Science why is it important реферат

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world

Our world has been changed a lot. Modern technologies give us opportunity to pay when you are at home, to talk to your family when you are far away and even to travel to the moon. I think it’s really good and there is new progress every day. People start to pay more attention to science and new technologies and it’s correct.

For all these 2000 years we have reached a lot. Because in past people were curious today we have mobile phones, computers, cars and washing machines. All these things made our life easier. And we don’t have to stop. I think we have to explore more and more. Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world. The more we invest in science today the more breakthroughs we will have tomorrow. There are many smart people around and they need possibility to develop their skills and make new researches.

Unfortunately the government doesn’t really think so. We spend a lot of money in politics, economics and other things. People are sure that there are things much more important. We build new fabrics, when the old ones can be renew. We invest a lot of money in useless things like fashion or variety art instead of learning new things.

So I think that science can give us more than anything else. With correct financing we will have one day cure for cancer, environmentally friendly cars and many other things. I hope in future people will pay more attention to science. To make our world better in future we have to start today. Less pollution, more attention to our health, more respect to nature and ourselves will give us a chance to improve our life. I see our future full of new discoveries and inventions. And I am sure that our children will be happy with all of them one day.

Наука - это первое, что будет финансироваться в современном мире

Наш мир сильно изменился за эти годы. Современные технологии дают вам возможность оплачивать счета, когда вы сидите дома; разговаривать с членами своей семьи, если вы далеко друг от друга и даже путешествовать на Луну. Я считаю, что это здорово, а новые открытия происходят каждый день. Люди начинают обращать больше внимания на науку и новые технологии. И по-моему, это правильно.

За эти 2000 лет человечество многого добилось. А так как в прошлом люди были очень любопытными, сегодня у нас есть мобильные телефоны, компьютеры, автомобили и стиральные машины. Все эти вещи сделали нашу жизнь гораздо легче. И нам нельзя останавливаться. Я считаю, что мы должны продолжать исследования. Наука - это первое, что должно быть профинансировано в современном мире. Чем больше мы инвестируем сегодня в науку, тем больше открытий мы совершим завтра. Вокруг так много умных людей и им нужна возможность развивать свои навыки и проводить новые исследования.

К сожалению, правительство не совсем согласно с этим. Мы тратим много денег на политику, экономику и на другое. Люди считают, что существуют вещи куда важнее, чем наука. Мы строим новые фабрики, хотя, можно обновить старые. Мы вкладываем много денег в бесполезное, например, в индустрию моды или современную эстраду вместо новых открытий.

Итак я считаю, что наука может дать нам больше, чем что-либо другое. Профинансировав ее, мы однажды найдём лекарство от рака, изобретем экологически чистые авто. Надеюсь в будущем, люди обратят внимание на науку ещё больше. Чтобы сделать наш мир лучше в будущем, мы должны начать уже сегодня. Меньше загрязнений, больше внимания нашему здоровью, больше уважения природе и самим себе дадут нам шанс сделать жизнь лучше. Я вижу наше будущее полным новых открытий и изобретений. И я уверена, что наши дети однажды будут довольны тем, что мы делаем сейчас.

Science is important to all of us. It is the application of human intelligence to figuring how the world works. In the modern world science is the key to a prosperous future. New knowledge in science can help us solve many problems: global warming, pollution, diseases, scarce food and water resources. Science can boost our economy and infrastructure; make the world safer to live in and open other planets for habitation by humans.

Science is a driver of peace and dialogue. Contemporary scientific research is aimed at solving global problems, which brings scientists from around the world together in an effort to find the best solution. For example, the International Space Station unites many nations and serves as an international platform for research in astronomy, physics and other fields. Another example is the 2017 World Science Forum that brought together scientists from 120 countries trying to accelerate global scientific collaboration, opportunity and peace.

Science will help us solve the energy problem. Global warming is a serious problem caused by human activity – mainly by burning fossil fuels. The solution to this problem is to replace fossil fuels with cleaner energy that does not produce carbon dioxide. There are ample energy sources of this kind that have recently become available with the help of science: solar power, tidal power and wind power.

Science is important because it allows us to understand this universe and how things work in it. Science is one of the most important channels of knowledge and maybe the only source of solutions to solve the main problems facing our world today.

Наука важна для всех нас. Наука – это применение человеческого разума для понимания того, как устроен мир. В современном мире наука – залог благополучного будущего. Новые знания в науке могут помочь нам решить многие проблемы: глобальное потепление, загрязнение окружающей среды, болезни, нехватку продовольствия и водных ресурсов. Наука может способствовать развитию нашей экономики и инфраструктуры; сделать мир более безопасным для жизни и открыть другие планеты для проживания людей.

