Descriptive writing people spotlight 11 сочинение

Обновлено: 01.07.2024

Цель уроков обучающего письма: систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по теме, развивать навыки письменной речи и аудирования, использовать лексические единицы при описании ( в данном случае, внешности и характера человека).

Vocabulary: physical appearance, character adjectives

Listening: a letter

Skill - listening and reading for detailed comprehension

Reading: an article describing a good friend (matching)

Writing: an article describing someone you admire

Воспитательные: воспитание толерантности к иноязычной культуре, применение теоретических знаний на практике, развитие познавательного интереса к предмету, умение работать в коллективе, индивидуально, использование практических знаний в области информационных технологий с применением компьютера.

Образовательные: ознакомление учащихся с возможностями использовать информационные технологии и навыки письма.

Обучающие: развитие навыков монологической речи, закрепление навыков произношения, прослушивания, чтения и перевода текста, семантизация лексических единиц в речи и письме, формирование языковой компетенции.

Развивающие: научить умению логически мыслить, развивать монологическую речь, закрепить умение наблюдать, сравнивать, сопоставлять, анализировать, оценивать других, умение работать индивидуально и в коллективе.

Тип занятия: повторительно-обобщающий урок.

Вид занятия: занятие-семинар.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, экран, CD с презентацией урока, карточки для индивидуальной работы, тесты для самостоятельной работы.

Teacher: Take your handouts or look at the screen. You can see some words and I want you to list them under the following headings. Be attentive in your pronunciation, please. Do it in writing.

Descriptions of/Articles about people should consist of:

1. The introduction giving brief general information about the person - name/relationship to you & how/when you met him/her.

2. The main body of two to four paragraphs describing the person's physical appearance, personality and hobbies /interests / activities / achievements etc. in separate paragraphs.

Start each paragraph with a topic sentence which summarises the paragraph.

3. The conclusion with your comments & feelings about the person.

Descriptions of people can be found in articles, letters, narratives etc. We use present tenses to describe someone we know well/see often (a relative, a good neighbour) and past tenses to describe someone who is no longer alive or who we don't see any more (our best friend from primary school, a grandparent who has died).

Teacher: Now listen to the text as a model about a dear friend Sunny. Match the headings to the paragraphs

Key: 1. C; 2. D; 3. A; 4. E; 5. B

Description of appearance

Teacher: Now look at the photo of the teenager and use adjectives from the table to complete their descriptions.

Use the example:

Jane is quite good-looking.

She's slim with…and…hair.

She's pale-skinned with a…nose.

She always looks well-dressed in…clothes.

Description of personality and behaviour

Teacher: Now I want you to speak about personality and behaviour.

• When describing someone's personality, use a variety of character adjectives and justify them with an explanation or example. E.g. Lyn is very shy. She doesn't like going to parties.

• If you describe negative qualities, use mild language.

Use: tend to, seem to, is rather, can sometimes be etc.

E.g. Josh can sometimes be rather selfish. (NOT: Josh is selfish.)

Teacher: Please translate from Russian into English and correct using softer language (use phrases: tend to, seem to, is rather, can sometimes be etc.) (Слайд 8)

- Мой друг очень упрямый. (My friend is rather stubborn.)

- Моя сестра всегда ведет себя по-детски. (My sister always behaves immaturely.)

- Он ужасно неорганизован. (He is terribly disorganized.)

Guess who is this?

He is well-built and just under six foot. He has got a large square face and straight nose. His hair is short and neatly combed. He is athletic-looking because he is a former sportsman. He has large muscles. His eyes are green and piercing.

His mouth is full of big teeth and he has a charming smile. He is middle-aged. He is an actor and a former politician. He lives in the USA.

She is of medium height. She has a strong athletic body. Her face is round and pale-skinned. Her hair can be either curly or straight, long or short because she has a changeable image. Her eyes are big and brown. Her nose is straight. She prefers fashionable clothing. She can often be seen on the stage singing and dancing. She appeared in some movies. She has two children: a daughter and a son. Now she is divorced. Her hobby is yoga.

Teacher: Match the adjectives to their explanations.

