Pedagogical research in kazakhstan реферат

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

В результате этих прогнозов вполне ожидаемыми представляются наращивание социального опыта и позитивное решение проблем гендерного просвещения и гендерно-чувствительного образования, которые во многом обусловят преодоление гендерного дисбаланса и гендерного неравенства в обществе.


В ходе изучения гендерных идей в истории педагогической мысли Казахстана мы пришли к следующим выводам:

  • соотнесенность компонентов воспитания как ключевой категории педагогики с составляющими гендера позволяет раскрыть его педагогическую сущность;
  • раскрытие педагогической сущности гендера позволяет установить генезис его развития в конкретном культурном сообществе, в контексте нашего исследования специфика формирования нового гендерного порядка детерминирована тем, что он унаследовал наряду с элементами советского прошлого и традиционную иерархию гендерных отношений, возрожденных и трансформированных в новые нетрадиционные характеристики мужских и женских ролей;
  • изучение генезиса гендерных идей в педагогике целесообразно проводить на основе ранжирования эмпирических предпосылок и теоретических истоков, это позволило интерпретировать западную теорию феминизма в контексте гендерных моделей казахской этнопедагогики, источниковедческой базой которой являются казахская народная педагогика и древние учения востока;
  • в разные эпохи и в разных социокультурных условиях трансформируясь и приобретая разную степень актуальности, гендерные идеи в педагогике свои истоки берут в эмпирическом педагогическом опыте народов и постоянно находятся в фокусе научно-педагогических исследований;
  • базируясь на идеях природосообразности, культуросообразности и народности, гендерные идеи находят свое воплощение в этносоциальноролевом подходе, имеющем методологическую значимость для формирования гендерного подхода в педагогике, что позволяет обогащать теоретико-методологическую базу гуманистической парадигмы современной системы образования;
  • анализ исторически сложившихся моделей гендера в системе этнонациональной идентификации и этнонационального этикета позволяет выявить позитивный опыт для развития идей личностно-ориентированной педагогики с опорой на половозрастную дифференциацию в процессе обучения и воспитания.

Проведенное диссертационное исследование дает основание выдвинуть ряд рекомендаций по развитию и реализации гендерных идей в современной системе образования Казахстана:

Проведенное исследование и полученные результаты не претендуют на исчерпывающее решение всех аспектов исследуемой проблемы. Ее дальнейшая теоретическая и практическая разработка может быть продолжена в таких направлениях, как разработка этнопедагогических моделей гендерного образования, управленческих аспектов деятельности учебных заведений раздельного обучения, изучение гендерных идей в сравнительной педагогике и др.

Сведения об опубликованных научно-методических работах

Т йін

Ж банова Ба дат Хорезм ызы

аза станны педагогикалы ойлар тарихында ы гендерлік идеялар

13.00.01 – Жалпы педагогика, педагогика мен білім беру тарихы, этнопедагогика

Педагогика ылымы мен практикасыны білім беруді азіргі жйесіндегі реформаларды арындылыы мен ауымдылыын болжайтын оам мірінде болып жатан згерістерге сай жауап беру ажеттілігі зерттеу жмысы таырыбыны зектілігін айындайды.

Педагогикадаы гендерлік зерттеулерді зектілігі тмендегі мселелермен аныталады: биологиялы жынысты объективті ерекшеліктерін жне еркек пен йелді, лдар мен ыздарды леуметтік (ментальды) згешеліктерін айындайды; сондытан да жынысты дифференциация туралы ана емес, педагогикадаы гендерлік проблематика жнінде сз озаан артыыра; жыныс мселесін ылымны ртрлі саласындаы зерттеулер (миды жарты шебер ассиметриясыны концепциясы мен эволюциялы биологиядаы жыныс дифференциациясы, психологиядаы жыныс сипаттамасы жне т.б.) ттас педагогикалы гендерлік (жынысты емес) жйелілік жне ттасты тжырымдамасын зірлеуде педагогикалы тсініктемені ажет етеді; халыты эмпирикалы тжірибесіндегі, ежелгі философия ілімдеріндегі, классикалы педагогиканы теориялы аидаларындаы жыныс мселесі оны педагогикалы ойлар тарихыны дамуын зерттеу ажеттілігін айындайды.

