Verbal and nonverbal communication реферат

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Verbal and nonverbal communication are part of the complete interaction process and, in practice, are inseparable. For research purposes, verbal and nonverbal communication can, however, be looked at as distinctive objects of study. Verbal communication, i.e. what is being said or written, has traditionally been the focus of Linguistics. Nonverbal communication, i.e. how something is being said or written or done, is one of the focuses of Communication science.

In the field of Intercultural Communication, Edward T. Hall was the first scholars to carry out systematic empirical studies and classification of nonverbal communication. He also emphasized the out-of-conscious level of information exchange. Hall defined nonverbal communication as communication that does not involve the exchange of words.

2.3.1 Verbal Communication

In this section we will discuss

· low and high context communication processing

· communication styles

· cultural speaking rules

· politeness

· perception, interpretation and evaluation

- Low and high context communication processing

The concepts high-context communication and low-context communication originate from Edward T. Hall and are widely used today.

In low-context communication, verbal communication gets emphasized. Information is coded in words that are expected to correspond relatively accurately to what is meant. Nonverbal communication is generally not very contradictory to verbal communication. Anger or sadness, for instance, can visually be seen and verbally heard.

In high-context communication, only a part of information is expressed verbally. A great portion of a message is being "read" from the context: the person, his appearance and nonverbal behaviour, personal history, the communicative situation, and the interaction process. These kinds of messages are often calledmetamessages. Metamessages are interpreted with the help of certain cues which carry cultural meanings. A smile, for instance, is a cue for interactional interpretation. In many cultural contexts it may mean well-being or happiness; in some cultures, a smile is also being used in certain situations to express embarrassment or even hate (e.g., China, Japan). Differing interpretations of these contextual cues can be a source of intercultural misunderstandings.

For verbal communication, rhetorical organization can be a contextual cue. In Anglo-Saxon cultures, for instance, people expect the main points of a presentation to be mentioned at the very beginning of the presentation. We will discuss contextual cues (also sometimes called orientation cues) more in the section on nonverbal communication.

