Cat trapped under decking for eight weeks сочинение

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

The last weekend was pretty ordinary. I could sleep as long as I wanted in the morning. There was no hurry.

On Saturday, I went for a walk to the park with my friend. On Sunday, I went to the shopping center with my parents. I had time to watch cartoons and play my favorite games on my tablet.

I did my homework and cleaned my room.

Although there were no special events, I had a good time.

Последние выходные были довольно обычными. Утром я мог спать сколько хотел. Не было никакой спешки.

В субботу я гулял в парке со своим другом. В воскресенье я ходил с родителями в торговый центр. У меня было время посмотреть мультфильмы и поиграть в мои любимые игры на планшете.

Я сделал домашнее задание и убрался в своей комнате.

Хотя никаких особенных событий не было, но я хорошо отдохнул.

Вариант 2 (Как я провожу выходные)

I love weekends. I can do what I like best on weekends. And I can spend more time with my friends and family.

I usually go to the swimming pool on Saturday. After lunch, I go for a walk with my friend, if the weather is good. Sometimes I invite friends to my place, sometimes they invite me.

In the evening, I draw, read or watch TV. I also like to play video games. Sometimes my parents and I play board games.

On Sunday, we often go to the shopping center. We buy food and other necessary things.

Sometimes we go to the cinema, to the theater or somewhere else.

Я люблю выходные. В выходные я могу заниматься тем, что мне нравятся. И я могу проводить больше времени с друзьями и с семьей.

Обычно в субботу я хожу в бассейн. После обеда я гуляю с подругой, если погода хорошая. Иногда я приглашаю друзей в гости, иногда они приглашают меня.

Вечером я рисую, читаю или смотрю телевизор. Еще мне нравится играть в видеоигры. Иногда мы с родителями играем в настольные игры.

В воскресенье мы часто ездим в торговый центр. Мы покупаем продукты и другие нужные вещи.

До недавнего времени ученые считали, что сон-это простое состояние покоя, но это совсем не так! Когда мы спим, температура нашего тела падает, частота сердечных сокращений и другие функции организма замедляются, но наш мозг остается очень активным.

Существует четыре различных этапа сна, которые повторяются каждые 90-110 минут. Стадии N1 и N2-это поверхностный сон, и мы можем легко проснуться. На стадии N3 у нас более глубокий сон, и нам труднее проснуться. Некоторые люди также могут ходить во сне или разговаривать во сне. Последняя стадия-это быстрый сон. Наши глаза двигаются, наш мозг очень активен, и у нас много снов. Зачем нам нужен сон?

Пока мы спим, наш мозг сортирует информацию, заменяет химические вещества, восстанавливает клетки и решает проблемы. Недостаток сна серьезно влияет на наш разум и тело. Когда мы недостаточно отдыхаем, мы можем чувствовать себя раздраженными, забывчивыми и неспособными сосредоточиться. Недостаток сна также может повлиять на нашу иммунную систему. В течение длительного времени это может вызвать депрессию и изменения личности и в конечном итоге даже сократить нашу жизнь.

Для всех это по-разному. но в среднем младенцам требуется от 16 до 18 часов сна, подросткам-около 9, а взрослым-от 7 до 8.

Вы должны стараться каждый день ложиться спать и просыпаться в одно и то же время. Это помогает вашему организму привыкнуть к рутине. Избегайте таких напитков, как кола и кофе перед сном - они содержат кофеин, который не дает вам уснуть.

Не занимайтесь спортом и не смотрите фильмы ужасов непосредственно перед сном. Это слишком сильно разбудит ваше тело, и вам может быть трудно заснуть.

1 Сколько часов вы отводите на сон? Прочитайте вопросы в тексте. Знаете ли вы ответы на какие-либо из них? Послушайте и прочитайте, чтобы проверить.

Sleep is a necessary part of life. I usually sleep for eight hours, but during exams it can take only five hours to sleep. During sleep, our body rests, and the brain sorts information. There are four stages of sleep in total. (Сон - это необходимая часть жизни. Обычно я сплю восемь часов, но во время экзаменов на сон может уходить всего по пять часов. Во время сна наше тело отдыхает, а мозг сортирует информацию. Всего существует четыре этапа сна.)

I get ten hours of sleep at night. There are four different stages of sleep. We need sleep for our bodies to repair and grow. Different people need different amounts of sleep. (Я сплю по десять часов ночью. Существует четыре различных стадии сна. Нам нужен сон, чтобы наши тела восстанавливались и росли. Разным людям нужно разное количество сна.)

