What is a project реферат

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project verb ( CALCULATE )

project verb ( THROW )

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project verb ( MAKE AN IMAGE )

to wrongly imagine that someone else is feeling a particular emotion or desire when in fact it is you who feels this way:

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project verb ( STICK OUT )

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project noun ( PIECE OF WORK )

project noun ( BUILDING )


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project verb ( CALCULATE )

project verb ( STICK OUT )

project verb ( MAKE AN IMAGE )

project verb ( THROW )


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The project controller said the highway was currently seeing between 20,000 and 24,000 vehicles a day, fewer than the 26,000 originally projected.

Примеры для project

Particularly this latter section is informed by ' ' behind-the-scenes stories, ' ' based on copious interviews with key players in any given project.

At 25 minutes' duration and requiring 25 players, it is one of the most substantial works ever to come out of the project.

It is based on a one-year qualitative research project, which seeks to explore the experiences of social dance for older dancers.

Some made a forced return from leave, expressing a sense of urgency uncharacteristic of ordinary project life.

For each of these three secular philosophical positions, the project of a history of science revealed a basic paradox.

In his visits to and walks around allotments, public housing projects and wasteland, he took photographs, drew maps and interviewed inhabitants or users of space.

As the project progresses it is the pupils that take on the responsibility for the entire process, not the teachers or leaders.

Economic returns from these projects may provide a strong incentive for such countries to participate.

While it does not necessarily shatter all of our illusions, it surely remains an insurmountable obstacle for any project of self-created human happiness.

Despite these lengthy procedures, there is no in-depth check of the technical aspects of the project.

They are also told to be very careful in defining the project/policy which is the subject of their analysis.

Indigenous political resistance teaches us how to rethink politics for the twenty-first century, and social anthropology has a role to play in this project.

Любые мнения в примерах не отражают мнение редакторов Cambridge Dictionary или издательства Cambridge University Press или ее лицензиаров.

Managing a project is no easy task. A project is a series of tasks or jobs that are related to each other and directed toward a common goal or output. Projects usually require a significant time commitment, and tend to be handled by groups of workers. The employees at Craft Construction, a small business that deals with complete remodeling and some small commercial buildings, generally divide into groups of two or three workers per project. The number of employees assigned to a job usually depends on the size of the project. For each project, a project manager and a lead carpenter are assigned to handle most of the work. Project scheduling is different for every job. Smaller jobs require less planning because there is not as much that goes into them. Larger projects that may take months or years tend to be more involved, and therefore require more planning. These jobs tend to have more unseen problems which lead to rescheduling and incurring more costs. Mr. Kevin Hollmann, an employee of Craft, believes that the smaller projects are the ones where more money can be made. He said this because the time necessary for planning is much less and, overall, the time on the project is less, which keeps labor costs low. This allows for a bigger profit for the company.

Businesses that allow poorly planned projects to proceed are only wasting resources and placing their employees in danger. Projects can fail for a number of reasons, but the main one is insufficient planning. Planning is essential for project scheduling. It is believed that the process of planning is more important than the resulting plan. Projects involve coordinating resources such as labor, materials, equipment, and many other things, so that everything can be done at the proper time, allowing the task to be completed on time. Before any work can occur, and before any scheduling can occur, planning must be done. One tool that assists management in planning and budgeting is the work breakdown structure. This can be described as a hierarchy of tasks or jobs to be done. The work breakdown structure defines the scope of work, identifies what specific tasks need to be done, and assigns responsibility to individuals or subunits. The work breakdown structure facilitates the planning process, especially when dealing with larger jobs.

The project manager at Craft Construction is usually responsible for any planning and scheduling that takes place on a specific project, including preparing the work breakdown structure and the actual schedule of events. This manager performs the initial planning and scheduling of tasks and costs, and then hands it down to the lead carpenter, who is responsible for carrying out the duties and getting the job done. Mr. Hollmann is one of the company’s lead carpenters. Managing projects carefully is very important for Craft. The project is broken down into phases, allowing the project manager to know what subcontractors will be needed, and more importantly, exactly when they will be needed. This is where the project schedule becomes quite handy.

Project scheduling can be performed in many ways. Some of the more common and popular methods of project scheduling are network analysis and the critical path method of scheduling (CPM). Although companies do not always use these methods in there exact form, most do tend to use a modified version of one or both of these methods. I discovered that Craft does not use network analysis or CPM, but they do have a scheduling method that works for them and is quite similar to CPM.