Зерттеуді ма саты: гендерлік мселені ылыми-педагогикалы негіздерін анытау жне гендерлік идеяларды азастан педагогикасы мен білім беру тарихында жзеге асыруды отайлы тжірибесін айындау.

Зерттеу нысаны: педагогикадаы гендерлік мселесіні генезисі.

Зерттеу п ні: азастан педагогикасы мен білім беру тарихында гендерлік идеяларды жзеге асыруды отайлы тжірибесі.

Зерттеуді діснамалы ж не теориялы негіздері жыныс диалектикасы туралы философияны бастапы ережелері, таным теориясы, жынысты дифференциация теориясы, мдениет теориясы, гендерді азіргі теориясы, этнопедагогика мен этнопсихология жіне гендерологияны ылыми тжырымдамалары, географиялы жне мдениет детерминизмні этнологиялы тжырымдамалары болып табылады.

Зерттеуді н тижелері:

Зерттеу н тижелерін ендіру де гейі ылыми басылымдарда (Поиск, 2005; Менеджмент в образовании, 2005; Высшая школа Казахстана, 2005; лт таылымы, 2005; Этнопедагогика в системе образования, 2005) жары крген, халыаралы (Жезказган, 2004; Алматы, 2005; араанды, 2005; Атырау, 2005; Алматы-Москва, 2006; Днепропетровск, 2008), айматы (араанды, 2004) ылыми-практикалы конференцияларда, Е.А.Бкетов атындаы арМУ-ні жалпы педагогика жне ксіби білім мселелрі бойынша ылыми семинарда талылануымен айындалады.

Зерттеу н тижелерін олдану саласы жоары жне арнайы орта оу орындарында, мамандарды ксіби даярлауды жетілдіру масатында, сонымен атар педагогикалы кадрларды біліктілігін жетілдіру жйесінде олдануа болатындыымен аныталады.


Zhubanova Bagdat Khorezimovna

“Gender ideas in the history of pedagogical thought of Kazakhstan”

13.00.01 – General pedagogics

The necessity of adequate reaction of pedagogical science and practice of changes in the society life which determines the intensity and reforms hugeness of the modern educational system defines the importance of the research theme. Positively directed to the integration in the world educational space, sometimes they do not meet one of the foundational pedagogical principles – the cultureconsistency principle.

The principle of nationality unites these two principles and predetermines originality of empirical experience of specific ethnocultural community in the matter of upbringing of boys and girls, men and women. In other words, the principle of natureconsistency in this context is defined by the category “sex” and its derivatives “sexual identity”, “sexual differentiation”, “sexual upbringing”, “sexual roles”,etc., the first. The second, the principle of cultureconsistency is defined by the category “gender” and its derivatives “gender identity”, “gender roles”, “gender interrelations”, “gender upbringing”,etc. The third, given conceptual structures form the basic world tableau depending on peculiarities of history and social structure, nature, traditional types of activity and other forms of displays of the specific nation-cultural community.

The actuality of gender researches are defined by the following moments in pedagogics:

  • objectively attending peculiarities of biological sex determine and social differences of men and women, boys and girls;
  • under these conditions it’s necessary not only to speak about sex differences, but about gender problems in pedagogics;
  • existing researches of sex problems in different spheres of scientific knowledge are needed in pedagogical interpretation, in devising of harmonious and integral conceptions of gender in pedagogics;
  • regular presence of sex problem in empirical experience of peoples, in philosophical studies of antiquity, in theoretical conceptions of>

The aim of the research: definition of the scientific-pedagogical basis of gender problems and revelation the positive experience of realization of gender ideas in pedagogics history and Kazakhstan educational system.

The research object: The genesis of gender problems in pedagogics.

The research subject: The positive experience of gender ideas realization in pedagogics history and Kazakhstan educational system.

The research leading idea: Optimum of gender problems solving in modern pedagogical science and practice depends on scientific cognition, generalization and creative re-understanding of historical experience in the given problem.

Methodological basis of the research are the fundamental status of philosophy about sex dialectics, the theory of cognition, modern gender theories, the culture theory, ethnological conceptions of geographic and cultural determination, ethnopedagogical conceptions and ethnopsychology.