How Does Nonverbal Behaviors Effect A Person ? People communicate everyday of their lives, but we rarely notice the nonverbal part of communication and how important it is to the meaning of the message. Facial expressions, posture, body movements, tone of voice and touching are all part of nonverbal communication. Often when people communicate they contradict the verbal and nonverbal messages, therefore the receiver of the message receives a message with a double meaning and interprets the message less accurately. Nonverbal messages affect a person in a positive and negative way. Understanding the way nonverbal behaviors affect a person can help in improving communication skills. In my research paper I will investigate how nonverbal behaviors effect a person in a learning environment, and in interpersonal relationships. And I will ask how a person can improve his or her nonverbal behavior. Section 1: Effects on Cognitive Learning and Interpersonal Relationships The use of a teacher’s nonverbal behavior strongly effects the student’s cognitive learning and the quality of the teaching environment. Studies have shown that teachers with high nonverbal immediacy have high levels of cognitive learning (McCroskey Et Al 209). The students have reported the teachers with high levels of nonverbal immediacy have a more interesting class environment and the students enjoy attending class (McCroskey Et Al 209). Nonverbal behaviors that have the most effect on students are varied tone of voice, eye contact, and smiling (McCroskey Et Al 210). Smiling, eye contact, and vocal variety boost a positive affect toward the teacher, and material being Daniels 2 studied (Guerrero and Miller 33). Involvement and conversational skills: immediacy, expressiveness, smooth interaction management, and composure are some elements correlated with nonverbal behaviors in teachers (Guerrero and Miller 32). Immediacy cues such as gaze and smiling simulate psychological and/or physical closeness and communicate interpersonal warmth (Guerrero and Miller 32). Expressiveness involves vocal, facial, gestural animation, laughing, and posture movements (Guerrero and Miller 32). Smooth interaction management incorporates conversational setting, turn-taking, punctuation patterns that satisfy the people involved (Guerrero and Miller 32). Composure is the lack of tension, anxiety, and negative emotions in the class room (Guerrero and Miller 32). These studies have all shown that teachers with good nonverbal skills and involvement will increase the students education and the level of interest in the course of study. Nonverbal interactions between couples in their relationships have a strong effect on the quality and perhaps the length of the relationship in the future. Most nonverbal behaviors are intentional or accidental, most commonly nonverbal behaviors are accidental. Nonverbal behaviors are very important to communication because they can change the meaning of the message. Facial expressions can portray “a wealth of information about our inner feelings” (Coats and Feldman). Development and maintenance of relationships, nonverbal behaviors are very important (Coats and Feldman 1). In developing relationships being sensitive and supportive can increase the quality of the relationship. Many things can be communicated through touching. Stroking, caressing, or cuddling a person conveys love, involvement, concern, responsibility, tenderness, and awareness of the needs and/or vulnerabilities of the other person (Carr 106). Touching a person shows them that you care about them and have concern for their problems. A simple touch can help the release of certain suppressed feeling that the other Daniels 3 person may have problems communicating. Showing a person you care helps them release personal thoughts because maybe they fear to be criticized. Each of us needs to touch and to be touched. Eye contact is also important aspect of communication in relationships with people. Eye contact is also an intimate form of nonverbal communication. Your eyes don’t only receive messages, they also send messages as well (Carr 109). Communicating with your eyes is also a way to convey your feelings without saying a verbal word. Eyes express many things such as dominance, involvement, and attitude towards others (Carr 109). Many people are not aware of how they use their eyes. Where you position your eyes can lead to mixed messages formed by the receiver. For example, disinterested people don’t make constant eye contact, but the person may actually be interested in what the person is saying although because of his/her indirect eye contact the sender receives a message of disinterest (Carr 109). There is no rule of when and how to use your eyes, you just have to be aware of how and when you use them. Mixed messages can be sent verbally and nonverbally. Often we become detached with our feelings and emotions, therefore we can say one word and another with our body (Carr 122). We are usually not conscious when we send these mixed messages. For example, “a wife may want to be kissed; yet when her husband approaches her she stiffens. If he interprets the stiffening as rejection, he may in turn reject his wife. Or he may force the issue and kiss her anyway. If he is sensitive to her, he may remember that when other people are around she feels uncomfortable about a display of affection. Yet she want others to know her husband loves her. He translates the mixed message: ‘My wife wants to be kissed, but feels uncomfortable when I kiss her in front of others’” (Carr 122). Sometimes clarification is required in situations when mixed messages occur. Daniels 4 At times we unaware that silence communicates. Silence in communication can be positive or negative. Silence can bring people closer or separate people. Intimacy can be communicated by silence and closeness (Carr 124). People in close relationships often do not need to use words to communicate. In communicating silence can hurt or heal a relationship. Not lashing out in anger can often save a relationship. When angry we may exaggerate the situation and it can sometimes hurt the person we love. Or when hurting someone, silence can at times help the healing process (Carr 124). The “silence treatment” is used to manipulate and punish someone. It can be interpreted as hostility, anger, coldness, rebellion, or hate (Manusov and Floyd 6). Using the “silence treatment” the issue may never be resolved because the issue may be forgotten or deleted from the memory. People use silence in many different way, it can help or cause problems in a relationship. In being able to communicate emotions it can decrease the probability of conflicts occurring. A person’s body movement also contributes to their nonverbal communication. The body movement of a person can often portray someone’s personality. A persons posture can also indicate his or her self-esteem. Carr explains this phenomenon by the study of “somatopsychic effects” (101). According to Carr, “somatopsychic effects” form from a persons subconscious mind. Basically a person’s posture and body position reflect their emotions and personality. For example, a person who walks with their back hunched conveys the image of a person with low self-esteem and perhaps lazy. All people that walk hunched don’t all have a low self-esteem, but according to Carr it portrays a persons true feelings about themselves. Body movement and posture are important nonverbal behaviors because they can illustrate many aspects of person and their feelings. Daniels 5 Section 2: How to Improve Nonverbal Behaviors Now that we know the effects of different types of nonverbal behavior on learning and relationships, it is necessary to understand how a person can change or improve his or her nonverbal behavior. The first step is to become aware of your current gestures and body movements. It is difficult to realize exactly how others see you but the best way to find out is by asking a person you are around frequently (Wiemann and Harrison 249). A person can ask how the other person perceives his or her actions. Another way to possibly change your nonverbal behavior is through the “Alexander Method” (Carr 112). This method is used to help people learn good use of the body by feedback from other people. It involves two people, where ones sits in a chair as he or she normally would and then the other person moves his or her partner into a proper position of the head and shoulders. The person in the chair then stands up and the partner tells him or her details about his or her body positioning. This feedback helps the person who sat in the chair realize his or her unconscious nonverbal behaviors (Carr 112). By using the Alexander Method a person can identify the nonverbal behaviors her or she possesses and usually will discover which behaviors he or she might want to change. One of the ways a person can change his or her nonverbal behavior is by “Functional Integration” (Carr 113). This is a way for a person to alter his or her usual body movements by basically re-training the body’s nervous system. The main mechanism to achieve this is by focusing on breathing. A person does this to sit quietly and “scan your body, beginning with your feet and moving up to your head” (Carr 113). While the person is observing his or her body, he or she tries to notice the way he or she is breathing without consciously controlling it. Then the person blows out short puffs of air and stops when the lungs are empty. After this, the person will simply “allow inhalation to happen on its own” (Carr 113). This procedure is done over about seven times. If done Daniels 6 successfully a person will have a new understanding and control over his or her body. The implications are that a person can therefore learn to alter and improve his or her unconscious nonverbal behaviors. In conclusion, I have learned that certain nonverbal behaviors by teachers increase cognitive learning and can occasionally alter the meanings of messages in relationships. I have also learned techniques to improve nonverbal behaviors. Every aspect of nonverbal communication plays a large role in displaying the correct meaning of a message. Not a word can be spoken, and facial expressions, touching, eye contact, body movement, and posture can all have meanings within themselves. Many people are not conscious of their nonverbal behaviors and what messages they are conveying. Perhaps the two ways to improve a persons nonverbal behaviors are useful in improving someone’s communication skills . In improving a persons nonverbal communication skills he or she can apply them to his or her interpersonal relationships and better the quality of it as well.

