Body language сочинение на английском

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Sometimes it’s easy to tell what is on a person’s mind by the way they position their body. Facial expressions also give clues as to what other people are thinking. The way a person stands, positions their arms, and smiles can tell a lot about them. Men and women typically have different movements, which mean different things.

People position their bodies in many different ways when standing. The most intimate of them being, face to face, hip to hip (Fenney 102). This is something that usually only men do when they’re mad. When conducting an experiment, in which she acted like a man for a day, Susan Fenney stood this way towards a male coworker. He would keep inching away from her. Within five minutes he had done two complete circles (Fenney 102).

Men usually take up more space while sitting down. It is not necessarily because they are bigger; men were raised believing that they have more power then women (Fenney 102). They are also more likely to take an armrest, and least likely to give up a subway seat to a pregnant lady (Fenney 102).

The way men and women greet people is very different. Contrary to popular beliefs, men are more likely to touch women when they greet them, then women are to touch men. Men usually touch people on their upper body, for instance, back-slapping. When Susan Fenney tried this on her boss on her day as a man, he was startled and took a moment to answer her. It is more like women to touch people on the shoulder or arm (Fenney 102).

Smiles are the most easily recognized way of showing happiness. We can see when someone is smiling more clearly when away from them 300 feet (the length of a football field) then any other expression (Blum 34). Smiling can mean a lot of different things. Usually it means “I like you and I hope you like me” (Fenney 105). Other times it can mean things like “I’m embarrassed”, “I’m shy”, or “get away from me because I’m feeling uptight” (Gay 15). There are many different kinds of smiles. A grocery store clerk gives a customer a smile that is a lot different then the smiles on the faces of a person that just won the lottery. A polite smile (like a bank teller would smile) is slightly turned up at the edges of the lips, but has no effect on the eyes. There is also the felt smile, which is when your lips pull upward and your eyes crinkle (Blum 34). Women tend to give friendly, nonthreatening smiles while they look at people, unlike men who generally don’t change their facial expression (Fenney 105).

A lot of body language is learned while we are young. It is easy for babies to learn that a nod means “yes” and a shake of the head means “no” (Gay 13). Young kids tend to learn by copying their older brothers and sisters. This is where some learn things like grooming, dressing, walking and sitting. Children without siblings learn from other people, like their parents (Gay 13).

Some body language is instinct. Before young children can even talk, they bite when they are mad. The naturalist, Charles Darwin, explains that this is like young crocodiles that “snap their little jaws as soon as they emerge from the egg” (Gay 15). It is also understood that when someone has their arms open towards you, it means to “come here” (Gay 13). George Rotter, Ph.D., said, “The abilities to express and recognize emotion are inborn, genetic, and evolutionary” (Blum 34). Some things that can affect our ability to recognize emotions are culture, parenting, and experience. Some studies suggest that abused children are likely to not be able to correctly identify other’s facial expressions, and therefore are more likely to get in trouble (Blum 34).

Facial expressions and body language can help give clues as to what people are thinking. We make constant movements every second of the day without realizing it. Trying to read facial expressions can be very hard, because they are so quick. Body language, on the other hand, is more easily read. We are taught some very obvious types of body language, like that someone is lying when they won’t look you in the eye, but there are many more than that. Watching people from a distance, you can usually determine how they feel about each other, whether they are friends, family, or just plain strangers. Body language is something we see everyday that helps us to communicate without words.

Blum, Deborah, “Face It!,” Psychology Today Oct 98: 32-66.

Fenney, Susan, “What I Got When I Acted Like a Guy,” Redbook April 95: 102-105.

In most areas around the world, English and Latin are known as the universal languages. There is one language that most people forget, body language. Most body gestures are understandable to people all over the world. For example, most people realize that when a person has their arms crossed they are not very open to what another person has to say. Body language itself is great to analyze as a correspondent of written/spoken language because the roots of a gesture are often much more apparent than the roots for a word. Because body language involves physicality, interaction and communication can occur on a much more basic and primitive level as a means of communication.

All of us are trained in the use of speech, to communicate what we mean in a way that other people will understand. As we are trained to use speech to communicate we also are taught how to position our bodies to express what we are feeling. As children learn from their parents how to speak, they also observe the gestures that their parents use when saying certain words. Communication through body language is in this way somewhat of an unconscious learned behavior. A person’s external body language speaks amplitudes. Your subconscious mind records everything it sees and experiences, including body language and the words it hears, then analyzes their consistency and spits out true gut feelings. That is why you can usually rely on your gut feelings.By observing somebody’s posture, eye movements, and breathing you can gain information about what she/he is doing in her/his mind. You can get the same information by listening to the qualities of her/his tone of voice.

