A good parent сочинение

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

The question of the relationships between adolescents and their parents is rather complicated and serious. Unfortunately, not all young people can boast of good relationships with their parents. The reasons may be very different, for example, the lack of understanding each other or a difference in their opinions. Also, parents and children may have different views about what a person should do in his free time, with whom he should be friends, what music one should listen to, etc. It is a very difficult period in the lives of both young people and their parents. The proper behavior during this period determines the relationships that will develop in the future, so the main task is to maintain a contact and a mutual respect.

In adolescence young people strive to become independent, but their parents consider them to be still dependent children. In such cases, both parents and children need to make an effort to resolve misunderstandings and get closer. Sometimes they need to talk to each other, explain their point of view and listen to the opinion of the second party. To achieve a balance in their relationships they must show a sincere love and care about loved ones, try to understand the position of another person. This applies to both teens and their parents. We should remember that if we show a respect to the opinion of another person the conflict can be avoided. In a case the conflict occurs, necessarily we need to find ways for the reconciliation.

Young people always should remember that all parents love their children very much and wish them only the best. The parents have a great vital experience and their advice may actually help in solving certain problems.

In their turn, parents should call to memory the time when they were teenagers themselves. They should not criticize the child, but they have to help the teen with his choosing of a right decision. It can only be done in a friendly conversation. They should not blame the teenager if he does not share their opinions and their outlook on life. If parents timely change their attitude to the maturing child, become tolerant to his shortcomings and allow him to make his own choice of clothes, friends or hobbies, they will be able to avoid many quarrels and conflicts in the future and help the child to gain a confidence in his abilities.

To sum it up, we can say that the question of the relationships between older and younger generations should be solved by establishing the partnerships, where each party has a right to his own point of view and his own choice.

Вопрос взаимоотношений между подростками и их родителями достаточно сложный и серьезный. К сожалению, не все молодые люди могут похвастаться хорошими отношениями с родителями. Причины могут быть самыми разными, например, непонимание друг друга или различие во взглядах. Также у родителей с детьми может расходиться мнение о том, чем нужно заниматься в свободное время, с кем дружить, какую слушать музыку и т.п. Это очень сложный период в жизни как молодых людей, так и их родителей. От правильного поведения в этот период зависят взаимоотношения, которые сложатся в будущем, поэтому главная задача - это сохранить контакт и взаимное уважение.

В юношеском возрасте молодые люди стараются стать самостоятельными, а родители видят их еще зависимыми детьми. В таких случаях как родителям, так и детям нужно приложить усилия, чтобы устранить непонимание и сблизиться. Иногда нужно поговорить друг с другом, объяснить свою точку зрения, выслушать мнение второй стороны. Для достижения равновесия во взаимоотношениях нужно прежде всего проявлять искреннюю любовь и заботу о близких людях, постараться понять позицию другого человека. Это касается как подростков, так и их родителей. Следует помнить о том, что если проявлять уважение к мнению другого человека, конфликта можно избежать. В случае, если происходит конфликт, обязательно нужно найти пути для примирения.

Молодым людям нужно всегда помнить, что родители очень любят своих детей и желают им только добра. Родители имеют большой жизненный опыт и возможно их совет действительно поможет в решении определенных проблем.

В свою очередь, родителям стоит вспомнить то время, когда они сами были подростками. Им следует не критиковать, а помочь ребенку определиться с выбором правильного решения. Это можно сделать только в дружественной беседе. И не стоит ругать подростка за то, что он не разделяет их мнения или взглядов на жизнь. Если родители своевременно изменят свое отношение к взрослеющему ребенку, станут терпимее к его недостаткам, оставят ему право выбора одежды, друзей или увлечений, то они смогут избежать многих ссор и конфликтов в будущем и помогут ребенку приобрести уверенность в своих силах.

Подводя итог, можно сказать что, вопрос взаимоотношений старшего и младшего поколений должен решаться путем установления партнерских отношений, где каждая сторона имеет право на свою точку зрения и свой выбор.

What makes a good parent? I know that some people would not be able to answer this question, but that is what I am here for. In my opinion there are three major qualities that make a good parent. They are love, support, and sacrifice. These qualities are what you would be looking for in a “good” parent.

Love is absolutely necessary in a good parent-kid relationship. It helps form stronger and better relationships. Things that parents do out of love will make kids appreciate them more. A lot of times discipline lessons, though sometimes harsh, are included in the “love package”. Kids may not appreciate this right away, in the long run they will realize their mistake and they will be thankful for those few slaps across the butt or the face. Most of the time a little discipline is all you need to make sure that kids stay on the right road in life.

Kids need support in order to survive in the “real world”. Parents are the only ones tha can give them support in the begings of their lives. Kids will need emotional support to face some of the problems earlier in their life, because of sheer lack of experience. Not knowing how to solve some of the life’s problems would only help them get hurt. Thats when the parents play the key role in their life. Financial support is something not all parents can give, but it they can its is really helpfull for the kid. When I say financial support I do not mean giving them spending money any time they ask for it, what I mean is more like money for school activities and funds for later education in their life. This will give them many opportunities later in life. It is up to them to take advantage of those opportunities.