Статья посвящена анализу вербальной и невербальной коммуникации. Рассматриваются особенности вербального и невербального общения, проводится работа с тестами, направленными на оценку коммуникативных умений, умение использовать мимику и жесты.

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Сироткина Наталья Михайловна

Статья посвящена анализу вербальной и невербальной коммуникации. Рассматриваются особенности вербального и невербального общения, проводится работа с тестами, направленными на оценку коммуникативных умений, умение использовать мимику и жесты.

Ключевые слова: общение; вербальная коммуникация; невербальная коммуникация.

Для этого необходимо решить следующие задачи:

1) определить понятие и сущность вербального и невербального общения;

2) изучить методику исследования вербального и невербального общения;

3) выявить определенные аспекты вербального и невербального общения;

4) рассмотреть особенности проявления вербальных и невербальных средств общения в различных ситуациях общения.

На протяжении жизни человек находится во взаимодействии с другими людьми. Речь является важнейшим средством общения. Поэтому речь каждого отдельного индивида должна быть четкой, ясной и понятной каждому.

Общение – связь между людьми, в ходе которой возникает контакт, проявляющийся в обмене информацией, взаимовлиянии, взаимопонимании.

Как известно, коммуникация бывает вербальной (общение при помощи слов) и невербальной (общение, осуществляемое жестами, взглядами, мимикой).