The educational system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages – Kazakh and Russian. The educational system consists of several levels of state and private educational establishments: infant schools, elementary (or primary) schools, comprehensive schools, colleges and universities. Pre-school education consists of kindergarten, where parents take their children to the age of three to four years. Secondary education is compulsory. Secondary general education in Kazakhstan has 3 levels: elementary, primary and senior. Children start school at the age of 7 and finish at 17. The first stage of education in Kazakhstan is elementary (or primary) school for grades one through four. The second is secondary school for middle grades from five through nine. Upon graduation from secondary school pupils may either attend the same school or go to a vocational or technical school. Upon graduation from high school pupils may enter a University or College. To enter a University, the pupil must pass the uniform national testing.

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Education in Kazakhstan

The educational system in Kazakhstan is conducted in two languages – Kazakh and Russian. The educational system consists of several levels of state and private educational establishments: infant schools, elementary (or primary) schools, comprehensive schools, colleges and universities. Pre-school education consists of kindergarten, where parents take their children to the age of three to four years. Secondary education is compulsory. Secondary general education in Kazakhstan has 3 levels: elementary, primary and senior. Children start school at the age of 7 and finish at 17. The first stage of education in Kazakhstan is elementary (or primary) school for grades one through four. The second is secondary school for middle grades from five through nine. Upon graduation from secondary school pupils may either attend the same school or go to a vocational or technical school. Upon graduation from high school pupils may enter a University or College. To enter a University, the pupil must pass the uniform national testing. The marks in the certificate of secondary education are also taken into account. Students may get free-of-charge higher education in the higher educational institution and the limited number of the state grants is given each academic year on a competitive basis. Entry to higher institution is quite competitive. Students which well study receive the grant.

The system of higher education prepares highly - skilled experts on economy, transport, agriculture, medicine, languages and others.

In 1990 the first private school appeared in Almaty. Today there are more than 200 private secondary and high schools in the country. For the last two years the number of non- government higher education institutions has increased twice.

There are also special schools, which offer a more in-depth study of European languages (English, German) or physics and mathematics courses. Today the young people of Kazakhstan have the opportunity to choose and acquire various types of education and build their lives according to their ambitions.

Образование в Казахстане

Система образования в Казахстане ведется на двух языках - казахском и русском. Образовательная система состоит из нескольких уровней, государственных и негосударственных образовательных учреждений: детских дошкольных учреждений, начальной (или основной) школы, общеобразовательных школ, колледжей и университетов. Дошкольное образование включает детский сад, где родители отдают детей в возрасте трех-четырех лет. Среднее образование является обязательным. Общее среднее образование в Казахстане имеет 3 ступени: начальное, младших и старших. Дети начинают ходить в школу в возрасте 7 лет и окончание в 17. Первый этап образования в Казахстане является начальной (или основной) школы для учеников с первого по четвертый. Второй средней школы для средних классах от пяти до девяти. После окончания средней школы учащиеся могут либо присутствовать на одной и той же школе или пойти в ПТУ или техникум. После окончания средней школы учащиеся могут поступать в университет или колледж. Чтобы поступить в университет, ученик должен пройти единое национальное тестирование. Отметок в аттестат о среднем образовании, также принимаются во внимание. Студенты могут получить бесплатное высшее образование в высшем учебном заведении и ограниченное количество государственных грантов дается каждый учебный год на конкурсной основе. Вступление в высшее учебное заведение, вполне конкурентоспособна. Студенты, которые хорошо учиться, получают стипендию.
Система высшего образования готовит высококвалифицированных специалистов по вопросам экономики, транспорта, сельского хозяйства, медицины, языки и др.
В 1990 году первые частные школы появились в Алматы. На сегодняшний день насчитывается более 200 частных средних и высших учебных заведений в стране. За последние два года число негосударственных высших учебных заведений увеличилось в два раза.
Существуют также специальные школы, которые предлагают более глубокое изучение европейских языков (английский, немецкий) или курсы по физике и математике. Сегодня молодые казахстанцы имеют возможность выбрать и приобрести различные виды образования и строить свою жизнь согласно своим амбициям.

Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion and directed research. Education began in prehistory, as adults trained the young in the knowledge and skills deemed necessary in their society. In pre-literate societies, this was achieved orally and through imitation. Story-telling passed knowledge, values, and skills from one generation to the next. As cultures began to extend their knowledge beyond skills that could be readily learned through imitation, formal education developed. Schools existed in Egypt at the time of the Middle Kingdom. In most countries today, full-time education, whether at school or otherwise, is compulsory for all children up to a certain age. Due to this the proliferation of compulsory education, combined with population growth, UNESCO has calculated that in the next 30 years more people will receive formal education than in all of human history thus far. [1].

