Actions speak louder than words сочинение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Actions speak louder than words as the ECB’s Mario Draghi found out before their June intervention and as RBA’s Glenn Stevens is realising now. Действия говорят больше, чем слова, как понял президент ЕЦБ Марио Драги перед июньской интервенцией, и что управляющий РБА Гленн Стивенс осознает сейчас.

The most important lesson of understanding Putin is an old one: actions speak louder than words . Наиболее важный урок для понимания Путина основывается на давно известном правиле: не по словам судят, а по делам.

But actions speak louder than words , and challenges to the NPT regime have continued to undermine its basic principles, causing considerable backsliding. Но дела говорят громче слов, и испытания, встающие на пути режима ДНЯО, продолжали подрывать его основополагающие принципы, что приводило к значительному откату назад.

The choice seems obvious, but our actions speak louder than words . Выбор кажется очевидным, но наши действия говорят громче, чем слова.

Indeed, actions speak louder than words : only 28% of Saudis said that they participate in weekly religious services, compared to 27% of Iranians, 44% of Jordanians, 42% of Egyptians, and 45% of Americans. Действительно, дела говорят громче слов: только 28% жителей Саудовской Аравии сказали, что они участвуют в еженедельных религиозных службах, по сравнению с 27% иранцев, 44% иорданцев, 42% египтян и 45% американцев.

Deeds speak louder than words , and deeds on the transatlantic level have been swift and decisive - for example, joint efforts aimed at choking off terrorist financing - even when we had strong divergences over Iraq. Действия говорят за себя лучше, чем слова, и действия на трансатлантическом уровне были быстрыми и решительными - например, совместные усилия по перекрытию финансирования террористических группировок - несмотря на серьезные расхождения относительно Ирака.

We still clutch close these letters to our chest, to the words that speak louder than loud, when we turn pages into palettes to say the things that we have needed to say, the words that we have needed to write, to sisters and brothers and even to strangers, for far too long. Мы всё ещё прижимаем эти письма к груди, прижимаемся к словам, которые говорят громче громкого, когда мы превращаем страницы в палитру слов, чтобы сказать вещи, которые мы должны были сказать, слова, которые уже очень давно должны были быть написаны, сёстрам и братьям, и даже незнакомцам.

But the symbolism of Gandhi's simple dress and lifestyle spoke louder than words . Тем не менее, символическое значение простого платья Ганди и всего его образа жизни было нагляднее слов.

But the symbolism of Gandhi’s simple peasant clothing and lifestyle spoke louder than words . Тем не менее, символическое значение простой крестьянской одежды и образа жизни Ганди был нагляднее слов.

Opponents of this group of experts assert that Russia’s actions speak of anti-Americanism and attempts to prevent America and the West from achieving their foreign-policy objectives in spheres of principal importance. Оппоненты этой группы экспертов утверждают, что действия России говорят о ее антиамериканизме и о попытках помешать Америке и Западу в достижении своих внешнеполитических целей в тех сферах, которые имеют принципиальное значение.

Make sure that your speakers are turned on and the volume is louder than normal. Убедитесь, что динамики включены, а громкость больше обычной.

The Obama administration’s reset produced much more than words . А перезагрузка администрации Обамы дала гораздо больше, чем слова.

If you use a home theater system, make sure that the system is on and set louder than normal. Если вы пользуетесь системой домашнего кинотеатра, убедитесь, что она включена и установите громкость выше обычной.

Of course, a test drive would do more than words . Конечно, пробная поездка сделала бы больше, чем слова.

With US unemployment and Chinese growth both at almost 10%, the only mystery is that the drums of trade war are not louder than they are. С 10% уровнем безработицы в США и таким же уровнем экономического роста Китая, единственная загадка заключается в том, что грохот от барабанов торговой войны не больше, чем сами барабаны.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию "Сообщить о проблеме" или напишите нам

Communication process is not limited to what we say with words. There are 3 elements of communication: Words (7% of information is communicated though words), Body language (55%) and tone of voice (38%). Thus, 93% of communication is non-verbal.

