Английский 3 класс сочинение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Начнем, пожалуй, с легкой версии. Этот текст, как я уже упомянула, может стать базовым для детишек начальной школы (вплоть до 4, 5, 6 классов — в зависимости от школьной программы).

Кстати, если вас интересуют именно простые тексты для ребят начальной школы или 5-6 классов, то рекомендую вот эту свою страничку — там еще несколько подобных на разные базовые темы.

Сочинение № 1

My name is Natasha and I am ten years old. I am in the 3 rd grade at the local school in Saint-Petersburg. I have a big family. It has 4 members: my mother, my father, me and my elder sister. My mother is a doctor and my father is an engineer. My sister studies at school. She is 13 years old.

I like studying at school. My favorite subjects are Russian Literature and English Language. I have a lot of friends at school. My best friends are Masha and Alina. We live near each other so we go to school together.

I like to play outdoors. Every evening we play hide-and-seek with my friends. I also love animals. We have two cats and a dog. I like playing with them. I also want to have a parrot but my parents forbid. In the evenings we have a dinner with the whole family and tell each other about the day. So that is all I can say about myself.

Меня зовут Наташа и мне десять лет. Я учусь в 3-м классе в школе в Санкт-Петербурге. У меня большая семья. В ней 4 человека: моя мама, мой папа, я и моя старшая сестра. Моя мама – врач, а папа – инженер. Моя сестра учится в школе. Ей 13 лет.

Мне нравится учиться в школе. Мои любимые предметы — русская литература и английский язык. В школе у меня много друзей. Мои лучшие друзья — Маша и Алина. Мы живем рядом друг с другом, поэтому ходим в школу вместе.

Мне нравится играть на открытом воздухе. Каждый вечер мы с друзьями играем в прятки. Также я люблю животных. У нас две кошки и собака. Мне нравится играть с ними. Я также хочу попугая, но мои родители запрещают. Вечером мы ужинаем всей семьей и рассказываем друг другу о прошедшем дне. Это все, что я могу сказать о себе.

Предлагаю вам еще один бонус к предложенному сочинению:
несколько вариантов одной фразы , чтобы сочинение могло отличаться от других и, возможно, стать лучшим.
Слева — фраза из текста, через дефис — ее вариации:
1. My name is Natasha — I'm Natasha.
2. I am ten years old — I am ten — I was born in 2009.
3. I am in the 3rd grade — I am in grade 3 — I am in the 3rd year — I am in year 3.
4. I have a big family. It has 4 members. — There are 4 people in my family.
5. My mother is a doctor — My mother's profession is a doctor — My mum is a doctor.
6. My sister studies at school — My sister goes to school.
7. I like studying at school — I enjoy studying at school — I love studying at school.
8. I like to play outdoors — I like to play in the yard — I like to play outside.
9. In the evenings we have a dinner with the whole family — In the evenings we have a family dinner.


Ну что же, если вы уже перешагнули порог школы и поступили в ВУЗ, то на эту тему вам все же придется написать еще одно сочинение.

Сочинение № 2

Let me introduce myself. My name is Sofia. I am 19 years old and I am currently studying at the Linguistic University. I will become a professional interpreter soon.

I have a family of four. It consists of both my parents, me and my sister. I was born in Ivanovo and my parents still live there while I moved to Moscow. I adore visiting them during my holidays as it is a real chance for me to relax and enjoy some time with my family.

We have lots of animals at home: a dog, a cat, some fish and a parrot. My little sister takes care of them. When we meet we usually share some stories and enjoy the time.

I am a very sociable girl. That is why I decided to become an interpreter. I like getting acquainted with new people and travelling. I dream of visiting all the countries one day. Though foreign languages are both my hobby and my future career, I also consider dancing as another hobby of mine. I visit dance classes three times per week. So that is the smallest part that I can say about myself.

Позвольте представиться. Меня зовут София. Мне 19 лет и сейчас я учусь в Лингвистическом университете. Скоро я стану профессиональным переводчиком.