People are changing in modern life and educational system is changing, too. I think we cannot achieve pupil’s 100 % effective kickback because education is losing its necessity. The resumes is not required to indicate the level of education. Many professions do not need official paper confirmation. In most cases, a diploma simply cannot confirm real skills. Young people think they risk losing their time for preparing for exams and getting diploma. However, Ministry of Education does everything to educate professional specialists in any sphere. In this work, I am going to identify strong and weak aspects of educational system especially in Kazakhstan and Great Britain.

Educational system of Kazakhstan

The state of modern Kazakhstani education in all its structural divisions — elementary school, secondary school, secondary special educational institutions and higher education, causes serious complaints from almost all the people involved in one way or another: the teaching staff, the students themselves and their parents. Only the officials of the Ministry of Education and Science seem to be happy from year to year reporting on tremendous successes, advancement in world ratings and high results of ISC (ПГК) and UNT(ЕНТ).

First of all, this is a lack of educational institutions themselves, which is why a crowded school is a common fact, which negatively affects the quality of education and the level of knowledge of children.

Secondly, there is a problem of a shortage of specialists, especially with regard to the situation in rural areas, where sometimes, due to the lack of a specialist, training is conducted by a teacher with a different specialization: for example, a philologist give lessons of biology, a physicist — mathematics and chemistry, etc. This shortage of teaching staff is explained, first of all, by the underdeveloped infrastructure of the village and the low salaries of teachers. And it is necessary to solve this problem in a complex.

Thirdly, the general criticism is the low quality of educational literature. It came to the point that the head of state himself touched on this topic in one of his speeches. They made a kind of business out of the textbook production process in which the quality of the content does not even go to the second, but to the third, fourth plan.

Fourth, the process of bureaucratization of the educational process went extremely deep. Countless reports, monitoring and checks do not contribute to the establishment of effective work, both of the teaching staff and of each teacher individually. In fact, the teacher does not have the opportunity to devote himself entirely to the educational process — he is busy with reports, summaries, references, monitoring and other nonsense, confirming that the teacher is doing something.

Certification of teachers turns into a process of stuffing methodological and other folders with pieces of paper. All this together leads to ordinary formalism, destroying everything creative, vibrant and extraordinary.

Finally, bureaucracy, of course, cannot be destroyed, but it is certainly necessary to reduce it to a reasonable minimum. In our opinion, it is necessary to reduce the amount of regulatory documentation required by the ministry from regional education departments, choosing only the monitoring of the most significant indicators of the educational process.

Since its inception in 2004, the Communist People’s Party of Kazakhstan has repeatedly raised the issue of canceling Unified National Testing (UNT) and returning to traditional exams.

People’s Communists believe that the similar form of entrance examinations to universities, which is now accepted in Kazakhstan, namely UNT, is not able to objectively assess students' knowledge, their intellectual baggage and available abilities. Also, UNT assignments do not take into account the specifics of specialized education in grades 10–11 and, therefore, firstly, place graduates in obviously unequal conditions, and secondly, this form of testing students' knowledge is contrary to the goals of the Education Concept itself adopted in Kazakhstan.

In addition, the preparation of UNT and participation in it causes great emotional stress both for students and their teachers and parents. Is that why teenage suicide is on the rise? In addition, the very form of the UNT is not able to effectively resist corruption offenses, as evidenced by systematic annual corruption scandals. Moreover, the UNT system itself serves as an additional catalyst for the penetration of corruption into the education system.

But Kazakhstani educational system has strength, too. In March 2010, Kazakhstan officially joined the Bologna Declaration and became the 47th member of the European Higher Education Area and the first Central Asian state recognized as a full member of the European educational space. After joining the Bologna process, serious changes took place in the higher education system of Kazakhstan that brought, for my opinion, only positive results. [2]

In the ranking of the quality of higher education, the most authoritative is the world ranking of QS universities, which includes the 1000 best universities in the world.

Only ten Kazakhstani universities managed to get into this rating. The best position at the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi (207 place). By 2025, the challenge is to enter the first 150 universities of the rating.