Network analysis is a visual representation of what needs to be done, and when it needs to be done. Networks are basically a technique to help management in the planning and control of projects. They also show relationships between the different tasks that need to be accomplished. Networks are not only useful for planning and controlling, but they can provide a means of communication between the various departments that participate on the project. As a project progresses, network analysis can provide an up-to-the-minute assessment on the differences between what was planned and what is actually occurring. The availability of such accurate data is very essential in providing project managers with a means of control. The feedback between the actual and planned activities and times that results from this system provides a very good control system. Computers can further aid project managers with quick analysis of the information, especially when dealing with large projects.

CPM tends to branch off of network analysis. Once the network is drawn, the estimated times can be entered and a critical path can be determined. CPM’s objective is to evaluate the extra costs of reducing the time taken by activities, and then comparing those numbers with the savings from the reduction of the project time. This method displays the project in graphic form and relates the tasks to focus attention on those tasks that are crucial to the project’s completion.

Craft uses a similar system. The method they use seems to be mix of the various scheduling methods. They use a graph that breaks the project tasks down on a week by week basis (sometimes even half weeks are used). This graph/schedule determines what needs to be accomplished, and when each task needs to be accomplished. Mr. Hollmann could not emphasis enough that companies need to be flexible when dealing with project scheduling. Flexibility is especially important in the construction industry, where any number of things can go wrong in one instant. Weather is a major problem for businesses in the construction industry. Changes must constantly be made due to rain, snow, or some other type of problem. Mr. HoUmann commented that this uncertainty, and trying to stay within the project goals for scheduling is what makes his job truly interesting. Due to problems and changes in the schedule, there is always down time at Craft, where certain workers are not needed on the job they were assigned, and are therefore scheduled to other jobs.

Even though Craft runs into many problems, they do not tend to incur many extra costs when the problems occur. Usually, projects need to be crashed in order to get them finished by the desired date. This is due to problems that arise throughout the project. This tends to involve extra costs, many of which can be quite significant. Craft generally figures their projects pretty tight. They usually have a feel of what will happen during the project. The manager keeps a close eye on labor costs, so when a problem does occur, not many extra costs are involved. The company is constantly pulling people away from jobs and having to reschedule. Fortunately for the company, they do a good job of controlling their labor and the project costs.

Project scheduling and coordinating is one of the best ways for builders to reduce cycle time. By reducing cycle time, project costs can be reduced and reducing cycle time will maximize capacity. Productivity will increase as well as quality and profitability with shorter cycle times. Because the success of projects depends on the application of project scheduling, consulting companies have developed solely for this purpose. Construction Consultants, Inc. is a company that provides services in project management such as preparing CPM schedules. They assist businesses in developing effective systems by serving in top management positions on major construction projects.

Obviously, scheduling is important for any project. Various types of software have been developed to aid project managers in the planning and scheduling process. There are more than sixty computer programs for critical path scheduling alone! There are also on-line control models designed for network analysis. These are basically decision-making support models that are consistent with the particular management strategy for the project. Visual multimedia applications are especially useful in project management. These tools are particularly useful in the construction industry. Computer pictures can show unnecessary and/or incorrect construction practices. They allow builders to “see” the project before it is even started. Providing workers with a visual map of what the final project will look like can be very beneficial. Problems can be defined and corrected before they even arise. Multimedia data modeling and database design can also provide visual guidelines to trainees about complex operations.

Craft does have software that allows them to “see” their projects, but it is not used. Mr. Hollmann said that there is usually no time for it. However, he did mention that their architect uses it for schematics. It provides the architect with an idea of what the finished product will look like. Craft does use a planning estimator program, which is a national average for estimating on jobs. He mentioned that this program allows them to develop and make easier bids on projects.

The final aspect of project scheduling is control. Scheduling allows managers to have better control over the projects they are responsible for. Scheduling provides project managers with a clearer understanding of exactly how much labor and materials will be needed, and more importantly, when they will be needed. Having idle workers and resources only cause project managers to incur more unnecessary costs. By following the continuously up-dated schedules, project managers can quickly adjust to any problem. With such a handy “progress report,” managers will be able to pin-point the critical activities that need to occur next or that need to be expedited in some fashion. Without the feedback that scheduling can provide, it is difficult to develop a good control system.

