Реферат про шекспира на английском языке

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

William Shakespeare was born in 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon . Located in the centre of England, the town was (and still is) an important river-crossing settlement and market centre. The register of Stratford’s Holy Trinity Church records Shakespeare’s baptism on 26 April. He is traditionally said to have been born on 23 April.

John Shakespeare, William's father, was a successful Stratford businessman, in the glove-making and wool-dealing trades. He had settled in Stratford by 1552 and later bought property in the town.

John Shakespeare married Mary Arden , the daughter of Robert Arden. John and Mary set up home in Henley Street, Stratford, in the house now known as Shakespeare’s Birthplace . John and Mary lost two children before William was born. They had five more children, another of whom died young.

As the son of a leading townsman, William almost certainly attended Stratford’s ‘petty’ or junior school before progressing, perhaps at the age of seven, to the Grammar School , which still stands.

It is not known what Shakespeare did when he left school, probably at the age of fourteen, as was usual. In November 1582 he married Anne Hathaway, the daughter of Richard Hathaway, a local farmer. Her home, now known as Anne Hathaway’s Cottage , still stands in the village of Shottery, a mile from Stratford. At the time of their marriage William was eighteen and Anne was twenty-six. Their first-born child, Susanna, was baptized on 26 May1583. Two years later twins followed Hamnet and Judith, baptized on 2 February1585. Shakespeare’s elder daughter, Susanna, married John Hall a Stratford physician, in 1607, and gave birth to a daughter, Elizabeth, the following year. Elizabeth was married twice, to Thomas Nash in 1626, and to John Bernard in 1649. However, she had no children by either husband. Hamnet died in 1596, at the age of 11 and was buried in Stratford on 11 August 1596. The cause of death is unknown. In 1616 Judith married Thomas Quiney, a Stratford vintner, in 1616 by whom she had three sons, Shakespeare Quiney, who died in infancy, and Richard and Thomas, who both died unmarried, early in 1639 within a month of each other.

Shakespeare’s reputation was established in London by 1592; in that year another dramatist, Robert Greene, was envious of his success and called him ‘an upstart crow’. Shakespeare’s earliest plays included the three parts of Henry VI, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Titus Andronicus. Shakespeare’s first printed works were two long poems, Venus and Adonis (1593) and The Rape of Lucrece (1594).1n 1594, Shakespeare joined others in forming a new theatre company, under the patronage of the Lord Chamberlain, with Richard Burbage as its leading actor. For almost twenty years Shakespeare was its regular dramatist, producing on average two plays a year. Shakespeare’s success in the London theatres made him wealthy and in 1597 he bought New Place , one of the largest houses in Stratford.Here he probably wrote The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest. In 1598, the author of a book on the arts, Francis Meres, described Shakespeare as the best contemporary dramatist and mentioned twelve of his plays, including A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Richard II and Henry IV.

In 1599 he became a part owner of the Globe Theatre, and in 1608 of the Blackfriars Theatre. Two of his plays, Henry V and Julius Caesar, were almost certainly written during the year in which the Globe opened. In 1613, during a performance of Henry VIII, a fire broke out and destroyed the Globe, but it was rebuilt the following year. Some of Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies were written in the early 1600s, including Hamlet and, after James I’s accession, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth. His late plays, often known as the Romances, date from c. 1608 to 1612 and include Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest. He retired to Stratford in 1613. From around 1611 Shakespeare seems largely to have disengaged himself from the London theatre world and to have spent his time at his Stratford house, New Place. In March 1616 he signed his will , in which he left substantial property and other bequests to his family and friends, including theatre colleagues in the King’s Men.

Shakespeare died in Stratford, aged fifty-two, on 23 April 1616, and was buried in Holy Trinity Church two days later. Shakespeare's burial is recorded in Stratford's parish register as having taken place on 25 April 1616. On the stone of Shakespeare’s grave are the lines

Good friend, for Jesus’ sake forbear

To dig the dust enclosed here.

