A lucky escape сочинение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

• вы использовали некоторые повествовательные методы, такие как сравнения, метафоры, аллитерации и т.д.

The day dawned full of hope. I was holidaying at my uncle's farm and today I would go exploring the surrounding area. 'Don't worry about me, Uncle,' I shouted merrily as I walked into the dark forest.

The light and warmth of the sunlight faded as I made my way deeper and deeper into the wood. The trees seemed to lean in and whisper among themselves and before I knew it I had lost my way. Trying to find the path back, I came across a cave and entered for shelter suddenly plunging down a hidden hole just inside the entrance.

I must have blacked out, but for how long I didn't know. I could see nothing as I tried to peer through the pitch-black darkness. I tried to stand but a pain shot up my leg and I collapsed, helpless on the floor.

After some time lying motionless on the floor, I heard a growling sound that made my hair stand on end. My mind raced as I thought of what was in the cave with me. I felt like a mouse trapped before the cat. What happened next I will never understand as I must have passed out from fear.

The next thing I knew was that I woke up in my bed at my uncle's farm. A search, headed by my uncle, found me and returned me home safe and sound. I cried tears of joy when I saw my uncle and tried to inquire if there was anything else found in the cave but I could only stutter. My uncle hushed me and said 'you are one very lucky young lady'. If he only knew the half of it! I thought grinning.

The wind danced leaves around his feet as Tom hurried to catch the opening of the performance. The theatre doors opened welcomingly and he took his seat just in time for the raising of the curtain.

'The Amazing Andy,' being the cheapest night out in a city and it was not his first choice, but short of cash and tired of TV, Tom needed some form of entertainment.

Andy came out on stage to a cool ripple of applause and commenced with a series of childsplay card tricks that Tom had seen one hundred and one times before and better. The best was, thankfully, yet to come. Amazing Andy put on handcuffs and then chains and then ropes and then climbed into a sack after being blindfolded. Raised up over the stage and dropped into a tank full of ferociously ravenous piranhas, Amazing Andy was now in a lot of trouble.

The lights were switched off and then immediately on again and to Tom's amazement, there was Amazing Andy in the seat next to him, helping himself to a generous handful of Tom's popcorn. 'Truly you are amazing Andy,' breathed Tom, 'What a miraculous escape!'

Свет и тепло солнца скрылись, когда мой путь уходил все глубже и глубже в лес. Казалось, деревья наклоняются и шепчутся между собой, и прежде чем я поняла это, я потерялась. Пытаясь найти путь обратно, я наткнулась на пещеру и вошла для убежища, внезапно круто опускаясь в скрытую дыру прямо рядом с входом.

Я должно быть потеряла сознание, но на как долго я не знала. Я не могла ничего увидеть, когда пыталась вглядеться в черную как смоль темноту. Я попыталась встать, но боль подогнула мою ногу, и я беспомощно рухнула на пол.

Ветер кружил листья под его ногами, когда Том торопился успеть на открытие представления. Двери театра открылись приветливо, и он занял свое место как раз во время открытия занавеса.

Энди вышел на сцену под небольшой звук аплодисментов и начал с серии детских карточных трюков, которые Том видел сто раз и лучше. Лучшее, к счастью, было впереди. Великолепный Энди надел наручники, затем цепи и веревки, и полез в мешок с завязанными глазами. Поднявшись на сцене и упав в бак полный свирепых хищных пираний, Великолепный Энди сейчас был в беде.

Свет погас, и затем, тот час же снова, к удивлению Тома, Великолепный Энди сидел рядом ним, угощаясь горсткой попкорна Тома.

Написать на британском сочинение на 120-180 слов."История,которая случилась со мной".Со вступлением,основной долею и заключением.ОЧЕНЬ Необходимо!
(те кто загоняет в переводчик, громадная просьба, не отвечать)

  • Alina Nurbina
  • Английский язык
  • 2019-05-19 21:37:09
  • 220
  • 1

One Tuesday morning, last spring, the birds were singing quietly when I awoke. I felt happy because spring finally came. I didn't think that this day would be a lucky escape in my life.

There were no sings of trouble. It was sunny. I was walking through the forest. Suddenly I saw birds flying away from the forest. Unexpectedly the dark clouds appeared in the clear sky and the wind started to blow quite strongly. An hour later, I realized that a terrible thunderstorm with hail was beginning. I had been running for a long time to find a shelter and suddenly slipped and turned off.

When I came round, it turned out that I sprained his ankle. Thirty minutes later, I saw a man and I screamed for help. The man notified the authorities and twenty minutes later, a rescue team arrived and administered first aid.