Наука – двигатель мира и диалога. Современные научные исследования направлены на решение глобальных проблем, что объединяет ученых со всего мира в поисках наилучшего решения. Например, Международная космическая станция объединяет многие страны и служит международной платформой для исследований в области астрономии, физики и других областях. Другой пример – Всемирный научный форум 2017 года, который собрал ученых из 120 стран, пытающихся ускорить глобальное научное сотрудничество, возможности и способствовать созданию мира.

Наука поможет нам решить энергетическую проблему. Глобальное потепление – серьезная проблема, вызванная деятельностью человека, в основном сжиганием ископаемого топлива. Решением этой проблемы является замена ископаемого топлива более чистой энергией, не производящей углекислого газа. Есть множество Таких источников энергии, которые недавно стали доступны с помощью науки: солнечная энергия, энергия приливов и ветра.

Наука важна, потому что она позволяет нам понять эту вселенную и то, как в ней работают вещи. Наука – один из важнейших каналов знаний и, возможно, единственный источник решений основных проблем, стоящих перед нашим миром сегодня.

  • why science is important in the modern world;
  • how science helps peace in the world;
  • how science helps solve the energy problem;
  • what your attitude to the importance of science for the understanding of the natural world is.

Science is important to all of us. It is the application of human intelligence to figuring how the world works. In the modern world science is the key to a prosperous future. New knowledge in science can help us solve many problems: global warming, pollution, diseases, scarce food and water resources. Science can boost our economy and infrastructure; make the world safer to live in and open other planets for habitation by humans.

Science is a driver of peace and dialogue. Contemporary scientific research is aimed at solving global problems, which brings scientists from around the world together in an effort to find the best solution. For example, the International Space Station unites many nations and serves as an international platform for research in astronomy, physics and other fields. Another example is the 2017 World Science Forum that brought together scientists from 120 countries trying to accelerate global scientific collaboration, opportunity and peace.

Science will help us solve the energy problem. Global warming is a serious problem caused by human activity – mainly by burning fossil fuels. The solution to this problem is to replace fossil fuels with cleaner energy that does not produce carbon dioxide. There are ample energy sources of this kind that have recently become available with the help of science: solar power, tidal power and wind power.

Science is important because it allows us to understand this universe and how things work in it. Science is one of the most important channels of knowledge and maybe the only source of solutions to solve the main problems facing our world today.

Science is important to all of us. It is the application of human intelligence to figuring how the world works. In the modern world science is the key to a prosperous future. New knowledge in science can help us solve many problems: global warming, pollution, diseases, scarce food and water resources. Science can boost our economy and infrastructure; make the world safer to live in and open other planets for habitation by humans.

Science is a driver of peace and dialogue. Contemporary scientific research is aimed at solving global problems, which brings scientists from around the world together in an effort to find the best solution. For example, the International Space Station unites many nations and serves as an international platform for research in astronomy, physics and other fields. Another example is the 2017 World Science Forum that brought together scientists from 120 countries trying to accelerate global scientific collaboration, opportunity and peace.

Science will help us solve the energy problem. Global warming is a serious problem caused by human activity – mainly by burning fossil fuels. The solution to this problem is to replace fossil fuels with cleaner energy that does not produce carbon dioxide. There are ample energy sources of this kind that have recently become available with the help of science: solar power, tidal power and wind power.

Science is important because it allows us to understand this universe and how things work in it. Science is one of the most important channels of knowledge and maybe the only source of solutions to solve the main problems facing our world today.

Наука важна для всех нас. Наука – это применение человеческого разума для понимания того, как устроен мир. В современном мире наука – залог благополучного будущего. Новые знания в науке могут помочь нам решить многие проблемы: глобальное потепление, загрязнение окружающей среды, болезни, нехватку продовольствия и водных ресурсов. Наука может способствовать развитию нашей экономики и инфраструктуры; сделать мир более безопасным для жизни и открыть другие планеты для проживания людей.

Наука – двигатель мира и диалога. Современные научные исследования направлены на решение глобальных проблем, что объединяет ученых со всего мира в поисках наилучшего решения. Например, Международная космическая станция объединяет многие страны и служит международной платформой для исследований в области астрономии, физики и других областях. Другой пример – Всемирный научный форум 2017 года, который собрал ученых из 120 стран, пытающихся ускорить глобальное научное сотрудничество, возможности и способствовать созданию мира.

Наука поможет нам решить энергетическую проблему. Глобальное потепление – серьезная проблема, вызванная деятельностью человека, в основном сжиганием ископаемого топлива. Решением этой проблемы является замена ископаемого топлива более чистой энергией, не производящей углекислого газа. Есть множество Таких источников энергии, которые недавно стали доступны с помощью науки: солнечная энергия, энергия приливов и ветра.