1. energetic; 2. easy-going; 3. talkative; 4. lazy; 5. bossy; 6. optimistic; 7. ambitious; 8. selfish; 9. hot-tempered; 10. рopular

a. always looks on the bright side of life

b. never stops chatting

c. is always telling people what to do

d. only cares about him/herself

e. is always on the go

f. has lots of friends and is liked by everyone

g. isn't easily annoyed, worried or upset

h. doesn't like working

i. has a strong desire to be successful in life

j. gets angry really easily

Teacher: Now let's work with the test using the adjectives. Fill them in the sentences.

Write down your answers in your notebooks: aggressive, pessimistic, generous, hardworking, outgoing, arrogant, sensitive, cheerful.

1. Ben is so ________. He believes that a job isn't worth doing unless it's done properly.

2. Alison is quite ________. She often picks fights with people and gets angry really easily.

3. Jake is ________. He's the life and soul of the party and loves meeting new people.

4. Joe is a ___________ person. He always expects the worst.

5. Tanya is ________. She's always got a smile on her face and never lets anything get her down.

6. I've never met anyone as ________ as Sally. She's always buying people gifts.

7. John is so ________! He thinks he's more important and better than everyone else.

8. Sam is a ________ guy. He's a great listener and seems to understand when you're feeling down.

Key: 1. hard-working, 2. aggressive, 3. outgoing, 4. pessimistic, 5. cheerful, 6. generous, 7. arrogant, 8. Sensitive

Sometimes you can join descriptions of similar personal qualities and of contrasting ones by using: in addition, also, and, both…and, moreover, as well as, but, on the other hand, however, although, etc.

For example: She is both kind and helpful. Moreover, she never loses her temper. Or: She is independent and knows her own mind. However, she is sometimes very stubborn.


Teacher: I am going to sum up. Today we spoke about "Descriptive writing (people)" at our lesson. We learned new words describing different persons. We listened to the tape about Sunny to understand her personality and character, and we practiced writing skills. Also you answered my questions and saw a computer presentation. I think our English lesson was full of information which you can use.

Teacher: I want you to write down your home task in your diaries. Read the theory box. When describing a person, we can use our senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) and write an essay about a person you admire.

В этом видео Макс пишет письмо своему знакомому, который ищет солистку в свою группу. Он считает, что привлекательная и талантливая Белла подойдёт как нельзя лучше на эту роль. На её примере главный герой учит, как правильно выстраивать описание внешности и характера.

В данный момент вы не можете посмотреть или раздать видеоурок ученикам

Чтобы получить доступ к этому и другим видеоурокам комплекта, вам нужно добавить его в личный кабинет, приобретя в каталоге.

Получите невероятные возможности

Конспект урока "Descriptive writing (people)"

Charlie told me you are looking for a new singer for your band. If so, I think my friend might be perfect. Her name is Bella and she’s my neigbour and classmate.

Bella’s our age, though she looks like she’s already in her early twenties. She’s very pretty. She’s about medium height and slim, and she’s got long, straight, dark hair. She dresses fashionably, though usually in black.

She’s very easy-going and I think she has a great sense of humour – we get on really well. She has an incredibly warm personality. She’s supportive and knows how to encourage people when they are feeling down.

She’s also a very creative person and a fantastic singer. She plays the piano and writes her own songs and has even made a video to go with one of them. She’s into all sorts of music, from classical to punk and I think she;s the sort of person who is open to new ideas.

I think she looks a bit like a Hollywood film star because she’s very glamorous. And she’d make a great singer for the band.

Watch her video (attached) and let me know what you think.

Best wishes,

Descriptions of / Articles about people should consist of:

Descriptions of people can be found in articles, letters, narratives etc.

We usually use present tenses to describe someone we know well/see often (a relative, a good neighbour) and past tenses to describe someone who is no longer alive or who we don’t see any more (our best friend from primary school, a grandparent who has died).

Now look through the letter again and match the headings to the paragraphs:

A personality and justifications

B comments and feelings

C name and where/when/how met

D physical appearance

E interests

When describing someone’s physical appearance you can use the following sentences.

Mention age.

He’s (about) my/your/our age.

He’s in his teens/early/mid/late twenties.

