Древний китай сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

There are many countries I would like to visit and China is in my list. There are products from China in many shops and many countries. Their culture is strange and different from ours. Maybe that’s why I have interest to go there one day and to see this place.

China is the most populated country in the world. Also China is one of the biggest countries. I should also mention that this is the most powerful country in the world. As far as I now Chinese people are smart, hardworking, patient and very hospitable. They love and respect their traditions. Family is very important for them. They have interesting holidays and cook delicious food. These are and many other reasons why I want to visit this country.

Chinese culture sometime looks a little bit strange. They drink a lot of tea and eat rice every day. And these people live long lives. They have different legends and stories about past and future and I would like to listen to them.

China is a country that has long and interesting history. There were many cruel emperors, but today Chinese people are the most kind and hospitable.

China is a member of many organizations such as BRICS, APEC, WTO. China is one of the world's most technologically advanced nations. They invented Huawei, Tencent, and Alibaba.

I like to watch different historical and modern movies about this country. Its nature, architecture and culture are just fantastic.

Chinese language is one of the most difficult languages. They have about 3000 symbols but English is also a spoken language there.

The capital of China is Peking. There are also other big towns that deserve our attention. These are Shanghai and Chongqing. Every year these towns are visited by million of tourists. I hope one day I will be there as well.


Я бы хотел посетить много разных стран, и Китай тоже есть в моем списке. Продукция из Китая стоит во многих магазинах и во всех странах мира. Их культура довольно странная и отличается от нашей. Может, именно поэтому у меня огромный интерес поехать туда и увидеть все собственными глазами.

Китай - самая населённая страна во всем мире. А ещё Китай - это одна из величайших держав. Я также должен упомянуть, что это и самая могущественная страна. Насколько я знаю, китайцы достаточно умны, трудолюбивы, терпеливы и очень гостеприимны. Они любят и уважают свои традиции. Семья очень важна для них. У них проходят интересные праздники, а ещё китайцы вкусно готовят. Есть ещё куча других причин, почему я хочу посетить эту страну.

Китайская культура выглядит порой немного странной. Китайцы пьют много чая и едят рис каждый день. Эти люди и живут очень долго. Они хранят много легенд и историй о прошлом и будущем, которые я бы хотел узнать.

Китай - это страна, которая имеет долгую и интересную историю. Там было много жестоких правителей, хотя, сегодня китайцы считаются самыми добрыми и гостеприимными.

Китай является членом многих мировых организаций, таких как БРИКС, АТЭС, ВТО. Китай также одна из самых продвинутых в плане технологий стран во всем мире. Именно китайцы изобрели ХУАВЕЙ, ТЕНЦЕНТ и АЛИЬАБА.

Мне очень нравится смотреть различные исторические и современные фильмы об этой стране. Ее природа, архитектура и культура просто фантастические.

Китайский язык - один из самых сложных. Он состоит из 3000 иероглифов, но там также говорят и на английском.

Столицей Китая является Пекин. Хотя, там есть и другие большие города, которые достойны нашего внимания. Это Шанхай и Гонг-Конг. Каждый год миллион туристов посещают эти города. И надеюсь, что я тоже однажды побываю там.

Жалюк Лина Владимировна

Данная творческая работа представлена в виде презентации. В учебнике М.З. Биболетовой "Enjoy English" 10 класс Unit 3 посвящен теме "Civilisation and progress". В рамках изучения этой темы ученикам предлагается подготовить мини-проект об одной из мировых цивилизаций. Лолита выбрала Китай и постаралась представить его с разных сторон - древний и современный.

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T he civilization of China Lolita Baratova 10 A class

China is a cultural region, an ancient civilization of East Asia. China belongs to the most ancient civilizations, which absorbed a large number of States and cultures within 4 thousand years.

China is divided into two States People's Republic of China (PRC) is the state, which controls mainland China, as well as the island of Hong Kong and Macao; Republic of China - the state, which owns Taiwan and surrounding Islands

History China is one of the oldest civilizations of the world. It stands in one row with the civilizations of the Sumerians of the Tigris and Euphrates, Indians Indus and the Egyptians Nile .

Hill of three stars - the mystery of Chinese civilization The middle of 80-s of the XX century was marked by the disclosure of the Chinese secret in the whole world .

T he opening of this very unusual monument for China's civilization was made in 1929

Religion The main beliefs of China Confucianism Taoism Ancestor worship Buddhism - 100 million Islam is 20 million Christianity - 15 million Protestants, 5 million Catholics

Culture T he aim was the reform of the Chinese village, the propaganda of the new Communist values, the creation of new be tter Chinese culture

Exams They have contributed to the education of the educated elite, as a candidate, who know s classical texts well , regardless of social origin , was able to take the rank of officer.

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Ancient China Made by Sergei Rebrikov Lyceum №4 Form 10 A Древний Китай Выпол.

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Ancient China Made by Sergei Rebrikov Lyceum №4 Form 10 A Древний Китай Выпол.

Ancient China Made by Sergei Rebrikov Lyceum №4 Form 10 A Древний Китай Выполнил Сергей Ребриков лицей №4 10А

Height of a wall was 9 meters, and width was such that the chariot could pas.

Height of a wall was 9 meters, and width was such that the chariot could pass on it .The great wall is the silhouette of a Chinese dragon whose head is on the West and tail is on the East. Great wall Великая Китайская стена Высота стены была 9 метров, а ширина такой,что по ней могла проехать колесница. Великая стена имеет силуэт китайского дракона головой на запад и хвостом на восток.

The Chinese were great inventors. In the II century BC they invented paper, l.

