Companies and the local communities сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

by Alison Maitland.
Microsoft scores most highly in the eyes of chief executives for demon-
strating commitment to, and investment in, communities.
Among the reasons they give are the work of the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation, the company’s ‘respect for local community needs’ and the large
sum it spends on sponsorship.
‘Bill Gates’ contributions to charity have dramatically changed the image
of Microsoft,’ says one CEO.
Toyota, in second place, has ‘a commitment to train local suppliers and
employees,’ says another respondent. Another says the autos company contri-
butes to the protection of the environment.
Third is Coca-Cola, which ‘provides a lot of employment’ and ‘adapts to
the culture of every country’. BP and McDonald’s take fourth and fifth place,
and GE comes sixth.

Обязательство общин Commitment to communities

Элисон Мейтлендом by Alison Maitland.
Баллы Microsoft scores most highly in the eyes of chief executives for demon-
strating strating commitment to, and investment in, communities.
Among the reasons they give are the work of the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation, the company’s ‘respect for local community needs’ and the large
sum it spends on sponsorship.
‘Bill Gates’ contributions to charity have dramatically changed the image
of Microsoft,’ says one CEO.
Toyota, in second place, has ‘a commitment to train local suppliers and
employees,’ says another respondent. Another says the autos company contri-
butes to the protection of the environment.
Third is Coca-Cola, which ‘provides a lot of employment’ and ‘adapts to
the culture of every country’. BP and McDonald’s take fourth and fifth place,
and GE comes sixth.

приверженность общиныблагодаря элисон мейтленд.Microsoft десятки наиболее высоко в глазах старших руководителей для демона -view приверженность и инвестиционной деятельности в общинах.среди причин, они дают - работа билла и мелинды гейтс"компания" уважать потребности местных общин и большогосумма, она тратит на спонсорство."билла гейтса, взносы на благотворительность резко изменили имиджMicrosoft ", - говорит один из руководителей.Toyota, на втором месте, "приверженность подготовке местных поставщиков иработники ", - говорит другой респондент.другой говорит, что автомобили компании contri -бут для защиты окружающей среды.третий - "кока - кола", который "дает много занятости" и "адаптируется ккультуры каждой страны ".BP и McDonald 's занимают четвертое и пятое место,и GE идет шестой.

There are many kinds of companies: private companies, family-owned and multinational companies. They work in different business sectors: transport, engineering, retailing, construction, tourism, banking etc. Peugeot, for instance, is a French car manufacturer which supplies cars. Bacardi Martini is a Spanish drinks supplier which supplies champagne and vine. Microsoft is an American IT-company, which developing Windows operating system and other software.
I would like to say some words about Microsoft. This company was founded by Bill Gates in late 70s. Being one of the most successful and profitable companies in the world, they spend a lot on charity. Bill and his wife Melinda opened Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation organization, which helps poor citizens of Africa staying alive.
So, if you want to be as successful as Bill you should follow these tips:
- start with a simple business idea that is easy to understand
- have some good designers who also understand production
- have a strong company culture
Those are only basic keys and of course, what works for one person may not work for others.

Public information efforts in the field will seek to promote dialogue between the United Nations and the local communities.

Усилия в области общественной информации на местах будут направлены на поощрение диалога между Организацией Объединенных Наций и местными общинами.

Surveying, clearance and disposal of explosive hazards continued throughout the Abyei Area to improve safety for United Nations personnel, humanitarian actors and the local communities.

Работы по обследованию, разминированию и удалению неразорвавшихся боеприпасов проводились на всей территории района Абьей в целях повышения безопасности персонала Организации Объединенных Наций, гуманитарных организаций и местных общин.

He added that more robust reconciliation measures involving returning IDPs and the local communities had to be undertaken to address the underlying causes of displacement.

Он добавил, что для ликвидации коренных причин перемещения должны быть приняты более справедливые меры для достижения примирения с участием возвращающихся ВПЛ и местных общин.

The process of reintegration shall be community-based so that both the returnees and the local communities will benefit from it.

Процесс реинтеграции осуществляется на уровне общин, с тем чтобы от него получали пользу как возвращенцы, так и местные общины.

Typically, complaints were received from programme managers, the Conduct and Discipline Team of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the local communities in the host country.

Как правило, жалобы направляют руководители программ, Группа по вопросам поведения и дисциплины Департамента операций по поддержанию мира и местные общины в принимающих странах.