The patterns of non-verbal communication that people use are defined by their culture, gender and social status.

There are several types of Non-verbal communication: Kinesics, Proxemics, Chronemics, Oculesics, Haptics.

Kinesics - movement of the body (head, arms, legs, etc.). For example, the gesture of slitting ones throat in America means “Ive had enough” or “Im in trouble” in Swaziland means “I love you”.

Proxemics - the use of interpersonal space. For example Greeks and South Americans find it comfortable to stand, sit or talk to people at a distance which seems to North Americans and some Europeans intolerably close.

The closeness of Greeks and South Americans is unusual to Europeans and North Americans and it causes them to have the feelings of hostility, discomfort and intimidation.

However if Americans back away to their distance of comfort theyll be perceived as cold, unfriendly and distrustful.

Chronemics - the timing of verbal exchanges during conversation. Americans expect their partner to respond to their statement immediately. But, for example in eastern cultures, in Japan or China, they leave silence between each statement.

For Americans this silence is unsettling and the person might seem shy, inattentive or nervous. In intercultural situation, it might be best for the visitor to tolerate the silence and wait for a response.

Oculesics - eye-to-eye contact or avoidance. Eye contact is very important in communication. People use their eyes to show interest. It is considered impolite to fix ones eyes on smb., but some eye-contact is necessary to show that your interest and attention.

Haptics - is the tactile form of communication. Where, how and how often people can touch each other while having a conversation are culturally defined patterns.

Italians and people in Latin America touch each other more often than Americans and the English.

It also depends on the kind of communication situation one is in. For example, in Russia among close friends and the family touching is quite common, whereas at work it is not appropriate at all.

The ways of non-verbal communication differ from culture to culture. We should be aware of those differences in order not to be misunderstood and to properly understand other people.

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“Actions speak louder than words”

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“Actions speak louder than words”

“Actions speak louder than words”

Any eye contact that persists beyond a few seconds makes us nervous. People.

Any eye contact that persists beyond a few seconds makes us nervous.

People smile for all sorts of reasons, only one of which is to signal happiness.

In the end, body language conveys important but unreliable clues.
Nick Morgan

Nonverbal communication (NVC) is usually understood as the process of communi.

Nonverbal communication (NVC) is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages.
NVC can be communicated through
body language or posture;
facial expression and eye contact;
object communication such as clothing, hairstyles or even architecture.
Speech may also contain nonverbal elements known as paralanguage, including voice quality, emotion and speaking style, as well as prosodic features such as rhythm, intonation and stress. Likewise, written texts have nonverbal elements such as handwriting style, spatial arrangement of words, or the use of emoticons.

Broadly speaking, there are two basic categories of non-verbal language: .

Broadly speaking, there are two basic categories of non-verbal language:
nonverbal messages produced by the body;
nonverbal messages produced by the broad setting (time, space, silence)

Why is non-verbal communication important?Basically, it is one of the key asp.

Why is non-verbal communication important?
Basically, it is one of the key aspects of communication (and especially important in a high-context culture). It has multiple functions:

Used to repeat the verbal message (e.g. point in a direction while stating directions.
Often used to accent a verbal message. (e.g. verbal tone indicates the actual meaning of the specific words).
Often complement the verbal message but also may contradict. E.g.: a nod reinforces a positive message (among Americans); a “wink” may contradict a stated positive message.
Regulate interactions (non-verbal cues covey when the other person should speak or not speak).
May substitute for the verbal message (especially if it is blocked by noise, interruption, etc) — i.e. gestures (finger to lips to indicate need for quiet), facial expressions (i.e. a nod instead of a yes).

We start forming impressions of people we meet from the moment we set eyes on.