Craft uses project scheduling for obvious reasons, which were pointed-out throughout this paper. Project scheduling is necessary for this company’s survival. They use the project schedule to determine the type and the time the subcontractors will be needed, when labor will be needed and how many workers, and the exact order that events need to occur. The schedule can be used as a means of control and communication between employees. The project schedule provides a concrete list of duties for the “lead carpenter” to accomplish. This creates a clearer job description for the employees because they know exactly what is expected of them. Scheduling can also be very helpful in creating budgets. Labor can be tightly controlled, allowing the project manager to know exactly how much of the expenses should come from labor. Through the planning and scheduling process, materials can be ordered and received when needed. With the aid of computer software, problems may be recognized before they even occur. This enables the company to better and more quickly adjust and possibly even prevent the problem from ever happening.

Project scheduling has many uses. It is not only a means to identify what needs to occur, but to provide input, feedback, direction and control. The success or failure of a company might often depend on project scheduling. Project management can only be successful with the full support of top management and all those who use the system. Without the proper support, not even the best system can succeed.

Abudayyeh, Osama. “Multimedia Data Modeling and Database Design For Project Delay Management.” Project Management Journal June 1996: 5-13.

Baki, M.A. “CPM Scheduling and Its Use in Today’s Construction Industry.” Projec Management Journal March 1998: 7-9.

Hoare, H.R. Project Management Using Network Analysis. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973. Hollmann, Kevin. Personal interview. 2 November 2000.

Kerzner, Harold. Project Management: A Systems Approach to Plannin Schedulinig, and Controllin . New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1989.

Meredith, Jack R. Project Management: A Managerial Apl2roac . New York: Wiley, 1989


Качество часто является ключевым фактором в проектах, как и удовлетворенность клиентов или спонсоров.


What is Project Management?

  • Project management is “the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements” (PMBOK® Guide, Fourth Edition, 2013)
  • Project managers strive to meet the triple constraint (project scope, time, and cost goals) and also facilitate the entire process to meet the needs and expectations of project stakeholders

What Is Software Project Management?

  • IT Project:
    • The combination of software system and the computer hardware in which the software system will be running.
      • For example, a business software application for doing transactions may be a complete IT system when the software system is installed in the computer hardware system and is ready to be used by end users.
      • Software development projects
      • Software maintenance project


      In a nutshell, software project management can be defined as applying project management and software engineering methods to develop/maintain a software product so that the goal of developing/maintaining a software product can be achieved using minimum possible resources and money and within the minimum time possible.


      Project Stakeholders

      • Заинтересованные стороны (заинтересованные стороны) are the people involved in or affected by project activities
      • Stakeholders include
        • the project sponsor
        • the project manager
        • the project team
        • support staff
        • customers
        • users
        • suppliers
        • opponents to the project

        10 Project Management Knowledge Areas

        • Области знаний (области знаний) describe the key competencies that project managers must develop
        • Project managers must have knowledge and skills in all 10 knowledge areas (project integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, communications, risk, procurement, and stakeholder management)
        • This text includes an entire chapter on each knowledge area
        1. Управление масштабами проекта включает в себя определение и управление всей работой, необходимой для успешного завершения проекта, в основном это касается определения и контроля процессов, которые должны и не должны включаться в проект.
        2. Управление временем проекта includes estimating how long it will take to complete the work, developing an acceptable project schedule, and ensuring timely completion of the project.
        3. Управление стоимостью проекта consists of preparing and managing the budget for the project.
        4. Управление качеством проекта ensures that the project will satisfy the stated or implied needs for which it was undertaken.
        5. Управление персоналом проекта is concerned with making effective use of the people involved with the project.
        6. Управление коммуникациями проекта involves generating, collecting, disseminating, and storing project information.
        7. Управление рисками проекта includes identifying, analyzing, and responding to risks related to the project.
        8. Управление закупками проекта involves acquiring or procuring goods and services for a project from outside the performing organization.
        9. Управление заинтересованными сторонами проекта (управление заинтересованными сторонами проекта) includes identifying and analyzing stakeholder needs while managing and controlling their engagement throughout the life of the project.
        10. Управление интеграцией проектов is an overarching function that affects and is affected by all of the other knowledge areas.