The style you use when speaking is as important as the words you choose to use. When someone has a very sarcastic tone of voice the speaker is often unpleasant about the topic that they are talking about. When a person’s tone of voice is sarcastic, their body language is often sarcastic. For example, when they are saying the sarcastic statement the speaker may roll their eyes. Most people are unconscious of their body language, but it speaks volumes about what they’re really thinking. Everyone uses body language to communicate, whether they are aware of it or not.

Body language is either positive or negative. Some examples of positive body language are relaxed posture, good eye contact, nodding agreement, smiling or adding humor, and gesturing warmly. Negative body language includes a tense body, having you arms folded in front of you, having a hand on your face, fidgeting, placing your arms behind head, leaning back, yawning, exhibiting impatience or distraction, leaning away, and displaying negative facial expressions. When a person is analyzing their body language they should try to appear open and warm, confident, trustworthy, and relaxed. When two people in a conversation exhibit these characteristics, a conversation is sure to go smooth and be successful.

Through life experience we have learned that people often lie with words. White lies are told numerous times in one day by a person. However, facial expressions and other body language tend to be more honest. When a person’s words and body movements are consistent, we feel more comfortable and confident that what that person is saying to us is true. When a person’s facial expression differs from their words, your experience tells you to believe the person’s body language, not the words. Everyone is aware that your body doesn’t know how to tell a lie. Body language, unlike spoken language is indefinite; so you have to be careful about how you interpret it. A certain movement or facial expression may be quite meaningful, or it may mean nothing at all. Therefore, it would not be wise to accuse someone of lying to you just because one of their gestures suggested that they were uncomfortable and lying.

It is impossible for a person to not communicate. No matter what you do, or don’t do, you still declare your emotional state. Each of us reveals our emotional state with non-verbal signals. During courting, and later in a romantic relationship, knowing what the other person is feeling helps you behave appropriately. But, to know what that person is experiencing, you must attack the environment with your eyes, ears, and yes, your inintuition. In relations miscommunication is often the cause of most of the arguments, that includes misunderstanding someone’s body language. For example, a person may get upset with their significant other simply for the look they have on their face when they say something, if something was said sarcastically, or if one person yawned in the middle of a conversation.

If you think about it everything that you think of as communication is actually body language: tone of voice, clearing our throats, rolling our eyes, touching our nose — everything except the words we say. Your eye contact, or lack of eye contact, communicates. Your pauses communicate. Your facial expressions communicate. Your crossed legs communicate. Your posture communicates. Your open hands communicate. Your aroma communicates. In particular, your appearance communicates; hair style, type of eye glasses, accessories, tattoos, and your overall choice of attire. Once again, everything about you is part of your personal communication.

Our bodies can be just as expressive as our tongues. In fact, they’re usually a good deal, clearer, as a physical gesture or reaction will inevitably expose precisely what our spoken words seek to evade. It is essential, then, for people whose work involves frequent interfacing with others, to become fluent in the communication source of body language. Body language reflects accurately one’s emotional and mental state. Non verbal signs are very effective. They have a critical influence on the communicational processes, on the impression one creates, the manner in which she/he is treated by others and her/his performance. Understanding the messages conveyed through the body is of significant importance in order to improve communication skills, to improve one’s personal and professional targets and to increase personal effectiveness in inter-personal contacts.

As we know, nonverbal communication is the way that you use interchangeable sets of

visual, vocal, and invisible communication systems to convey and interpret meaning. There are

many categories that are included in nonverbal communication: “paralanguage, or vocalics;

posture, movement; objects, or artifacts; space, or proxemices; time; and the five senses

(Zeuschner 80).” Vocalicsis when you use volume, tone, rate, pitch, and quality of your voice to

give magnitude and meaning to our words. Proxemics means using space to communicate.

Artifacts are those objects – clothing, jewelry, etc.- taht relay a message about you. Movement

includes your posture, walking style, gestures, eye contact, and facial expressions. Time, also known as chronemics, can communicate attitudes or status. Lastly, there are the five sense

feeling, touching, smelling, seeing, and hearing, all of which express information to you from

Lastly, there are the five sense feeling, touching, smelling, seeing, and hearing, all of which express information to you from others (Zeuschner 80). These components combine together to make up the basic parts of nonverbal communication. When you use these components together they make your communication skills clearer and you relay better messages to others. There have been estimates made about the impact of nonverbal communication on the total communication process. It is said that body language ranges from 65 to 93 percent of communication (Zeuschner 81). Actions that you use to illustrate non-verbal communication are displayed in these six functions of nonverbal communication behaviors:

(5) Managing impressions

(6) Establishing relationships.

The influence of body language is at least as important as verbal communication. It is always present among conversations and other methods of communicating. One of the many examples of body language would be if a male and a female were at a party together. If both people were at opposite sides of the room but they both wanted to talk, they would find other ways to communicate with each other. The girl may notice the guy looking at her. After she has made eye contact with the guy, she might smile at him to let him know that she wants to talk to him. He would then smile back and the two people would walk towards each other and begin to talk.

