Реферат по английскому за 11 класс

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

The official name of this country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is divided into four parts: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. The British Isles are group of islands lying off the north -west coast of the continent of Europe. England, Wales and Scotland are in Great Britain, Northern Ireland is situated in the north-easten part of Ireland. There are no high mountains, no very long rivers,no great forest in U.K. The climate of the British Isles is not very cold in winter and never hot in summer. The population of the U.K. is almost fifty six million. Britain is an industrial country. A lot of things such as clothes, food, planes, cars and many others are made in U.K. In the U.K. there are a lot of cattle-farms. The U.K. is a parlamentary manarchy. Great Britain is a capitalist country.


There were numerous different youth organizations in Britain. Some were large, and some small, some nation-wide and some local. Probably the largest were the Boy Scouts and Girls Guides Associations and the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association), and the YWCA (Young Women's Christian Association) or simply "y" for short. The Boy Scouts and the Girls Guides were for scool-age teen-agers and the YMCA and the YWCA were for scool-leavers, college students and young people who had already started working Boy Scouts and Girls Guides had to do one good deed every day, to develop themselves mentally and physically. In summer they went camping in tents with everything done by young people themselves. At the YMCA and the YWCA more attention was paid for sport and different social events, such as outing in the country, dances, debates, amateur activities, etc.

These organizations were founded in the nineteenth century. Officialy they were non-political, but in reality they aimed not to let young people think about social and political problems in their country, to bring them up in the spirit of nationalizm. Boy Scouts and Girs Guides, for example, promised to be true to the king (queen) and had to salute the British flag at their meetings.

London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It is situated on the both banks of the Thames. London is one of the largest cities in the world. It's population is more than 9 million people. London was founded more then twenty centuries ago.

The East End includes the poorer districts, the industrial center, the port, the London docks. The streets here are narrow and dirty, the houses are poor. Working class families live here. London is famous for its wonderful places of interest such as the British Museum, the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, and many others.

Sightseenings of London.

The Tower of London is the most famous of all the historical buildings in London. It stands today almost unchanged since first it was built in the 11th centure. In the past the Tower of London served both as a palace and as a state prison, but it is only a museum today.

St Paul's Cathedral is the greatest work of England's greatest architector Christopher Wren. The cathedral was begun in 1675 . It was opened in 1697 but was finished only in 1710, when Wren was almost eighy years old. There are memorials to many famous men of England in the Cathedral.

Trafalgar Square is in the centre of the West End of London. On the north side is the National Gallery; in the north-east corner is the National Portrait Gallery, and in the centre is Nelson's Column with the figure of the great seamen.

Trafalgar Square is the place where mass meetings and demonstrations for peace and for working people's rights take place.

"Big Ben" is the name of the great bell which strikes the hour. It is in the clock Tower of the Houses of Parlament.

Westminster Abbey is the historic building in London to which every visitor sooner or later goes. The Abbey was founded in the 11th centure. Many of Great Britain's famous men are buried in Westminster Abbey.

Piccadilli Circus is a square in the central part of London. London's best-known theatres and cinemas and most famous restaurants are on Piccadilly Circus. In the square you can see people of many nationalities and hear a lot of different languages.

Hyde Park is the largest park in the West End of London. In the 19th century it became a popular place for public meetings.

The British Museum is one of the largest museums in the world. It consists of the National Library and Museum of History, Archaelogy, Art and Ethnography.

Protection of Environment.

This problem must be solved if we want to preserve life on our planet. This problem is global problem that's why all countries of the world, all people, young and old, must take an active part in the protection of natural resources rationly. Factoriyes and plants must have purification systems to preserve the purity of water, air and soil.

We must take care of plants, trees, animals, birds and fishes, especially of those that are dying out.

We also have a Red Book where rare and dying out plants, birds, animals are registered. Though the role of people in the solution of ecological problems has greatly increased, we can't say that we are doing all in our power, to stop harmful processes in preserving the environment.

The folowing radical measures must be taken:

1. The replanting of trees that have been cut down;

2. Nuclear tests should be stopped;

3. Purificution systems must be installed at plants and factories;

4. Natural resources should be used more rationally;

5.Rare and dying out birds, animals and plant's should be protected;

6.Precaution measures should be taken against the destruction of the ozone layer.

Sport holds an important place in our life. When we listen to the radio in the morning, we can always hear sport news. When we open a newspaper, we can always find information about some game or other or an article about our favourite kind of sports.

Television programmes about sport are also very popular, and we can watch something interesting every day.

Sport helps people to keep in good health. Sport also makes us more organized in our daily activities.

National game and sports competitions are popular in our country. People go in for many kinds of sports. There are sports grounds near every school, every institute, every factory and plant. Besides there are sports clubs and sport school in every town. Many people go there for training.

