The discovery of america реферат

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

The voyages of the Iberians marked history. The discovery of the new world meant the unification of two old worlds. These old worlds had different beliefs, attitudes, language, and values. The culture of these two worlds would never be the same.

The native peoples of America at the end of the fifteenth century ranged from the simplest hunting-fishing-gathering societies to highly developed civilizations with urban and peasant components. In spite of these notable differences, they were alike in that they had all developed from the level of pre-bow-arrow hunters without significant contact with other regions. There high civilizations were based on agricultural and trading economies, with craft specialization, large cities, monumental architechture, elaborate politico-religious organizations, and dense populations. Soft metal was worked, writing was being developed, and the idea of the wheel was present in toys.

Until the end of the fifteenth century, the peoples of the Iberian Peninsula were grouped in several politically autonomous units, resulting in significant cultural and social differences. These people shared the same basic cultural history through several millenia, during which time they were exposed to the basic innovations of Western Eurasia and North Africa. Phoenicians and Greeks brought civilization from the Eastern Mediterranean, and Neolithic farmers from Africa had been followed by Hallstat iron workers from Europe. Six centuries of Roman domination gave the peninsula a common language, unified political control, widespread urbanization, and other forms and values of Rome. Agriculture, medicine, mathematics, and other forms of science was brought in by the Graeco-Roman learning of antiquity during the Moorish invasion.

The first natives Columbus encountered were the Taino branch of the Arawak language on Guanahani. These people grew corn, yams, and other roots for food; they knew how to make cassava bread, to spin and weave cotton, and make pottery. Columbus wrote, “They invite you to share anything that they posess, and show as much love as their hearts were in it”. The impression to the European scholars was that the ignorance to money and iron, and their nudity was due to the fact that these people were “holdovers from the golden age”.

The Indians were organized into class societies (with few possible exceptions among the more rudementary societies) and the poor were ground under the heel of the rich. This system was sanctioned by the Indian laws and customs, and based on the inequalities of land ownership. The poor lived in miserable huts, did all the labour, and enjoyed none of the amenities of life, except indulgence in the forms of escape from misery and relief from oppression that characterized many other peoples in Europe and Asia.

The peoples inhabiting America in 1492 were divided into many hundreds of language groups. The following main groups may be distinguished:

1.The Nahua-speaking peoples from Central Mexico to Nicaragua.

2.The Maya: Yucatan and Guatemala.

3.The Chibchas: Central America, western Columbia, and northwestern Ecuador.

4.The Quechuas: the Andean mountains from southern Ecuador to northern Chile.

5.The Aymaras: Highlands of Bolivia.

6.The Araucanian-Patagonians: southern Chile and the plains of sounthern Argentina.

a. The Machupe: Chile, central valley.

b. The Pinchue: North of the Mancupe, now extinct.

7.The Guarani and Tupi Indians: the forested portions of northern La Plata basin, and Brazil.

a.Tupi: Kamaraiura; Awiti.

8.The Caribs and Arawaks: Venezuela, part of the Guinanas, Brazil, and the west Indies.

a.Carib: Kuikura; Kalapalo; Migiyapei(formerly members of the Jagami and the Wagifiti village groups).

b.Arawaks: Waura; Mehinaku; Yawalipit.

9.The Trumai: an isolated language once lived in several villages of their own. Today they are represented by a few survivors living at Posta Leonardo, Brazil

While the Indians in several parts of America had made great progress in developing plants, fertilization of soils, and terracing of lands, their food-producing capacity was less than that of the invading Europeans, and their agricultural techniques less advanced. The natives did not use plows or other technical devices.

The ending of the Indian Nations, and the start of the Latin American traditions and customs resulted from hardtimes for the Indians. The Spaniards came to the conclusion that the Arawaks, their first guides, were lazy, barbarian, and perhaps even subhuman because trhey did not want to work hard gathering gold, “that good for nothing stuff”. European raiders made devestating use of their superiority: The horse gave them mobility, speed, and a wide operating range; the shepard’s dog made it possible to avoid ambushes and track down and terrorize Indians; and their traditional steel weapons, mainly swords and shields, were far more effective than firearms, which were scarce, expensive, and easily ruined by rust in the tropics. Finally the virulent spread of European diseases was the final blow to the Arawaks, as well as other tribes. Practically all thew Arawaks were wiped out before the Caribs could eat them all.