When I returned home, I was shaking with shock. I was even called to the local radio to talk about my adventure. This was my first lucky escape.

Однажды утром вторника, прошлой весной, птицы тихо напевали, когда я пробудилась. Я ощущала счастье, поэтому что весна в конце концов-то наступила. Я не размышляла, что этот день будет успешным побегом в моей жизни.

Ничего не предсказывало неудачи. Было солнечно. Я гуляла по лесу. Внезапно я увидела птиц, улетающих из леса. Неожиданно в светлом небе появились темные облака, и ветер начал очень дуть. Через час я осознала, что начинается гроза с градом. Я длинно бежала, чтобы отыскать убежище, и внезапно подскользнулась и свалилась в обморок.

Когда я пришла в себя, оказалось, что я свихнуло щиколотку. Через тридцать минут я увидела человека, и я заорала о помощи. Человек уведомил власти, а через 20 минут прибыла спасательная команда и оказала первую мед помощь.

Когда я возвратилась домой, я дрожала от шока. Меня даже вызвали в местное радио, чтоб поведать о моем приключении. Это был мой 1-ый успешный побег.

Задание 10 № 913

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

3. Good way to meet

4. Growing in popularity

6. Fast food is unhealthy

7. A new way to buy

8. Too much choice

A. When you are tired and don’t want to cook, just pick up the phone. Restaurants are expensive and take some time and effort to reach if you don’t live in the centre of town. Ordering food for home delivery is cheap and these days there is a huge choice. Indian and Chinese are the most popular but I prefer to get in a pizza.

B. A school group on a skiing holiday to Italy narrowly avoided disaster when their coach left the road and fell eighty meters into a valley. Trees slowed down the falling coach and because of the fresh new snow the vehicle landed quite softly. Amazingly no one was injured.

C. A teenager from London is making news around the world. On his recent holiday in Australia he set off without his mobile phone. Experts are amazed that he is still alive after walking for fourteen days, surviving extreme temperatures and living off the land. However, a lot of Australians are unhappy with him. The rescue cost is estimated at more than 100,000 dollars.

D. You can buy almost anything, new or second hand, on the internet. On one site you can offer the price you want to pay for something. Whoever offers the highest price can buy that item. Recently I made the highest offer for a nearly new pair of skis. However, I only paid half of what they would have cost new in a shop.

E. Making new friends on the internet makes so much sense. You can see someone’s photo and read if they share your interests and opinions. The important thing is you can spend time getting to know people who are attractive to you and looking for the same things in life that you are. Still, for personal safety, most sites recommend that in person you meet initially in a public place like a cafe or a gallery.

F. I like eating out but some restaurants have huge menus. And usually every item sounds mouth watering. The trouble is I like to read about everything on offer and sometimes waiters wait for me rather than on me! The other issue is how they can offer so much whilst maintaining quality? I’d rather take one of five options knowing that each one was brilliant.

G. “Facebook” is a social networking website that has 250 million members and despite lots of criticism by employers, governments and media, continues to attract thousands of new users daily. In spite of claims of concerns about privacy, safety and wasting time at work, “Facebook” is one of the most rapidly establishing phenomena of recent years.


A−5: Ordering food for home delivery is cheap.

B−1: Amazingly no one was injured.

C−2: A teenager from London is making news around the world.

D−7: You can buy almost anything, new or second hand, on the internet.

E−3: Making new friends on the internet makes so much sense.

F−8: I like eating out but some restaurants have huge menus.

G−4: “Facebook” is a social networking website that has 250 million members.


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Ответы 4


One Tuesday morning, last spring, the birds were singing quietly when I awoke. I felt happy because spring finally came. I didn't think that this day would be a lucky escape in my life.

There were no sings of trouble. It was sunny. I was walking through the forest. Suddenly I saw birds flying away from the forest. Unexpectedly the dark clouds appeared in the clear sky and the wind started to blow quite strongly. An hour later, I realized that a terrible thunderstorm with hail was beginning. I had been running for a long time to find a shelter and suddenly slipped and turned off.

When I came round, it turned out that I sprained his ankle. Thirty minutes later, I saw a man and I screamed for help. The man notified the authorities and twenty minutes later, a rescue team arrived and administered first aid.

When I returned home, I was shaking with shock. I was even called to the local radio to talk about my adventure. This was my first lucky escape.

Однажды утром вторника весной, птицы тихо пели, когда я проснулась. Я чувствовала счастье, потому что весна наконец-то наступила. Я не думала, что этот день будет удачным побегом в моей жизни.

