Clothes make the man сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Some teenagers think that clothes make the man, while others don’t care much about what they wear. Nowadays the word "fashion” is a synonym for beauty, style and glamour.

Every shop offers a wide choice of fashionable clothes and it is hard to resist the temptation to buy something new. But is it all right to put so much attention to clothes? Personally, I am sure that there are more important things in life than fashion. To my mind, people speak too much about it and waste a lot of money on clothes. I have a pair of jeans and I wear them every day. I think jeans are comfortable and cheap. I never go for the latest styles or buy very expensive clothes.

However, most teenagers say that clothes show their personality. Besides, they are the first thing people see when they meet them. Teenagers believe that clothes help them produce a favourable impression and they say they feel better when they are dressed well. Young people also use bright make-up, cut and dye their hair and carry different accessories such as bags, purses, glasses, jewellery, hats or scarves in order to attract attention. Some youngsters are fond of experimenting with their look and mixing styles. But I don’t think it is wise to become a fashion victim.

To conclude, I believe that clothes do not make the man. The main aim of clothes is to protect the human body from extreme weather, insects, chemicals and other hazards. The second aim is to attract attention and to indicate status. In my opinion, the main thing about clothes is com­fort. As for beauty and style, they are less important.

Некоторые подростки считают, что одежда делает человека, в то время как другие не заботятся о том, что они носят. В настоящее время слово "мода" является синонимом красоты, стиля и гламура. Каждый магазин предлагает широкий выбор модной одежды, и трудно удержаться от соблазна купить что-то новое. Но это все в порядке, чтобы положить столько внимания к одежде ? Лично я уверен, что есть более важные вещи в жизни, чем мода. На мой взгляд, люди говорят об этом слишком много, и тратить много денег на одежду. У меня есть пара джинсов и я ношу их каждый день. I думаю, джинсы дешево и удобно. Я никогда не идти на последних стилей или купить очень дорогую одежду. Тем не менее, большинство подростков говорят, что одежда показать свою индивидуальность. Кроме того, они первым делом люди видят, когда они встречают их. Подростки считают, что одежда помощь их производят благоприятное впечатление, и они говорят, что они чувствуют себя лучше, когда они одеты хорошо. Молодые люди также используют яркий макияж, вырезать и красить волосы и носить различные аксессуары, такие как сумки, кошельки, очки, ювелирные изделия, головные уборы, шарфы в порядок чтобы привлечь внимание. Некоторые молодые люди любят экспериментировать с их внешний вид и смешения стилей. Но я не думаю, что это разумно, чтобы стать жертвой моды. В заключение, я считаю, что одежда не делает человека. Основная цель одежды, чтобы защитить организм человека от экстремальных погодных условий, насекомых, химикатов и других опасностей. Вторая цель заключается в привлечении внимания и указать статус. На мой взгляд, самое главное в одежде комфорт. Что касается красоты и стиля, они менее важны.

некоторые подростки думают, что одежда делает человека, тогда как другие не заботит то, что они носят.в наше время слово "мода" это синоним красоты, стиля и роскоши.

каждый магазин предлагает широкий выбор модной одежды и трудно удержаться от соблазна купить что - то новое.но это хорошо так много внимания одежду?личноя уверен, что есть более важные вещи в жизни, чем мода.на мой взгляд, люди говорят слишком много об этом и тратить кучу денег на одежду.у меня есть пара джинсов, и я ношу их каждый день.я думаю, джинсы - комфортно и дешево.я никогда не пойду на последней стили или купить очень дорогую одежду.

, однако, большинство подростков, сказать, что одежду показать свою индивидуальность.кроме того,это первое, что видят люди, когда они их удовлетворения.подростки считают, что одежда, помочь им создать благоприятное впечатление, и они говорят, что они чувствуют себя лучше, когда они одеты.молодежь также использует яркий макияж, вырезать и красят волосы и выполнять различные аксессуары, например, сумки, кошельки, очки, украшения, шапки и шарфы, чтобы привлечь к себе внимание.некоторые молодые люди любят экспериментировать с их смотрят и смешение стилей.но я не думаю, что это разумно, чтобы стать жертва моды.