Blest be the man that spares these stones

And curst be he that moves my bones.

His widow, Anne, died in 1623 and was buried beside him. Shakespeare’s family line came to an end with the death of his grand-daughter Elizabeth in 1670.

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Биография Уильяма Шекспира

Early years

William Shakespeare was an English poet, playwright and actor. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. His father, John Shakespeare, was a successful artisan. William was the third child in the family. His parents had eight children in total. William Shakespeare went to Stratford grammar school.

In 1582 Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, who was the daughter of the local landowner. At that time Shakespeare was 18 years old and Anne was 8 years older than him. In 1583 Anne gave birth to their daughter Susanna. In 1585 the couple had twins – son Hamnet and daughter Judith. Unfortunately, Hamnet, the only son of William Shakespeare, died at the age of 11.

Life in London

Later Shakespeare moved to London. He lived and worked in this city for many years. During that time Shakespeare wrote most of his plays and became a successful playwright. His troupe was among the leading playing companies in London.

In 1599 a theatre was built on the south bank of the River Thames. It was named the Globe. This was the theatre where Shakespeare's company performed. Work at the theatre made Shakespeare a wealthy person. He was not only a playwright, he also took part in theatrical performances.

Later years

Several years before his death Shakespeare moved to Stratford. He died on 23 April 1616. Some research shows that at the end of his life he was in poor health.

Shakespeare’s works

Among his works there are such masterpieces of the world literature as "Romeo and Juliet", "A midsummer night's dream", "Othello", "King Lear", "Hamlet" and many others. Apart from that Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets.

William Shakespeare's influence extends from theatre and literature to present-day movies, Western philosophy, and the English language itself.

Ранние годы

Уильям Шекспир был английским поэтом, драматургом и актером. Он родился в 1564 году в городе Стратфорд-апон-Эйвон. Его отец, Джон Шекспир, был успешным ремесленником. Уильям был третьим ребенком в семье. Всего у его родителей было восемь детей. Уильям Шекспир посещал стратфордскую грамматическую школу.

В 1582 году Шекспир женился на Энн Хатауэй, дочери местного землевладельца. На тот момент Шекспиру было 18 лет, а Энн была на 8 лет старше его. В 1583 году Энн родила дочь Сьюзен. В 1585 году у пары родилась двойня – сын Хэмнет и дочь Джудит. К сожалению, Хэмнет, единственный сын Уильяма Шекспира, умер в 11 лет.

Жизнь в Лондоне

Позже Шекспир переехал в Лондон. Он много лет жил и работал в этом городе. В то время Шекспир написал большинство своих произведений и стал успешным драматургом. Его труппа была одной из лучших в Лондоне.

В 1599 году на южном берегу Темзы был построен театр. Его назвали "Глобус". В этом театре выступала труппа Шекспира. Работа в театре сделала Шекспира состоятельным человеком. Он был не только драматургом, он также принимал участие в театральных представлениях.

Последние годы

За несколько лет до своей смерти Шекспир переехал в Стратфорд. Он умер 23 апреля 1616 года. Некоторые исследования свидетельствуют о том, что в конце жизни Шекспир болел.

Творчество Шекспира

Среди его работ – такие шедевры мировой литературы, как "Ромео и Джульетта", "Сон в летнюю ночь", "Отелло", "Король Лир", "Гамлет" и многие другие. Кроме того, Шекспир написал 154 сонета.

Влияние работ Уильяма Шекспира огромно: от театра и литературы до современного кинематографа, западной философии и английского языка в целом.

preparing and selling soft leather, became alderman and later high bailiff.

Shakespeare was educated at Stratford Grammar School. When he was eighteen, he

married Anne Hathaway – eight years older than he and already, she was pregnant.

Six months later their daughter Susanna was born. They had twins, a boy Hamnet

and a girl named Judith, two years later.