This involved a wide range of stakeholders that helped to ensure a comparatively transparent and participatory reform process, thus laying the foundation for enhancing the role of civil society and the local communities in helping to steer and monitor the sector in the future.

Этот процесс включал широкий круг заинтересованных субъектов, которые помогли обеспечить сравнительно транспарентный и всеобщий характер проводимых реформ, позволивших заложить фундамент для повышения роли гражданского общества и местных общин и расширения их участия в управлении и осуществлении контроля в этом секторе в будущем.

Ethnic and linguistic affinities among the populations in the region have so far ensured that tensions between internally displaced persons, Sudanese refugees and the local communities have remained low.

В силу этнической и лингвистической близости между жителями региона значительной напряженности в отношениях между внутренне перемещенными лицами, суданскими беженцами и местными общинами до сих пор удавалось избежать.

There is a need for strengthening communication among government, industry and the local communities, and encouraging the exchange of views on industry actions that affect the welfare of citizens or pose public-health risks.

Следует усилить связь между правительством, промышленностью и местными общинами и способствовать налаживанию обмена мнениями по вопросам промышленной политики, затрагивающей благосостояние граждан или представляющей опасность для здоровья населения.

MONUC has sought to engage the Government of Uganda and the local communities, including the rebel movements, to put an end to further conflict and to resolve their differences through peaceful means.

МООНДРК пытается привлечь правительство Уганды и местные общины, включая повстанческие движения, к усилиям по прекращению дальнейшего конфликта и урегулированию их разногласий мирными средствами.

The police component also promoted local community security initiatives through unarmed and voluntary neighbourhood watch mechanisms and conducted community-based interactive patrols to monitor issues relating to public order and to serve as a conduit between UNISFA, humanitarian agencies and the local communities.

Полицейский компонент также содействовал осуществлению инициатив местных общин в области безопасности с помощью организации невооруженных и добровольных дружин и осуществлял интерактивное патрулирование в общинах, отслеживая вопросы, касающиеся общественного порядка, и выполняя роль канала связи между ЮНИСФА, гуманитарными учреждениями и местными общинами.

This allows for more effective and efficient response from the outset and provided added value in the form of more concise and accurate information to national authorities, donors and the local communities.

Благодаря этому повышается эффективность мер реагирования, а национальные органы, доноры и местные общины получают более четкую и точную информацию.

They enhanced interaction between the Mission and the local communities and authorities, and provided support to both UNMISS and the local authorities in their response to threats to the protection of civilians.

Они содействовали укреплению взаимодействия между Миссией и местными общинами и властями, а также повышению способности и МООНЮС, и местных органов власти реагировать на угрозы безопасности гражданского населения.

The strategy addressed to the parents, as main responsible for the raise and care of their children and main beneficiaries of the social services, along with their children, as well to the professionals working in this field and the local communities.

Стратегия ориентирована на родителей как лиц, несущих основную ответственность за воспитание детей и заботу о них, которые также являются главными бенефициарами социальных услуг, вместе с их детьми, а также профессионалами, работающими в этой области, и местными общинами.

The rehabilitation programme is being carried out by the Government, UNICEF, WHO and the local communities.

Museums can also showcase stories told and discussions held, which can further facilitate and initiate discussions with students and the local communities.

В музеях могут также выставляться экспонаты, повествующие о рассказанных историях и проведенных дискуссиях, что, в свою очередь, может дать толчок обсуждениям с приобщением учащихся и местных общин.

It is vital to break the dependency link between armed groups carrying out natural resource exploitation and the local communities if their activities are to be brought to an end.

Крайне необходимо разорвать цепь зависимости между вооруженными группами, занимающимися эксплуатацией природных ресурсов, и местными общинами для того, чтобы эти группы прекратили свою деятельность.

These visits, coordinated with the Kosovo Force, UNMIK police and the local communities, sought to provide as many residents as possible with a reasonable opportunity to change their money.

В ходе этих поездок в координации с Силами для Косово полицией МООНК и местными общинами прилагались усилия, направленные на то, чтобы предоставить максимальному числу жителей достаточные возможности для обмена денег.

Mine action survey, clearance, and demolition operations by the United Nations Mine Action Service continued throughout the area to assess and remove potential explosive threats to United Nations personnel and the local communities.

Разведка минных полей, разминирование и деятельность по уничтожению мин, проводимые Службой по вопросам деятельности, связанной с разминированием, продолжались на территории всего района с целью оценки и устранения возможной угрозы для персонала Организации Объединенных Наций и местных общин.