завершить, я считаю, что одежда не делает человека.главная цель одежду заключается в защите человеческого тела от экстремальных погодных условий, насекомых, химических веществ и других опасностей.вторая цель состоит в том, чтобы привлечь внимание и сообщить о статусе.на мой взгляд,главное, насчет одежды - com - форт.а для красоты и стиля, они менее важны.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

МБОУ «Средняя школа 33 с углубленным изучением

Учитель: Мурзалиева Тамара Ахнаповна

Тема : С lothes make the man

Цели урока : развитие критического мышления.

Задачи : Совершенствование навыков практического владения английским языком по данной теме в монологической и диалогической форме; развитие критического мышления через изучение информации, постановку вопросов и выделение проблем, выбора убедительной информации, углубляющей собственную позицию.

Оборудование урока: Персональный компьютер, проектор, проекционный экран или интерактивная доска, словари, учебники, раздаточный материал. Мультимедийные приложения: MS Word , MS PowerPoint.

Учебник : : “Countdown to first certificate” (Oxford University Press, Michael Duckworth & Kathy Gude)

Дополнительная литература : Move, Macmilan, Angela Holman, Bruce Milne, 2008; Reading & Writing Targets 3, V.Evans- J.Dooley, Express Publishing 1999 .

1. Speak Out - журнал для изучающих английский язык Глосса, Hot issues , 2000 г.

Ход урока

- Glad to see all!

- You look nice today. Did it take you much time to dress in the morning?

Society places great value о n appearance and most people care about how they look. Indeed, we often judge others by their appearance. However, there is danger of placing too much importance on how someone looks. People spend too much time and money on fashion. Should the way someone dresses be the most important thing in life? Do clothes say a lot about your character?

I think it will be useful to discuss some of the problems and try to understand if we should spend too much time and money on fashion.

II. Picture-based discussion:

1. Look at the pitures on the blackboard. ( Слайд 2)

What do you think of the clothes the people in the photos are wearing?

2. Look at the pictures once again and let’s make a list of words to describe their emotions. ( Слайд 3)

-colourful and joyful

I think some of the following activities will help us discuss these problems:

3. Why do you think some people wear outrages clothes? (Cлайд 4)

Look through the list of the phrases that can be used to describe the pictures.

-to look like he is full of dollars

-to attract attention

-to look extraodinary

-to look for their status

-to stand out in crowd

4. People’s choice in clothes has always helped to give others an impression of who they are. Like a Rolls-Royce or a privite plane, fashion acts as a status symbol. Someone's appearance can give us useful information about that person. ( Слайды 5,6,7,)

When we see a person wearing a suit, we suspect he is a professional. We can easily recognize an ambitious business executive in suit and tie, an elegantly dressed young business woman, punks or goths.

Do you agree with the statement that we can say a lot about a person by the clothes he/she wears?

III. Pre-text activities:

1. Complete these sentences within the words in the box.

1. I spend all my money on clothes. I love shopping. I’m a ------------

2. I prefer clothes which are made by people like Versace and Armani. I always choose---------- clothes.

3. I think it’s important to wear up-to-date clothes and be-------------------

4. When I go parties I make sure that I wear my favourite--------------------

5. I can’t stand spending time choosing which clothes to wear. My favourite clothes are fine for either formal or informal occasions. I buy clothes that are -------

6. I’m not vain, but I like clothes that make me look slimmer, or taller. It’s important to choose clothes that -------------

IV. While listening activities:

1. Listen to Claire talking about fashion. Are these statements true or false?

1. She plays more attention to clothes than make-up.------

2. She mainly buys expensive designer clothes.------

3. She loves high heels.------

4. Her favourite outfit at the moment is a pair of trousers.------

5. She gets her ideas from fashion magazines.------

6. She loves the fashion for short skirts.------

7. She thinks fashion is really about being self-confident.------

8. She likes men to wear short-sleeved shirts and jeans.------

2. Listen again and complete the intervewer’s questions.

If you had more money, would you rather buy lots of new clothes or----------

V. After text activities (pair-work):

1. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the question in Ex. 2

VI. While reading activities:

Many people are obsessed with brand name clothing. (Cлайд 8)

They say they pay for high quality. Others believe that you only pay for the brand’s name and the product is no better than any others. I think some of the following activities will help us discuss these problems.

1. Look through the text and say what the text is about

2. Read the text and choose a, b, or с .

Designer brands aren’t for me!