Люди пользуются письменной коммуникацией реже, чем устной. Но с приходом электронной почты важность письменного общения возросла.

Рассмотрим вербальное общение.

Чтобы научиться эффективно общаться и использовать вербальные средства общения, нужно не только совершенствовать свою речь, знать правила русского языка или изучать иностранные языки, но уметь разговаривать в психологическом смысле. Слишком часто у людей возникают различные психологические барьеры или боязнь устанавливать контакты с другими людьми. Для успешного взаимодействия с обществом их нужно вовремя выявлять и преодолевать.

Вербальные коммуникации являются основной составляющей труда таких специалистов, как менеджеры, юристы, психологи, бизнесмены, рекламисты, преподаватели, политики и т.п. Поэтому владение общением, средствами вербальной и невербальной коммуникации необходимо для каждого делового человека.

Язык имеет несколько функций:

1) Коммуникативная (взаимодействие между людьми). Язык – это основная форма полноценного общения человека с себе подобными.

2) Аккумулятивная. С помощью языка мы можем хранить и накапливать знания. Если рассматривать определенного человека, то это его записные книжки, конспекты, творческие произведения. В контексте же глобальном – это художественная литература и памятники письменности.

3) Познавательная. С помощью языка человек может приобретать знания, содержащиеся в книгах, фильмах или сознании других людей.

4) Конструктивная. При помощи языка легко формировать мысли, облекать их в материальную, ясную и конкретную форму (либо в виде устного словесного выражения, либо в виде письменного).

5) Этническая. Язык позволяет объединять народы, общности и другие группы людей.

6) Эмоциональная. С помощью языка можно выражать эмоции и чувства, причем здесь рассматривается именно их прямое выражение с помощью слов. Но в основном эта функция, конечно, выполняется невербальными средствами общения.

Рассмотрим некоторые примеры вербального общения в произведениях русской литературы.

Герой пьесы Лука готов советом и ласковым словом помочь каждому человеку. Его речь подтверждает мягкость характера. Он говорит ласково, утешительно, часто рассказывает притчи и упоминает Христа. Лука не произносит высокопарных фраз, а простыми, понятными всем словами может достучаться до сердца любого человека

Печорин о себе говорит:

«. Во мне два человека: один живет в полном смысле этого слова, другой мыслит и судит его; первый, быть может, через час простится с вами и миром навеки, а второй.

И, может быть, я завтра умру! … и не останется на земле ни одного существа, которое поняло бы меня совершенно.

3. Познавательная и конструктивная функции.

Размышления Князя Андрея по дороге в Отрадное.

4. Этническая функция остается актуальной в современном мире, ярким примером ее реализации являются олимпийские игры.

А теперь о невербальном общении.

Невербальное общение известно, как язык поз и жестов. Оно включает в себя все формы самовыражения человека, которые не опираются на слова. Психологи считают, что чтение невербальных сигналов является важнейшим условием эффективного общения.

Невербальные проявления очень важны во взаимодействии людей. Основные их функции состоят в следующем:

- выражение противоречия между словом и делом;

- акцент на чем-то;

- разнообразие невербальных средств общения.

В невербальном общении можно выделить некоторые элементы:

- мимика, взгляд и выражение лица;

- дистанция между собеседниками и прикосновения;

- интонация и характеристики голоса.

Невербальные сигналы важны в общении.

- Около 70% информации человек воспринимает по зрительному каналу.

- Невербальные сигналы позволяют понять истинные чувства и мысли собеседника.

- Наше первое впечатление формируется под влиянием воздействия походки, выражения лица, взгляда, манеры держаться и т.д.

- Невербальные сигналы спонтанны и всегда искренни.

Наиболее распространенными жестами обмана является прикрывание рта, прикосновение к носу, потирание глаз, потирание мочки уха, оттягивание воротничка, пальцы во рту.