Наука важна, потому что она позволяет нам понять эту вселенную и то, как в ней работают вещи. Наука – один из важнейших каналов знаний и, возможно, единственный источник решений основных проблем, стоящих перед нашим миром сегодня.

Science is important to world peace in many ways. On one hand, scientists have helped to develop many of the modern tools of war. On the other hand, they have also helped to keep the peace through research which has improved life for people. Scientists have helped us understand the problem of supplying the world with enough energy; they have begun to develop a number of solutions to the energy problem - for example, using energy from the sun and from the atom. Scientists have also analysed the world’s resources. We can begin to learn to share the resources with the knowledge provided to us by science. Science studies the Universe and how to use its possibilities for the benefit of men.

Science is also important to everyone who is affected by modern technology. Many of the things that make our lives easier and better are the results of advances in technology and, if the present patterns continue, technology will affect us even more in the future than it does now. In some cases, such as technology for taking salt out of ocean water, technology may be essential for our lives on Earth.

The study of science also provides people with an understanding of natural world. Scientists are learning to predict earthquakes, are continuing to study many other natural events such as storms. Scientists are also studying various aspects of human biology and the origin and developments of the human race. The study of the natural world may help improve life for many people all over the world.

A basic knowledge of science is essential for everyone. It helps people find their way in the changing world.

I. Read the text ‘Science' and find the derivatives from the following worlds. Define what parts of speech they are. Translate them into Russian:

science possible vary

develop understand supply

know nature importance

II. Find in the text ‘Science' the opposites for the following:

war, on one hand, difficult, worse, the past, death, artificial, ancient.

III. Use the English equivalents for the words and phrases in brackets.

1. Science helped develop /современное оружие/. 2. Science develops more and more /решений/ to the energy problem. 3. Scientists predict /землетрясения/. 4. Knowledge is /необходимы/ for people. 5. Scientists are trying to /сохранить мир/ through research. 6. The problem of /обеспечения мира/ with enough energy is essential. 7. /Мировые ресурсы/ are not limitless. 8. Science studies /Вселенную/ and how to use its /возможности/. 9. Technology will affect people even more /в будущем/.

IV. Complete the following sentences. Use the vocabulary of the text.

1. Scientists have learned to use the energy of __________ . 2. Science helped improve __________ . 3. Knowledge is essential for people to find __________ . 4. The study of science provides people with __________ . 5. Scientists study many natural phenomena such as __________ . 6. The origin and developments of the human race is a very __________ . 7. A basic knowledge of science __________ .

V. a) Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the italicized words.

1. I don’t know the meaning of this new verb. 2. How many meanings of the word “power” do you know ? 3. What does the process of splitting the atom mean ? 4. By means of radio and television we can watch sputnics and spaceships. 5. A computer is an effective means of solving mathematical problems.

b) Translate into English:

важное средство; посредством (при помощи) науки; новое значение слова; это означает, что . ; технические средства.

VI. Find in the text ‘Science' the English equivalents for the following Russian phrases:

* создать современное оружие;

* проблема обеспечения мира энергией;

* разработать ряд решений энергетической проблемы;

* анализировать мировые ресурсы;

* сообща пользоваться ресурсами;

* знания, предоставляемые кому-либо наукой;

* использовать возможности на благо человека;

* быть связанным с современной техникой;

* результат технических достижений;

* иметь огромное значение для чьей-либо жизни;

* давать людям понимание чего-либо;

* изучать различные аспекты биологии человека;

* происхождение и развитие человеческого рода;

* элементарное знание науки;

* ориентироваться в меняющемся мире.

VII. Answer the questions.

1. Why is science so important in the modern world ? 2. How does science help keep peace in the world ? 3. How does science help solve the energy problem ? 4. What proves that the study of science is important for understanding of the natural world ?

VIII. Translate into English.

1. Наука помогла разработать современное оружие. 2. Наука находит все новые решения энергетической проблемы. 3. Наука помогла людям научиться использовать энергию солнца и атома. 4. Наука помогла научиться совместному использованию ресурсов. 5. Ученые предсказывают землетрясения. 6. Наука помогла улучшить жизнь людей. 7. Знания необходимы людям, чтобы ориентироваться в изменяющемся мире.

IX. Rearrange the key phrases given below and use them to retell the text:

for the benefit of men; important; to understand natural world; to develop; advances in technology; essential for people’s lives; the modern tools of war; to find new energy sources; to keep the peace; to supply the world with energy; to improve life.

X. Speak about the significance of science.

XI. Agree or disagree. Give your reasons.

1. Science very little affects everyday life. 2. We can hardly speak of any achievements in medicine. 3. Science is motivated by curiosity of a researcher. 4. We know exactly that there is biological life in our Universe besides the Earth. 5. The greatest achievements of science have improved people’s lives.