Describe hair, eyes, skin and face.

He’s got cool, short, medium length dark hair.

She’s got beautiful, long, straight, curly, thick, blonde hair.

She’s got a kind/friendly/unusual smile/face.

He’s dark-skinned/wrinkled/freckled/tanned.

He’s got deep blue/light brown/sparkling/expressive/lively eyes.

She’s got long/hooked/straight/upturned nose.

Mention height/build.

She’s short/medium height/tall.

He’s fairly well-built/slim/skinny/overweight.

Describe clothes.

She dresses casually, smart/well/in black.

He always wears casual /scruffy/fashionable/stylish/designer clothes.

He never wears a tie.

Use adjectives from the list to complete Susan’s description.

Susan is quite good-looking.

She’s slim with …and … hair.

She’s pale-skinned with a …. nose.

She always looks well-dressed in … clothes.

When describing someone’s personality, use a variety of character adjectives and justify them with an explanation or example.

For example: She’s supportive. She knows how to encourage people when they are feeling down.

Some adjectives in English can sound negative when used to describe a person. Replace them with neutral expressions like: tend to, seem to, is rather, etc.

For example: Jo is a bit too slim. NOT Jo is skinny.

Harry is not interested in fashion. instead of Harry is scruffy.

Now match the adjectives to their justifications.

1. Optimistic – always looks on the bright side of life.

2. Talkative – never stops chatting

3. Bossy – is always telling people what to do.

4. Selfish – only cares about himself.

5. Energetic – is always on the go.

6. Popular – has lots of friends and is liked by everyone.

7. Lazy – doesn’t like working.

8. Ambitious – has a strong desire to be successful in life.

9. Hot-tempered – gets angry really easily.

10. Easy-going – isn’t easily annoyed, worried or upset.

11. Shy – looks down at the floor and blushes when speaking to unfamiliar people.

12. Confident – looks people in the eye and smiles when meeting them for the first time.

13. Sensitive – her/his eyes often fill with tears while watching sad movies.

14. Moody – often sits with his arms folded and with a grumpy expression on his face.

15. Impatient – taps the foot and sighs when he has to wait.

16. Nervous – bites the nails constantly and often fidgets a lot.

Fill in: aggressive, pessimistic, generous, hard-working, outgoing, arrogant, sensitive, cheerful.

1. Sam is so hard-working. He believes that a job isn’t worth doing unless it’s done properly.

2. Maggie is quite aggressive. She often picks fights with people and gets angry really easily.

3. Jake is outgoing. He’s the life and soul of the party and loves meeting new people.

4. Greg is pessimistic. He always expects the worst.

5. Kate is cheerful. She’s always got a smile on her face and never lets anything get down.

6. I’ve never met anyone as generous as Nancy. She’s always buying people gifts.

7. John is so arrogant! He thinks he’s more important and better than everyone else.

8. Sam is a sensitive guy. He’s a great listener and seems to understand when you’re feeling down.

Linking words and phrases

We can join descriptions of similar personal qualities by using: in addition, also, and, both … and, moreover, as well as etc.

E.g. She is both kind and helpful. Moreover, she never loses her temper.

We can join descriptions of contrasting qualities by using: but, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, in spite of this, although etc.

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Урок по английскому языку в 11 классе (общеобразовательная школа: О.В. Афанасьева - Английский в фокусе. Уррок дает возможность учащимся учиться использовать информационные технологии и навыки письма.Учащиеся закрепляют навыки монологической речи, аудирования и чтения, развивают умения работать в коллективе и индивидуально.

“ Descriptive writing (people)”

Урок по английскому языку в 11-м классе (общеобразовательная школа: О.В.Афанасьева – Spotlight (Английский в фокусе).

Систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по теме “Descriptive writing (people)”, развивать навыки письменной речи и аудирования, использовать лексические единицы при описании внешности и характера человека.

Vocabulary: physical appearance, character adjectives

Listening: a letter

Skill – listening and reading for detailed comprehension

Reading: an article describing a good friend (matching)

Writing: an article describing someone you admire

Воспитательные: воспитание толерантности к иноязычной культуре, применять теоретические знания на практике, развивать познавательный интерес к предмету, умение работать в коллективе, индивидуально, использовать практические знания в области информационных технологий с применением компьютера.