At the beginning of the year, the Voucher cloud portal compiled a list of 25 of the smartest countries in the world. According to the last indicator, Kazakhstan managed to take the ninth place. [3]

Awareness of the possibilities of using compulsory education has caused in society the development of a movement for non-state and even family education, for a larger share of courses on responsible student choice (with the participation of parents and teachers) in the program of secondary schools, support for self-education, lifelong education throughout a person’s active life, out-of-school, distance and additional education, etc.

Scientists at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Eurasian National University have developed a system for online learning. The technology has been used at the university since 2019 and is relevant today during distance learning.

The platform allows conducting lectures online and offline, chatting with teachers and students, tracking lecture attendance, completing tasks, setting grades, conducting trial tests on the materials passed, etc.

According to Daniyar Kozybaev, Dean of the IMF of the ENU, the teacher sees attending an online lecture, how many times the student watched or delivered the lecture, how many times he went into the system, whether he downloaded the assignment or just got acquainted with it, the number of assigned assignments, questions [4]. All statistics are available in the user's account. Most importantly, students can watch the criteria for evaluating their work, as indicated in the assessment section.

Development is popular not only at the university, but also at school. It is interesting that in the team of developers and programmers of the platform there is not a single IT specialist, only mathematicians. The main developer is A. Tanirbergenov, Senior Lecturer, Department of Algebra and Geometry. The development results were reported in January 2020 of the University Methodological Decade. In the future, scientists want to use the system to conduct distance school olympiads and apply in the creation of a virtual (correspondence) mathematics school of the faculty.

Educational system of Great Britain

Great Britain is a country with an education system that has been actively developed for thousand years. Moreover, the UK education system submits to a strict quality standard.

  1. The educational process begins at the age of 5, and the child is systematically beginning to instill a love of knowledge, they are preparing to become a diligent student, they are instilling good manners.
  2. In most of the British educational institutions, highly qualified teachers with academic degrees who help to fully open the student teach.
  3. From an early age, children are accustomed to the test form of knowledge assessment, while in Russia they are only trying to attach to this. But, despite this, tests are not an indicator of knowledge, therefore, this item can be attributed to shortcomings, both in the UK and in Russia.
  4. Education in the UK is consistently maintained at the highest level and is constantly confirmed by international general educational, which facilitates attempts to copy the model of education in other countries. [5]

It is believed that one of the main disadvantages of studying in the UK is its cost. Indeed, not everyone can afford to send a child to a private English school or pay for university tuition themselves, but the cost of studying in the UK is lower than, for example, in the USA, and by prestige it is not at all inferior or even surpasses it.

Secondly, English boarding schools are known for their strict discipline, which is both a plus and a minus. On the one hand, the child will not be left unattended and will not be left to its own devices. On the other hand, such a system provides less flexibility and more adherence to the curriculum and school schedule. The British also consider household asceticism not as a lack of comfort, but as a necessary condition for the formation of character.


Every education system is different from each other, because cultural and mentality difference play an important role in forming that system. So, education systems of some countries have some features which are similar between most countries, however there are some peculiarities that make the education system of a country to stand out from the crowd of other systems. In this report, the distinctiveness of education systems between Kazakhstan and Great Britain would be discussed. Moreover, some similarities and differences for those countries would be shown.

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The article describes the relevance, aspects of the use, efficiency and effectiveness of the updated content of education. Also, the work of teachers, effective active forms of training, the system of criteria assessment and skills of the XXI century.

Updated curriculum is the basis of global changes of secondary education in Kazakhstan

Г.С.Журсумбаева, А.Е.Улыкбекова

Пригородная средняя общеобразовательная школа г.Семей ВКО

«The key priority of educational programms should be the development of the skills

address by the President N.A.Nazarbayev dated by January 10, 2018

The modern world is changing very fast day by day. Technology is developing so rapidly. New machines and gadgets which were considered to be the most modern ones a year before become out-of-date today. And skills which made you successful yesterday might not help you to cope with the problems you are faced today. So, one should be able to adapt to any changes, to gain skills which can be useful to overcome difficulties and achieve goals.

And what can schools of our country teach their students to use their knowledge effectively in real life? Do our graduates have enough skills to be competitive in the modern world of globalization and modernization? The results of PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS conducted by OECD and IEA showed that our students are not so bad at memorizing and recalling, but, unfortunately, they are not so good at applying gained knowledge in different situations of real life i.e., they are lack of twenty-first century skills (created by OECD) such as critical thinking, ability to creatively apply knowledge, ability to solve problems, research skills, communication skills (including language skills), ability to work in groups and individually, ICT skills.