Моя семья состоит из четырех человек: моих родителей, меня и моей сестры. Я родилась в Иваново, но мои родители до сих пор живут там, а я переехала в Москву. Я обожаю навещать их во время каникул, потому что это шанс для меня расслабиться и насладиться некоторым временем с семьей.

Дома у нас много животных: собака, кошка, рыбки и попугай. Моя младшая сестра заботится о них. Когда мы встречаемся, мы, как правило, делимся историями и приятно проводим время.

Я очень общительная. Вот почему я решил стать переводчиком. Мне нравится знакомиться с новыми людьми и путешествовать. Однажды я мечтаю посетить все страны. Хотя иностранные языки являются и моим хобби, и моей будущей карьерой, я также считаю танцы еще одним хобби. Я посещаю занятия три раза в неделю. Так что это самая малая часть того, что я могу сказать о себе.

Ну что же, теперь у вас есть полный арсенал топиков о себе для школы и университета. Пользуйтесь на здоровье. И на забывайте, что я регулярно делюсь новыми полезными материалами на своем блоге. Подписывайтесь на рассылку и будьте в курсе каждого нового события.

Еще один один отличный топик О себе читайте и слушайте здесь

Существует много методик самостоятельного изучения английского языка. Они различаются в подходе и целях. Одни нужны для понимания на слух, другие — для говорения. Если вы уже немного владеете языком, умеете читать и строить предложения, то специальные топики помогут вам продвинуться в изучении языка на уровень выше.

Топики на английском

Топики по английскому языку — это небольшие рассказы на определенную тему. Они помогают легко и непринужденно вести разговор, обсуждая разные сферы жизни. Слова и словосочетания в этом разделе подобраны комплексно. Также в темах по английскому присутствует перевод текста, что упрощает пополнение словарного запаса.

Представляем тексты на английском языке с переводом на русский. Топики по английскому на разные темы. Чтение топиков на английском — это отличный способ изучения и практики языка. С помощью изучения английского по темам вы сможете не теряться в разговоре, поддерживать любую беседу и быть как рыба в воде среди англичан! Гарантировано повышается понимание происходящего.

Топики для детей (1, 2, 3 и 4 класса)

Топики для детей (1, 2, 3 и 4 класса)

About myself — Обо мне

Небольшой топик для детей с переводом — About myself — Обо мне

About myself

My name is ________. I am eight. I go to school. I am a pupil. I am a pupil of the second form. I live in Moscow. I have got a big and friendly family. And I have got a lot of friends.


  1. What is your name?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Do you go to school?
  4. Where do you live?
  5. Have you got many friends?

Слова и выражения:

Обо мне (перевод)

Меня зовут _______. Мне восемь лет. Я хожу в школу. Я ученик (ученица). Я ученик (ученица) второго класса. Я живу в Москве. У меня большая и дружная семья. И у меня много друзей.

Animals — Животные

Небольшой топик для детей с переводом — Animals — Животные


There are wild and domestic animals. Wild animals live in the forest or in the zoo. Some animals are dangerous. A fox, a wolf, a bear, a hare, a tiger, an elephant are wild animals. Domestic animals live at home or at the farm. They are dogs, cats, rabbits, cows, horses, parrots. Animals that we have at home are called pets.


  1. There are wild and domestic animals, aren’t there?
  2. What animals are wild?
  3. What are domestic animals?
  4. Have you got a pet?

Слова и выражения:

  • wild and domestic — дикие и домашние
  • dangerous — опасный
  • are called — называются

Животные (перевод)

Животные бывают дикими и домашними. Дикие животные живут в лесу или в зоопарке. Некоторые животные опасны. Лиса, волк, медведь, заяц, тигр, слон — дикие животные. Домашние животные живут дома или на ферме. Это собаки, кошки, кролики, коровы, лошади, попугаи. Животные, которые живут у нас дома, называются домашними питомцами.