3 Расскажите классу три факта, которые вы помните из текста. Используйте слова из рамки "Просмотрите слова".

resting state (состояние покоя), drop (падать), heart rate (частота сердечных сокращений), bodily function (функция организма), stow down (замедляться), brain (мозг), active (активный), stage (стадия), light (поверхностный), deeply (глубоко), replace (заменить), repair (ремонтировать), cell (клетка), lack of (недостаток), affect (повлиять), grumpy (сварливый), forgetful (забывчивый), concentrate (сосредоточиться), immune system (иммунная система), depression (депрессия), shorten (укоротить), get into a routine (войти в рутину), caffeine (кофеин), keep you awake (сохранить в состоянии бодрствования), fall asleep (заснуть)

heart rate (n): the number of times a person's heart beats per minute (heart = organ in the chest that pumps blood round the body)

(частота сердечных сокращений (сущ.): количество ударов сердца человека в минуту (сердце = орган в грудной клетке, который перекачивает кровь по всему телу)

2 I feel tired and grumpy the next day when I haven't slept well. It makes my day more difficult. (Я чувствую усталость и раздражение на следующий день, когда плохо сплю. Это усложняет мой день.)

3 I avoid drinks with caffeine before bedtime. I will try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day from now on. (Я не пью напитки с кофеином перед сном. С этого момента я буду стараться засыпать и просыпаться в одно и то же время каждый день.)

We spend about 25 years of our life in a dream, and we dream for six years, that is, a quarter of the entire time.

Chronic lack of sleep (less than 6 hours a day) leads to hearing and vision disorders, increased anxiety, obsessive states and nervous tics, inability to concentrate, apathy and general weakness, metabolic disorders and rapid weight gain. Complete lack of sleep for several days leads to loss of self – identification, visual and auditory hallucinations and paranoid syndrome, and subsequently-to death.

Military researchers have found that if you get enough sleep in advance (for example, going to bed earlier in a few days), sleep deprivation will not be as severe.

If you sleep for 12 consecutive nights for only 6 hours, the state of your body will be the same as in the presence of 0.1% alcohol in the blood - illegible speech, balance disorder, memory impairment. In other words, it is a state of intoxication.

(Примерно 25 лет своей жизни мы проводим во сне, причём видим сны шесть лет, то есть четверть всего времени.

Хроническая нехватка сна (менее 6 часов в сутки) ведёт к расстройству слуха и зрения, повышению тревожности, навязчивым состояниям и нервным тикам, неспособности сосредоточиться, апатии и общей слабости, нарушению обмена веществ и быстрому набору веса. Полное отсутствие сна в течение нескольких суток приводит к потере самоидентификации, зрительным и слуховым галлюцинациям и параноидальному синдрому, а впоследствии – к смерти.

Военные исследователи обнаружили, что, если вы выспитесь заранее (например, ложась спать ранее в течение нескольких дней), лишение сна не будет таким тяжелым.

Если 12 ночей подряд вы будете спать всего по 6 часов, состояние вашего организма будет таким, как при наличии 0,1% алкоголя в крови - неразборчивая речь, нарушение равновесия, ухудшение памяти. Другими словами, это состояние опьянения.)

Sometimes you may wake up just as you are falling asleep, because your body jerks suddenly. This happens because as you relax into sleep, the brain thinks you are falling down and instructs your muscles to jump back up. If you can’t sleep, some people say, you should count sheep. The truth is that counting sheep or anything else will actually keep you awake.

You shouldn't eat just before going to bed. This is because your body is busy digesting food instead of winding down to sleep.

(Иногда вы можете проснуться как раз в тот момент, когда засыпаете, потому что ваше тело внезапно дергается. Это происходит потому, что, когда вы расслабляетесь во сне, мозг думает, что вы падаете, и приказывает вашим мышцам снова вскочить. Некоторые люди говорят, что если вы не можете спать, вам следует считать овец. Правда в том, что подсчет овец или что-то еще на самом деле не даст вам уснуть.

Вам не следует есть непосредственно перед тем, как лечь. Это происходит потому, что ваше тело занято перевариванием пищи вместо того, чтобы засыпать.

Until Quite recently, scientists ’believed that sleep was a simple, resting state, but it isn't like this at all! When we sleep, our body temperature drops, our heart rate and other bodily.

