Does nationality mean anything to you сочинение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Ex. 2 Comprehension check
Read the article again and answer the questions. Discuss the questions in pairs.
Which nationalities are the most and least punctual?
Why did the British think that everyone understood their customs?
Which nationalities do not like to eat and do business at the same time?
'They (the French) have to be well fed and watered.' What or who do you normally have to feed and water?
An American friend of yours is going to work in Japan. Give some advice about how he/she should and shouldn't behave.
Imagine you are at a party in (a) England (b) America. How could you begin a conversation with a stranger? Continue the conversations with your partner.
Which nationalities have rules of behaviour about hands? What are the rules?
Why is it not a good idea to .
. say that you absolutely love your Egyptian friend's vase.
. go to Russia if you don't drink alcohol.
. say 'Hi! See you later!' when you're introduced to someone in Afghanistan.
. discuss politics with your American friend in a McDonald's.

Ex. 2 Проверка Постижение
Прочитайте статью снова и ответить на вопросы. Обсудите вопросы в парах.
Какой национальности являются наиболее и наименее пунктуальным?
Почему англичане думают , что все понимали , их обычаи?
Какой национальности не любят , чтобы поесть и делать бизнес в то же время?
"Они (французы) должны быть хорошо кормили и поили. Что или кто вы обычно должны кормить и воду?
Американец ваш друг собирается работать в Японии. Дайте несколько советов о том , как он / она должен и не должен вести себя.
Представьте , что вы на вечеринке в (а) Англия (б) Америки. Как вы могли бы начать разговор с незнакомым человеком ? Продолжить разговор с вашим партнером.
Какие национальностей имеют правила поведения о руках? Каковы правила?
Почему это не очень хорошая идея .
. сказать , что вы абсолютно люблю вазу вашего египетского друга.
. Ехать в Россию , если не пить алкоголь.
. Сказать : "Привет! Увидимся!' когда вы с кем - то введены в Афганистане.
. обсудить политику с американским другом в Макдональдс.

2 понимание проверить.прочитал статью еще и ответить на вопросы.обсуждения вопросов в парах.который национальностей наиболее и наименее вовремя?почему британцы считают, что все понимают их обычаи?который национальностей не хотел бы съесть и делать бизнес в одно и то же время?"они (на французском языке) должны быть сытыми и напои." что или кто вы, как правило, питание и воду?американец, ваш друг собирается работать в японии.дать несколько советов о том, как он / она должна или не должна вести себя прилично.представьте, что вы на вечеринке на (a) (b), англии, америки.как ты мог начать разговор с незнакомцем?продолжить разговор с твоим партнером.который национальностей есть правила поведения за руки?каковы правила?почему это не очень хорошая идея..говорят, что ты любишь свою египетский друг вазу..поехать в россию, если вы не пьёте..скажи "привет!увидимся позже! "когда ты представил на кого - то в афганистане..обсуждаю политику с ваш американский друг в макдональдсе.

Read the text and choose the correct answer for each gap 1 − 5 . Listen and check.
Simulating Reality
Do the names Sim City, The Sims, MS Flight Simulator mean anything to you? Well, they are all popular video games that simulate reality. In Sim City, for example, players have to build 1 ) _ city that looks and functions much like a real one, with houses, shops and factories.
However, we 2 ) _ only use computer simulations for fun. 3 ) _ are many things that we cannot study or test in real life because it would be too difficult or dangerous. Computer simulations make such study and testing possible. In the past, for example, pilot training used to be very dangerous. Nowadays, pilots can practise their skills before they enter the cockpit 4 ) _ using flight simulators. Engineers 5 ) _ use computer simulations to design and test new products before people start using them. They can identify dangerous faults in cars and buildings, for instance, and therefore save lives.
With the help of computer simulations we can develop new things without putting people’s lives at risk during real life testing. They not only provide us with entertainment, but also play an important role in our future.
1 .
A. one
B. a
C. the
2 .
A. do
B. have
C. don’t
3 .
A. It
B. There
C. They
4 .
A. on
B. by
C. from
5 .
A. never
B. also
C. too
Answer the questions.
1 .What is a computer simulation?
2 . Why are simulations useful?
3 . Who can use simulations?
Explain the words in bold. Are there any words in the text which sound similar and have similar meanings in your language?