  1. Животные бывают дикими и домашними, не так ли?
  2. Какие животные дикие?
  3. Какие животные домашние?
  4. У тебя есть домашние любимцы?

Birthday — День рождения

Небольшой топик для детей с переводом — Birthday — День рождения


I am nine years old. I love all holidays. Birthday is my favourite holiday. My birthday is on the fifth of May. I usually have a party on this day. I invite my friends. We have much fun during the party. We eat cakes, sweets and ice cream. We play games. I get a lot of presents on this day.


  1. When is your birthday?
  2. Is birthday your favourite holiday?
  3. Do you have a party on this day?
  4. Do you invite your friends on your birthday?

Слова и выражения:

День рождения (перевод)

Мне девять лет. Я люблю все праздники. День рождения — мой любимый праздник. Мой день рождения — пятого мая. Обычно в этот день я устраиваю вечеринку. Я приглашаю своих друзей. Мы много веселимся на вечеринке. Мы едим торты, конфеты и мороженое. Мы играем в игры. В этот день мне дарят много подарков.


  1. Когда твой день рождения?
  2. День рождения — это твой любимый праздник?
  3. Устраиваешь ли ты в этот день вечеринку?
  4. Ты приглашаешь друзей на свой день рождения?

Топики и сочинения по английскому языку легкой сложности

Топики и сочинения по английскому языку легкой сложности

At the English Lesson — На уроке английского языка

Небольшой топик легкой сложности — At the English Lesson — На уроке английского языка

I have English on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. English is usually the second lesson.

At the English lesson we speak, read and write. We speak about school, pupils and teachers, about lessons, animals and nature, about our friends, sports and games. We read books and stories about children, nature, school life and so on. We write letters, words, sentences, exercises and dictations.

We play at English, too. We sing songs and learn poems.

I like English. I can read and write well, but I can’t speak English well yet.

Books — Книги

Небольшой топик легкой сложности — Books — Книги

It goes without saying, books are our teachers and friends. They teach us to be kind, clever, polite, hardworking, friendly. Books help us to learn more about nature, the world around us and many other interesting things.

There are a lot of books on history, about animals, travellers, children, school and so on. Children like to read adventure and magic books, science fiction and detective stories. They enjoy stories, short stories, novels, fairy-tales, fables and poems.

We must keep books clean and tidy. We must not spoil them.

Тексты на английском языке ниже средней сложности

Тексты на английском языке ниже средней сложности

A wedding in Chicago

Небольшой текст для 6 класса — A wedding in Chicago

My name’s David. We’re in a small village near Chicago. My cousin’s getting married. My father and her father are twins. A lot of relatives are here for the wedding party. We’re very busy. My uncle’s friend is making palov. My sister Susan and Aunt Keane are making cakes. My mother’s helping her niece with her wedding dress. My grandparents are here too. They’re very old. They live in Chicago. I’m making a video and taking photos. It’s great. I want to be a reporter.

Alisher Navoi

Небольшой текст для 6 класса — Alisher Navoi

Alisher Navoi was a great poet. He was born in Herat on 9 February 1441. Alisher Navoi got a very good education. He was a good architect and he designed a lot of schools, hospitals, bridges, roads and canals. Navoi’s poems in old Uzbek are ‘Chor-Devon’. His poems in Persian were collected and called ‘Devoni-Foni’. His most important work is the ‘Quintuple’, five poems from 1483 and 1485. Alisher Navoi lived his last years in Herat. He died on 3 January 1501.

Тексты на английском языке средней сложности

Тексты на английском языке средней сложности

Acid Rains — Кислотные дожди

Небольшой топик средней сложности — Acid Rains — Кислотные дожди

One of the most alarming forms of air pollution is acid rain. It results from the release into the atmosphere of sulphur and nitrogen oxides that react with water droplets and return to earth in the form of acid rain, mist or snow. Acid rain is killing forests in Canada, the USA, and central and northern Europe. (Nearly every species of tree is affected.) It has acidified lakes and streams and they can’t support fish, wildlife, plants or insects. (In the USA 1 in 5 lakes suffer from this type of pollution).