Although I follow fashion, I hate the phrase ‘must-have’. If I read that Egg boots or Prada sunglasses are the latest ‘must-haves’, my immediate reaction is to think, ‘Why must I have them?’ Why should I fall for the designer’s manipulate tactics which are only intended to increase his bank balance at expense of mine?’

Designer brands, in general, are for people who are too insecure to trust their own tastes. These people decide that everything at Prada must be ‘cool’, so I you shop there, you can’t go wrong. I find it much more satisfying to pop into one of the cheap chain stores on the High Street and buy a copy of the designer’s clothes for a tenth of the price. OK, you have to use your skills to find the one garment in three that looks great. But it’s worth it! It’s like finding a piece of gold in a river. The find gives you immense satisfaction.

Which is why, as a survey done by a British banker said this week, young people with money are abandoning the designer shops and buying their clothes chain stores, second-hand shops and in markets. This is the best news I’ve heard all weeks. It means that young people have the confidence to trust their judgment. They are prepared to take risks to look individual and not mass- produced. That has always been my shopping philosophy. The exorbitant prices in designer shops leave me open mouthed. Even if I had the money, I would think of all the other things I could spend on it.

1. The writer thinks.

a fashion is ridiculous.

b Prada sunglasses are 'must-haves'.

с designers just want to make a lot of money.

2. she thinks people who buy designer brands.
a are ‘cool.'

b don't have good taste.

с are frightened of making a mistake.

a it's easy to find great, cheap clothes.

b you feel good if you find good, cheap clothes.

с the clothes in high street stores are better than designer clothes.

4. According to the bank survey, rich young people.

a now want to look different from each other.

b don't have as much money to spend as they used to.

с are now buying more designer clothes.

A thinks the price of designer clothes is fair.

b thinks there are better things to spend her money on.

с would like to have the money to buy designer clothes.

VII. Group work .

1. It is important to follow fashion? Look through the list of the phrases that can be used to discuss the problem. ( Слайд 9)

2. People spend too much time and money on fashion. The way someone dresses shouldn’ be the most important thing in life. It’s also a waste of money as fashion changes so quickly. Do you agree or disagree? Think of as many points for and against following fashion as possible.

VIII. Setting homework:

Write a ‘For and against’ essay on the topic using 200-250 words.

I agree that people spend too much time and money on fashion. The way someone dresses shouldn't be the most important thing in life. It's also a waste of money as fashion changes so quickly.

Paragraph plan

Paragraph 1: Introduction [ state the topic and give opinion (not necessary to be a slave to fashion to look smart) ]

Paragraph 2 Viewpoint 1 and reason (it is expen­ sive to follow fashion - people get into debt trying to keep up)

Viewpoint 2 and reason (fashion followers give up their individuality for the sake of fashion - this gives wrong impression)

Viewpoint 3 and reason

Paragraph 3: 2 opposing viewpoint and reason (dressing fashionably gives the correct image for jobs - people who work with the public)

Paragraph 4: Conclusion . Balanced consideration/opinion (it is better to wear clothes which reflect one's personality rather than become a fashion slave)

III. Pre-text activities:

1. I spend all my money on clothes. I love shopping. I’m a shopaholic.

2. I prefer clothes which are made by people like Versace and Armani. I always choose designer clothes.

3. I think it’s important to wear up-to-date clothes and be fashionable.

4. When I go parties I make sure that I wear my favourite outfit .

5. I can’t stand spending time choosing which clothes to wear. My favourite clothes are fine for either formal or informal occasions. I buy clothes that are versatile .

6. I’m not vain, but I like clothes that make me look slimmer, or taller. It’s important to choose clothes that flatter .

IV. While listening activities:

1 . Listen to Claire talking about fashion .

Fashion victims

( I = Interviewer; С = Claire)

I : So Claire, how often do you buy clothes?

C : Well as often as possible, actually. I'm a bit of a shopaholic. I don't spend nearly as much time or money on my hair. And I rarely wear make-up. But, to me, clothes are a really important part of my appearance. For that reason I do buy a lot of clothes, yeah.

I : If you had more money would you rather buy lots of new clothes or a few expensive ones?

C : Well, I'm not sure really, erm the cost of clothes is not really important to me. I like something, I buy it. I mean I've bought second-hand clothes, I've bought designer clothes. So I'm not sure about that.

I : How would you describe the way you dress - your style?