As to me I go in for table-tennis. I like this kind of sport. My friend likes table-tennis too. We often play it both. There are many sport teams at school. They are a football team, a voley-ball team, a basket-ball team, a table-tennis team.

1. Does sport hold an inportant place in our life?

2. What can we always hear, when we listen to the radio?

3. What can we alway find, when we open a newspaper?

4. Are television programmes about sports also very popular?

5. Does sport help people to keep in good health?

6. Does sport also make us more organized in our daily activities?

7. Are National game and sports competitions popular in our

8. Who go in for many kinds of sports?

9. Are there sports grounds near every school, every institute,

every factory and plants? 10. Are there sports clubs and sports school in every town? 11. Do many people go there the training? 12. What kind of sports do i go in for? 13. I like this kind of sport, don't I? 14. Does my friend like table-tennis too? 15. How do we often play it? 16. Are there many sport teams at school? 17. What teams are at school?

Modern life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on bussines or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by rail, by see or by road.

Travelling by air is the fastest and the most convinient way, but it is the most expensive too. To my mind travelling by train is more interesting. You can see interesting places of the country you are travellin throught. Modern trains have very comfortable seats. There are also sleeping carriages and a diningcarrige which make even the longest journey enjoyable.

Travelling by sea is very popular. On board of ship you can enjoy your trip. There are tennis and badminton grounds, a swimming-pool, a sinema and a dancing hall there. Some people prefer travelling by car. If you heve your own car you may go to the Black Sea, where there are a lot of rest-houses, sanatoriums and tourist camps. In the daytime you can have a nice opportunity to play voleyball, swim in the warm water of the sea and sunbathe. In the evening you like to sit on the beach watching the sea and enjoying the sunset.

As for me I'm a hiker. I like to go on a hike to the mountins or to the forest. You go agree with me that it is pleasant to gather mushrooms and berries in the forest, swim in the river, make a fire and prepare meals on it. On my week-end I take a tent, a rucksack and go to railway station take the train. In an hour I find myself out of noisy city. The air is fresh, birds sing their merry songs. To make my long story short I'd like to say that travelling is one of my hobbies. Travelling helps me to see to coutry-side better, to know about customs and traditions of the Republic, to meet people and make friends with them.

My favorit season.

There are four seasons in the year. There are winter, spring, summer and autumn. My favorit season is summer, because I was born in summer. It is warm and sometimes hot. There are many fruits, berries and vegatables. In summer I can spend my time on the beach of lakes and rivers. I swim in lakes and rivers. I can drive my bicycle and our car. We go to the forest for looking for berries and mushrooms. We go to Slonim for a month. My grandmother and grandfather live there. My sister and I help them in the garden. And of course I like Summer very much because there is the longest holiday in summer.

My Working Day.

I am Andrew Kiporuk. I am a puple of the 10th form. I get ut ap 7 o'clock. I wash myself and dress.I make a bed. My friend come to me at half past 7 and we go to the school. At school I have 7 lessons. I come back home at 3 o'clock. I have dinner. Then I walk with my dog. Then Help my mother at home. Sometime go for shopping, pour the flowers. I begin to do my homework at 5 o'clock. I watch TV very seldom, because I have many home task. Sometime I sit at my computer. Sometime Andrey Saynov comes to me. We talk about our school business. He studied in colledge. I listen to the music very often. I have supper at 7 o'clock. After 8 o'clock my brothers come to me. And we play on the computer. At 10 o'clock I go to bed.

Сделайте индивидуальный заказ на нашем сервисе. Там эксперты помогают с учебой без посредников Разместите задание – сайт бесплатно отправит его исполнителя, и они предложат цены.

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Вы работаете с экспертами напрямую. Поэтому стоимость работ приятно вас удивит

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Исполнитель внесет нужные правки в работу по вашему требованию без доплат. Корректировки в максимально короткие сроки

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Техподдержка 7 дней в неделю

Наши менеджеры всегда на связи и оперативно решат любую проблему

Строгий отбор экспертов


Требуются доработки?
Они включены в стоимость работы

Работы выполняют эксперты в своём деле. Они ценят свою репутацию, поэтому результат выполненной работы гарантирован





Спасибо большое Анне! Она меня спасла. Выполнила работу за одну ночь, ответственно подошла к выполнению задания и качественно его выполнила! Рекомендую

Последние размещённые задания

Ежедневно эксперты готовы работать над 1000 заданиями. Контролируйте процесс написания работы в режиме онлайн

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На тему "Угрозы экономической безопасности и механизм их реализации"

Статья, экономика и аудит

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Контрольная, Морская Астрономия

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выполнить задания по экономике фирмы

Бизнес-план, экономика фирмы и бизнес-планирование

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Решить две задачи

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Контрольная, финансы железных дорог

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Помочь с проектом по предпринимательству и проектной деятельности

Контрольная, Проектная деятельность

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Размещенные на сайт контрольные, курсовые и иные категории работ (далее — Работы) и их содержимое предназначены исключительно для ознакомления, без целей коммерческого использования. Все права в отношении Работ и их содержимого принадлежат их законным правообладателям. Любое их использование возможно лишь с согласия законных правообладателей. Администрация сайта не несет ответственности за возможный вред и/или убытки, возникшие в связи с использованием Работ и их содержимого.