The State’s dealing with Indians was both complicated and simplified by the enormous losses in numbers that they suffered during the century after contact with the Europeans. The Native population of the Bahamas and the Greater Antilles disappeared completely during the sixteenth century. The modern boundaries of Peru held as many as nine million people in the early 1520s; by 1620 the number had fallen to about 600,000. Mexico suffered an equal loss. The population of central and southern Mexico was probably over ten million in the early years of the sixteenth century. Around 1620 to 1625, the numbers were about 730,000. Because the American peoples, long isolated themselves from the rest of humanity and its germs, had no resistance to them. Such disease included smallpox, plague, measles, and many more, even the common cold.


Cespedes, Guillermo. LATIN AMERICA, THE EARLY YEARS. New York: Alfred A. Knopf 1974

Diffie, Bailey W. LATIN AMERICAN CIVILIZATION. New york: Octagon 1967

Elliott, J.H. THE SPANISH WORLD. New York: Abrams 1991

Faron, Louis C. THE MAPUCHE INDIANS OF CHILE. Illinois: Waveland 1986 Foster, George M. CULTURE AND CONQUEST. Chicago: Quadrangle 1960

Тема по английскому языку: Открытие Америки


Христофор Колумб – человек, открывший Америку в 1492.


Он был сыном бедного итальянского ткача. С раннего детства Колумб интересовался большими кораблями. Однажды он отправился в море, и затем совершил много путешествий. Моряки того времени не плавали далеко, так как они мало знали об Атлантическом океане и не знали, что в нем и за его пределами. Когда астрономы объявили, что земля круглая, Колумб захотел это проверить и достичь Индии, плывя на запад.

Открытие нового континента

Будучи заинтересованным в более коротких торговых маршрутах в Индию, испанское правительство выделило Колумбу три маленьких корабля и меньше сотни человек для его путешествия. В 1492 Колумб покинул Испанию и отправился в свою экспедицию. Плывя на запад, они достигли Канарских островов, а на следующий день увидели землю, которой дали имя Сан Сальвадор. Однако Колумб не знал, что он открыл новый континент; он думал, что это неизвестная часть Индии. Он с триумфом вернулся в Испанию.

Новая Земля

Некоторое время спустя человек по имени Америго Веспуччи исследовал тот же берег, что и Колумб и открыл, что это не был берег Индии. Он сказал, что это Новая Земля. Долгое время у земли не было названия. Только в 1506, год смерти Христофора Колумба, ее назвали Америка в честь Америго. Однако именно Колумб был первооткрывателем континента.

Европейцы на Новой Земле

Christopher Columbus and descovering America


Christopher Columbus was the person who discovered America in 1492.


He was the son of a poor Italian weaver. From his early childhood Columbus was interested in big ships. One day he went off to sea and then made lots of voyages. The seamen of that time didn’t sail far as they knew little of the Atlantic Ocean and didn’t know what was in it or beyond it. When the astronomers declared that the earth was round, Columbus wanted to check it and reach India by sailing to the West.

Discovery of a new continent

Being interested in shorter trade routes to India, the Spanish Government gave Columbus three small ships and less than a hundred men so that he could try to carry out his voyage. In 1492 Columbus left Spain on this great expedition. As they sailed West they reached the Canary Islands and the next day they saw land, which was given the name of San Salvador. However, Columbus had no idea that he had discovered a new continent; he thought it was an unknown part of India. He came back to Spain in triumph.

New World

Some time later a man named Amerigo Vespucci explored the same coast as Columbus and found that it wasn’t the coast of India. He said it was a New World. For a long time the land had no special name. Only in 1506, the year of Christopher Columbus’s death, it was named America after Amerigo. However, Columbus was the true discoverer of the continent.

Europeans in the New World

European people came to the New World for various reasons. Some hoped to find gold and silver. Priests and missionaries came to bring the Christian religion to the Indians. Among all, there was a small group of English people called Pilgrims who wanted to start a new life and to have no religious problems they had in England. In 1620 on the ship “Mayflower” they landed in the north-east of America, set up a colony and called that part of the country “New England”.

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. He was born in Italy. His father and both grandfathers were cloth makers. Columbus was a seaman and made many sea voyages.

Most people in Columbus's days thought that the earth was flat and they did not believe that beyond the Atlantic Ocean lay India. In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India. He decided to sail west as he was sure that our planet was round. There were 3 caravels: the Santa Maria, the Nina and the Pinta. After sailing 4000 miles he reached some land.

The crew saw something like a white cliff and cried out: "Tierra! Tierra!". Columbus thought 'that it must be India but it was not. It was a new land — a new continent. It was America. Columbus named the land they had reached San Salvador ("Holy Saviour"). People began to speak about the land as "The new World".

European people came to the New World for many reasons. Some hoped to find gold and silver. Priests and missionaries came to bring the Christian religion to the Indians. Among those who came for freedom was a small group of English people called Pilgrims. They wanted to start a new life and to have no religious problems they had in England.