We start forming impressions of people we meet from the moment we set eyes on them. A large part of the initial impression that you create comes from your body language. Your posture, facial expression, eye contact, and gestures speak louder than the words you say. We all interpret body language all the time on a subconscious level.

1. FaceThe face is the most expressive part of the body. If you are feeling a.

1. Face
The face is the most expressive part of the body. If you are feeling anxious then your facial expression may lead you to appear aloof, disapproving, or disinterested. You can break this misrepresentation by making a conscious effort to smile. Your smile is one of the strongest tools you have in meeting new people. It will help you appear warm, open, friendly, and confident.

2. EyesOur eyes give clues to our emotions. A direct stare implies intensity.

2. Eyes
Our eyes give clues to our emotions. A direct stare implies intensity. It may also mean romantic interest, aggression, or fear. Making very little eye contact can either convey shyness or submissiveness. The middle ground of a gaze says that you are interested, secure, and at ease.

3. HandsYour hands are also very expressive. Open gestures tend to make you a.

3. Hands
Your hands are also very expressive. Open gestures tend to make you appear open and honest. By pointing your finger, or moving your hands closer together, you can draw emphasis to what you are saying. Used in moderation, hand gestures can make you seem enthusiastic and committed to your topic. Making too many gestures can make you appear nervous and uncontrolled. Wringing your hands or touching your sleeves, face, etc. can make you appear tense, nervous, and sometimes dishonest.

4. PostureThe way you hold yourself, your posture, makes a big contribution t.

4. Posture
The way you hold yourself, your posture, makes a big contribution to your body language and conveys your level of self-confidence. By orienting your body towards someone, you show attentiveness. By falling away from them or leaning back, you show a lack of interest and some level of reserve. When we are feeling low in confidence and want to hide away, we hunch our shoulders and keep our heads down. When we are feeling aggressive or are trying to defend our space, we puff ourselves up. A relaxed body posture will help you to appear and feel more relaxed and confident.

Your posture gives signals about your interest in something, your openness, and attentiveness. It also gives clues as to your status within a group.

Proxemics is the study of how people use and perceive the physical space arou.

is the study of how people use and perceive the physical space around them. The space between the sender and the receiver of a message influences the way the message is interpreted.
Proxemics was first developed by Edward T. Hall during the 1950s and 60s.

Chronemicsis the study of the use of time in nonverbal communication. The way.

is the study of the use of time in nonverbal communication. The way we perceive time, structure our time and react to time is a powerful communication tool, and helps set the stage for communication.

Kinesicsis the study of body movements, facial expressions, and gestures. It.

is the study of body movements, facial expressions, and gestures. It was developed by anthropologist Ray L. Birdwhistell in the 1950s.

Haptics is the study of touching as nonverbal communication. Touches that can.

is the study of touching as nonverbal communication. Touches that can be defined as communication include handshakes, holding hands, kissing (cheek, lips, hand), back slapping, high fives, a pat on the shoulder, and brushing an arm. Touching of oneself may include licking, picking, holding, and scratching

The study of the role of eyes in nonverbal communication is sometimes referre.

The study of the role of eyes in nonverbal communication is sometimes referred to as "oculesics". Eye contact can indicate interest, attention, and involvement.

Paralanguage (sometimes called vocalics) is the study of nonverbal cues of th.

(sometimes called vocalics) is the study of nonverbal cues of the voice. Various acoustic properties of speech such as tone, pitch and accent, collectively known as prosody, can all give off nonverbal cues. Paralanguage may change the meaning of words.
The linguist George L. Trager developed a classification system which consists of the voice set, voice qualities, and vocalization.

Cultural Differences in Non-verbal CommunicationGeneral Appearance and Dress.

Cultural Differences in
Non-verbal Communication
General Appearance and Dress
All cultures are concerned for how they look and make judgments based on looks and dress.
Americans, for instance, appear almost obsessed with dress and personal attractiveness.
Consider differing cultural standards on what is attractive in dress and on what constitutes modesty.
Note ways dress is used as a sign of status.