Образовательные: знакомить учащихся с возможностями использовать информационные технологии и навыки письма.

Обучающие: развитие навыков монологической речи, закрепить навыки произношения, прослушивание, чтения и перевода текста, семантизация лексических единиц в речи и письме, формирование языковой компетенции.

Развивающие: научить умению логически мыслить, развивать монологическую речь, закрепить умение наблюдать, сравнивать, сопоставлять, анализировать, оценивать других, умение работать индивидуально и в коллективе.

Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий урок.

Вид урока: занятие-семинар.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, экран, CD с презентацией урока, карточки для индивидуальной работы, тесты для самостоятельной работы, учебники, тетради.

Инициализация урока. (Слайд 1).

Teacher: Good morning, students! Sit down, please. Sit up. Are you ready? Let’s begin our English lesson.

Today we shall speak about “Descriptive writing (people)” at our lesson. We’ll remember new words describing our friends, relatives, neighbours and different persons in letters and articles. We’ll listen to the text about Sunny to know about her personality and character. We’ll remember a lot of adjectives when we can speak about different people. I want you to practice writing skills.

Open your notebooks and write down the date and the theme of our lesson.

Фонетическая зарядка. (Слайд 2)

Take your print papers or look at the screen, you can see some words from our lesson and I want you to list them under the following headings. Be attentive in your pronunciation, please. Do it in writing.

Are you ready? Now it’s time to read.

Now open your textbooks at page 18, ex. 1 (the theory box). Let’s remember how we can describe the people in letters or articles.

Descriptions of \ Articles about people should consist of:

an introduction giving brief general information about the person name / relationship to you & how / when you met him / her.

a main body of two to four paragraphs describing the person’s physical appearance, personality and hobbies / interests / activities / achievements etc. in separate paragraphs. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence which summarises paragraph.

a conclusion with your comments & feelings about the person.

Description of people can be found in articles, letters, narratives etc. We use present tenses to describe someone we know well/see often (a relative, a good neighbour) and past tenses to describe someone who is no longer alive or who we don’t see any more (our best friend from primary school, a grandparent who has died).

Now listen to the text as a model about the dearest friend Sunny. Match the headings to the paragraphs (Ex. 2a, p.18).

Keys: 1-C; 2-D; 3-A; 4-E; 5-B.

The recording is very slow, that’s why listen to it once:

My Dearest Friend

Sunny and I met on the first day of secondary school on a warm autumn day. After class I told her that her name described the weather perfectly that day. She laughed, and we became friends.

Sunny is an attractive girl in her late teens. She is tall, slender and dark-skinned and she usually wears her shoulder-length brown hair in a ponytail, which highlights her high cheekbones and long oval face. When she smiles, her almond-shaped eyes sparkle and her whole face lights up. She wears light makeup and fashionable clothes.

Sunny has an incredibly warm personality. She is supportive and knows how to encourage people when they’re feeling down. However, she tends to be very stubborn and determined. Once she’s made up her mind about something, no one can make her change it!

Sunny always lives life to the full. In fact, she finds it very difficult to sit still for long! She’s always humming her favourite songs, too, whatever she’s doing! She’s adventurous and loves discovering things about people and places.

Sunny is a marvellous friend who really lives up to her name. I find it hard to imagine what my life would be like if I hadn’t met her.

There are 5 paragraphs there. Please match the headings. (Keys: 1-C; 2-D; 3-A; 4-E; 5-B)

Now find words from the article in Ex.2 which match the headings describing Sunny. (Use Ex. 3a, p.18) or look at the screen.

Now look at the photo of the teenager and use adjectives from the table to complete their descriptions. Use the example:

Jane is quite good-looking. She’s slim with…and…hair. She’s pale-skinned with a…nose. She always looks well-dressed in…clothes.

Now I want to speak you about personality and behaviour.

When describing someone’s personality, use a variety of character adjectives and justify them with an explanation or example. E.g. Lyn is very shy. She doesn’t like going to parties.

