All teenagers should have a part time job сочинение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

A Job for Teenagers

Работа для подростков

Many people do not like working. Sometimes it is connected with their profession which they do not like. Sometimes people have problems with the administration or colleagues. Some people choose the work they like and do not have such problems. The reasons why people work vary. Some people just want to earn money for a living. Other people just like working.

Многие люди не любят работать. Иногда это связано с их профессией, которая им не нравится. Иногда у людей возникают проблемы с начальством или коллегами. Некоторые люди выбирают понравившуюся работу и не имеют таких проблем. Причины, по которым люди работают, меняются. Некоторые люди просто хотят зарабатывать на жизнь. Другие просто любят работать.

Not only adults want or have to work. Nowadays many teenagers work. The reasons why teenagers work can be similar: some of them just earn money and other teenagers just want to work. Modern teenagers, unlike our ancestors, seldom have to work to support the family. As a rule, they work to have more pocket money. However there are also those who have to pay for the study or support their families.

Не только взрослые хотят или должны работать. В настоящее время многие подростки работают. Причины, по которым они работают, могут быть похожими: некоторые из них просто зарабатывают деньги, а другие просто хотят работать. Современные подростки, в отличие от наших предков, редко вынуждены работать, чтобы прокормить свою семью. Как правило, они работают, чтобы иметь больше карманных денег. Однако есть и те, кто должен платить за учебу или помогать своей семье.

There are plenty of choices to earn money, for example, car washing, leafleting, working at office and so on. Car washing is one of the most popular ways to earn money among teenagers. Many classmates of mine wash cars in summer. It is hard to explain why they choose it.

Есть много вариантов заработать деньги, например, мыть машины, раздавать листовки, работать в офисе и так далее. Мытье машин – один из самых популярных способов заработать деньги среди подростков. Многие мои одноклассники работают на автомойках летом. Трудно объяснить, почему они выбирают именно это.

However there are some problems and risks connected with the work arrangement, honesty of the administration and payment. There are many cases when employers deceive teenagers and do not pay money. I think the government should pay much attention to these problems and support working teenagers.

Однако есть некоторые проблемы и риски, связанные с организацией работ, честностью начальства и оплатой труда. Есть много случаев, когда работодатели обманывали подростков и не платили им. Я думаю, что правительству следует уделять больше внимания этим проблемам и поддерживать работающих подростков.

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Our life is becoming more intense and saturated, so more and more teenagers start working at an early age. Some people believe it is useful experience for youngsters. Others claim that a part-time job has a negative impact on young people.

To my way of thinking, teenagers should get a taste of work at an early age. Firstly, it helps to reveal interests and tendencies for a particular specialty. Secondly, teenagers can earn extra pocket money and earn to handle them.

However, many people argue that part-time job can undermine adolescent’s health because they do not have enough time to relax and they become exhausted and tired. Moreover, academic performance suffers due to inability to concentrate at school or university. Teenagers simply do not have time to do their homework.

I cannot agree with the opinion above. To begin with, working teenagers become more reliable and learn to plan their own time. Furthermore, some income can be enough to help parents to pay your educational fees.

Taking everything into consideration, there are two points of view on the problem of working teenagers but I feel strongly that having a job at an early age gives a great boost for the future career, a sense of achievement and independence. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

I cannot agree with the opinion above. To begin with, working teenagers become more reliable and learn to plan their own time. Furthermore, some income can be enough to help parents to pay your educational fees.

Taking everything into consideration, there are two points of view on the problem of working teenagers but I feel strongly that having a job at an early age gives a great boost for the future career, a sense of achievement and independence.

Comment on the following statement:

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
— make an introduction (state the problem)
— express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
— express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
— explain why you don't agree with the opposing opinion
— make a conclusion restating your position



Some people think that it is good to let teens have some work and earn some pocket money, whereas others do not agree. They believe that work will distract teens from the learning process and pocket money will spoil them.

I think that it is not bad for teens to work and have some pocket money. First of all , those teenagers who work can understand the value of money . Teens usually get everything they need from parents for granted and the only way to appreciate it is to work. Second , one should learn how to manage their budget from a young age. Otherwise , when he or she grows up they might make some serious financial mistakes that will be difficult to fix.

At the same time there are parents who say that students have to study and nothing else. Any other activity will distract them from the process of studying.

Personally , I disagree with this opinion. Doing some work will not do any harm but teach young people discipline. A student cannot study all the time, he needs some rest that can come in the form of a different activity. It is better to work and earn some pocket money than to play, for example, computer games.