Body Movement We send information on attitude toward person (facing or leanin.

We send information on attitude toward person (facing or leaning towards another), emotional statue (tapping fingers, jiggling coins), and desire to control the environment (moving towards or away from a person).
More than 700,000 possible motions we can make — so impossible to categorize them all! But just need to be aware the body movement and position is a key ingredient in sending messages.

Posture Consider the following actions and note cultural differences: Bowing.

Consider the following actions and note cultural differences:
Bowing (not done, criticized, or affected in US; shows rank in Japan)
Slouching (rude in most Northern European areas)
Hands in pocket (disrespectful in Turkey)
Sitting with legs crossed (offensive in Ghana, Turkey)
Showing soles of feet. (Offensive in Thailand, Saudi Arabia)

Gestures Impossible to catalog them all. Even simple things like using hands.

Impossible to catalog them all. Even simple things like using hands to point and count differ.
Pointing : US with index finger; Germany with little finger; Japanese with entire hand (in fact most Asians consider pointing with index finger to be rude)
Counting: Thumb = 1 in Germany, 5 in Japan, middle finger for 1 in Indonesia.

Facial Expressions Many Asian cultures suppress facial expression as much as.

Many Asian cultures suppress facial expression as much as possible.
Many Mediterranean (Latino / Arabic) cultures exaggerate grief or sadness while most American men hide grief or sorrow.
Too much smiling is viewed in as a sign of shallowness.
Women smile more than men.

Eye Contact and Gaze In USA, eye contact indicates: degree of attention or i.

Eye Contact and Gaze

In USA, eye contact indicates:
degree of attention or interest,
influences attitude change or persuasion,
regulates interaction,
communicates emotion,
defines power and status,
and has a central role in managing impressions of others.

Western cultures — see direct eye to eye contact as positive (advise children.

Western cultures — see direct eye to eye contact as positive (advise children to look a person in the eyes). But within USA, African-Americans use more eye contact when talking and less when listening with reverse true for Anglo Americans. This is a possible cause for some sense of unease between races in US. A prolonged gaze is often seen as a sign of sexual interest.
Arabic cultures make prolonged eye-contact. — believe it shows interest and helps them understand truthfulness of the other person. (A person who doesn’t reciprocate is seen as untrustworthy)
Japan, Africa, Latin American, Caribbean — avoid eye contact to show respect.

Touch USA — handshake is common (even for strangers), hugs, kisses for those.

USA — handshake is common (even for strangers), hugs, kisses for those of opposite gender or of family (usually) on an increasingly more intimate basis. Note differences between African-Americans and Anglos in USA. Most African Americans touch on greeting but are annoyed if touched on the head.
Islamic and Hindu: typically don’t touch with the left hand. To do so is a social insult. Left hand is for toilet functions. Mannerly in India to break your bread only with your right hand (sometimes difficult for non-Indians)
Islamic cultures generally don’t approve of any touching between genders (even hand shakes). But consider such touching (including hand holding, hugs) between same-sex to be appropriate.
Many Asians don’t touch the head (Head houses the soul and a touch puts it in jeopardy).

Smell USA — fear of natural smells (billion dollar industry to mask objection.

USA — fear of natural smells (billion dollar industry to mask objectionable odors with what is perceived to be pleasant ) — again connected with “attractiveness” concept.
Many other cultures consider natural body odors as normal (Arabic).
Asian cultures (Filipino, Malay, Indonesian, Thai, Indian) stress frequent bathing — and often criticize USA of not bathing often enough!