There are four different stages of sleep that repeat every 90 to 110 minutes. Stages N1 and N2 are light sleep and we can easily wake up. In stage N3. we sleep more deeply and it's harder to wake up. Some people may also sleepwalk or talk in their sleep. The last stage is REM* sleep. Our eyes move around.

While we sleep, our brain sorts through information, replaces chemicals, repairs cells, and solves problems. Lack of sleep seriously affects our mind and body. When we don't rest enough, we may feel grumpy, forgetful and unable to concentrate. Lack of sleep can also affect our immune system. Over a long time, it.

You should try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. This helps your body to get into a routine. Avoid drinks like cola and coffee before bedtime -.

Don’t exercise or watch scary movies just before going to bed. This will wake your body up too much and you might.

1 How many hours of sleep do you get each night? Read the questions in the text. Do you know the answers to any of.

resting state, drop, heart rate, bodily function, stow down, brain, active, stage, light, deeply, replace, repair, cell, lack of, affect, grumpy, forgetful, concentrate, immune system, depression, shorten, get.

*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Министерство образования и науки ЛНР

ГБОУ Стахановская специализированная школа I - III ступеней им. А.Стаханова


по теме : “ Trapped in The Snow” для 7 класса

Учитель : Самотугина В.В.



Тема : “ Trapped in the snow”

Цель : - подготовить учащихся к написанию сочинения-истории с опорой на прослушанный текст; - активизировать употребление в письменной речи слов и выражений по теме; - систематизировать знания грамматического материала ( Past Simple ; Past Continuous ; Past Perfect ) – развивать навыки аудирования, чтения, письма, память, логическое мышление; - воспитывать аккуратность при письме, стойкий интерес к предмету;

Оборудование : картинки, магнитофон, карточки.


Teacher: What day of the week is it today? What day of the week it was yesterday? What was the weather like? Did you have a nice time on Sunday? Did you stay all day at home? What did you do?

1. Checking homework.


Teacher: What’s the name of our unit? (A Brush with Danger) What does it mean? (Sometimes people can be involved in extremely dangerous situations but they can find the way to survive and even be unharmed). What did we do previous lesson? What were the stories we read? (The Giant Squid, A Narrow Escape, Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend, My Feathered Hero). Did they narrate a frightening experience?

1. Presenting the topic

Teacher: Today, we are going to write our own story. Look at the pictures on the board. Guess what our story will be about? (about climbers). What words do you associate with the pictures?

2. Brainstorm

Words: climber – альпинист ; mountain – гора ; steep – крутой ; avalanche – лавина , снежный обвал ; cave – пещера ; rumbling noise – грохот ; be trapped – быть в ловушке ; entrance – вход ; stove – печь ; rescuer – спасатель .

3. Words of wisdom

Teacher: Read the sentences. What do they mean? Use the phrases of expressing opinion: I think..; In my opinion..; It seems to me that…; As for me…; I believe…; etc.

Hasty climbers have sudden falls.

Any port in a storm.

It’s easy to be wise after the event.

Student 1: I think the most experienced person may make a mistake and mistakes teach us a lot.

Student 2: in my opinion if you do something carelessly or in a hurry, you may make a mistake which has serious result.

Student 3: I believe when you in a trouble or danger it is very important to get help.

Student 4: It seems to me that after we have seen the result of the event it is easy to see what was wrong.

Student 5: As for me it is much more difficult to know what might happen before the event takes place.

4. Listening

Teacher: Read the notes and put them into correct order.

Teacher: Listen to the story and check the order. Key answers: 1.B; 2.C; 3.A; 4.E; 5.D

Teacher: Answer the questions.

1. Who is the story about? 2. Where did the story take place? 3. Were they experienced climbers? 4. Why did they decide to stop? 5. Where did they stop to rest? 6. What did they get from their packs? 7. What did they hear outside the cave? 8. Did the snow and ice start falling? 9. What had happened moments late? 10. Did they radio for help? 11. Did the rescuers arrive three hours or five hours late? 12. How much time did it take them to dig Ian and Bob out of the cave? 13. How did the story finish?

5. Speaking

Teacher: Retell the story using notes and paying attention to the correct forms of the verbs. Use the words: moments late, after that, lately, after what had happened, finally, within seconds, in the end, etc.