A lack of the appropriate structural ratios for the investment sources of innovation activity in Ukraine was recognized. It was proved that a significant disadvantage is the low investment activity of both the State and the local communities in supporting the innovation area.

Установлена недостаточность рациональных структурных соотношений по источникам инвестирования инновационной деятельности в Украине. Доказано, что существенным недостатком является низкая инвестиционная активность государства и местных общин в финансовой поддержке инновационной сферы.

1. What is the structure of a modern business? What positions are necessary at a developing enterprise? What do you know about it? Read and translate.

Each company, firm, joint venture, stock-holding company, concern, bank, fund has its own complicated business structure and the staff which is necessary for the work. But still there are some general principles how to organize the work at the enterprise.

The Managing Director or the Chief Executive or President is the head of the company. The company is usually run by a Board of Directors – each Director is in charge of a department. The Chairman of the Boards is in overall control and may not be the head of any one department.

Vice-President or Vice-Chairman is at the head of the company if the President or the Chairman is absent or ill.

Most companies have Finance, Sales, Marketing, Production, Research and Development, Personnel, Tax, Logistics Departments. These are the most common departments, but some companies have others well.

Most departments have a Manager, who is in charge of its day-to-day running, and who reports to the Director. The Director is responsible for strategic planning and for making decisions. Various personnel in each Department report to the Manager.

Let’s dwell on some positions in details.

General Manager – Supervises and leads the company’s employees. Maintains relations with customers, executes sales contracts and provides problem analysis and resolutions. Represents the company at fairs and distributors’ conferences. In some companies maintains a local warehouse. Provides quality audits. Self-motivated, decision maker.

Sales Manager – Manages the sales staff of a company, supervises sales activity including a staff of sales representatives, plans and achieves target sales revenues and maintains a positive relationship between the company and its clients. Must have extensive sales experience, often as many as 5 years in the position of sales representative before moving up to the position of sales manager. Excellent communication and management skills are required. The person must be a proven problem solver and possess management skills necessary to develop a sales team.

Finance and Administration Manager – Must have strong accounting experience including maintenance of Internal Controls, costing, budgeting, forecasting and the development of Management Information Systems. Must possess proven general management skills, including development of Logistics and Administration Systems to support a rapidly growing business.

Marketing Manager – Manages marketing department. Plans, directs and executes all marketing and related activities. Initiates and/or implements advertising strategy and promotional programs. Oversees creative effort and media plans. Must have 3 year commercial experience, strong interpersonal skills, ability to manage a team and lead personnel, excellent communication skills, computer literacy.

Customer Service Manager – Finds proper persons, organizes and supervises the job of Customer Service Clerks, Receptionist. Provides the solution for all existing conflict situations. Provides information and orders forms for distributors, directors. Prepares monthly reports regarding performance of distributors.

Product Development Manager – Develops branded products for the company. Prepares a brief of the project, a timeline with priorities and options for the successful competition of the project. Researches on potential facilities, provides competitor’s analysis. Realizes market research on product quality and packing. Negotiates with the producer.

Training Manager – Organizes and supervises trainers, develops and implements training courses for distributors, directors, staff, etc. Learns the existing training practice in other countries with the aim to extract, develop and implement the best ideas. Tests courses to satisfy all distributors’ and directors’ needs in training.

Forecast, Supply and Transport Supervisor– Makes monthly forecasts of all products. Works with a company software system (product Forecast). Provides logistics, works with suppliers concerning shipments of product. Arranges shipments.

Treasury, Budget Specialist – Realizes treasury and cash flow management. Prepares, reviews and monitors reports on all capital expenditure projects. Provides budget cycle and management reporting. Ensures the company’s costing system. Deals with internal projects, company’s legal documents. Coordinates all insurance matters. Trains and develops staff in functional expertise.

Sales Representative – Realizes coordination of commercial activities. Conducts negotiations with customers. Markets intelligence functions targeting new customer group identifying business opportunities and introduction of new technologies. Is responsible on and controls the selling activities in the frame of the regional strategy. Frequently travels to customers. Must have the following qualifications: Engineering degree in some sphere, 3-5 year experience in the chosen field.

Financial Controller – Develops accounting policies and procedures. Inputs and oversees confidential and complex transactions. Implements auditing techniques that ensure accuracy of financial results. Analyzes data and provides recommendations to senior management for improvement. Prepares consolidated results. Provides financial analysis. Improves internal controls. Must have University education, be well-organized, accurate, detail-oriented personality.

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