If you describe negative qualities, use mild language. Use: tend to, seem to, is rather, can sometimes be etc. E.g. Josh can sometimes be rather selfish. (NOT: Josh is selfish.)

Please translate from Russian into English and correct using the mild language (use phrases: tend to, seem to, is rather, can sometimes be etc.) (Ex.5, p.19):

- Мой друг очень упрямый. (My friend is rather stubborn)

- Моя сестра всегда ведет себя по-детски. (My sister always behaves immaturely)

- Он ужасно неорганизован. (He is terribly disorganized)

Guess who is this?

Arnold Schwarzenegger

He is well-built and just under six foot. Ha has got a big square face and straight nose. His hair is short and neatly-combed. He is athletic-looking because he is a former sportsman. He has large muscles. His eyes are green and piercing. His mouth is full of big teeth and he has a charming smile. He is in his middle-aged. He is an actor and a politician. He lives in the USA.

She is of medium height. She has a strong sports body. Her face is round and pale-skinned. Her hair can be either curly or straight, either long or short because she has a changeable image. Her eyes are big and brown. Her nose is straight. She prefers fashionable clothing. She can often be seen at the stage singing and dancing. She took part in some movies. She has 2 children: a daughter and a son. Now she is divorced. Her hobby is yoga.

Open your textbook at page 19, Ex.4a. Match the adjectives to their justifications.

1. energetic 2. easy-going 3. talkative 4. lazy 5. bossy 6. optimistic 7. ambitious 8. selfish

9. hot-tempered 10. Popular

a. always looks on the bright side of life

b. never stops chatting

c. is always telling people what to do

d. only cares about him/herself

e. is always on the go

f. has lots of friends and is liked by everyone

g. isn’t easily annoyed, worried or upset

h. doesn’t like working

i. has a strong desire to be successful in life

j. gets angry really easily

Now let’s do the test using the adjectives. Fill them in the sentences. Write down your answers in the notebooks. (Ex. 4b, p.19):

aggressive 2. pessimistic 3. generous 4. hard-working 5. outgoing 6. arrogant

7. sensitive 8. cheerful

Ben is so… . He believes that a job isn’t worth doing unless it’s done properly.

Alison is quite… .She often picks fights with people and gets angry really easily.

Jake is … . He’s the life and soul of the party and loves meeting new people.

Joe is a… person. He always expects the worst.

Tanya is… . She’s always got a smile on her face and never lets anything get her down.

I’ve never met anyone as…as Sally. She’s always buying people gifts.

John is so…! He thinks he’s more important and better than everyone else.

Sam is a…guy. He’s a great listener and seems to understand when you’re feeling down.

Sometimes you can join descriptions of similar personal qualities and of contrasting ones by using: in addition, also, and, both…and, moreover, as well as, but, on the other hand, however, although etc.

For example: She is both kind and helpful. Moreover, she never loses her temper. Or: She is independent and knows her own mind. However, she is sometimes very stubborn.

Take your print papers, Ex. 2. Rewrite the sentences using linking words or phrases.

Two students are ready to deliver their family describing personal qualities. Let’s start.

Students, what words and phrases did they use describing their families?:

Подведение итога урока.

I am going to sum up. Today we spoke about “Descriptive writing (people)” at our lesson. We knew new words describing different persons. We listened to the tape about Sunny to know about her personality and character and practiced writing skills. Also you answered my questions and saw a computer presentation. I think our English lesson was full of information which you can use in your other school ones.

Домашнее задание.

I want you to write down your home task in your diaries.

Read the theory box at p. 20, Ex. 8a. When describing a person, we can use our senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) and then do Ex. 3 in your print papers and rewrite the sentences as a model. Ex. 4 – Read the following essay and put the paragraphs in the correct order using our plan to describe people.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

List the words under the following headings: energetic • of medium height ice.

List the words under the following headings: energetic • of medium height ice-skating • optimistic • outgoing likes scuba diving • cooking • straight nose sensitive • piercing eyes • tennis casual clothes • arrogant • tanned sailing APPEARANCE PERSONALITY HOBBIES

1. Introduction (Paragraph 1) Name / relationship to you & how / when you met.

1. Introduction (Paragraph 1) Name / relationship to you & how / when you met him / her 2. Main body (Paragraphs 2-4) Physical appearance Personality Hobbies, interests, achievements 3. Conclusion (Paragraph 5) Your comments & feelings

A – personality & justifications; B – comments & feelings; С – name & when/wh.