6. Writing

Teacher: when we write a story narrating a frightening experience we can divide our composition into five paragraphs. In the first paragraph, we set the scene. We write about who was involved in the story, when and where it happened, and what happened first. We continue in the second, third and fourth paragraphs, writing the events in the order they happened. In the last paragraph, we write what happened in the end and how the people in the story felt. We normally use Past tenses in such piece of writing. Write a composition entitled “Trapped in the Snow” (120-150 words) using the notes as well as the plan in the cards to write the story.

(If the composition was not completed in the class, it could be given students as their homework)

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

Some of the ingredients in food are very bad for us.

It’s the amount we eat that causes problems.

The way we cook our food is important.

I don’t like the taste of some food.

I wish I could eat more food that I like.

Athletic people have to eat more.

We need better health education.

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений A-Gсоответствуют содержанию текста (1-True), какие не соответствуют (2-False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3-Notstated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Susan has to replace her computer.

Susan can’t decide what to buy.

Ben is having problems with the computer he is using now.

Ben thinks both laptops and desktops can be expensive.

Susan often plays computer games.

Ben thinks a laptop screen would not be good enough for Susan.

Ben offers to go shopping with Susan.

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях 3-9 запишите цифру 1,2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

3 When he was younger, Mark imagined Siberia to be…

a very cold uninviting place.

very different from how others believed it to be.

a place full of learning opportunities.

4 Mark says summers in Siberia aren’t …

suitable for outdoor activity.

much hotter than winter.

warm all the time, but usually are.

5 What does Mark believe about Siberians?

They are aware of what people think about their region.

They’re a bit quiet when they are around outsiders.

They all like to get as much exercise as possible.

6 Mark strongly advises visitors to Siberia to go to places that…

contain beautiful lakes.

are full of trees and animals.

suit the individual traveler.

7 For whom does it seem Mark is changing his business?

People who love nature.

People who enjoy photography.

People who want fancy holidays.

8 What changes in Novosibirsk does Mark mention?

More people are using the railway station.

The city has made general improvements.

There are many new architectural wonders.

9 What does Mark use to prove that Siberia is an excellent place?

Things he has heard from his clients.

Things that hotel owners have told him.

Things that restaurant owners have said.

Раздел 2. Чтение

10. Установите соответствие между текстами AG и заголовками 18. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

Too many neighbours

Various uses


4. Not according to the plan

5. Made of rock

6. Built to annoy

7. A house from a book

8. Uncomfortable to be in

The Heliotrope is Germany’s first eco and energy-friendly house. Designed by architect Rolf Disch, this is the first PlusEnergy house in the world. The architect created this house as his private residence in 1994. This house produces more energy than it uses and the energy it produces is emissions free. The house rotates to track the sunlight and harness maximum energy of the sun in the form of heat and light.

If you wish to trouble your neighbours, the Skinny House is a nice idea. It was originally built as a Spite House – to upset the neighbours. Located in the North End of Boston, Massachusetts, this house is the narrowest house in the city. There is no clear evidence to support the reason of its construction. However, according to a legend, one of the neighbors built it to block the sunlight and air of another neighbour.

Nikolai Smirnov began building this ‘wooden skyscraper’ in Arkhangelsk with the intention of making it only a two-story building. But a trip to see wooden houses in Japan and Norway convinced him that he hadn’t used roof space efficiently enough, so he kept building. “First I added three floors but then the house looked strange, like a mushroom,” he said. “So I added another and it still didn’t look right so I kept going. Whatyouseetodayis a happyaccident.”

Polish businessman and philanthropist Daniel Czapiewski built The Upside Down House as a statement about the end of the world. The house stands on its roof while visitors walk on the ceilings. It took 114 days to build because the workers were so disoriented by the angles of the walls. It certainly attracts its fair share of tourists to the tiny village of Szymbark, who often become dizzy after just a few moments inside.

It seems a crazy idea, but it is a house. The Stone House is situated in the Fafemountains of Portugal. Sandwiched between two stones the house is said to have been inspired by the American “Flintstones” cartoon series. Although it may seem rustic, there are some amenities, which include a fireplace and a swimming pool – carved out of one of the large stones. Thehousedrawsmanytouristseveryyear.

The Hobbit House in Wales sure makes for some delightful photographs! It’s not surprising since a photographer is responsible for creating this house. With some help from his father-in-law, he was able to build this house using all natural materials and only $5,200. His goal was to create a living space that resembled houses from the fantasy novel “Lord of the Rings”, and within
4 months the dream was a reality.