In conclusion , I would like to say that working part-time and making some pocket money is a good stimulus for a person to study better. The world experience has showed that when a student starts to understand how it is not easy to make money, they begin studying much better.


In conclusion , I would like to say that there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight part-time work might distract people from learning process but in actual fact it is a good stimulus for a person to study better. Thus , I support the idea of working partly and making some pocket money.

A part time job is thought to be a good opportunity for teens to earn some cash. However, their parents often disapprove of this idea. According to the parents, their children have to learn school subjects and having pocket money may distract them from the learning process.

Personally, I think that it is a good idea to allow young kids to work and make some money. First of all, it gives them a feeling of independence and with it comes more responsibility. It helps them develop their character. Secondly, work makes a person more disciplined. For example, he or she has to go to work in time and do their job.

At the same time there are people who think that teens are too young to work. They feel strongly that at this age pupils should focus on their educational process and do nothing else.

I disagree with this opinion because I’m convinced that having a part time job and studying at school can go together without interfering with each other.

In conclusion I would like to say that there are a lot of activities that can distract teenagers from the learning process and a part-time job is not an exception. Nevertheless, I support the idea of working part-time because it develops their character and make them work on their qualities.

It’s important to find the vacation for every person. When we go to school we have many different dreams and plans. Life seems much easier when we are teenagers. And teenagers are more flexible. It’s not so difficult to make new friends, change hobby and go to work.

Today many teenagers go to work. It’s not bad experience for those who look for the vacation. We can work after school or during summer holidays. It’s difficult to study and to work at the same time. That’s why usually it’s some occupation for few hours per day.

So we can have some extra money. Our parents can save and we can spend our pocket money.

Also we learn how to earn money. And I have found out that it’s not so easy. And now I have understood how difficult to earn even a cent.

What is more while working we understand what we like and don’t like. We can work with computer, communicate with other people, work with animals, check the documents and so on. It’s extremely important to find out what job is good for us.

All these and other things help us to become elder and more independent. We know what is better for us or we have made a mistake when we start with some job.

The only problem is that we pay less attention to our education. Instead of revise some topics or learn something new we are working. Sometimes we want to earn money and buy something so much, that we forget about priority. First of all we have to study and have education and later on we can work.

So teenagers have to work but it’s secondary thing for them. But I think everyone has a right to take a decision by himself. School is not forever and one day we will definitely start to work. So while we are teens we have to study and rest to be ready for future life.

Нужно ли подросткам работать?

В жизни каждому человеку важно найти собственное предназначение. Когда мы идём в школу, у нас появляется много разных мечтаний и планов. Жизнь кажется гораздо легче, пока мы ещё подростки. Ну и подросткам легче приспособиться. Им куда проще завести новые знакомства, сменить хобби и пойти работать.

Сегодня многие подростки идут работать. Это неплохой опыт для тех, кто ищет призвание. Мы можем работать после школы или во время летних каникул. Но учиться и работать одновременно довольно трудно. Поэтому обычно мы берём дополнительные занятия на несколько часов.

Так мы можем заработать немного карманных денег. Наши родители могут сэкономить, а мы спокойно потратим свои заработанные карманные.

Также мы учимся зарабатывать деньги. И я наконец поняла, что это совсем не просто. Я осознала, как трудно заработать каждую копейку.

Более того, когда мы работаем, мы понимаем, что нам нравится, а что нет. Мы учимся работать с компьютером, общаться с другими людьми, работать с животными, проверять документы и так далее. Крайне важно понять, какая именно работа подходит нам.

Все эти и другие вещи помогают нам повзрослеть и быть более независимыми. Мы знаем, что лучше для нас или какую ошибку мы можем совершить, когда начинаем работать.

Единственной проблемой является то, что работая, мы обращаем меньше внимания на своё образование. Вместо того, чтобы повторять материал или учить что-то новое, мы идём на работу. Порой мы хотим заработать денег и купить себе что-то так сильно, что забываем о приоритетах. Прежде всего, мы должны учиться и получать образование, а потом уже работать.

Так что подростки должны работать, но это наша второстепенная обязанность. И я считаю, что каждый имеет право решать самостоятельно. Школа ведь не навсегда и мы обязательно однажды пойдём работать. А пока мы подростки, мы должны учиться и отдыхать, чтобы быть готовыми к будущему.

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