C : I wouldn't say I follow fashion. Erm, I think I'm quite individual. I like to find clothes that no one else will have. However, I also like to be comfortable. I rarely wear high heels and I hate being hot, so this affects what I wear.

I : Do you have a favourite outfit?

C : Well I mean it changes from time to time. At the moment I've got a favourite pair of trousers that I seem to be wearing all the time, to everywhere, with everything. Erm, they're very versatile so I can wear them with trainers or high heels, erm different belts and tops. They can be smart or casual.

I : How aware are you of current fashion trends?

C : Not particularly. I mean, I don't watch fashion shows on TV and I don't read fashion magazines. So really my only exposure to fashion is when . when I'm shopping or in the street when I see someone else wearing something. I think that fashion is quite hard to avoid. You're often not aware that you are aware.

I: Is there anything that you wouldn’t wear?

C: Erm, I try not to wear anything that doesn't flatter me. I very rarely wear short skirts because I hate my legs. I also n е ver wear anything too revealing as that's just not my style.

I : Whose sense of fashion or style do you most admire?

C: I really admire Cameron Diaz. I think everybody does. She's always very confident in the way she dresses and I think that's the most important thing. That's what fashion's about - having your own self-confidence.

I : And what about for a man? What clothes do you like for a man?

C : Well, I think it comes down to what I don't like men wearing. So it's things like white socks, sandals and trousers that are too short. I don't like short-sleeved shirts with jeans as all the guys wear them and they just all look the same. I like a man to look good, but not as if he has tried really hard. That's not too much to ask for, is it?

1. Are these statements true or false?

1. She plays more attention to clothes than make-up. - T

2. She mainly buys expensive designer clothes. - F

3. She loves high heels. - T

4. Her favourite outfit at the moment is a pair of trousers. - T

5. She gets her ideas from fashion magazines. - F

6. She loves the fashion for short skirts. - F

7. She thinks fashion is really about being self-confident. - T

8. She likes men to wear short-sleeved shirts and jeans. - F

2. Listen again and complete the intervewer’s questions .

How often do you buy clothes?

If you had more money, would you rather buy lots of new clothes or a few expensive ones ?

How would you describe the way you dress?

Do you have a favourite outfit ?

How aware are you of current fashion trends?

Is there anything that you wuoldn’t wear ?

Whose sense of fashion or style do you most admire?

What clothes do you like for a man ?

VI. While reading activities:

2. Read the text and choose a, b, or с .

VII. Group work .

2. People spend too much time and money on fashion. The way someone dresses shouldn’ be the most important thing in life. It’s also a waste of money as fashion changes so quickly. Do you agree or disagree? Think of as many points for and against following fashion as possible.

expensive to keep up with fashion

dressing fashionably increases self-confidence

good clothes thrown away when fashion changes

to dress fashionably in order to create the correct image for their careers

To begin with, I want to say that our appearance is just as important as our intelligence and inner world. There is even a proverb that “Clothes make the man”. I couldn’t say better! If you want my opinion, clothes are our mood, comfort and philosophy (attitude to life).

The way people dress depends on their taste and character and also on the season and occasion. There are many style of clothes: casual, classic, sport, traditional, romantic, ethnic, vintage, chic, exotic and others. To my mind, we shouldn’t stop on any particular style because each of them is good in different situations. That’s why I prefer casual style, but sometimes can wear sport or ethnic outfits (for example when I travel abroad).

I’m absolutely convinced that clothes should be comfortable. For me, it’s the most important feature of any piece of clothing. Because I want to be able to walk, work or relax in it. I don’t understand those people who buy inconvenient clothes that just look smart. That’s not reasonable and practical, I consider.

I find that the idea of a “basic wardrobe” is just brilliant! So I try to buy clothes in such a way they could match each other. Most of my sweatshirts, for example, suit all my trousers as well as skirts. The same is about footwear.

I’ve got some outfits that are classical, several suits that are really modern and some stuff that is just casual and I can wear them almost everywhere. You know, such simple and interchangeable wardrobe helps me save time. I don’t have problems with choosing something to put on.

To tell you the truth, on the one hand, I love when clothes are simple. But on the other hand, I’m very choosy about my stuff. I spend some time to find the thing that I really like. What is more I pay a lot of attention to the condition of my clothes. I love when they are clean and tidy. In England they say, that “Good clothes open all doors” and I think it’s true.