Перевод задания
Прочтите текст и выберите правильный ответ для каждого пробела 1 – 5 . Послушай и проверь.
Имитация реальности
Названия Sim City, The Sims, MS Flight Simulator что−нибудь значат для вас? Что ж, это все популярные видеоигры, имитирующие реальность. В Sim City, например, игроки должны построить 1 ) _ город, который выглядит и функционирует так же, как настоящий, с домами, магазинами и фабриками.
Однако мы 2 ) _ используем компьютерное моделирование только для развлечения. 3 ) _ много вещей, которые мы не можем изучить или проверить в реальной жизни, потому что это было бы слишком сложно или опасно. Компьютерное моделирование делает возможным такое изучение и тестирование. В прошлом, например, подготовка пилотов была очень опасной. В настоящее время пилоты могут практиковать свои навыки, прежде чем они попадут в 4 ) _ кабину экипажа, используя имитаторы полета. Инженеры 5 ) _ используют компьютерное моделирование для разработки и тестирования новых продуктов, прежде чем люди начнут их использовать. Они могут, например, выявлять опасные неисправности в автомобилях и зданиях и тем самым спасать жизни.
С помощью компьютерного моделирования мы можем разрабатывать новые вещи, не подвергая опасности жизни людей во время реальных испытаний. Они не только развлекают нас, но и играют важную роль в нашем будущем.
1 .
A. one
B. a
C. the
2 .
A. do
B. have
C. don’t
3 .
A. It
B. There
C. They
4 .
A. on
B. by
C. from
5 .
A. never
B. also
C. too
Ответьте на вопросы.
1 .Что такое компьютерное моделирование?
2 . Чем полезны симуляции?
3 . Кто может использовать симуляции?
Объясните слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом. Есть ли в тексте слова, которые звучат одинаково и имеют похожие значения на вашем языке?

1 – B, 2 – C, 3 – B, 4 – B, 5 – B.
1 .A computer simulation is a process of creating a situation close to real one.
2 . There are many things that we cannot study or test in real life because it would be too difficult or dangerous. Computer simulations make such study and testing possible.
3 . Many people can use simulations: engineers, pilots, doctors and others.
real life – реальная жизнь
training – треннировка, практика
skills – навыки
Engineers – Инженеры
faults – ошибки

Перевод ответа
1 – B, 2 – C, 3 – B, 4 – B, 5 – B.
1 .Компьютерное моделирование − это процесс создания ситуации, близкой к реальной.
2 . Есть много вещей, которые мы не можем изучить или проверить в реальной жизни, потому что это было бы слишком сложно или опасно. Компьютерное моделирование делает возможным такое изучение и тестирование.
3 . Симуляторы могут использовать многие люди: инженеры, пилоты, врачи и другие.
real life – реальная жизнь
training – треннировка, практика
skills – навыки
Engineers – Инженеры
faults – ошибки

Almost every nation has a reputation of some kind. The English are reputed to be cold, reserved, rather haughty people who do not yell in the street, make love in public or change their governments as often as they change their underclothes. They love Royal Family.

The English are a nation of stay-at-homes. There is no place like home, they say. English people prefer small houses with a small garden.

Englishmen tend to be rather conservative, they love familiar things. They are hostile, or at least bored, when they hear any suggestion that some modification of their habits, or the intro­duction of something new and unknown into their lives, might be to their advantage. This conservatism, on a national scale, may be illustrated by reference to the public attitude to the monarchy, an institution which is held in affection and reverence by nearly all English people.

The British people are the world’s greatest tea drinkers. They drink a quarter of all the tea grown in the world each year. Many of them drink tea on at least eight different occasions during the day.

Is it true that Belarusians eat potatoes at all meals?