Advertising: good or bad?

Небольшой текст для 7 класса — Advertising: good or bad?

Advertising companies say advertising is necessary and important. It informs people about new products. Advertising hoardings in the street make our environment colourful. And adverts on TV are often funny. Sometimes they are mini-dramas and we wait for the next programme in the mini-drama. Advertising can educate, too. Adverts tell us about new, healthy products. And adverts in magazines give us ideas for how to look prettier, be fashionable and be successful. Without advertising life is boring and colourless.

But some consumers argue that advertising is a bad thing. They say that advertising is bad for children. Adverts make children ‘pester’ their parents to buy things for them. Advertisers know we love our children and want to give them everything. So they use children’s ‘pester power’ to sell their products. Finally, consumers say, if there is advertising there must be rules. Some adverts advertise unhealthy things like cigarettes and make people waste their money.

Тексты на английском языке выше средней сложности

Тексты на английском языке выше средней сложности

America, the beautiful: climate and weather / Красивая Америка: Климат и погода

Текст выше средней сложности — America, the beautiful: climate and weather / Красивая Америка: Климат и погода

One of the most important geographic boundaries in the United States is the 50-centimeter rainfall line. It runs north and south almost through the middle of the country. East of the line, farming here is easy and the population is relatively large. West of the line, you can find man-made irrigation systems, dry-farming and grazing. There are fewer people living here. West of the RockyMountains, there are vast areas without any trees. In this part of the country are the deserts which receive as little as over 12 centimeters of rainfall a year.

If there were no mountains or oceans, then the amount of the heat would progress from north to south. Instead, there are all kinds of unexpected differences in climate. For example, all along the western coast, the temperature changes little between summer and winter. The climate along the northern part of this coast is similar to that of England.

But in the north central part of the country, summer and winter are very different. There the average difference between July and January is 36 degrees centigrade (°C). The coldest days of a typical January day may be — 40 degrees °C, and the hottest July day may be +45 degrees °C. In the eastern part of the United States, the difference between summer and winter is also distinct, but not so extreme. Near the southwestern corner of the country, the climate is mild and spring like in winter.

The variations in temperature within the United States have had a marked effect on the country’s economy and living standards. There is a long crop-growing season along the south-east coast where cotton is a principal product. In some of the cooler climates or in climates which combine coolness and humidity, people grow apples, wheat and corn. This gives the United States a large variety of agricultural products.


American pastime: Georgetown. District of Columbia / Джорджтаун. Федеральный округ Колумбия

Текст выше средней сложности — American pastime: Georgetown. District of Columbia / Джорджтаун. Федеральный округ Колумбия

Whether you enjoy shopping, dining or visiting historic sites and gardens, you will enjoy spending time in Georgetown in the District of Columbia. In this charming and picturesque Washington DC neighborhood, you’ll find fascinating cultural attractions, trendy boutiques and hundreds of restaurants and bars. If you love shopping for art, antiques or the latest fashions, plan to spend a few hours on Wisconsin Ave. On a break from shopping, enjoy a meal at your choice of excellent restaurants and cafes in this vibrant part of Georgetown. After a rejuvenating lunch, shop on, or tour some of the fascinating cultural attractions in the neighborhood.

Anyone interested in architecture will appreciate touring the Georgetown Historic District. You’ll see an incredible variety of architectural styles represented in a vast assortment of homes here. Georgian mansions, Queen Anne, Federal and Classical and Greek Revival structures are all located in the Historic District. You can also see Italiante Romanesque and row houses in Georgetown.

Many homes in Georgetown feature carefully landscaped and beautifully tended gardens. Several historic homes and gardens are open to public tours. The Old Stone house is a popular Colonial house museum you won’t want to miss on your tour of Georgetown. This pre-Revolutionary home built in 1765 stands in stark contrast to the trendy shops and restaurants that surround it. Inside the Old Stone House, period-furnished rooms and artifacts recreate middle class colonial life. There is also a charming English-style garden to view outdoors.

