Are you a spender or a saver сочинение

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

Предположите, что Вы - известный человек, и у Вас есть телохранитель. Говорите о преимуществах и неудобствах этого. Действительно ли хорошо быть защищенным?

Я певица и все время за мной ходят охранники. Это конечно хорошо. Моя красота и мой голос застрахованны на приличную сумму, а по ночам. когда я возвращаюсь домой со своих выступлений, так много ходит разных преступников, того и гляди что на меня могут кислоту какую нибудь вылить, ну или избить много же завистников да и просто недоброжелателей. а охрана - эдакие накачанные мальчики они моя защита, у них есть еще разрение на оружие. если что, пристрелят кого угодно а деньги есть, отмажу их от уголовщины. я с ними хожу везде и мне не страшно за свою жизнь. но еще у меня есть муж, к сожалению, мы с ним вместе живем толко изза за пиара, потому что так во всех газетах написано и если разойдемся. т приджется разъезжаиься про это сразу узнают все и будет скандал. да и к тому же он меня в некоторых случаях спонсирует, без него многие мои проекты загнуться. но увы, я совсем не лююблю его. к тому же он плохой любовник но он жутко ревнивый а я даже не могу от него загулять потому что со мной ходят охранники которые следят за мной и даже если я просто пококетничаю с каким то мужчиной об этом сразу станет известно моему мужу и он устроит мне скандал. так что никакой личной жизни
Вот примерно так

There are both advantages and disadvantages of having a bodyguard with you. On the one hand, subconsciously you may feel yourself protected, as there is always somebody who is ready to defend you or even sacrifice his life.
On the other hand, when you are a very important person and you have a lot of enemies, your enemy can be so inventive to find a way to kill you. No bodyguard will help. Apart from that, you have to pay a lot of money for security and be ready that the man who provides security is always near. That means that that you may not have your "secret life", no privacy.
To my mind, having a bodyguard is a need. But I admit also that it's a great inconvenience too.

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We all work hard to make ends meet Buy clothes to wear and food to eat But very soon we all want more And money's all we're living for Sometimes it's fun to just splash out But that’s not what life's all about

We all work hard to make…. Buy clothes to wear and…. But very soon we all… And money

We all work hard to make…. Buy clothes to wear and…. But very soon we all… And money's all we're…. Sometimes it's fun to just…. But that’s not what life's….

We all … make….. Buy …..and….. But …..we all….. And ….all we

We all … make….. Buy …..and….. But …..we all….. And ….all we're…. Sometimes …….to just…. But that’s …'s….

“ Living & Spending”

The art is not in making money but in keeping it No bees, no honey; no work, no money Money makes the world go round

The art is not in making money but in keeping it

No bees, no honey;

no work, no money

Money makes the world go round

What about you? Do you have pocket money? What do you spend your money on? Are you a big saver or a spender? Do you ever lend money to your friends? Do you ever borrow money from your friends? Do you save up to buy smth you want? Are you good with money?

4Dig deeper in

the pockets

6Make ends meet

9Student loan

10Pocket money

11Household chores

12Can’t afford to splash out

13Shopping spree

-people who buy things for their own use

-reach the same level as smth

-pay out more money than usual

-have enough money to live on

-stop from doing smth

-money the government lends for studies

-little money you have for your own needs

-routine jobs done around the house

-not have money to buy expensive things

-buying lots of things at the same time

We all work hard to make ends meet Buy clothes to wear and food to eat But very soon we all want more And money

We all work hard to make ends meet Buy clothes to wear and food to eat But very soon we all want more And money's all we're living for Sometimes it's fun to just splash out But that’s not what life's all about

No bees, no …… no work, no …… honey money making art The … is not in …… money but in keeping it makes go Money …… the world …… round

No bees, no ……

no work, no ……

The … is not in …… money

but in keeping it

Money …… the world …… round

- people who buy things for their own use -shop owner/seller -reach the same level as smth -pay out more money than usual -give away -have enough money to live on -stop from doing smth -live -money the government lends for studies -little money you have for your own needs -routine jobs done around the house -not have money to buy expensive things -buying lots of things at the same time

- people who buy things for their own use

-reach the same level as smth

-pay out more money than usual

-have enough money to live on

-stop from doing smth

-money the government lends for studies

-little money you have for your own needs

-routine jobs done around the house

-not have money to buy expensive things

-buying lots of things at the same time

1 A lot of … enjoy buying things during the sales. 2 The biggest … usually have shops in the main city centres. 3 Prices are always going up and so I … just to pay for my basic needs. 4 The government … food packages to needy families. 5 Both my mother and father have to work as they have problems trying to … . 6 If I like a particular top or skirt, I can`t … buying it in several colours. 7 I can`t … on less than 20 pounds a week. 8 My parents aren`t rich so I`ll have to have … at university. 9 I can`t … to … on new dresses for each wedding I am invited to. 10 I am … for a holiday abroad.