Невербальное общение, так же, как и вербальное, нашло свое отражение в русской художественной литературе.

Еще один весьма выразительный жест прокуратора: он водит руками, как бы поглаживая собаку – единственное существо, искренне любящее хозяина, – догадывается Иешуа.

Среди своих одноклассников я провела тесты, которые должны были прояснить роль невербальных средств коммуникации при словесном общении.

Первый тест касался оценки коммуникативных умений; второй – умения общаться; третий – понимания языка жестов и мимики.

Первый тест показал, что уровень развития коммуникативных умений у моих одноклассников средний. По результатам второго теста можно сказать, что ребята в целом являются приятными собеседниками. Третий тест показал, что ребята неплохо разбираются в невербальных средствах общения.

Целью моего исследования была задача выяснить, насколько невербальная коммуникация дополняет вербальную. Проведя тесты и обработав ответы, я пришла к выводу: в общении использование жестов, мимики, взглядов играет немаловажную роль, дополняя вербальные средства: невербальные средства могут либо усиливать эмоции, либо сдерживать их.

Речь одновременно выступает и как источник информации, и как способ воздействия на собеседника. Наряду со словесным (вербальным) общением необходимо учитывать невербальные средства передачи информации. В обмене информацией важную роль играет точность употребления слова, его выразительность и доступность, правильность построения фразы и ее доходчивость, правильность произношения звуков, слов, выразительность и смысл интонации. Но не стоит забывать и про речевые звуковые явления (темп речи, тональность голоса, тембр и т.д.). Наблюдения показывают, что наиболее привлекательной в общении является плавная, спокойная, размеренная манера речи. Большое значение при общении людей друг с другом имеет их расположение в пространстве, т.е. дистанция или зона общения.

Для того чтобы достичь определенных результатов во взаимоотношениях с собеседниками, во время общения, бесед, переговоров необходимо уметь контролировать, с одной стороны, собственные движения, собственное поведение и мимику, с другой стороны – уметь считывать информацию невербальных средств общения ваших партнеров по беседе. Поэтому язык невербального и вербального общения необходимо изучать всем, кто заинтересован в позитивном и результативном проведении переговоров, бесед.

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2. Андриенко Е.В. Социальная психология. – М.: Академия, 2002. – 264 с.

3. Леонтьев А.А. Психология общения. – М: Смысл, 1997. – 351 с.

4. Парыгин Б.Д. Антомия общения. – СПб: Изд. Михайлова, 1999. – 301 с.

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Natalya M. Sirotkina

Gymnasium № 1799 “Ekopolis”

Scientific adviser: Marina B. Kondakova

The article is devoted to the analysis of verbal and nonverbal communication. Features of verbal and nonverbal communication are considered, work with the tests directed on an assessment of communicative abilities, ability to use a mimicry and gestures.

The use of any nonverbal communication was recorded, as well as any use of slang phrases, stock phrases, and emotive words. Each item was manually noted and totalled on each page of the log, the totals per log were recorded on an Excel spreadsheet. The items were then sorted by the total of the number of times of occurrence to determine which items were used most frequently. It is important… Читать ещё >

Взаимодействие вербальных и невербальных средств коммуникации ( реферат , курсовая , диплом , контрольная )


  • Contents
  • I. ntroduction… …3Chapter I. The relation between verbal and nonverbal communication
    • 1. 1. Theory and practice of communication study
    • 1. 2. The relative importance of verbal and nonverbal communication
    • 1. 3. The interaction of verbal and nonverbal communication…14Chapter II. The study of the interaction of the verbal and nonverbal means
    • 2. 1. The interaction of the verbal and nonverbal communication in online discourse
    • 2. 1. Improving verbal and nonverbal communication skills…22Conclusion…27Bibliography

    We studied some messages in the same way as Extract 1 and Extract 2. The common elements included verbal pauses, repetition of words, emotive language, symbols and punctuation marks. We added the acronyms and emoticons that we observed at this stage.