To conclude, I’d say that when I look good, I feel good. So for me the way I look is important. But, of course, I don’t think that clothes are the most important thing in our life. So I don’t follow any fashion and I don’t spend half of my free time shopping.

Прежде всего я хочу сказать, что наша внешность так же важна, как наш интеллект и внутренний мир. Есть даже пословица, что "Одежда создает человека". Я бы не смог сказать лучше! Если хотите знать мое мнение, одежда - это наше настроение, комфорт и философия (отношение к жизни).

То, как люди одеваются, зависит от их вкуса и характера, а также от времени года и случая. Существует множество стилей одежды: повседневный, классический, спортивный, традиционный, романтический, этнический, винтажный, шик, экзотический и другие. На мой взгляд, мы не должны останавливаться на каком-то конкретном стиле, потому что каждый из них хорош в разных ситуациях. Именно поэтому я предпочитаю повседневный стиль, но иногда могу носить спортивные или этнические наряды (например, когда выезжаю за границу).

Я абсолютно убежден, что одежда должна быть удобной. Для меня это самая важная особенность любого предмета гардероба. Потому что я хочу иметь возможность ходить, работать или отдыхать в нем. Я не понимаю тех людей, которые покупают неудобную одежду, которая просто красиво выглядит. Я считаю, что это неразумно и не практично.

Я считаю, что идея "базового гардероба" просто гениальна! Поэтому я стараюсь покупать одежду таким образом, чтобы она подходила друг другу. Большинство моих свитеров, например, подходят ко всем моим брюкам, а также юбкам. То же самое и с обувью.

У меня есть несколько классических костюмов, несколько костюмов, которые очень современные, и несколько вещи, которые подходят для повседневной носки, и я могу носить их почти везде. Знаете, такой простой и взаимозаменяемый гардероб помогает мне экономить время. У меня нет проблемы с выбором что надеть.

Честно говоря, с одной стороны, я люблю, когда одежда простая. Но с другой стороны, я очень разборчив в своих вещах. Я трачу некоторое время, чтобы найти то, что мне действительно нравится. Более того, я уделяю много внимания состоянию своей одежды. Я люблю, когда она чистая и аккуратная. В Англии говорят, что "хорошая одежда открывает все двери", и я думаю, что это правда.

В заключение я бы сказал, что когда я хорошо выгляжу, я хорошо себя чувствую. Поэтому для меня важно, как я выгляжу. Но, конечно, я не думаю, что одежда - это самое главное в нашей жизни. Поэтому я не следую никакой моде и не трачу половину своего свободного времени на покупки.

Напомним, что для того чтобы написать качественное сочинение по английскому языку на тему "мой стиль одежды" рекомендуется сначала составить план. Это поможет не потерять мысль и выстроить письменное высказывание логично и грамотно.

The well-known proverb, "Clothes make the man", has its origin in a general recognition of the powerful influence of the habiliments in their reaction upon the wearer. (S. Leacock, ‘Literary Lapses’, ‘A New Pathology’) — Хорошо известная пословица "по платью встречают" отражает весьма распространенное мнение, что одежда влияет на характер человека.

2 clothes make the man

3 Clothes do not make the man

4 Clothes do not make the man.

5 Clothes don't make the man.

См. также в других словарях:

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clothes make the man — Cf. Gk. εἴματα ἀνήρ, the man is his clothing; ERASMUS Adages ‘Divitiae’ vestis virum facit. a 1400 Prov. Wisdom 1. 59 in Archiv (1893) XC. 245 Euer maner and clothyng makyth man. c 1445 Peter Idley’s Instructions to his Son (1935) I. 82 Ffor… … Proverbs new dictionary

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man — see man cannot live by bread alone whatever man has done, man may do a man is as old as he feels, and a woman as old as she looks man is the measure of all things man proposes, God disposes man’s extremity is … Proverbs new dictionary

make — I. verb (made; making) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English macian; akin to Old High German mahhōn to prepare, make, Greek magēnai to be kneaded, Old Church Slavic mazati to anoint, smear Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. a.… … New Collegiate Dictionary

make — see make hay while the sun shines as you make your bed, so you must lie upon it you cannot make bricks without straw clothes make the man make haste slowly if you don’t make mistakes you don’t make anything … Proverbs new dictionary

clothes — see clothes make the man there is no such thing as bad weather, only the wrong clothes … Proverbs new dictionary

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