Nephew - племянник niece - племянница.

Became, met, told, found, got, sent, slept, stole, swam, ate, grew, threw.

Нет, конечно! Это грубая ошибка, так говорят учителя.

1does 2do 3does 4do 5does.

I don't like swimming. - Я не люблю плавать / Мне не нравится плавать. He doesn't like skating. - Он не любит кататься на коньках / Ему не нравится кататься на коньках. Do they like reading? - Они любят читать / Им нравится читать? Does Winnie ..

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