A – personality & justifications; B – comments & feelings; С – name & when/where/how met; D – physical appearance; E – interests. Keys: 1-C; 2-D; 3-A; 4-E; 5-B.

* HEIGHT Short, of medium height, just under six foot, tall BUILD Skinny, ove.

* HEIGHTShort, of medium height, just under six foot, tall BUILDSkinny, overweight, slender, well-built, petite AGEIn her mid-twenties/thirties etc., late teens, middle-aged, elderly COMPLEXIONDark-skinned, pale-skinned, wrinkled, tanned, freckled/rosy/rough, dry skin FACERound, attractive, heart-shaped, high-cheekbones, triangular, long oval, square HAIRCurly, straight, long, blond, dyed, thick, medium-length, spiky, permed, neatly-combed, ponytail, bun, shoulder-length, brown EYESDeep blue, light brown, sparkling, piercing, sad, almond-shaped, tear-filled, expressive, lively NOSEHooked, crooked, long, straight, upturned CLOTHESFormal, casual, designer, fashionable

Jane is quite good-looking. She’s slim with…and…hair. She’s pale-skinned with.

Jane is quite good-looking. She’s slim with…and…hair. She’s pale-skinned with a…nose. She always looks well-dressed in…clothes.

1. Lyn is very shy. She doesn’t like going to parties. 2. Josh can sometimes.

1. Lyn is very shy. She doesn’t like going to parties. 2. Josh can sometimes be rather selfish. (NOT: Josh is selfish.) Tend to, seem to, is rather, can sometimes be etc.

Мой друг очень упрямый. Моя сестра всегда ведет себя по-детски. - Он ужасно.

Мой друг очень упрямый. Моя сестра всегда ведет себя по-детски. - Он ужасно неорганизован. Tend to, seem to, is rather, can sometimes be etc.

energetic 2. easy-going 3. talkative 4. lazy 5. bossy 6. optimistic 7. ambit.

energetic 2. easy-going 3. talkative 4. lazy 5. bossy 6. optimistic 7. ambitious 8. selfish 9. hot-tempered 10. popular

in addition, also, and, both…and, moreover, as well as, but, on the other han.

in addition, also, and, both…and, moreover, as well as, but, on the other hand, however, although etc. She is both kind and helpful. Moreover, she never loses her temper. She is independent and knows her own mind. However, she is sometimes very stubborn.


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  • ЗП до 91 000 руб.
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  • Удаленная работа

Дистанционные курсы для педагогов

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

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Школьные Инфоконкурсы 2022

Свидетельство и скидка на обучение каждому участнику

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Настоящий материал опубликован пользователем Черноусова Татьяна Николаевна. Инфоурок является информационным посредником и предоставляет пользователям возможность размещать на сайте методические материалы. Всю ответственность за опубликованные материалы, содержащиеся в них сведения, а также за соблюдение авторских прав несут пользователи, загрузившие материал на сайт

Если Вы считаете, что материал нарушает авторские права либо по каким-то другим причинам должен быть удален с сайта, Вы можете оставить жалобу на материал.

Автор материала


  • Подготовка к ЕГЭ/ОГЭ и ВПР
  • Для учеников 1-11 классов

Московский институт профессиональной
переподготовки и повышения
квалификации педагогов

Дистанционные курсы
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Подарочные сертификаты

Ответственность за разрешение любых спорных моментов, касающихся самих материалов и их содержания, берут на себя пользователи, разместившие материал на сайте. Однако администрация сайта готова оказать всяческую поддержку в решении любых вопросов, связанных с работой и содержанием сайта. Если Вы заметили, что на данном сайте незаконно используются материалы, сообщите об этом администрации сайта через форму обратной связи.

Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления. Авторские права на материалы принадлежат их законным авторам. Частичное или полное копирование материалов сайта без письменного разрешения администрации сайта запрещено! Мнение администрации может не совпадать с точкой зрения авторов.

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