1 A lot of enjoy buying things during the sales.

2 The biggest usually have shops in the main city centres.

3 Prices are always going up and so I just to pay for my basic needs.

4 The government … food packages to needy families.

5 Both my mother and father have to work as they have problems trying to .

6 If I like a particular top or skirt, I can`t buying it in several colours.

7 I can`t on less than 20 pounds a week.

8 My parents aren`t rich so I`ll have to have at university.

9 I can`t to on new dresses for each wedding I am invited to.

10 I am for a holiday abroad.

How can British students earn money?

How can British students earn money?

What do they spend their money on?

What do they spend their money on?

earn love save money waste spend borrow from lend to

borrow from

“ The greatest things in life

Choose three gifts, which you think are the most important or useful and three, which are the least important or useful. g ood health; p lenty of money; a nice house; a brilliant mind; an attractive face; lots of friends; a good job; a fast car; a happy marriage; a long life

Choose three gifts, which you think are the most important or useful and three, which are the least important or useful.

p lenty of money;

a brilliant mind;

an attractive face;

lots of friends;

a happy marriage;

1. I think the most important thing in life is….. 2. I think it’s much more useful/important to have ….than…. 3. ….isn’t as important as…. 4. The one thing I’d like to have is… 5. The one I think is most/least important is….

1. I think the most important thing in life is…..

2. I think it’s much more useful/important to have ….than….

3. ….isn’t as important as….

4. The one thing I’d like to have is…

5. The one I think is most/least important is….

If I were a millionaire… I would…..

If I were a millionaire…

 borrow – lend, waste – save, pay – earn, cost BORROW / LEND BORROW / LEND BORROW / LEND BORROW / LEND BORROW / LEND Borrow is like take : Can I borrow your pen? Lend is like give : Lend me your comb for a minute, please. Cost is to have a price: The dress costs 50 pounds .

borrow – lend,

waste – save,


Borrow is like take :

Can I borrow your pen?

Lend is like give :

Lend me your comb for a minute, please.

Cost is to have a price:

The dress costs 50 pounds .

shop seller collecting money reaching the same level having enough money to live on not having money to buy expensive things buying lots of things at the same time people who buy things for their own use paying more money than usual giving away stop from doing smth -shop seller -collecting money -reaching the same level -having enough money to live on -not having money to buy expensive things -buying lots of things at the same time -people who buy things for their own use -paying more money than usual -giving away -stop from doing smth

reaching the same level

having enough money to live on

not having money to buy expensive things

buying lots of things at the same time

people who buy things for their own use

paying more money than usual

stop from doing smth

-reaching the same level

-having enough money to live on

-not having money to buy expensive things

-buying lots of things at the same time

-people who buy things for their own use

-paying more money than usual

-stop from doing smth

Do the test on the computer c

Do the test on the computer



Britain's Young Consumers.
There are over 9 million of them in Britain and they are the most powerful group of consumers. Who are they7 Teenagers! A retailer's 'dream come true'. Each year they spend £6 billion.
Sweets and chocolates are still the number one best seller, but sales of mobile phone cards are catching up quickly, and they are expected to overtake sweets and chocolates very soon.
Modern technology is rapidly replacing traditional favourite pastimes such as board games and reading with video game consoles like PlayStation 2 and Xbox, which cost over £300. Quite a lot of teenagers have also joined clubs that involve extreme sports, such as gliding and parachuting This means that parents are digging deeper into their pockets than ever before. They are handing out a massive £3.3 billion to their teenagers every year, but is this enough? Obviously not, because this is only 60% of what they are spending!
Teenagers are making ends meet by doing odd jobs, such as helping with the chores around the house, delivering newspapers, and working weekends as sales assistants in shops. Although they earn and receive the same amount of money, girls spend more than boys.
How about you? Do you get enough money7 Are you a big spender or a saver? Here is what some teenagers say.