Dumbarton Oaks is a popular Georgetown attraction that features a beautiful 10-acre garden. Garden rooms as well as terraces provide wonderful views of the garden area. Indoors, you can see a vast assortment of art and objects at the Museum, the majority of which date from the Federal Period. Paintings, furniture, ceramics and textiles are just a few of the types of items on display. There are over 1.000 items in the Dumbarton Oak’s permanent collection, and travelling exhibits are also featured at the Museum.

After a day of shopping and sightseeing in Georgetown, you can enjoy the vibrant nightlife this town is known for. You can hear all types of live music, go dancing or nightclubbing, or just relax at a lively and fun bar or cafe. Whatever you’re in the mood for, you’re sure to find it on a night in Georgetown.


  • historic sites — исторические места
  • fascinating cultural attractions — изумительные достопримечательности
  • a rejuvenating lunch — подкрепляющий обед; питательный обед; обед, восстанавливающий силы и здоровье
  • in a vast assortment — в широком ассортименте
  • ceramics — изделия из керамики
  • vibrant nightlife — бурная ночная жизнь
  • to be in the mood for smth — предрасположен к чему-либо

Выбор профессии (Choosing A Profession)

It’s always interesting to begin something new. And if the beginning is good, the end may also be good. If we think of such a problem as “choosing a profession”, we must know everything about this or that profession.

For example, I want to become a doctor. It means that at the age of ten or eleven I have to read books about doctors. This may be done by going to the library and by reading widely; also by talking to adults who know much about this profession. I also need to think about how well I can do what I would like to do.

Perhaps the best way to prepare for any job is to get a good education — to do well at school, and to learn all I can outside of school.

Jobs change and new ones are constantly appearing. In some years, there will be many more new jobs nobody knows anything about today. By reading and talking to people we’ll learn what great opportunities there will be for us. If a school leaver wants to get a higher education, the best way to it is through practical work. You will have time to think over your decision and you will have a good knowledge of life.

Выбор профессии

Например, я хочу стать врачом. Это значит, что в возрасте 10 или 11 лет я должна читать книги о врачах. Это может быть сделано путем хождения в библиотеку или читая вообще; также говорить со взрослыми, которые знают много о профессии. Мне также необходимо подумать о том, насколько хорошо я могу делать то, что бы я хотел делать.

Возможно, лучший способ подготовиться к какой-либо работе, это получить хорошее образование — учиться хорошо, в школе, и узнавать все, что я могу вне школы.

Профессии изменятся и постоянно появляются новые. Через несколько лет, будет много новых рабочих мест о которых никто ничего не знает сегодня. Читая и разговаривая с людьми, мы узнаем, какие большие возможности будут для нас. Если выпускник хочет получить высшее образование, лучший способ дойти до него — это практика. У тебя будет время, чтобы подумать над своим решением, и ты будешь иметь хорошее знание жизни.

Топик British and American Families

British and American families are small. In fact the populations of both Britain and the USA have stopped growing. The typical family has a father, mother and two children. Grandparents come to visit, but do not usually live with their children.

The typical British family has a car, a colour TV set, a washing machine, and a cat or dog as well. They start the day at about 7 o’clock, have breakfast at 8 and are off to work by 8.30. More and more women now go out to work as well as men. The children have lunch at school at about 12.30, and come home at 4 in the afternoon. Their parents are usually home by 6 o’clock, and the family eats together at 6.30 or 7. In the evenings, father may go to the pub for a drink, or stay at home and watch TV with the others. Children go to bed early, at about 8 o’clock, two or three hours before their parents.

A typical American family has more money than a British family. Many have two or three cars, large modern kitchens and more electrical devices. They eat more meat and spend more on clothes. But their daily programme is nearly the same. Like British children, American children eat lunch at school, come home mid-afternoon, and go to bed earlier than their parents.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

1) Have you got a big or small family? You know, …

Are you a family of three/four/five?