What can you tell your English-speaking partner about Russia as the biggest country in the world (it’s geographical position, its weather and climate, etc.)?

What makes you proud of your Motherland (classic and modern writers, scientists, politicians, etc. )?

Why does Russia attract tourists from all over the world? What would you show to your friends in your country?

What cities, lakes, rivers is Russia famous for? Talk your partner into visiting them.

2. Moscow.

Is Moscow really a political, cultural and scientific center of Russia? Prove it.

What facts from the history of Moscow could be interesting to your friends from other countries?

Have you ever been to Moscow? What surprised you most of all?

What places (towers, streets, squares, churches, museums, concert halls, theatres, monuments, etc.) is Moscow famous for?

Which of them would you like to show to your friends coming to Moscow for a visit?

3. My School. My future career.

What would you like to do after school? Was it your own decision?

Who helped you to make your decision?

Have you tried a part-time or summer job to find out what interests you most of all? What professions are in demand now?

What are advantages and disadvantages of your future profession/job?

Which of your personal characteristics will help you to succeed in your career? Which qualities of your character would you like to develop? Why?

Why teaching as a career is so important? I interview your teacher of English.

4. Youth problems.

You’ve got a lot of really difficult problems to solve, haven’t you? Share them with your

What jobs, attitudes, looks, arts, books, outfits, hobbies are popular among the teenagers?

Would you like to get a good education? Why? Where?

Is it easy for a teenager to get a job and to earn some money? Have you ever tried to? Say a few words

about your experience.

Do you always understand your parents? Do they understand you?

What are the reasons of misunderstanding?

Do you spend much time with your friends?

What do you usually talk about? How do you choose friends?

What do you value in yourself, in your friends?

5. Sport. Healthy living guide.

How does your health depend on your life style?

Is sport a hobby or part of your everyday life?

Why is it important to exercise every day?

What do you do to keep fit?

Would you like to be a professional sportsman? Talk about its advantages and disadvantages.

What famous sportsman do you know?

What questions would you ask him/her if you were a correspondent?

What sports are popular in your family?

Do your parents do sports regularly? Do you do it together? Is sport popular in Britain/America/Russia?

Which sports are especially popular in these countries?

6. Travelling.

Why is travelling so popular?

Do you (your family) travel? How often? Where and why?

Speak about the most interesting trip you have ever made.

Would you prefer to go abroad or to discover your own country? Explain why.

Why does Russia attract so many tourists from all over the world?

What would you show to your friends from other countries? Have you ever been to English-speaking countries? Anywhere abroad? Share your impressions.

7. Environment. Ecological problems.

Why are people so interested in environmental protection?

How does your health and your life depend on the environment? Give your reasons.

Who needs protection nowadays (people, animals, plants, oceans, etc.)?

Can you name any society fighting fog environmental protection? What do they do?

Для проведения исследовательской работы мы предлагаем довольно интересные и непростые темы проектов по английскому языку для 11 класса школы, гимназии или лицея, большинство из которых являются актуальными на сегодняшний день и касающимися проблем и увлечений современной англоязычной и русскоязычной молодежи.

Одиннадцатиклассники у нас могут легко выбрать темы творческих проектов по английскому языку в 11 классе в области английского молодежного сленга и заимствований в языке, мифологии, истории, традиций и фольклора британского народа, культуры и праздников Британии, в области СМИ, мирового кинематографа, литературы и ее перевода, образования в Великобритании и США, политики, музыки, погоды, этикета и рекламы.

Среди предлагаемых тем проектов по английскому языку для 11 классов есть темы с формулировками на английском или на русском языках, любую из тем можно изменять на свое усмотрение, сокращать или усложнять, консультироваться с учителем.

Будущие выпускники, учащиеся 11 класса, заинтересованы в более современных, новых, интересных темах исследовательских проектов по английскому языку, темы об экзаменах и поступлении в высшие учебные заведения США, Великобритании, Канады, о культуре речи при общении в социальных сетях, проблемы защиты авторских прав в сети Интернет, темы на политическую и социально-культурную тематику.