The best-known symbol of Belarus is potato as we are number 1country in potato consumption in the world. We are even nicknamed “potato-eaters”. Belarusians are true potato-eaters and the potato is even called “the second bread” among people. Also an important place in food of Belarusians belongs to meat, especially beef, pork and salted pork fat. Our national food is very tasty and healthy because we use a lot of vegetables, mushrooms and fish. But of course the main place in our cuisine takes potatoes. I love traditional Belarusian dishes such as draniki, babka and holodnik and recommend these dishes to all foreigners.

What questions will you ask your British friend to find out his/her opinion about our country?

What parts of Belarus have you visited? Which part of Belarus would you like to visit? Do you know any places that belong to our cultural heritage? Do you like our country? Would you like to visit Belarus again?

Your British friend wants to discover Belarusian cuisine. What advice will you give him/her?

1)I would recommend traditional draniki. They are potatoes pancakes, sometimes with meat, mushrooms, eggs and vegetables. They are served with sour cream.

2) Belarus is famous for its cuisine. Many tourists come to our country to try Belarusian food. But I advise to try “draniki”. They are potatoes pancakes, sometimes with meat, mushrooms, eggs and vegetables. They are served with sour cream. I think “draniki” is the tastiest Belarusian dish and every family in our country has its own recipe. Grate raw potatoes, add some salt, pepper, onions and eggs. Fry pancakes and serve with sour cream. I’m sure you will like them.

What do you think is the best symbol of Belarus?

Belarus also has its national symbols. There is a green stripe on our flag. It is a symbol of our green forests. Belarus is famous for its white storks. People say, they are a symbol of good luck. The white colour is the symbol of peace. The blouses and the shirts in the Belarusian national costume are white with beautiful red ornaments – crosses and stripes. And the symbol of Belarusian fields is cornflower – a small blue flower. People sometimes call Belarus the blue-eyed country.

Билет №23

Вопрос №1. Text №8 Mi Luna

Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

This text is about a wonderful Spanish restaurant with a lively atmosphere - Mi Luna. We can find the description of an interior. We can also read about the menu and about nice and pleasant servise.

2. The service in Mi Luna is very good. Read aloud the extract which says about it. №5

What makes Mi Luna look very Spanish?

First it is painted with the classical colours that are used in Spain — red, yellow, white, and black. On the walls, there are photos of Spanish bullfighters, taken at the perfect moments of their performances. You can also enjoy a photo of the famous classical Spanish dance called Flamenco.

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При выполнении заданий на ознакомительное чтение нужно тратить много времени на внимательное прочтение текста. Выберите один ответ: Верно Неверно .

Which of the following is true according to the recording? Выберите один ответ: а. 15 likely that the proposal will be passed. b. Most of the council members do not like the idea. c. The city council has decided to carry out the idea next week. d. It will take more than two months to have all the cars installed.

When we Выберите один ответ: а. Бееп р. were с. маз 9. have been in the USA, we experienced a different way of life. .

When we Выберите один ответ: а. Бееп р. were с. маз 9. have been in the USA, we experienced a different way of life.

Match the verbs with their meanings. get by catch on pay off fall behind take up take off let somebody down keep up with pick up survive un .

Match the verbs with their meanings. get by catch on pay off fall behind take up take off let somebody down keep up with pick up survive understand give benefits make less progress than other people start doing something, e.g. a new activity become successful very fast disappoint/fail make as much progress as others learn easily oO ao

Choose the correct letter а, b, с or d. We have _b) alittle money left, let

Complele the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the past simple ог present perfect: English Commander Henry Hudson _ tried

Choose the correct letter а, b, с or d. We have _b) alittle money left, let"s buy two ice-creams.

Look at this list of famous companies or brands. Listen to their slogans and write in the missing words. All the slogans include а comparative or sup .

Look at this list of famous companies or brands. Listen to their slogans and write in the missing words. All the slogans include а comparative or superlative form. > 0:00 / 0:00 $) Philips Electronics: Let"s make things _ better Duracell: No battery is stronger longer Apple Computers: Everything is easier опа Мас. Pfizer pharmaceuticals: Working fora healthier world. Maltesers (chocolates): Disneyland: Dodge Trucks:

Choose the correct letter a, b, с ога. Scientists have c) made $ animportant breakthrough in the treatment of heart disease. .