Have you got a mother/a father/a sister/a brother/ grandparents/ an uncle/an aunt/ cousins?

2) What are your parents’ names?

3) Is your mother the most beautiful woman of all? I think …

Describe her: Is she tall or short? What colour hair does she have ( long /short dark, brown, red, fair )? What colour are her eyes? You can tell about her mouth, nose and eyes. What clothes does she usually wear?

What is she? What does she like to do? ( read interesting books, watch interesting films, dance, play tennis… ) What can she do very well? ( cook tasty meals, sing, swim…)

4) Is your father a clever/busy man? What is he? What does he like to do? What can he do very well?

Describe him: Is he tall/fat? What colour hair does he have? What colour are his eyes? You can tell about his mouth, nose and eyes. What clothes does he usually wear?

5) Tell about your sister(s) or brother(s) is you have any ( те же вопросы , что и про родителей )

6*)Has your family got a pet? What is he (she)? What is his (her) name? What does he (she) like to do?

7) What does your family like to do together? What do you do at the weekends? ( celebrate holidays, visit relatives and friends, invite friends and relatives to the parties, have meals, go to the Zoo/park, have picnics in the forest, swim in the river…)

8) Are you a happy family? I think…

9) Do you love your family very much? As for me, ….

You can use ex.5 p.6 (SB part 1)

Food in my life

1) Can people live without food? Where does it come from?

2) Some people grow their food, but usually we buy it.

Who buys food in your family? Do you help to buy food?

3) Are you a good eater? ( As for me, …) How many meals a day do you have? ( I have 3/4/5 meals a day. )

What do you want to eat for breakfast? What does your mother give you for breakfast?

What do you eat for lunch? Do you usually eat soup with or without bread?

What do you have for dinner?

Do you drink a glass of warm milk before you go to bed?

Does your mother cook tasty food? Do you always thank your mother after breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper?

What food can you make? ( As for me, …)

4) What food do you like? How do you like your tea? ( I like my tea with(out) sugar/ lemon… ) What food don’t you like to eat?

What do you usually eat when you are hungry? What do you usually drink when you are thirsty?

5) Do you eat the right food? ( I think …) Prove it ( докажи ).

1) Have you got a pet? What pet have you got?

2) What’s his (her) name? Do you think it’s a good name for your pet? Does your pet answer to his (her) name?

3) How old is your pet?

4) Describe ( опиши ) your pet.

- What colour is your pet?

- Is your pet big or little?

- Does it have a big or little head? Does it have small black (green, blue) eyes, a small pink nose, a funny mouth? Does it have a long or a short neck/tail?

5) Do you think your pet is the cleverest of all?

6) What can your pet do? What do you teach your pet to do? ( to take, to give and to carry things; to understand the words “no”, “come”, “sit”; to talk; to play hide-and-seek… )

Does your pet learn quickly?

7) What do you give your pet to eat and drink? What does your pet like to eat and drink?

8) Do you take your pet for a walk? Do you play with your pet?

9) Who looks after your pet?

10) Is your pet clever/beautiful/funny/nice? I think…

11) Are you and your pet good friends?

You can use ex.7 p.108 (SB part 1), Home Reading 1, 2, 3 (Reader)

“ My favourite wild animal”

1) What is your favourite animal?

2) Is it a wild or a domestic animal?

3) Describe ( опиши ) it.

Is it big or little? What colour is it?

How many legs has it got?

Is its neck (body, tail) long or short?

Are its ears (eyes) big or little?

Has it got sharp ( острый ) teeth?

4) Where does it live? (in the forest – в лесу , in Asia/Africa, in the river or lake…)

5) What does it eat? (leaves, meat, fish, bread, vegetable, fruit, grass…)

6) What can it do very well? – You know, …

7) What do you think of this animal? –

I think … is a clever/funny/beautiful animal.