XII. Try to find examples of how technological progress has changed our lives.

XIII. Make a list of the Seven Wonders of the 20th century. Write them in the order of their importance.

XIV. Fill in the Public Opinion Poll and have a group discussion on the topic:

What do you think of science ? Do science and technology do more good than harm, more harm than good, or about equal ?

Opinion Men Women Total
More good than harm More harm than good About equal

XV. What inventions, electronic and other devices would you call the most sophisticated ones that were invented in the 20th century ? Use the following:

radio set, TVset, computer, robots, space rockets, lasers.

XVI. Name the spheres of our everyday life and human activities where the progress of science and technology is most keenly felt.

XVII. Science can be neither good nor evil. Are you of the same opinion ? Give your reasons.


a) Read dialogue I in pairs.

William: Are there any clubs and societies at your University ?

Michael: Quite a lot. As for me I’ve joined the student research society. We are having our institute conference in a month and I’m going to contribute a paper to it.

William: What problems are you interested in ?

Michael: I’m working on the defects of metal units.

William: Do you use computers ?

Michael: Certainly. It is impossible to do without them today.

William: Does your research work take much of your time ?

Michael: Yes, it does.

William: Do you work alone ?

Michael: Of course not. We are six in the group. We have a very good and patient adviser who helps us a lot.

b) Complete dialogues II, III, IV.

B. We are busy with designing some engine parts.

A. Do you work alone ?

A. Does it take much time, I mean, your work in the research society ?

A. Are there many clubs and societies at your University ?

A. What problems are you interested in ?

c) Make up a dialogue between a reporter of the journal ‘Science' who is going to interview a young Russian engineer and inventor. Here are some prompts. Questions the reporter can ask:

Were you surprised when you won the prize ? What field of science do you work in ? What can you say about your invention ? Did you work alone ? What are your plans for the future ? Think of some other questions.

The young Russian scientist was awarded the prize of the Russia’s Academy of Sciences. He is eager to answer the reporter’s questions. He works in the field of chemistry. He invented quite a new construction material. It has very useful properties.


I. Read and translate the following quotations. Comment on them.

Knowledge is a city, to the building of which every human being brought a stone.

* Invention breeds invention. (R. Emerson)

* Imagination is more important than knowledge. (A. Einstein)

II. Solve a crossword puzzle.

1. The process of emission of X-rays. 2. The scientists will give . to this strange phenomenon. 3. Right, suitable, correct.

5. A radioactive, metallic element. 6. A fact that illustrates a general rule, a law, etc. 7. To divide into separate parts. 8. Quality, power or effect that belongs naturally to some object, substance, etc. 9. The Cheljabinsk plant produced the most . tractors in the USSR. 10. To put one thing to another. 11. Yury Gagarin was the first man to fly into . . 12. A container is a box designed to . something. 13. Mrs Curie discovered that some chemical substances emitted . . 14. Something easy to understand or to do. 15. To go from one place to another. 16. Mathematics, biology, physics are . . 17. To get something.

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Science is important to most people living in the modern world for a number of reasons. Everybody agrees that the tremendous advances that have been made in science and technology over the last century have transformed the life style of millions of people all over the world. Developments in science and technology are changing the world very rapidly. The development of microchip technology has had such a deep effect on the way we live every day. The computer has become an essential part of our life and these days lots of people can hardly imagine their life without it. In particular, science is important to world peace and understanding, to the understanding of technology, and to our understanding of the world.

Science is important to world peace in many ways. On one hand, scientists helped to develop many of the modern tools of war. On the other hand, they have also helped to keep the peace through research which has improved life for people. Scientists have helped us understand the problem of supplying the world with enough energy; they have begun to develop a number of solutions to the energy problem- for example, using energy from the sun and from the atom. Scientists have also analysed the world's resources. We can begin to learn to share the resources with the knowledge provided to us by science. Science studies the Universe and how to use its possibilities for the benefit of men.

Science is also important to everyone who is affected by modern technology. Many of the things that make our lives easier and better are the results of advances in technology and, if the present patterns continue, technology will' affect us even more in the future than it does now. In some cases, such as technology for taking salt out of ocean water, technology may be essential for our lives on Earth.

The study of science also provides people with understanding of natural worlds. Scientists are learning to predict earthquakes, are continuing to study many other natural events such as storms. Scientists are also studying various aspects of human biology and the origin and developments of the human race. The study of the natural world may help improve life for many people all over the world.

However, no technological advances could have been possible without the genius and talent of the outstanding people in many countries, whose discoveries and inventions contributed to the world’s progress. The list of their names is really impressive, when we think of earlier inventions as well, for example, the invention of the wheel, or the early steam-engine, or the discovery of radium, or penicillin and many many others. I would like to tell you about ….

A basic knowledge of science is essential for everyone. It helps people find their way in the changing world. In a sense, the history of science and technology is the history of all mankind.

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