Realizing the weaknesses in your nonverbal communication can be the key to becoming a successful communicator. “Self-awareness can be developed simply by getting into the habit of noitoring your behavior and taking note of our posture, movements, and objects (Zeuschner 93).” It is a good idea for someone to get outside opinions from peers and authoritative people on what aspects of your communication could use some improvement. Videotaping yourself in real situations will also expose you to your flaws. Once you have made the steps of improvement to your own nonverbal communication, you may begin to realize and analyze the body language of others whom you are in contact with. If you are more understanding of how you portray your own body movements and the body movements of others your communication with others will result in happier, calmer, and more successful conversations with others. This can be beneficial to you not only in your personal relationships, but also in your business relationships.

One more example of how non-verbal communication can be crucial to your life is in the area of a business interview. If there are two people being interviewed for a job, both containing the same crudential

Body language (язык тела (невербальные средства коммуникации, включающие жесты, позы и др. невербальные знаки)) is a broad term for forms of communication using body movements or gestures instead of, or in addition to, sounds, verbal language, or other forms of communication. It forms part of the category of paralanguage, which describes all forms of human communication that are not verbal language.

Paralanguage (параязык (передача информации за счет определенной манеры говорить (напр., при помощи темпа речи, тембра и громкости голоса, тона, его модуляции и др., а также за счет таких невербальных средств, как жесты, мимика и т. п.))), including body language, has been extensively studied in social psychology. In everyday speech and popular psychology, the term is most often applied to body language that is considered involuntary, even though the distinction between voluntary and involuntary body language is often controversial. For example, a smile may be produced either consciously or unconsciously.

Voluntary body language refers to movement, gestures and poses intentionally made by a person (i.e., conscious smiling, hand movements and imitation). It can apply to many types of soundless communication. Generally, movement made with full or partial intention and an understanding of what it communicates can be considered voluntary.

Involuntary body language quite often takes the form of facial expression, and has therefore been suggested as a means to identify the emotions of a person with whom one is communicating.

The relation of body language to animal communication has often been discussed. Human paralanguage may represent a continuation of forms of communication that our non-linguistic ancestors already used, or it may be that it has been changed by co-existing with language. Body language is a product of both genetic and environmental influences. Blind children will smile and laugh even though they have never seen a smile. Iraneus Eibl-Eibesfeldt claimed that a number of basic elements of body language were universal across cultures and must therefore be fixed action patterns under instinctive control.

Body language is important in one-on-one communications, and may be even more important in group communications. In group situations, often only one person at a time is speaking, while non-verbal communication is coming from each individual in the group. The larger the group, the more impact body language may have.

Вашему вниманию предлагаются короткие и интересные тексты-истории на английском для детей. Истории с переводом на русский язык — так вам будет проще учить английский. Если вы желаете больше практиковаться на английском, причем, не только онлайн, но и по skype, то стучитесь ко мне в скайп — markandvika (Canada). Я вам помогу.

Our body

What do you know about your body? The human body (man’s body) is very beautiful. It consists of arms, legs, a trunk, a head, a neck and so on. The eyes help us to see, the ears help us to hear, the mouth and lips help us to speak and eat food.

All people have different faces. There are two eyes, a nose, a mouth on our face. We have hair, a neck, two shoulders, ten fingers, ten toes, ten nails, two feet, two knees, two cheeks, two eyebrows, a forehead, a chin.

Everybody has his/her own skin. It comes in many colors. People who live in Africa have brown or black skin. People who live in Europe have white skin.

Our hair can be straight or curly, long, short, dark, blonde, gray.

Humans have muscles, fat, bones, joints.

There are two kidneys, two lungs, a heart, a stomach, a liver and other organs in humans’ bodies.

There are 32 teeth and one tongue in our mouth. Some people (kids and adults) lose some of their teeth, so they don’t have 32 teeth.

Тело человека

Что ты знаешь о своем теле? Тело человека очень красивое. Оно состоит из рук, ног, туловища, головы, шеи и так далее. Глаза помогают человеку видеть, уши помогают человеку слышать, рот и губы помогают человеку говорить.

Все люди имеют разные лица. На лице человека есть два глаза, нос, рот. Также у человека есть волосы, шея, плечи, пальцы на руках, пальцы на ногах, ногти, стопы, колени, щеки, брови, лоб, подбородок.

У человека есть кожа, она бывает разного цвета. Люди, которые живут в Африке, имеют коричневую или черную кожу. Люди, которые живут в Европе, имеют белую кожу.

Волосы бывают прямые или кудрявые, длинные, короткие, темные, блондинистые, седые.

Также у человека есть мышцы, жир, кости, суставы.

Внутри тела человека есть сердце, желудок, печень, почки, легкие, и другие важные органы.

Во рту у человека есть 32 зуба и язык. Некоторые люди (дети или взрослые) теряют один или несколько зубов, поэтому не у всех людей 32 зуба.

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