        Project Management Tools and Techniques

        • Project management tools and techniques assist project managers and their teams in various aspects of project management
        • Some specific ones include
          • Project charter, scope statement, and WBS (scope)
          • Gantt charts, network diagrams, critical path analysis, critical chain scheduling (time)
          • Cost estimates and earned value management (cost)
          • See Table 1-1 for many more

          Project Success

          There are several ways to define project success:

          • The project met scope, time, and cost goals
          • The project satisfied the customer/sponsor
          • The results of the project met its main objective, such as making or saving a certain amount of money, providing a good return on investment, or simply making the sponsors happy

          What Helps Projects Succeed?*

          1. Исполнительная поддержка
          2. User involvement
          3. Clear business objectives
          4. Эмоциональная зрелость (Эмоциональная зрелость)
          5. Optimizing scope
          6. Agile process
          7. Project management expertise
          8. Skilled resources
          9. Execution
          10. Tools and infrastructure

          Top Three Reasons Why Federal Technology Project Succeed

          • Adequate funding
          • Staff expertise
          • Engagement from all stakeholders

          Program and Project Portfolio Management

          • A program is “a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually” (PMBOK® Guide, Fifth Edition, 2013)
          • A program manager provides leadership and direction for the project managers heading the projects within the program
          • Examples of common programs in the IT field include infrastructure, applications development, and user support
          • As part of управление портфелем проектов, organizations group and manage projects and programs as a portfolio of investments that contribute to the entire enterprise’s success
          • Portfolio managers help their organizations make wise investment decisions by helping to select and analyze projects from a strategic perspective


          The Role of the Project Manager

          • Job descriptions vary, but most include responsibilities like planning, scheduling, coordinating, and working with people to achieve project goals
          • Remember that 97% of successful projects were led by experienced project managers, who can often help influence success factors

          Suggested Skills for Project Managers

          • Свод знаний по управлению проектами (Свод знаний по управлению проектами)
          • Application area knowledge, standards, and regulations
          • Project environment knowledge
          • General management knowledge and skills
          • Soft skills or human relations skills
          1. Навыки людей
          2. руководство
          3. Listening
          4. Честность, этичное поведение, последовательный
          5. Сильный в создании доверия
          6. Вербальная коммуникация
          7. Сильный в построении команд
          8. Разрешение конфликтов, управление конфликтами
          9. Критическое мышление, решение проблем Критическое мышление, решение проблем
          10. Понимает, балансирует приоритеты


          The Project Management Institute

          • The Project Management Institute (PMI) is an international professional society for project managers founded in 1969
          • PMI provides certification as a Project Management Professional (PMP)Эксперт по управлению проектами

          Ethics in Project Management

          • Этика (этика), loosely defined, is a set of principles that guide our decision making based on personal values of what is “right” and “wrong”
          • Project managers often face ethical dilemmas
          • In order to earn PMP certification, applicants must agree to PMI’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
          • Several questions on the PMP exam are related to professional responsibility, including ethics

          Chapter Summary

          • A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result
          • Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements
          • A program is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way
          • Project portfolio management involves organizing and managing projects and programs as a portfolio of investments
          • Project managers play a key role in helping projects and organizations succeed
          • The project management profession continues to grow and mature

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          Much like a relay race, projects are often completed by passing tasks from one team member to the next. Unlike a relay race, some project tasks require other tasks to move forward before they can be started. This relationship between tasks is known as a dependency.

          As a project manager, understanding how dependencies work can help you define a clear and consistent plan before initiating the project itself. Here's what you need to know.

          What is a dependency in project management?

          In general, a dependency is something that relies on something else.

          General examples of a dependency:

          Babies are dependent on caregivers

          Plants are dependent on sunlight

          Fish are dependent on water

          As it relates to project management, a dependency is a task that relies on the completion of a different task.

          Examples of dependencies in project management:

          A company's PR statement is dependent on the CEO’s approval of the messaging

          A reimbursement is dependent on an expense report submission

          A bug fix is dependent on the identification of its root cause

          As a project manager, it's important to keep tabs on all of your project dependencies so stakeholders are aware of when they need to begin their part of the project.

          Key terms associated with dependencies

          Before we discuss different types of dependencies, here are some key terms to understand.

          Project constraints

          Cost: How much money you can spend to complete the project.