1) I can never resist buying the latest fashions, and I eat out with my friends at least once a week. I guess I'm quite rich for a teenager! I earn £50 a week from my weekend job, and my parents give me an extra £20.
(Patricia. 15, Swansea)
2) I am a first year university student and I have to survive on my student loan, which is £70 a week. It's not really enough. I had a credit card but I cut it up. I spend my money on snacks, bus fares, going to the gym and going out.
(Hayley, 19. Middlesex)
3) I'm football crazy! I follow my team wherever they play. My parents give me £20 a week pocket money, and I earn an extra £40 a week helping my dad in his shop.
(Lee, 14. Manchester)
4) I get £15 a week and I spend it on computer games, CDs, comics, going out - anything really. I can't get a job at the moment because I'm studying for my exams.
(Josh, 15, Enfield)
5) I earn £20 a week by doing household chores for my parents. I'm mad about computer games and spend hours playing with my friends. My parents can't afford to splash out on expensive things for me, so I save the money I earn from my Saturday job.
(Robert, 15. Kent)
6) I get £10 a week. I enjoy going on shopping sprees and buying magazines. At the moment I'm saving up for a mobile phone.
(Andy. 13, Devon)

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Group task: name the words related to money, the winner will be the group wh.

Group task: name the words related to money, the winner will be the group which will write more words

Warming - up Getting money Giving it (to borrow, to pay, to earn, fine, to l.

Warming - up Getting money Giving it (to borrow, to pay, to earn, fine, to lend, to save, debt, grand, to waste, currency, cash, salary, loan, to splash out, to economize, to waste)

Match the words and phrases Catch up Consumer Cut up Dig deeper in the pocket.

Match the words and phrases Catch up Consumer Cut up Dig deeper in the pockets Hand out Household chores Make ends meet Odd Pocket money Resist Retailer Save up Shopping spree Splash out Student loan Выдавать Догонять, наверстывать Домашние обязанности Испортить Карманные деньги Копить Кредит на обучение Нерегулярный Потребитель Поход по магазинам Разбрасывать Розничный торговец Сводить концы с концами Устоять Тратить больше

Remember the words and phrases Consumer Retailer Catch up Dig deeper in the p.

Remember the words and phrases Consumer Retailer Catch up Dig deeper in the pockets Hand out Make ends meet Odd Resist Student loan Cut up Pocket money Household chores Splash out Shopping spree Save up Потребитель Розничный торговец Догонять, наверстывать Тратить больше Выдавать Сводить концы с концами Нерегулярный Устоять Кредит на обучение Испортить Карманные деньги Домашние обязанности Разбрасывать Поход по магазинам Копить

Group work: 3 minutes 1 Group Advantages of having a lot of money 2 Group Dis.

Group work: 3 minutes 1 Group Advantages of having a lot of money 2 Group Disadvantages of having a lot of money

Pair work: Spender or saver? Who are you? Do you have pocket money? What do y.

Pair work: Spender or saver? Who are you? Do you have pocket money? What do you spend your money on? Are you a big saver or a spender? Do you agree that having a lot of money makes you free? Do you ever lend money to your friends? Do you ever borrow money from your friends? What can’t bye money? Are you good with money?

What do you spend money on? Clothes & accessories Eating out New gadgets Swee.

What do you spend money on? Clothes & accessories Eating out New gadgets Sweets & snacks Bus fares Going out (cinema, concerts, sporting events) Magazines, books, comics Supermarket shopping

Listen to the song and enjoy the music

Listen to the song and enjoy the music

 Money, money, money

Money, money, money

Task for the song: fill in the gaps correct the mistakes tell about the meani.

Task for the song: fill in the gaps correct the mistakes tell about the meaning of the song sing along

Topic for discussion: How responsible are you with your money? Page 40, EX.1.

Topic for discussion: How responsible are you with your money? Page 40, EX.1 Give your reasons on 6 situations

Spending money Writing Write a short paragraph about yourself. Include:

Spending money Writing Write a short paragraph about yourself. Include:

Summarizing the results of the lesson: What new information have you learned.

Summarizing the results of the lesson: What new information have you learned at the lesson? What was the most interesting and useful for you? Did you have any difficulties? How did you feel at the lesson?

Self-control sheet Description of achievements poor fair good excellent I ca.

Self-control sheet Description of achievementspoor fairgoodexcellent I can read and understand the information on topic I can listen and understand I can write on the topic I can speak about money responsibility I can ask and answer the questions


 Home task: Prepare a survey p.40 ex.2

Home task: Prepare a survey p.40 ex.2

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