Berlin-based architect Van Bo Le-Mentzel has created “One Square Metre House” – probably the smallest house in the world. It’s a wooden structure, which uses only one square meter of space and can be used as a dwelling place, mobile kiosk or even an extra room inside your apartment. Because of the flipping mechanism, it can be used both vertically or horizontally. It consists of a wooden frame, slide window and a lockable door.

11.Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A-F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1-7. Одна из частей в списке 1-7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

America’s fun place on America’s main street

If any city were considered a part of every citizen in the United States, it would be Washington, DC. To many, the Old Post Office Pavilion serves A _______________________. If you are in the area, be a part of it all by visiting us – or B _______________________. Doing so will keep you aware of the latest musical events, great happenings and international dining, to say the least.

Originally built in 1899, the Old Post Office Pavilion embodied the modern spirit С_______________________. Today, our architecture and spirit of innovation continues to evolve and thrive. And, thanks to forward-thinking people, you can now stroll through the Old Post Office Pavilion and experience both D _______________________ with international food, eclectic shopping and musical events. All designed to entertain lunch, mid-day and after work audiences all week long.

A highlight of the Old Post Office Pavilion is its 315-foot Clock Tower. Offering a breath-taking view of the city, National Park Service Rangers give free Clock Tower tours every day! Individuals and large tour groups are all welcome. The Old Post Office Clock Tower also proudly houses the official United States Bells of Congress, a gift from England E _______________________. The Washington Ringing Society sounds the Bells of Congress every Thursday evening and on special occasions.

Visit the Old Post Office Pavilion, right on Pennsylvania Avenue between the White House and the Capitol. It is a great opportunity F _______________________, this is a landmark not to be missed no matter your age. joining our e-community

2.that are offered to the visitors

3.its glamorous past and fun-filled present

4.that was sweeping the country learn more about American history a landmark reminder of wonderful experiences

7.celebrating the end of the Revolutionary War

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания12-18. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

Start of college life: how I coped with fear

For the last two years I’ve been working really hard to pass all my exams successfully and to get accepted to college. And yet college seemed to be the scariest thing that I could think of. Whenever I thought about it, my stomach would immediately begin to spin in circles. Although I was ready to go off and be by myself and meet new people, I was scared to death at the same time. I pictured hard classes that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with, people that wouldn’t like me, long hikes to get to my classes, and horrible food. I couldn’t imagine leaving the security of my own room, my own stuff where I want it, my friends that I’ve spent practically my whole life with, my family who put up with all my little quirks.

Everyone else that I talked to, however, didn’t seem to have this problem. They all were thrilled at the thought of being on their own and not having to worry about their parents telling them what to do or not to do all the time. And, sure, the thought was extremely exciting to me as well, but how would I survive without my family and friends and the things that had taken me eighteen years to get used to?

The summer before I came to college was probably the most fun my friends and I ever had. We all knew that in September things would never be the same again and we had to make the most of it while we still could. As the end of August rolled around we knew that it was time to say goodbye and be on our way to our own independence. I packed up the memories of the last eighteen years of my life into about five suitcases and was ready to go. I still didn’t feel like I was just as mature as my older college friends and I thought that I still looked like I was twelve years old.

We finally made it to the doors and began unloading my clothes and the eight million bags of food that my mom had packed for me. I still was unsure about sharing my room and not being able to have the privacy that I had back home. I was worried that the little habits that I had might annoy my roommate and that my roommate might have just as many annoying little habits that I might not be able to handle as well.

After I had all my things unpacked and put exactly where I wanted, my roommate and I decided to go around our hall and see whom we would be living with for the next two semesters. As we went around to different rooms and met different people my nervousness seemed to diminish. I began to realize that not everyone here knew everyone else and most were just as anxious and nervous about being here as I was. It worked. I started to feel better and was actually kind of excited about living here all by myself.

I still miss the security of living at home (and I wonder who would blame me for this feeling) and, most of all, home-cooked meals that are nonexistent here and the friends that I grew up with. But I know that we’ve all changed and those memories are just that – memories, no matter how pleasant they might be. And when times get too tough, my mom is just a phone call away. But I’m not too quick to call her and have her solve my problems. I’ve learned that I can usually work things out by myself. I’m glad that I’ve gone through these changes in myself and it makes me realize that I don’t need to fear change, that it’s just a part of life that everyone has to go through sometime.

12. How did the author feel about the beginning of her college life?

4) Ready for new life

13. The main problem for the author was that …?

1) her parents wouldn’t help her with advice.

2) nobody seemed to understand her feelings.

3) she would miss her family and friends a lot.