Choose the correct letter a, b, с ога. Scientists have c) made $ animportant breakthrough in the treatment of heart disease.

Match the words and phrases with their synonyms. eruption outbreak $ fashionable trendy + a time when important things start happening in a situati .

Match the words and phrases with their synonyms. eruption outbreak $ fashionable trendy + a time when important things start happening in a situation, especially things that you cannot change a tipping point + flourishing viral s spoken communication word of mouth +

Choose the correct answer. What is the right usage of the Second Conditional? Выберите один ответ: а. югитадтед possibilities b. for general rules .

Choose the correct answer. What is the right usage of the Second Conditional? Выберите один ответ: а. югитадтед possibilities b. for general rules and principles

Task 1. Listen to the speaker and choose answers from the nationalities in the list. Which nationalities are considered very polite? Which national .

Task 1. Listen to the speaker and choose answers from the nationalities in the list. Which nationalities are considered very polite? Which nationality almost never sunbathes on holiday? Which nationality enjoys doing sport on holidays? Which nationality makes a lot of noise? Which nationality dresses well when they are on holiday? Which nationality loves sunbathing? Which nationality are the world"s worst tourists? Which nationalities have reputation for being the tidiest tourists? Which nationalities leave the most generous tips? Which nationalities are the least likely to complain? Which nationality are the world"s best tourists? The Japanese, the British, the Canadians, the Germans, the Australians the Americans the Greeks the Americans, the Italians, the Spanish the Italians, the French the Germans the French the Japanese, the Germans, the British the Americans, the British, the Germans, the Japanese the Japanese, the Canadians, the Swiss the Japanese

Верно ли переведен данный отрывок? To operate a successful business one should have management skills because effective management is the key to bus .

Верно ли переведен данный отрывок? To operate a successful business one should have management skills because effective management is the key to business success. Чтобы вести успешный бизнес, следует иметь навыки управления, потому что эффективное "управление - это ключ к успешному бизнесу. Выберите один ответ: Верно ¥ Неверно

Why is the dog barking? Выберите один ответ: а. It should have heard something. b. It must have heard something. .

Why is the dog barking? Выберите один ответ: а. It should have heard something. b. It must have heard something.

Stefan, an engineer, is briefing some sales colleagues on the advantages of a new pump design. Listen to the recording and match the tips to the extr .

Stefan, an engineer, is briefing some sales colleagues on the advantages of a new pump design. Listen to the recording and match the tips to the extracts. Extract 4 Performance levels that make the technology superior to the competition Extract 2 II Negative issues that have been reduced, or completely eliminated Extract 1 II Special features that differentiate the technology from conventional systems Extract 3II Conventional performance, compared with the older model of the same product

The Perfect Gerund is used to express an action simultaneous with that of the predicate. Выберите один ответ: Верно Неверно .

The Perfect Gerund is used to express an action simultaneous with that of the predicate. Выберите один ответ: Верно Неверно

Ве . Make a decision and stick to it! Выберите один ответ: a. assertive b. energetic .

Ве . Make a decision and stick to it! Выберите один ответ: a. assertive b. energetic

Make up a sentence using the given words. Two words are extra. Все больше и больше психологов интересуются харизмой. Моге апа тоге psychologist are .

Make up a sentence using the given words. Two words are extra. Все больше и больше психологов интересуются харизмой. Моге апа тоге psychologist are 1 interested in charisma I I II I II I [ I being

1. I have breakfast at six o

1. I have breakfast at six o"clock. (6) 2. My brother is in the эх class. (6) 3.Jamieis ten years old. (10) 4. Today isthe tenth of April. (10) 5. К costs only one pound. (1) 6. I ат so happy, that he won the _ first prize. (1) 7. ttakes five hours to get from London to Cairo by air. (5) 8. It"s the _ fifth day of our holiday in Florida. (5) 9.He scored three goalsin two games. (3,2) 10. It was his _ third goalin the last two games. (3,2)

The greatest disadvantage of hydroelectric dams is their high cost. Выберите один ответ: Верно Неверно .

The greatest disadvantage of hydroelectric dams is their high cost. Выберите один ответ: Верно Неверно

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