    In our analysis we concentrated on the following communication techniques:

    orthographic pictures or emoticons,

    text emphasis cues, such as the use of multiple exclamation marks, question,

    marks and full stops,

    discourse markers such as but or umm or oh,

    emphasis by capitalisation, such as ALL,

    abbreviations or shorthand such as brb (be right back) or cya (see you).

    The use of any nonverbal communication was recorded, as well as any use of slang phrases, stock phrases, and emotive words. Each item was manually noted and totalled on each page of the log, the totals per log were recorded on an Excel spreadsheet. The items were then sorted by the total of the number of times of occurrence to determine which items were used most frequently. It is important to understand that the individuals participating in the chats varied from week to week.

    Over the 2-week period, more than 152 nonverbal communication items were recorded. In many cases these were variations on a theme or different spellings of the same verbalization, for example okay or ok. Many of these were repeated many times. This study was concerned only with the most popular methods of self-expression. Data was then categorized by frequency (Appendix 1) and intent (Appendix 2).

    Thus, in online chat people use verbal elements but they are often coupled with nonverbal elements in the same text message. The form used most frequently is the simple repetition of punctuation. Negative emotions and exclamations (73) were used less frequently than positive, happy, agreeable exclamations (142). Nonverbal elements are generally absent in online discourse. People use verbal elements and adapt these to add nonverbal communication to their postings.

    2. Improving verbal and nonverbal communication skills

    Given the symbolic nature of communication and the number of interaction partners in groups, miscommunication and misunderstanding can occur easily. Several techniques can help you be sensitive to misunderstandings that result from the verbal messages you send.

    S ome group members may hesitate to ask questions or to seek clarification, so be sure to watch for nonverbal messages that indicate group members' need for further information. A member who has a puzzled look or who leans in as if to hear better likely did not receive your verbal message clearly. B ut also be sensitive to more subtle cues. A

    group member who is afraid to confront you directly might use the verbal strategy of changing the subject. O r group members might simply avert their gaze and act as if they are bored. Monitoring others' verbal and nonverbal messages can help you identify those instances in which your messages are not clear.

    The main priority of education is academic and professional training of specialists in humanities and sciences, specialists with a high level of professional and communicative competence. Academic culture of public presentations includes both verbal and non-verbal components. The coherent use of these two types of communication means creates the general style of presentation.

    Alongside with great attention to such segments of the academic presentation as clear structure (logical organization of the talk and argumentative patterns used), cognitive potential (new information of the general humanistic character and new information on specific issues) and linguistic competence (grammar, academic vocabulary, terminological lexis, discourse markers, verbal means of attracting attention of the audience, intonation, pronunciation, fluency of speech), it is very important to develop extra-linguistic competence. The latter comprises body language, voice, eye-contact, mimics, gestures, and dress code. Besides, the students should be trained in the art of creating a friendly emotional atmosphere and skills of transition from a presenter’s talk on the topic defined to a constructive discussion of its various aspects with the audience.

    The pedagogical experience has proven that the competent use of rhetorical patterns, factual information, visuals (outline, hand-outs, pictures, graphs, tables, terminology lists) in the talk based on ethics of academic communication contributes greatly to the general success of public presentation.

    The main statements of the paper are illustrated by photo materials taken by the author during different students' conferences; visuals illustrate typical mistakes in non-verbal behavior of presenters as well as possible ways of avoiding them.

    Improving nonverbal communication skills is more difficult than improving verbal communication skills because we’re less conscious of the nonverbal messages we send. Thus the first step is to identify what nonverbal messages you send and how they influence the group’s interaction. One way to do this is to ask a group member you trust to observe you during a group meeting. This person can help you identify those nonverbal messages that contribute to the group and those that detract from it.