Paralanguage vocal characterizers (laugh, cry, yell, moan, whine, belch, yawn.

vocal characterizers (laugh, cry, yell, moan, whine, belch, yawn). These send different messages in different cultures (Japan — giggling indicates embarrassment; India – belch indicates satisfaction)
vocal qualifiers (volume, pitch, rhythm, tempo, and tone). Loudness indicates strength in Arabic cultures and softness indicates weakness; indicates confidence and authority to the Germans,; indicates impoliteness to the Thais; indicates loss of control to the Japanese. (Generally, one learns not to “shout” in Asia for nearly any reason!). Gender based as well: women tend to speak higher and more softly than men.
vocal segregates (un-huh, shh, uh, ooh, mmmh, humm, eh, mah, lah). Segregates indicate formality, acceptance, assent, uncertainty.

How can you tell an American from a Frenchman ? Make him count 1,2,3,4.

How can you tell an American from a Frenchman ?

Make him count 1,2,3,4. : the American will start with the little finger and end with the thumb, the Frenchman just the opposite.
Make him walk : the American will move his arms and take a lot of space, the Frenchman will be much stiffer
Make him hug : the American will look as if he was afraid of bad breath, stay as far as possible and give big hits on the back of the other person ; the Frenchman , like the Spanish, will actually TOUCH the body of the other person and act as if he was enjoying it
Put him in an elevator : the American will talk (the French will try to avoid any eye contact)
Make him (and particularly, make her) laugh and hear and see the difference in the level of noise and in muscular activity.
Make him say "everything is OK" : he will form a circle joining thumb and index (in French, this gesture means : "zero")
Enjoy a meal with him : he will put his bread on his plate (the French put it on the table) and his hands on his thighs (the French put them on the table)

<03> Поступки говорят громче, чем слова. Ср. Не по словам судят, а по делам. О человеке судят по его делам.

3 actions speak louder than words

4 Actions speak louder than words.

5 actions speak louder than words

6 actions speak louder than words

7 actions speak louder than words

См. также в других словарях:

actions speak louder than words — phrase used for saying that what you do is more important than what you say you will do Thesaurus: words used to describe actions and activitieshyponym something that is easy to dosynonym Main entry: action * * * actions speak louder than words… … Useful english dictionary

actions speak louder than words — This idiom means that what people actually do is more important than what they say people can promise things but then fail to deliver … The small dictionary of idiomes

actions speak louder than words — ► actions speak louder than words proverb what someone actually does means more than what they say they will do. Main Entry: ↑action … English terms dictionary

actions speak louder than words — First recorded in its current form in the United States. 1628 J. PYM Speech 4 Apr. in Hansard Parliamentary Hist. England (1807) II. 274 ‘A word spoken in season is like an Apple of Gold set in Pictures of Silver,’ and actions are more precious… … Proverbs new dictionary

actions speak louder than words — What you do shows your character better and is more important than what you say. A proverb. * /John promised to help me, but he didn t. Actions speak louder than words./ * /Joe is very quiet, but actions speak louder than words. He is the best… … Dictionary of American idioms

actions speak louder than words — What you do shows your character better and is more important than what you say. A proverb. * /John promised to help me, but he didn t. Actions speak louder than words./ * /Joe is very quiet, but actions speak louder than words. He is the best… … Dictionary of American idioms

actions\ speak\ louder\ than\ words — proverb What you do shows your character better and is more important than what you say. John promised to help me, but he didn t. Actions speak louder than words. Joe is very quiet, but actions speak louder than words. He is the best player on… … Словарь американских идиом

actions speak louder than words — people judge by actions more than words, practice what you preach Parents should remember that actions speak louder than words. Kids imitate their parents … English idioms

Actions speak louder than words. — something that you say which means that what you do is more important than what you say. Of course the government have made all sorts of promises but as we all know, actions speak louder than words … New idioms dictionary

actions speak louder than words — what someone does is more important than what someone says. You have to prepare for what your opponents could do, not what they say they ll do, because actions speak louder than words … New idioms dictionary

actions speak louder than words — actual deeds are more important than stated intentions … English contemporary dictionary

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