There are no records of Shakespeare’s life during the seven years that

followed, ?the lost years’. But by 1592 he was already an established actor and

playwright in London. He joined the Lord Chamberlain’s Men in 1594, working as

a leading actor and dramatist. By 1599 this all-male company of experienced and

talented players – no women appeared on the stage until the Restoration – had

built their own theatre, the Globe. Its owners were seven member of the company,

including Shakespeare himself, who shared in its profits. For the next decade

the Globe, on the Thames at Bankside, was to be London’s chief theatre, and the

home of Shakespeare’s work. Many of his greatest plays were written during

these ten years, and were acted there. Both Queen Elizabeth, and after her

James I, showed the company many favors.

In 1613, during a performance of Henry VIII, the Globe was destroyed by

fire. But the Lord Chamberlain’s men, by now called the King’s Men, had four

years earlier leased a second, smaller playhouse, the Blackfriars. This was an

indoor theatre, unlike the Globe which was open to the sky, and it had the

technical facilities for scenic effects – a fact which probably accounts for the

spectacular element in Shakespeare’s late plays.

In 1612, Shakespeare, it seems, went home. His son Hamnet had died when

only eleven, but his two daughters were in Stratford-upon-avon with his wife

Anne. He was now a wealthy man and had, as long before as 1597, bought a

handsome house, New Place, the second largest in Stratford. It had two gardens,

two orchards, and two barns. Here, with his family, he spent the last years of

Shakespeare remained friends with actors and poets, worked sometimes,

and visited London. He bought a house in Blackfriars in 1613. He died on April

23rd, 1616, after entertaining Ben Jonson and Michael Drayton at New Place. He

is buried at Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-avon. He wrote thirty-seven plays.

Бондарь Светлана Николаевна

William Shakespeare is the greatest of all playwrights and poets of all times. The name of William Shakespeare is known all over the world. The last half of the 16-th and the beginning of the 17-th centuries are known as the Golden Age of English Renaissance and, sometimes are called ‘The Age of Shakespeare. ’People often call Shakespeare ‘Our National Bard ,’ ‘The Immortal Poet of Nature. ’We really know few facts of his life and many of them are doubtful. But some facts are known to us and are proved by documents.

The first facts of Shakespeare’s biography are that he was born on April 23,1564 in Stratford-on-Avon. His father was a dealer in corn, meat, wool. William’s mother was a daughter of rich farmer in the village of Wilmcote. He probably attended the local grammar school and got a classical education.

We also know, that being 18 years old, he married Anne Hathaway, who was 9 years older that himself. They had a daughter Susanna and twins-son Hamnet and daughter Judith.

The major masterpieces

Listen to this extract from one of Shakespeare’s plays and tell
play us what it is from

To be, or not to be, that is the question:

Whether’tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune:

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

And by opposing, end them?

This extract from “Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”

“To be or not to be,
that is the question”

  • Это высказывание знакомо всем, но не все знают о существовании других высказываний Шекспира.
  • Try to translate some of them:
  • 1.The beginning at the end.- Начало конца.
  • 2.The whirling of time.- Превратности судьбы.
  • 3.There’s the rub.- Вот в чём загвоздка.
  • 4.All is well that ends well- Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается.

5.To win golden opinions- Заслужить благоприятное мнение.

Shakespeare was a great poet and would be well known for his poetry alone. His major achievement as a poet is sonnets. A sonnet is a poem consisting of 14 lines, with a moral at the end. He wrote 154 sonnets. They are very popular and loved by our people. They are full of harmony and music, they praise love, friendship and beauty, thouth there is no sentimentality in them.

That time of year thou mayst in me behold

When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang

Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,

Bare ruin’ d choirs where late the sweet birds sang.

‘Goodbye love’. Sonnet LXXIII.

Shakespeare’s poetry is at the summit of human achievement

It’s known that only in 1616 at the height of his fame, Shakespeare returned to Stratford, where in April,23,1616 he died. He was buried in a fine old church in Stratford.

There are many monuments to Shakespeare in Stratford. Many centuries have passed since his death, but Shakespeare is still considered to be the greatest of all playwrights and poets.

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