    Another way to learn more about how your nonverbal messages influence the group is to watch how others respond to you. Suppose you want to ask a question and look toward the group member speaking to get his attention, but he ignores you. What other nonverbal message could you use to establish your talking turn?

    It’s easy to assume that the other group member is being rude or impolite, but maybe your nonverbal cue wasn’t strong enough to signal that you wanted to talk.

    You can also improve your nonverbal communication skills by observing and analyzing the effectiveness of other group members. Select a group member whom you admire, and pay careful attention to the type of nonverbal cues he or she uses. Try to identify how those cues functioned during the meeting. You are likely to identify a skill that you can incorporate into your communication repertoire.

    When we think about how we communicate in groups, we often forget that, in addition to verbal and nonverbal messages, listening is a major part of the communication process. Because we focus so much energy on what we say and how we say it, we often overlook our listening skills. In the group context, listening is important because we spend far more time listening than talking.

    The consequences of poor listening in groups include poor working relationships, ineffective group outcomes, and time lost to faulty group processes. Replace these ineffective listening habits with active listening—paraphrasing what the speaker has said, asking questions to confirm what was said, taking notes, and so on.

    Thus, the main priority of education is academic and professional training of specialists in humanities and sciences, specialists with a high level of professional and communicative competence. Academic training must include both verbal and non-verbal components.

    Verbal and nonverbal communication are intertwined. However, the two message systems are not always in agreement. Research has demonstrated that when receiving inconsistent messages—messages in which the verbal and nonverbal components do not agree—receivers are more likely to believe the nonverbal message.

    Alongside with great attention to such segments of the academic presentation as clear structure (logical organization of the talk and argumentative patterns used), cognitive potential (new information of the general humanistic character and new information on specific issues) and linguistic competence (grammar, academic vocabulary, terminological lexis, discourse markers, verbal means of attracting attention of the audience, intonation, pronunciation, fluency of speech), it is very important to develop extra-linguistic competence. The latter comprises body language, voice, eye-contact, mimics, gestures, and dress code. Besides, the students should be trained in the art of creating a friendly emotional atmosphere and skills of transition from a presenter’s talk on the topic defined to a constructive discussion of its various aspects with the audience.

    The study of interaction of verbal and nonverbal communication spans many disciplines, but the communication discipline has its own unique perspective. This paper reviewed academic literature on interaction of verbal and nonverbal communication, different viewpoints and approaches. The paper described the results of research on the various methods people in an online chat employ to overcome the absence of nonverbal elements.

    Communication relies on verbal and nonverbal interaction. To be most effective, group members need to improve verbal and nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication fulfills functions within groups that are sometimes difficult to communicate verbally. But interpreting nonverbal messages requires a great deal of skill because multiple meanings abound in these messages.

    We found a lack of general methodological foundations and common conceptual approaches, research into online synchronous interactions such as chat, especially in the use of textual symbols to provide nonverbal communication elements. There is no clear theoretical basis, commonly accepted terminology, fundamental assumptions, which would allow representatives of different directions and trends achieve mutual understanding. Opinions differ as to what should be seen as communication. We contend that there is a need for research in this area.

    Alongside with great attention to such segments of the academic presentation as clear structure (logical organization of the talk and argumentative patterns used), cognitive potential (new information of the general humanistic character and new information on specific issues) and linguistic competence (grammar, academic vocabulary, terminological lexis, discourse markers, verbal means of attracting attention of the audience, intonation, pronunciation, fluency of speech), it is very important to develop extra-linguistic competence.

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    8.Teliya, V. N. Russian Phraseology. Semantic, Pragmatic, and Linguocultural Aspects. — Мoscow: Languages of Russian Culture, 1996. — 448p.

    9.Maslova, V. A. Introduction Into Cultural Linguistics.- Moscow: Nasledie, 1997. — 368p.

    12. T olstoy N. I. E thnolinguistics in the Field of Humanities.

    // R usskaya Slovesnost. — Мoscow: Academia, 1997. — 448p.