8) Would you like to keep it as a pet? –

As for me, I would(n’t) like to keep it as a pet.

1) How old are you now? – I am … now.

2) How old were you last year? – I was … last year

3) Do you usually have a party on your birthday?

4) Whom do you usually invite?

5) Who came to your party last year?

6) What presents did you get last year? Did you thank them all?

I got many presents on my birthday. My parents gave me … . My grandparents gave me … . My friends gave me … . How happy I was to get …! I thanked them all.

7) Do you like to get and to give presents? What presents do you like to get? What presents do you like to give to your friends and relatives?

As for me, I like to get and to give presents. I like to get … . Usually I make greeting cards and send them to my relatives. Sometimes I give flowers to my mother or grandmother. I usually give … to my friends.

8) What was there on your holiday table last year?

9) What did you do at your birthday party?

10) Did you have a good time?

My favourite holiday (write about New Year or Christmas)

1) What is your favourite holiday? ( …because …)

Is it a happy holiday for people from different countries?

When do people celebrate it?

2) Are people busy some weeks before New Year? Why? ( to go shopping to buy presents for their nearest and dearest, to buy a lot of food for the New Year’s parties, to send greeting cards to all their relatives and friends, to decorate the Christmas tree with toys, coloured balls and little coloured lights )

What do usually people do on New Year’s Day? ( to visit their relatives and friends or have parties, to go to see the Christmas tree, to wish their dearest and nearest a “Happy New Year” or a “Merry Christmas” )

What is there on the holiday table? ( There is … on the holiday table. There are … on the holiday table .)

Who comes at night?

Were there many presents under your Christmas tree last year? ( As for me, …) What presents did you get?

Do many people make New Year’s resolutions? (… - they are promises for the New Year )

Do you make resolutions?( As for me, …) What are they? Do you always keep them?

3) Write about your last New Year’s party.

Did you celebrate the holiday last year? ( As for me, …)

What did you do on that day?

Did you have a New Year’s party last year? Who came to your party?

What was there on your table? ( There was … on the table. There were … on the table .)

What did you do? Did you like your party?

My favourite season

1) How many seasons are there in a year? What are they?

2) Do you think all seasons beautiful? I think …

3) What is your favourite season?

4) When does it come?

5) Describe the nature ( природа ) in this season. (You can use ex.6 p.101)

6) Describe the weather ( warm, hot, terrible, sunny, windy, fine… ) and compare it with other seasons.

- Does it often rain? Does it snow?

-Is it the warmest (coldest) season in the year? Is it warmer (colder) than in another season? Are the days longer and the nights are shorter?

7) What clothes do people wear?

8) What can children do in this season?

9) What do you like to do? As for me, …

10) How many months are there in this season in Russia and in England? What are they?

11) What holidays do people celebrate in this season? What do they do on these days?

Начнем, пожалуй, с легкой версии. Этот текст, как я уже упомянула, может стать базовым для детишек начальной школы (вплоть до 4, 5, 6 классов — в зависимости от школьной программы).

Кстати, если вас интересуют именно простые тексты для ребят начальной школы или 5-6 классов, то рекомендую вот эту свою страничку — там еще несколько подобных на разные базовые темы.

Сочинение № 1

My name is Natasha and I am ten years old. I am in the 3 rd grade at the local school in Saint-Petersburg. I have a big family. It has 4 members: my mother, my father, me and my elder sister. My mother is a doctor and my father is an engineer. My sister studies at school. She is 13 years old.

I like studying at school. My favorite subjects are Russian Literature and English Language. I have a lot of friends at school. My best friends are Masha and Alina. We live near each other so we go to school together.

I like to play outdoors. Every evening we play hide-and-seek with my friends. I also love animals. We have two cats and a dog. I like playing with them. I also want to have a parrot but my parents forbid. In the evenings we have a dinner with the whole family and tell each other about the day. So that is all I can say about myself.