Ничего не предвещало беды. Было солнечно. Я гуляла по лесу. Внезапно я увидела птиц, улетающих из леса. Неожиданно в ясном небе появились темные облака, и ветер начал сильно дуть. Через час я осознала, что начинается гроза с градом. Я долго бежала, чтобы найти убежище, и внезапно подскользнулась и упала в обморок.

Когда я пришла в себя, оказалось, что я вывихнула лодыжку. Через тридцать минут я увидела человека, и я закричала о Человек уведомил власти, а через двадцать минут прибыла команда и оказала первую медицинскую

Когда я вернулась домой, я дрожала от шока. Меня даже вызвали в местное радио, чтобы рассказать о моем приключении. Это был мой первый удачный побег.



I would like to tell you a horrible story.One night it seemed to me that there was someone besides me in my room. I opened my eyes and saw a woman's shade at the window . She was very tall, thin and she stretched out her arms to me. I was scared and I screamed so loud as I could. I was sitting on the bed and crying. Suddenly my parents ran into my room. They were very frightened. Dad turned on the light, and I stopped screaming. It turned out that in the afternoon, my mother brought a huge palm tree in a large pot from the hall into my room and she put it behind the curtains. That night there was full moon, and it seemed to me that it was a ghost . I have never been so frightened as that night.



I would like to tell you a horrible story.

One night it seemed to me that there was someone besides me in my room. I opened my eyes and saw a woman's shade at the window . She was very tall, thin and she stretched out her arms to me. I was scared and I screamed so loud as I could. I was sitting on the bed and crying. Suddenly my parents ran into my room. They were very frightened. Dad turned on the light, and I stopped screaming. It turned out that in the afternoon, my mother brought a huge palm tree in a large pot from the hall into my room and she put it behind the curtains. That night there was full moon, and it seemed to me that it was a ghost .

I have never been so frightened as that night

Я хочу рассказать жуткую историю. Однажды ночью мне показалось, что в моей комнате есть кто-то кроме меня. Я открыл глаза и увидел у окна тень. Она была очень высокая, худая и протягивала ко мне руки. Мне стало страшно, и я закричал так громко как только мог. Я сидел на кровати и кричал. Вдруг в комнату вбежали мои родители. Они были очень напуганы. Папа включил свет, и я перестал кричать. Оказывается, днем мама принесла из зала в мою комнату огромную пальму в большом горшке и поставила ее за штору. Ночью была полная луна, и мне показалось, что это привидение. Мне никогда не было так страшно как в ту ночь



Would like to tell you about the story, happened to me 5 years ago. I am not crazy. I hope you will believe me.

I would like to tell you about the story, happened to me 5 years ago. I am not crazy. I hope you will believe me.

It was cold winter and I was really happy about leaving the school, because Christmas holidays has already begun. My name is Edgar, I'm 16 years old, studying in common russian school. I do not have a lot of friends, because I do not like having fun and talking to somebody, if you are interested in my biography.

I had a best friend, called Mark. He was the same age as me and did not have friends, except me. All night long we were spending time, talking and reading horror books. It was awesome and very creepy. I had the same interests as my friend, so we liked the same stories. But one of them was my favorite, because there was an interesting and mysterious thing that i spot. It was the shortest book I have ever read, which contained only 5 pages but sixth was torn away. We had found this book in the old small library and had stolen it away. Me and my friend are not the thiefs, by way, but we really needed it to Study and find out what riddle was hidden in that strange book, written by the unknown author. So, our story began.

Having read that book incompletely, we realized that all events happened in our town! It describes about the old abandoned clinic that settled in the woods. We needed more information.

2 weeks ago, after studying it attentively and searching huge amount of information on the internet, we puzzled out where is that old building situated. My friend has written down the coordinates quickly and we went in the forest.

Unluckily, our small "group" has reached the hospital when it began to dusk. I saw many broken windows and dirty things. Allin all it was very horribly. We went down the stairs in the catacombs and decided to split.

I really regret about that decision. After 15 minutes I have spent in the dark I began to call my friend. Nobody answered. One more 10 minutes passed that I spend, walking and turning in a different directions. Suddenly I stunned. I do not know what exactly I saw till nowadays. There was a creature straight ahead from me, which has been sitting, shaking hands and eating something. I decided to silently go away but after he spot me, I ran away at once. I had been running till I reached my house.

At conclusion, I want to say that of course, nobody believed me, even my parents. I have not seen my friend 3 years already and I did not go to the forest and will not go there anyway.

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