Good parents sacrifice many things in order to provide for their kids. Sometimes they will miss an important social event just so that they could stay home and help their kids with the homework or they would get off early from work, despite the managers warning, so that they would be at their kid’s game and cheer them on. Some people would call this sacrifice, but I say they are wrong. It is a good investment in a relationship. Kids will grow up appreciating their parents.

I could not imagine a parent-kid realtionship without love, in my opinion it would not be a relationship. Kids without support would be like young plants withouht a pole for support, they would just fall over and dry out. Sacrifice from the parent’s side helps kids realise that there will always be someone at their side when they need them. In conclusion I think that these three qualities are a must for a parent.

Relationships between generations are very strange and often difficult. From one side children have to listen to their moms and dads, follow their advice and respect them. From the other side parents have to understand that their kids have grown up already and they have right to do their mistakes. They have to consider kids’ opinions, desires and plans. Even if you are a good doctor your child can become a programmer or singer. And it’s normal.

Sometimes we don’t talk enough. That’s why we can argue everyday. Parents don’t hear children and children don’t listen to the parents. That’s why some families look so happy or unhappy.

It’s a huge job to be a parent. It doesn’t matter you are mom or dad, you have responsibilities for your baby. Boys and girls can be annoying, naughty and angry. But they are our family and we have to take care about them.

It’s also not easy to be a child today. Sometimes parents expect too much from us. Sometimes our classmates and teachers are unfair to us. Some days can be like a nightmare. But we have to resist the pressure and trust to our parents. They can always help us and support even if we don’t ask about it.

I am lucky because my parents are cool. I know many of my friends are jealous. But even we can argue and very often I don’t understand them. But as soon as we feel something is wrong, we start to talk and share our feelings. But still every evening when I come back home I know that here I can cry and laugh and no one will betray me. We respect each other and support in any situation.

I hope one day I will also become a good parent. And I will take care about my family same way like my mom and dad take care about me.

Родители и дети

Отношения между поколениями очень странные и часто довольно сложные. С одной стороны, дети должны слушать своих маму и папу, следовать их советам и уважать их. С другой стороны, родители должны понимать, что их детки уже выросли и имеют право совершать собственные ошибки. Они должны учитывать мнение своих детей, их желания и планы. Даже, если вы отличный доктор, ваш ребёнок может выбрать что-то другое и стать программистом или певцом. И это абсолютно нормально.

Порой мы мало общаемся. И тогда начинаются ежедневные скандалы. Родители совершенно не слушают своих детей, а дети не слышат своих родителей. Поэтому некоторые семьи кажутся нам счастливыми или несчастными.

Быть родителем- тяжкий труд. Не важно, являетесь вы мамой или отцом, на вас лежит огромная ответственность за вашего ребёнка. Мальчики девочки могут быть порой раздражительными, вредными и непослушными. Но они ведь ваша семья и вы должны заботиться о них.

Точно также не просто быть ребёнком сегодня. Часто родители ожидают от нас слишком многого. Порой наши одноклассники и учителя могут быть несправедливыми по отношению к нам. А некоторые дни даже похожи на ночной кошмар. Но мы должны выдержать это напряжение и довериться нашим родным. Они всегда помогут и поддержат даже, когда мы молчим.

Мне повезло, ведь у меня крутые родители. Я даже знаю, что многие друзья мне завидуют. Но даже мы порой ругаемся и не понимаем друг друга. Но как только что-то становится не так, мы начинаем вести диалог и делимся своими чувствами. Но все же каждый вечер я возвращаюсь домой и знаю, что тут я могу плакать или смеяться и никто меня здесь не предаст. Мы уважаем друг друга и поддерживаем в любой ситуации.

Надеюсь однажды я тоже стану отличным родителем своим детям. Я буду заботиться о своей семье также, как мама и папа заботятся обо мне.

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Everyone who has children has asked themselves the question: 'Am I the best friend of my son of daughter?' Some parents dream that their children treat them like their peers. Others are sure that it is better to be good parents of the child than his or her best friend. Let us discuss this issue.

In my opinion, parents must first of all be parents. Firstly, it is impossible to fulfill the role of power and upbringing when the child perceives you as his or her best friend. Sometimes you need to be strict in order to teach the child to do the right thing. It is difficult to remain a friend and at the same time to forbit something your child. Secondly, many parents are often busy with work and cariers and cannot spend much time with their children. Thirdly, children can be get bored spending time with their parents because of the age difference and they have few common interests.

Children are much more interested in watching movies and playing comuter games with their peers because they grow up at the same time.

However, some people think differently. They are sure that parents are people who always wish their child only the best. Besides, parents can always help with advice, because they are older and more experienced. What is more, parents will support in difficult times, when you have quarrel with your friends. They will notice that you have come home sad and will ask you what happened.

But I am afraid I cannot agree with this view. I believe that a child heeds to have friends among his or her peers in order to learn to find a common language with other people and not fell lonely at school and at sections. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

At school the child learns to communicate with people who are not relatives to him or her. Parents love their child just like that. They cannot objectively criticize their children.

In coclusion, I want to say that you should not try to make friends with your child if you are his or her parent. You are already a very important and beloved person in his or her life.

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