Меня зовут Наташа и мне десять лет. Я учусь в 3-м классе в школе в Санкт-Петербурге. У меня большая семья. В ней 4 человека: моя мама, мой папа, я и моя старшая сестра. Моя мама – врач, а папа – инженер. Моя сестра учится в школе. Ей 13 лет.

Мне нравится учиться в школе. Мои любимые предметы — русская литература и английский язык. В школе у меня много друзей. Мои лучшие друзья — Маша и Алина. Мы живем рядом друг с другом, поэтому ходим в школу вместе.

Мне нравится играть на открытом воздухе. Каждый вечер мы с друзьями играем в прятки. Также я люблю животных. У нас две кошки и собака. Мне нравится играть с ними. Я также хочу попугая, но мои родители запрещают. Вечером мы ужинаем всей семьей и рассказываем друг другу о прошедшем дне. Это все, что я могу сказать о себе.

Предлагаю вам еще один бонус к предложенному сочинению:
несколько вариантов одной фразы , чтобы сочинение могло отличаться от других и, возможно, стать лучшим.
Слева — фраза из текста, через дефис — ее вариации:
1. My name is Natasha — I'm Natasha.
2. I am ten years old — I am ten — I was born in 2009.
3. I am in the 3rd grade — I am in grade 3 — I am in the 3rd year — I am in year 3.
4. I have a big family. It has 4 members. — There are 4 people in my family.
5. My mother is a doctor — My mother's profession is a doctor — My mum is a doctor.
6. My sister studies at school — My sister goes to school.
7. I like studying at school — I enjoy studying at school — I love studying at school.
8. I like to play outdoors — I like to play in the yard — I like to play outside.
9. In the evenings we have a dinner with the whole family — In the evenings we have a family dinner.


Ну что же, если вы уже перешагнули порог школы и поступили в ВУЗ, то на эту тему вам все же придется написать еще одно сочинение.

Сочинение № 2

Let me introduce myself. My name is Sofia. I am 19 years old and I am currently studying at the Linguistic University. I will become a professional interpreter soon.

I have a family of four. It consists of both my parents, me and my sister. I was born in Ivanovo and my parents still live there while I moved to Moscow. I adore visiting them during my holidays as it is a real chance for me to relax and enjoy some time with my family.

We have lots of animals at home: a dog, a cat, some fish and a parrot. My little sister takes care of them. When we meet we usually share some stories and enjoy the time.

I am a very sociable girl. That is why I decided to become an interpreter. I like getting acquainted with new people and travelling. I dream of visiting all the countries one day. Though foreign languages are both my hobby and my future career, I also consider dancing as another hobby of mine. I visit dance classes three times per week. So that is the smallest part that I can say about myself.

Позвольте представиться. Меня зовут София. Мне 19 лет и сейчас я учусь в Лингвистическом университете. Скоро я стану профессиональным переводчиком.

Моя семья состоит из четырех человек: моих родителей, меня и моей сестры. Я родилась в Иваново, но мои родители до сих пор живут там, а я переехала в Москву. Я обожаю навещать их во время каникул, потому что это шанс для меня расслабиться и насладиться некоторым временем с семьей.

Дома у нас много животных: собака, кошка, рыбки и попугай. Моя младшая сестра заботится о них. Когда мы встречаемся, мы, как правило, делимся историями и приятно проводим время.

Я очень общительная. Вот почему я решил стать переводчиком. Мне нравится знакомиться с новыми людьми и путешествовать. Однажды я мечтаю посетить все страны. Хотя иностранные языки являются и моим хобби, и моей будущей карьерой, я также считаю танцы еще одним хобби. Я посещаю занятия три раза в неделю. Так что это самая малая часть того, что я могу сказать о себе.

Ну что же, теперь у вас есть полный арсенал топиков о себе для школы и университета. Пользуйтесь на здоровье. И на забывайте, что я регулярно делюсь новыми полезными материалами на своем блоге. Подписывайтесь на рассылку и будьте в курсе каждого нового события.

Еще один один отличный топик О себе читайте и слушайте здесь

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