4) she was not ready for the classes.

14. Why was the summer before college such a fun time for the author?

1) Her old friend were very funny.

2) She made fun of her friends’ fears.

3) She and her friends made a point of enjoying each other’s company.

4) She was feeling like a very young child.

15. The author was worried about having to …

1) eat too much food.

2) live with a stranger.

3) phone her mother too often.

4) change her habits.

16. Upon arrival on campus the author found out that …

1) she did not have enough place for all her things.

2) her roommate was a very nice person.

3) she knew most of the people there.

4) other people felt a similar way.

17. What does the word ‘nonexistent’ refer to in the last paragraph?

3) College security.

18. How has becoming a college student changed the author?

1) She has got used to eating out.

2) She has learned how to make new friends.

3) She has become more attached to her mother.

4) She has become more independent.

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

Прочитайте приведенные ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 19-25 так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 19-25.

Difficult landing

One airline had a policy that required the first officer to stand at the door while the passengers exited. He smiled and thanked them for

19 __________________ the airline.FLY

A pilot on this airline landed his plane into the runway really hard. He

20thought that passengers __________________ angry comments.HAVE

21However, it seemed that all of __________________ wereTHEY

tooshocked to say anything. Finally, everyone got off except

for a little old lady. She said, ‘Can I ask you a question?’

‘Yes, Madam,’ said the pilot. ‘What was it?’ the lady asked,

‘Did we land or were we shot down?’

The Alhambra is a palace and fortress in Granada.

It 22__________________ between 1238 and 1358 at the BUILD

end of Muslim rule in Spain. Despite the development that

followed the Christian conquest, it still looks like a

medieval Moorish settlement.

Since the Middle Ages,

23the Alhambra __________________ as a SURVIVE

example of a Spanish-Moorish town. As most fortresses of that time, it has a surrounding wall, but it looks fairly weak.

24Later it __________________ the kings of Granada NOT DEFEND

and was just supposed to offer nice views.

25Today, the Alhambra __________________ to be one CONSIDER

of the greatest examples of Islamic architecture.

Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст. Образуйте от слов, напечатанных заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 26-31, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы 26-31.

Victoria Falls

Before you even see the falls, you hear and feel them.

As you walk along the trail to the entrance, the sound of rumbling

water sounds in the background

26and __________________ your face is hit with a breeze SUDDEN

of humidity and mist.

At 2 km wide and 100 m tall, Victoria Falls is the world’s largest curtain of falling water, and is twice the width and height of Niagara

27Falls. Victoria Falls was formed from intense

______VOlCANIC____________ activity almost 200 million years ago.VOLCANO

As you approach Victoria Falls from the nearby town of Livingstone, you first have to pass a larger-than-life statue of Livingstone, one of the

28most __________________ explorers.FAME

29“Livingstone was the first __________________ EUROPE

to see Victoria Falls and then spread the word about them,” said Dr. Lawrence.

“Part of the reason the news of great waterfalls in

30central Africawas so __________________ in the EXCITE

middle of the19th century was that many people thought that the centre of the continent was a desert,” he added.

Dr. Lawrence is a lecturer at Scotland’s University of Edinburghwho

31specialises in the history of science

and __________________ in Africa.EXPLORE

Victor Rosenheim, an American banker, was Consuela’s third husband. At first 32 ______ they looked happy. The gossip columns, however, were suggesting that the former Colombian model was already searching for the next husband. The Rosenheims flew into London from their home in New York. The purpose of their trip was twofold. There was always the chance that Mr. Rosenheim would take over a small merchant bank, while Mrs. Rosenheim intended to occupy her time looking 33 ______ a suitable birthday present – for herself. 34 ______ people have been able to discover exactly which birthday Consuela would officially be celebrating.

After a sleepless night, Victor Rosenheim 35______ to get up early for an important meeting in the City, while Consuela remained in bed toying with her breakfast. After breakfast Consuela 36 ______ a couple of phone calls and then she disappeared into the bathroom.

Fifty minutes later she emerged from her suite dressed in a pink Chanel suit. She stepped out of the hotel and into the morning sun to begin her search for the birthday present.

She spent some time in Asprey’s considering the latest slimline watches, a gold statue of a tiger with jade eyes and a Faberge egg. She 37 ______ that her close friend, Tina, was not with her, she needed her advice badly. From there she walked to a 38 ______ shop, which despite a determined salesman who showed her almost everything the shop had to offer, she still left empty-handed.

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