Темы проектов по английскому языку для 11 класса

Темы индивидуальных исследовательских проектов по английскому языку для учеников 11 класса:

Diana who is she. Beloved by the world and hated by the royal family?
English neologisms
Forever Changing Mr. Language: from History to Modern Days.
Henry VIII. Intrigue at the Tudor Court.
Men and Women at War
Modern English literature. Гарри Поттер - герой нашего времени?
Modern inventions in our life
Particularities of informal subculture of youth associations and its role in historical dynamics.
Proper words in proper places
Punctuation in english
Russian-British diplomatic relationships.
Slang as a part of the language of teenagers.
SMS - новая форма общения
Some rules of security about chatting in the Internet. Advantage and disadvantage of communicating there.
The greatest discovery of our times.
The influence of Great Depression
The right to be different.
The world of Idioms
Time tense activity
Welcome to Sakha Magic Land.
What are the historical and cultural meaning of traditions and national holidays of Great Britan.
William Shakespeare, a Sweet Swan of Avon.
Азы английского сленга и особенности употребления фразеологических единиц в разговорной речи и в молодёжной среде.
Английские заимствования в современном русском языке
Английские пословицы и поговорки учат, воспитывают, помогают жить.
Англицизмы как один из способов образования компьютерного сленга.
Англоязычные заимствования в русской прессе
Взаимное влияние русского и английского языков.
Влияние мифологии на культуру англоязычных стран
Влияние языка СМИ на языковую культуру общества.
Газета как зеркало современного языка
Градостроительство в Лондоне.
Деловой английский в практическом применении.
Другие страны, другие нравы и обычаи
Загадочные места мира
Загадочные места Великобритании.
Загадочные места Шотландии.
Заимствования из английского языка русским языком новейшего времени. Иностранные слова в молодежном жаргоне.
Заимствования. Причины заимствований англицизмов в современном русском языке.
Иноязычная лексика в периодических изданиях 80-х - 90-х гг. XX в. и ее использование для создания комического эффекта.
Иноязычная речевая деятельность как составляющая коммуникативной компетенции.
Использование песенных материалов на уроках английского языка. Лексико-грамматический аспект.
Исторические аспекты заимствований в английском языке.
История и традиции Шотландии

Реклама в интернете (Advertisement in electronic commerce).
Реклама как средство изучения английского языка.
Рождество в англоговорящих странах
Рождество в Великобритании и России.
Роль речевого этикета в изучении иностранного языка.
Российские реалии в англоязычной прессе.
Рэп: история развития стиля.
Рок: история развития стиля.
Поп: история развития стиля.
Техно: история развития стиля.
Словарь фразеологизмов и фразовых глаголов для изучения делового английского языка.
Сокращения в военных текстах в современном английском языке.
Состояние и перспективы развития нового лингвистического явления "международный английский" в условиях глобализации.
Социокультурный комментарий и его роль в выполнении художественного перевода с английского языка на русский.
Стилистические особенности синтаксиса разговорной речи американских подростков: гендерный подход.
Стилистические функции контекста контраста (на материале романа С. Моэма "Луна и грош").
Структурно-семантические и коммуникативно-прагматические особенности уточняющих вопросов в английских художественных текстах.
Тематическая лексика в английском языке. Подготовка к ЕГЭ.
Транснациональные компании (Multinational corporations).
Фразеологические прозвища английских, американских и российских политиков, деятелей культуры и спорта.
Экзамены в разных странах
Экзамены в Великобритании.
Экстремальные погодные явления, недавно обрушившиеся на Россию и Великобританию.
Языковые и стилистические особенности песенного творчества Пинк.

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Ленобласть распределит в школы прибывающих из Донбасса детей

Время чтения: 1 минута

Минпросвещения России подготовит учителей для обучения детей из Донбасса

Время чтения: 1 минута

В Ростовской и Воронежской областях организуют обучение эвакуированных из Донбасса детей

Время чтения: 1 минута

В Швеции запретят использовать мобильные телефоны на уроках

Время чтения: 1 минута

Минобрнауки и Минпросвещения запустили горячие линии по оказанию психологической помощи

Время чтения: 1 минута

В Белгородской области отменяют занятия в школах и детсадах на границе с Украиной

Время чтения: 0 минут

Подарочные сертификаты

Ответственность за разрешение любых спорных моментов, касающихся самих материалов и их содержания, берут на себя пользователи, разместившие материал на сайте. Однако администрация сайта готова оказать всяческую поддержку в решении любых вопросов, связанных с работой и содержанием сайта. Если Вы заметили, что на данном сайте незаконно используются материалы, сообщите об этом администрации сайта через форму обратной связи.

Все материалы, размещенные на сайте, созданы авторами сайта либо размещены пользователями сайта и представлены на сайте исключительно для ознакомления. Авторские права на материалы принадлежат их законным авторам. Частичное или полное копирование материалов сайта без письменного разрешения администрации сайта запрещено! Мнение администрации может не совпадать с точкой зрения авторов.

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