In 1620 on the ship "Mayflower" they landed in the north-east of America. They set up a colony and called that part of the country "New England".

Открытие Америки (2)

Христофор Колумб открыл Америку в 1492 г. Он родился в Италии. Его отец и оба дедушки занимались шитьем одежды, Колумб был моряком и совершил много путешествий.

Большинство людей в дни Колумба полагали, что Земля плоская, и они не верили в то, что за Атлантическим океаном лежит Индия. В 1492 году король и королева Испании дали ему деньги на поездку в Индию. Он решил плыть на запад, так как был уверен, что Земля круглая. В путешествие отправились 3 каравеллы: "Санта Мария", "Нина", "Пинта". После того, как они проплыли 4 000 миль, они достигли какой-то земли.

Команда увидела что-то похожее на белую скалу и закричала: "Земля! Земля!"' Колумб подумал, что это должна быть Индия, но это была не она. Это была новая земля, новый континент. Это была Америка. Колумб назвал землю, которой они достигли, Сан Сальвадор ("Святой спаситель"). Люди стали говорить об этой земле как о Новом Свете.

Европейцы приезжали в Новый Свет по разным причинам. Некоторые надеялись найти золото или серебро. Священники и миссионеры приезжали, чтобы принести христианство индейцам. Среди тех, кто приезжал за свободой, была маленькая группа англичан, прозванных пилигримами. Они хотели начать новую жизнь и начать ее без религиозных проблем, с которыми они столкнулись в Англии.

В 1620 на корабле "Мэйфлауэ" они высадились на северо-востоке Америки. Они основали колонию и назвали эту часть страны Новая Англия.

1. Who discovered America?
2. King and Queen of what country gave Columbus money for voyage?
3. How many caravelas were there?
4. How did Columbus name the land he had reached?
5. What reasons did European come to New Land for?
6. What do you know about Pilgrims?

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Цель урока: Систематизация и комплексное применение знаний в ходе урока.

Задачи урока:


Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком,

Систематизация учебного материала по теме.


Усвоить культурологические знания,

Развивать коммуникативные навыки,

Развивать умение анализировать, сравнивать, высказываться логично и связно.


Формирование познавательного интереса и уважения к истории и культуре другого народа,

Воспитывать умение работать в группах, парах, прислушиваться к мнению одноклассников.

Форма урока: урок-путешествие.

Формы организации познавательной деятельности учащихся:

Индивидуальная, парная, групповая, фронтальная.

Этапы урока:

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

3. Практическое применение знаний посредством аудирования.

4. Проверка домашнего задания(мини-высказывания –продуктивная речь).

5. Практическое закрепление знаний посредством чтения и говорения.

6. Закрепление навыков грамматики(употребление в речи связок повествования и артиклей с географическими названиями).

7. Информация о домашнем задании.

9. Итоговая рефлексия урока.

1. Работа с географической картой.
2. Открытие Америки.
3. Христофор Колумб.
4. Путешествия Христофора Колумба.

1. Организационный момент.

T: Good morning, dear pupils. Glad to see you today! How are you?

T: What date, day is it today?

T: Thank you. Today we’ll have a very interesting lesson. But first, tell me, please, are you fond of travelling?

How often and where do you travel?

T: Ok, but how do you think, why many people spend a lot of time travelling? Or even devote the whole life to it?

T: You are quite right. They want to search smth. new or get new knowledge or even make new discoveries. Today at the lesson, we are going to travel too. Would you like to travel?

2.Повторение лексики по теме.

T: Ok, but first let’s prepare for the travelling. Look at the blackboard, read and repeat the words after me:

P: Discover discovery, gold, land, round, sail, sure, voyage, Christopher Columbus, seaman, dangerous, famous, foreign, great, planet/

T: Great! And now, please, make up the word combinations from these words:

P: a great discovery, a dangerous voyage, a round planet, a famous seaman, a foreign land etc.

3.Посмотр презентации с видеофрагментами.

T: We’ll visit America,a great and interesting country. But today we’ll not visit modern America, we’ll go to the past and see how it all began. I’ve prepared a presentation for you. Let’s watch it.

Now, please, answer my questions:

When was Christopher Columbus born? ( 31 st October 1451)

Where was he born? (in Genoa. Italy)

What books did he read? ( on astronomy, geography and navigation)

What sea did he sail? (Mediterranian Sea)

Who gave Columbus money for an expedition to Asia? ( Spanish King and Queen)

When did he die? (in 1506 ).

4. Чтение стихотворения.