    13. Yerasov B. S. Social Culturelogy. — Moscow: Aspect-Press", 1997. — 356p.

    14. Shriberg, E., Stolcke, A., Hakkani-TЁur, D.Z., TЁur, G.: Prosody-based automatic segmentation of speech into sentences and topics. Speech Communication, Special Issue on Accessing Information in Spoken Audio.

    15. Shriberg, E., Stolcke, A., Baron, D.: Can prosody aid the automatic processing of multi-party meetings? Evidence from predicting punctuation, disfluencies, and overlapping speech. In: Proceedings of ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Prosody in Speech Recognition and Understanding, Red Bank, NJ, 2001. — 124p.

    Types and numbers of nonverbal expressions used

    Nonverbal cue Number of occurrences Multi … 210 Multi . 73 Multi . 45 Capitals 21 LOL 39 See ya 37 Okay 27 :-) 22 Oops 17 Oh 15 Yep 14 Wow 6 Hey 5

    Intent of nonverbal communication used and number of occurrences

    Intent of nonverbal communication Number of occurrences Exclamation for emphasis 90 Show happiness 72 Show agreement 51 Question 48 Negative exclamation 41 Exit word 40 Negative emotion 32 Emphasis 29 Positive exclamation 19

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    Theme: verbal and nonverbal communication Theme: verbal and nonverbal communication Plan: What is verbal communication Verbal communication has a complex multifaceted structure and manifests itself in different styles: What is nonverbal communication There are several types of nonverbal communication, each of which is studied by a specific scientific branch:

    What is verbal communication Verbal communication is a verbal form of communication, a way of transmitting information through language.

    Fatality — the establishment of social relations within the established norms. This is etiquette, which includes words of courtesy and other forms of culture; Fatality — the establishment of social relations within the established norms. This is etiquette, which includes words of courtesy and other forms of culture;

    Aesthetic — the ability to Express thought in different styles, unique forms, taking into account the author's individuality. Aesthetic — the ability to Express thought in different styles, unique forms, taking into account the author's individuality.

    Verbal communication has a complex multifaceted structure and manifests itself in different styles: A literary or artistic work; Conversational-communication at home; Journalistic-media materials; Scientific - text of textbook materials; Official-business-language of documents, business communication; Epistolary (almost never used) is a style of writing letters; Confessional-religious sermons.

    What is nonverbal communication Nonverbal communication is the transmission of information without the use of language. This method is called body language, as it is a tool for sending messages

    There are several types of nonverbal communication, each of which is studied by a specific scientific branch:

    Kinesics-poses, gestures, facial expressions. Our physiological movements can say more than words and Express what speech cannot do.

    Tactile behavior-touching the interlocutor during a conversation. Some have a habit of touching others during a dialogue, while others hate it when someone does so. Tactile behavior can be professional, friendly, ceremonial or loving. Each culture has its own tactile traditions or habits. Tactile behavior-touching the interlocutor during a conversation. Some have a habit of touching others during a dialogue, while others hate it when someone does so. Tactile behavior can be professional, friendly, ceremonial or loving. Each culture has its own tactile traditions or habits.

    Sensorics-perception of smells, taste, sounds and colors, as well as the feeling of "heat" or "cold" coming from the Communicator. With the help of these factors, an opinion about the interlocutor, his holistic image is formed. Sensorics-perception of smells, taste, sounds and colors, as well as the feeling of "heat" or "cold" coming from the Communicator. With the help of these factors, an opinion about the interlocutor, his holistic image is formed.

    Proxemics-spatial relations, that is, the dependence of relations on location and distances. Proxemics-spatial relations, that is, the dependence of relations on location and distances. Chronemics is the reaction of a person to temporal processes (assessment of time, determination of the framework).

    These nonverbal communications promote self-expression, motivate to know yourself, your character, and the characteristics of other people.

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