The Chinese were great inventors. In the II century BC they invented paper, later printing with wooden stamps. Gunpowder was invented too. The Chinese invented the printing press. Inventions Изобретения Китайцы были великими изобретателями. Во II веке до н.э. они изобрели бумагу, позже печать с помощью деревянных штампов. Был изобретён порох. Китайцы изобрели книгопечатание.

The craft and art of China Calligraphy, the art of beautiful writing, was ver.

The craft and art of China Calligraphy, the art of beautiful writing, was very popular in China. Artists decorated pottery with colored glaze. Ремесло и искусство Китая В Китае была очень популярна каллиграфия - искусство красивого письма. Художники украшали керамическую посуду цветной глазурью.

The Chinese never had faith in one God. They deified nature by worshipping th.

The Chinese never had faith in one God. They deified nature by worshipping the spirits of mountains, rivers and trees. Religion Религия У китайцев никогда не было веры в единого бога. Они обожествляли природу, поклоняясь духам гор, рек и деревьев.

The Imperial tomb with " terracotta army " was built on mount Lee. Soldiers a.

The Imperial tomb with " terracotta army " was built on mount Lee. Soldiers and horses are standing in row after row Inside the tomb in the underground corridors. Terracotta army Терракотовая армия Имперская гробница с "терракотовая армия" была построена на горе ли. Внутри гробницы в подземных коридорах ряд за рядом стоят солдаты и лошади.

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One of the most ancient world civilizations, China is the only country in the world, where the continuity of the state and culture is preserved for four thousand years.

Презентация по английскому языку The Civilization Of Ancient China

Residents of this state were convinced that they lived in the center of the Earth and on the highest part of it, raised to the sky.

In the East of the natural boundary of China there are the Yellow and the East China seas, in the South of Ancient China ends in the valley of the river Yangtze.

They form a vast natural irrigated valley, convenient for highly productive agriculture.

Содержимое разработки

The Civilization Of Ancient China

The Civilization Of Ancient China

One of the most ancient world civilizations, China is the only country in the world, where the continuity of the state and culture is preserved for four thousand years.

One of the most ancient world civilizations, China is the only country in the world, where the continuity of the state and culture is preserved for four thousand years.

Residents of this state were convinced that they lived in the center of the Earth and on the highest part of it, raised to the sky. In the East of the natural boundary of China there are the Yellow and the East China seas, in the South of Ancient China ends in the valley of the river Yangtze. They form a vast natural irrigated valley, convenient for highly productive agriculture .

Residents of this state were convinced that they lived in the center of the Earth and on the highest part of it, raised to the sky.

In the East of the natural boundary of China there are the Yellow and the East China seas, in the South of Ancient China ends in the valley of the river Yangtze.

They form a vast natural irrigated valley, convenient for highly productive agriculture .

 The Chinese first started to apply for writing a paper, Chinese masters were doing a good weapon, and the art of battle became an example for the other countries.

The Chinese first started to apply for writing a paper, Chinese masters were doing a good weapon, and the art of battle became an example for the other countries.

 the Dragon was the cultural symbol of the Chinese people

the Dragon was the cultural symbol of the Chinese people

Glorified Ancient China and unique monuments of architecture and art. Fantastic facilities, interesting roof of the houses, rich palaces of emperors and exquisitely decorated temples.

Glorified Ancient China and unique monuments of architecture and art.

Fantastic facilities, interesting roof of the houses, rich palaces of emperors and exquisitely decorated temples.

Ancient rope bridges

Ancient rope bridges

Clothing Male and female outfits were almost identical . All the Chinese were double-breasted gowns, which are plowed right and belts. The curved bottom dragging on the ground floor, wide sleeves were much longer than the arms. Shoes attached great importance: to go out barefoot considered for a noble human disgrace. In ancient times shoes made ​​of leather, rich sported silk shoes. Headwear has long been considered an essential part of the toilet: they wore it going out in the street, reading and writing. Form of caps often changed, and yet had to consider hair because men in China did not cut hair and plait them into one or two braids and laid in a bun at the back or on the right from the top .

Male and female outfits were almost identical . All the Chinese were double-breasted gowns, which are plowed right and belts. The curved bottom dragging on the ground floor, wide sleeves were much longer than the arms. Shoes attached great importance: to go out barefoot considered for a noble human disgrace.

In ancient times shoes made ​​of leather, rich sported silk shoes. Headwear has long been considered an essential part of the toilet: they wore it going out in the street, reading and writing. Form of caps often changed, and yet had to consider hair because men in China did not cut hair and plait them into one or two braids and laid in a bun at the back or on the right from the top .

Chinese art has evolved in a variety of ways. Only in this country could find artists, fine manufactures the finest silk, or potters, famous for the production of decorative porcelain. Chinese painters painted not only the walls of temples and palaces, but also small ceramic and textile products.

Chinese art has evolved in a variety of ways. Only in this country could find artists, fine manufactures the finest silk, or potters, famous for the production of decorative porcelain.

Chinese painters painted not only the walls of temples and palaces, but also small ceramic and textile products.

Individual views of the ancient Chinese art is considered to be theatrical skill. The Chinese in his theatrical productions skillfully combined music and movements of the body, Oriental martial arts, and religion. Theatre of shadows as part of the Chinese drama

Individual views of the ancient Chinese art is considered to be theatrical skill. The Chinese in his theatrical productions skillfully combined music and movements of the body, Oriental martial arts, and religion.

Theatre of shadows as part of the Chinese drama

Chinese are very respectfully refer to their ancestors, the natural resources and subjects of art. Practically every area in China is full of history and cultural value.

Chinese are very respectfully refer to their ancestors, the natural resources and subjects of art. Practically every area in China is full of history and cultural value.

Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention


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