          Time: How long it takes you to complete a project.

          Scope: How much of the team's resources you can use.

          Critical path

          In project management, the critical path is the chain of activities that result in a fully completed project. If any of the critical tasks or activities are delayed, this affects the timeline of the entire project.


          A blocker is anything that can prevent the completion of a project activity. Blockers can be internal issues, such as a team member being out for a week, or external, such as an outside vendor not fulfilling a purchase order on time.

          Types of dependencies in project management

          While the concept of dependences is simple, they can come in many variations.

          Logical dependencies

          Also known as a causal dependency, these dependencies are parts of a project that are necessary for a project's completion. They're often the goal output for all of the preceding tasks and cannot run parallel with other tasks.

          For example, you cannot delegate a task to someone else if you don’t have another person on your team. In this case, hiring another team member is considered a logical dependency.

          Resource dependencies

          Resource dependencies are project restraints as it relates to a limited amount of resources that you have for your project. If there are additional resources available for the project, this dependency would not be an issue.

          For example, the progress of Project B is dependent on a single designer finishing Project A so that they have the bandwidth to complete Project B without getting overworked.

          Preferential dependencies

          Preferential dependencies are created by team-imposed processes, but are not necessarily required for a project to be completed.

          For example, an editor may require one final review before sending an article to publish. While this is a step that's created by the team to ensure there are no mistakes, this step isn't necessarily needed for the project to be completed.

          ​​External dependencies

          External dependencies are tasks that are dependent on outside factors that you or your team have no control over. Internal dependencies are more common, as they rely on things that your team can control.

          A good example of an external dependency is when a weather phenomenon prevents a shipment of fresh fruit from arriving at a restaurant. A chef could have had a menu that required oranges, but due to a surprise frost, they're unable to create the dishes necessary. The chef was externally dependent on the orange vendor for creating specific dishes.

          Types of task dependencies in project management

          Some dependencies are specific to the two tasks involved. Here are the most common types of task dependencies:

          Finish to Start (FtS): This is the most common task dependency. Task B cannot start until Task A is complete. This functionality is common in the Waterfall project management methodology.

          Finish to Finish (FtF): Task B cannot finish until Task A is also completed. This is common with tasks that have subtasks within them; if the subtasks are not completed, you cannot complete the parent task.

          Start to Start (StS): Task B cannot start before Task A starts. These are for tasks that are required to run in parallel with each other. A good example of this is a timed e-commerce launch. A social media marketer may want to post an announcement for a sale going live, right as a web developer pushes the correct web page to go live. The social media marketer does not start until the web developer starts to ensure that the announcement goes out at the same time.

          Start to Finish (StF): Task B must start for Task A to be completed. This is important for situations that require overlap. An example of this would be coverage on a support line. A representative cannot leave until a different representative comes to relieve them of their duties so that there is always someone available to provide customer support.

          4 tips for dependency management

          Dependency management can seem overwhelming at first glance, but learning how to navigate it can set your projects up for success. Here are four tips to help you organize task dependencies.

          1. Organize tasks using project management software

          Finding the right project management tool that works for your team can change the game in terms of internal dependencies. Using a task management tool that can house your project plan, project activity, and clearly identify dependent tasks can help your team stick to the project schedule.

          2. Visualize dependencies clearly

          Visualizing dependencies is an easy way to better understand what tasks need to be completed and in what order. Using visual tools like a Gantt chart or a Kanban board can clearly show your team members what stage your project is currently in and which tasks are dependent.

          3. Monitor potential risks in a project plan

          When you're establishing a project plan, brainstorm all potential internal dependencies that you may encounter during your project. Do any of your team members have a heavier workload than normal? Are you working with any external vendors to complete this project? In the event that one part gets delayed, is the project team prepared for a shift in the schedule?

          Realistically, you cannot monitor every single potential risk that might come up during your project, but you can monitor dependencies to ensure that deliverables are still completed on time.

          4. Encourage stakeholder engagement

          There's no such thing as over-communication when it comes to task dependencies. If one project stakeholder knows that a task is delayed, encourage them to communicate with the entire team so individuals can adjust their timelines accordingly.

          Keep task dependencies on track

          Want to learn more about how you can better keep track of project dependencies? Learn more with Asana project management resources.

          • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
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          PROJECT WORK Some Tips for Teachers Васьковская Нина Александровна, учитель.