That is why he defined the values and skills of students in the updated general education programs. The values, skills and competencies of the subject are considered. The curriculum for the discipline includes the level of knowledge, skills and competencies in the subject, taking into account the proposed values and skills. That is, these values and skills are defined in the curriculum that teaches the subject, the subject curriculum is the basis of the standard curriculum.

Step 76. Update the school education standards for the phased implementation of 12-year education, the development of functional literacy. Implementing coercive financing in high school, creating a system of incentives for successful schools.

Step 79. In the education system - a phased transition to teaching in high school and university English.

Teachers should be convinced that their teaching activities contribute to the implementation of the educational program and that the evaluation helps the students to deliver the information they need and to support their achievements. This should pay attention to the importance of understanding by teachers three key components of effective learning - an educational program, pedagogical approaches and an evaluation system for students.

Modern pedagogical methods of organizing the educational process within the framework of the renewed educational program:

The sorting method is the active development of students' creative and critical thinking skills and other teaching methods that are of interest to them.

The use of differentiated tasks, differentiated by the method of differentiation, educational and cognitive interests and the help of the teacher, is a prerequisite for differentiated learning activities.

For this reason, teachers should develop and develop the following qualities, using different teaching methods:

recognizing the importance of using the student's knowledge, skills and abilities to listen to his personal opinion about the development of the student;

encouraging and encouraging students through significant differentiated tasks and exercises;

encouragement of research activities and student activities based on decision and analysis of reports;

development of critical thinking skills;

participation of students in the work of individual, couples, groups and activities of the mass class [5]. Basically, the renewed education system is a program of competence and The importance of modern education is critical thinking, research, practice, the use of ICT, communicative communication, individual, teamwork, functional literacy, creativity and effective teaching methods necessary for effective communication and effective implementation.

Using modern methods of teaching and learning to achieve the educational goals of the curriculum:

problem-oriented learning: the student is looking for solutions to the problem that he is facing;

Students independently learn information, communicate with the group, classify them, analyze and solve the knowledge of students, make

research position (what I know, what I want to know or know);

a differentiated approach, allowing in-depth study of the topic;

combination of traditional and new teaching methods;

evaluation of training;

formation of a situation that stimulates students to self-evaluation and self-identification (self- realization).

We have a great deal of work to do to improve the quality of all parts of national education. It’s necessary to improve the standard of teaching in all schools to the level of Nazarbaev Intellectual schools. And teachers should do their best to reach this goal.

Rukovodstvo po kriterialnomu otsenivaniiu dlia uchitelei osnovnoi i obshchei srednei shkol (2016). [The basic and general secondary school curriculum for teacher training]. Astana [in Russian].

Handbook for teachers

Rukovodstvo po kriterialnomu otsenivaniiu dlia uchitelei osnovnoi i obshchei srednei shkol (2016). [The basic and general secondary school curriculum for teacher training]. Astana [in Russian].

Аннотация. Мақалада жаңартылған білім мазмұнының өзектілігі, пайдалану аспектісі, тиімділігі мен нәтижелігі туралы баяндалған. Қазіргі таңдағы мұғалімдердің басшылыққа алатын жұмыстары, тиімді белсенді оқу түрлері, критериалды бағалау жүйесі мен ХХІ ғасыр дағдылары жайлы айтылған.

Аннотация. В статье изложены актуальность, аспекты использования, эффективность и результативность обновленного содержания образования. Также работа учителей, эффективные активные формы обучения, система критериального оценивания и навыках ХХІ века.

Abstract. The article describes the relevance, aspects of the use, efficiency and effectiveness of the updated content of education. Also, the work of teachers, effective active forms of training, the system of criteria assessment and skills of the XXI century. Түйін сөздер: жаңартылған білім мазмұны, дағды, өмір бойы оқу, саралап оқыту, критериалды бағалау, тиімді оқу әдістері, белсенді оқу, сын тұрғысынан ойлау, оқу мақсаты. Ключевые слова: обновленное содержание образования, навыки, учение в течение всей жизни, эффективное обучение, дифференцированное обучение, критериальное оценивание, активные методы обучения, критическое мышление, цель обучения.

Keywords: updated curriculum, skills, lifelong learning, effective learning, differentiated learning, criteria-based assessment, active learning methods, critical thinking, and learning objective.

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