T. Well, I hope you remember the poem about Columbus. Who will tell us this poem?

P. Let's remember Columbus

In fourteen hundred and ninety - two
Columbus sailed the ocean blue .
Let's sing together this old song
About the voyage that took him long,
About the sailors, those strong brave men
Let's sing and remember them all again

T. Very well, thank you. Sit down.

5. Работа с географической картой.

T. Now look at the blackboard, you can see the map. I want you to go to the map and show me

. Where is Italy (India, South America, Spain, Asia, North America) situated?

P. Italy is situated in the south- west. Etc.

T. Now, let’s practise in reading proper names.

America, Central America, North America, South America, Christopher Columbus, the United States of America, the USA, the States.

6. Чтение текста.

T. You have texts on your desks. Read them, please.

The discovery of America.

In our days everybody knows what the “America” means. First of all it is the name of the country – the United States of America – or just America. And then America is the name of the two continents – North America and South America. These two continents, North and South America, form the part of the world called America.

Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.

He was born in Italy but lived in Spain for a long time. He was a seaman and made many sea voyages. In 1492 the King and Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India. He decided to sail west as he was sure that our planet was round. And after sailing 4000 miles, he reached some land. Columbus thought that it must be India but it was not. People began to speak about the land as “the New World”.

The Native Americans (Indians)

The Native Americans (Indians) were peaceful people. When the ships approached to the shores of the continent the native men and women naked and full of wonder ran to look at the strange big boats. They ran to greet them, and took food, water and gifts to them. Later Columbus reported to the Queen and the King of Spain “The Indians are so naïve, that when you ask for something they have, they never say no”.

The nature of America was also unlike the one in Europe. Columbus and his people had no conception about tomatoes, potatoes, sunflower, cocoa, peanuts, tobacco, and maize and so on.

Turkey was first taken to Europe on board of a Turkish ship that`s why this bird is called turkey.

Amerigo Vespucci

The country and the continent are named after the Italian navigator Amerigo Vespucci instead of the Italian navigator Christopher Columbus. Because Vespucci was the one who realized that it was not India at all, but an entirely new continent. Columbus found the new world, but Vespucci was the man who recognized that it was a new world.

All this leads us to ask, "Who really discovered America?" Was it the person who first found it or the person who first recognized it for what it was?

7. Работа с текстом

T. Answer my questions, please.

Who discovered America?

When did Christopher Columbus discover America?

Why did the King and the Queen of Spain give him money?

Why did Columbus decide to sail west?

What did people call this new land?

8. Проверка домашнего задания.

9. Работа с раздаточным материалом.

T. Read the sentences and say if they are true, false or you don’t know.

The world America means the name of the country and the name of the two continents.

Christopher Columbus discovered the new continent America.

Christopher Columbus discovered the new continent in 1492.

Nobody remembers Columbus’s voyage.

People know everything about this famous discoverer.

Columbus was born in Spain.

Columbus lived all his life in Italy.

“The New World” was the name of the new land.

T: Now I give you the sheets of paper/ Your task is to fill in the blanks with the missing words.

What do you know about Christopher Columbus?

Christopher Columbus was born in ___________ . (Italy)

He lived in ______________ for a long time. (Spain)

He was a _______________and made many _________ . (seaman, voyages)

In 1492 he decided _____________ . (to sail west)

He wanted ____________ . (to reach India)

After sailing 6400 kilometres he saw_______________ . (some land)

Columbus thought _______________ . (it was India)

But it was _________________ . (the new continent)

10. Физкультминутка .

T. American children often learn their history with poems and songs . Let’s listen to one of them and sing it along:

In fourteen hundred ninety-two
Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
He had three ships and left from Spain;
He sailed through sunlight, wind and rain.

He sailed by night; he sailed by day;
He used the stars to guide his way..
Ninety sailors were on board;
Some men sailed while others snored.

Then the workers went to sleep;
And others sailed the ocean deep.
Day by day they looked for land;
They dreamed of trees and rocks and sand.

October 12 their dream came true,
You never saw a happier crew!
In fourteen hundred ninety-two
Columbus sailed the ocean blue.(2 times)

T. The next task for you is to put the words on your sheets of paper in the correct order to make up the sentences.

1. Columbus, America, in 1492, Christopher, discovered.

2. Was, Christopher, in 1451, born, in Italy.

3. Lived, Spain, many, he, in, years, for.

4. Made, Columbus, voyages, a lot of, sea.

5. Europe, people, in, interested, were, India, in.

6. Knew, that, planet, Columbus, our, round, is.

11.Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок.

T. What new information have you learnt today? What did you like most?

P. I have learnt that…

Оценки за урок.

T. Thank you for your work/Your marks today are.

Домашнее задание.

T. Your home task will be to make short reports about Columbus and his discoveries.

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