          • Поможем развить концентрацию и внимание с раннего возраста
          • Повысим гибкость и раскованность в общении

          Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

          PROJECT WORK Some Tips for Teachers Васьковская Нина Александровна, учитель.

          СОВЕТЫ учителю английского языка по организации проектной деятельности учащихся

          СОВЕТЫ учителю английского языка по организации проектной деятельности учащихся

          ОСНОВНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ и ЭТАПЫ проектной деятельности на уроках АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА

          ОСНОВНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ и ЭТАПЫ проектной деятельности на уроках АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА

          WHAT IS A PROJECT? A project is a group activity. Students work co-operativel.

          WHAT IS A PROJECT? A project is a group activity. Students work co-operatively together in groups of 4-5 on a topic or theme.

          WHAT IS A PROJECT? A project takes time to produce. You cannot do a project.

          WHAT IS A PROJECT? A project takes time to produce. You cannot do a project in one lesson. It may take 6-8 lessons or you may ask students to work on the project after school.

          WHAT IS A PROJECT? A project must have an-end-product. The end-product might.

          WHAT IS A PROJECT? A project must have an-end-product. The end-product might be a wall display, a newspaper, a leaflet, a booklet, a radio programme, a video film, etc. A project will usually include several different mediums – pictures, drawings, diagrams, graphs, etc.

          WHAT IS A PROJECT? A project involves research. Students will have to write.

          WHAT IS A PROJECT? A project involves research. Students will have to write letters, read books, ask questions, find out information, conduct surveys, do questionnaires outside the classroom.

          WHY DO A PROJECT? Project work is a valuable method of language learning bec.

          WHY DO A PROJECT? Project work is a valuable method of language learning because: It involves genuine communication – it takes language learning out of the classroom and into the real world

          WHY DO A PROJECT? It is very motivating – students become very involved in w.

          WHY DO A PROJECT? It is very motivating – students become very involved in what they are producing It encourages co-operation and sharing of ideas and skills

          WHY DO A PROJECT? It integrates all the language skills – listening, speakin.

          WHY DO A PROJECT? It integrates all the language skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing It encourages the students to work independently

          WHAT ARE THE STAGES IN PROJECT WORK? MOTIVATE your students. Get them excite.

          WHAT ARE THE STAGES IN PROJECT WORK? MOTIVATE your students. Get them excited about the idea. Talk about the topic and what they know already, what they will have to find out. ORGANISE your class. Decide on the size of the groups, divide the class up. PRACTISE any language skills they may need – perhaps question forms (for questionnaires and interviews), letter writing, using reported speech etc.

          WHAT ARE THE STAGES IN PROJECT WORK? DESIGN the written material (working in.

          WHAT ARE THE STAGES IN PROJECT WORK? DESIGN the written material (working in groups) letters, questionnaires…The group should decide on the end-product. COLLECT the information (working in groups) – do the questionnaires, carry out the research, write the letters and reports etc. COLLATE the information. In groups – prepare all the material you will need for the project.

          WHAT ARE THE STAGES IN PROJECT WORK? ASSEMLE the end-product – put the proje.

          WHAT ARE THE STAGES IN PROJECT WORK? ASSEMLE the end-product – put the project together (working in groups)

          WHAT IS THE TEACHER’S ROLE IN PROJECT WORK? REMEMBER – one of the objectives.

          WHAT IS THE TEACHER’S ROLE IN PROJECT WORK? REMEMBER – one of the objectives of project work is to encourage your students to work co-operatively as part of a group and independently of YOU! Your role as the class teacher is to be the motivator, helper, adviser.


          REMEMBER: THE IDEAS AND CREATION OF THE PROJECT IS THE TASK OF THE STUDENTS! You will need to watch and see that the groups are working effectively together, that the tasks are being shared out equally, that the class time is being used effectively.



          Краткое описание документа:

          Презентация содержит советы учителям английского языка по организации проектной деятельности на уроках и во внеурочное время. Включает в себя ОСНОВНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ и ЭТАПЫ проектной деятельности на уроках АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА.

          В презентации представлены на английском языке ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ проекта, ТИПЫ проектов, ЦЕЛИ и ЭТАПЫ проектной деятельности учащегося и РОЛЬ УЧИТЕЛЯ в ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ этого вида работы.

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