Modern it trends in the professional sphere medicine power etc реферат

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

A team of administrators and other technical staffers deploy and manage the company's IT infrastructure and assets. IT teams depend on a wide range of specialized information and technology skills and knowledge to support equipment, applications and activities. Third-party contractors and IT vendor support personnel augment the IT team.

The information technology profession is extremely diverse: IT workers can specialize in fields like software development, application management, hardware -- desktop support, server or storage administrator -- and network architecture. Many businesses seek IT professionals with mixed or overlapping skill sets.

Common IT careers:

Chief information officer: This person is responsible for IT and computer systems that support the enterprise's goals.

Chief technology officer: This person sets all technology goals and policies within an organization.

IT director: This person is responsible for the function of all of the business's technology tools and processes. This role is commonly called IT manager or IT leader.

Systems administrator: This person configures, manages, supports and troubleshoots a multi-user computing environment. Within an enterprise, this role can be segmented by technology, requiring an administrator or team dedicated to server, desktop, network, virtualization or other components.

Application manager: This person's role centers on the provisioning and management of a high-value business application, such as Exchange.

Developer: This person or team writes, updates and tests code for programs to meet business objectives internally or facing customers.

Architect: This person examines and changes IT functions to best support the business

Stands for "Information and Communication Technologies." ICT refers to technologies that provide access to information throughtelecommunications. It is similar toInformation Technology (IT), but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.

In the past few decades, information and communication technologies have provided society with a vast array of new communication capabilities. For example, people can communicate in real-time with others in different countries using technologies such as instant messaging, voice over IP (VoIP), and video-conferencing. Social networking websites like Facebook allow users from all over the world to remain in contact and communicate on a regular basis.

Modern information and communication technologies have created a "global village," in which people can communicate with others across the world as if they were living next door. For this reason, ICT is often studied in the context of how modern communication technologies affect society.

57.Describe the modern IT trends in the professional sphere

The biggest advantage in using the World Wide Web as a source for research is that it lets us look at specific topics from an interdisciplinary perspective. Due to the large volume of published literature in the library, researchers have had a tendency to stay within their own fields when they search for references. By doing so, they may have been restricting themselves to their own fields and may have had little idea of the kind of studies in other disciplines that may be helpful. This also happens within a single discipline such as Psychology. The developmental psychologists have their own journals while the social psychologists have others, with little chance for the various disciplines to integrate. In looking for information on the Web, searches are often more general in nature, which may bring us information that otherwise may not have caught our attention.

Another advantage in using the Web for academic research is the ability to gain access to the most current information. Since studies can take months (or years) to get published, data can be outdated by the time it reaches the shelves of our libraries. Direct access to current information increases the effectiveness of scientists in their search for information in their areas of interest. This is where the third advantage of using the Web comes in: the Word Wide Web has made it possible for individuals to contact researchers quite easily by using e-mail or campus Web sites. This ease of communication is a tremendous advantage for those of us who are beginning researchers since we are often able to get valuable advice/guidance from the original source of information on the Web. Although we have been and are still somewhat restricted by only having faculty members as our direct source of guidance in our research, this may be slowly changing as we gain the ability to contact many researchers via the Internet.

The internet is an ideal tool for medical literature search, physician education, patient education and telemedicine. Organizations, journals, educational resources, academic departments, patient-oriented, corporate and index sites individual and group practices are some of the categories of websites. Internet based communications are evolving at a tremendous rate. It is very difficult to determine the size and distribution of medical professionals who have access to internet.

Some of the many commonly used internet modalities are e-mail, World Wide Web, News group, real time chat, File Transfer Protocol, Gopher and remote computing applications such as Telnet. The amount of online information is constantly growing at an exponential rate but users should be aware of the critical need for quality control and validation of internet medical resources. Development in the information communication technology had made the whole world a global village with the collapse of traditional constraints of space and time. The convergence of computer and communication technologies has created a new channel of networking, which has revolutionized the traditional communication process by providing required information links and routes throughout the world.

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ICT INFORMation TECHnologies in the PROFESSIONal sphere. Industrial ICT

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ICT INFORMation TECHnologies in the PROFESSIONal sphere. Industrial ICT

ICT INFORMation TECHnologies in the PROFESSIONal sphere. Industrial ICT

Plan 1.The software for the solution of tasks of the specialized professional.

Definitions Managing data – keep track of data about customers, products, dem.

Definitions Managing data – keep track of data about customers, products, demographics and other information important to the business, uses secured mechanisms for storages. Maintain financial status – Keep track of the financial status of the company on an annually, monthly or even day-to-day basis. Communication–Uses e-mails, publishes information on web, keeps in touch with stake holders via social networks, conference meetings avoids the need of physical availability of participants of the meetings. Networking- shares resources, common database of files accessible for authorized members

Definitions Research work – Investigate new products, improve the quality of.

Definitions Research work – Investigate new products, improve the quality of the existing products through effective research. Audio and Video business presentation. Process simulations- The processes allows you to see effect of changes, without having to actually make those changes to your processes, can use to maximize the overall confidence with the proposed changes without implementing. Increase productivity through Industry specific software. Though the typical usage of computers at work has been summarized as above

ICT in Business/Trade and Commerce Nowadays, the business IT specialist appli.

ICT in Business/Trade and Commerce Nowadays, the business IT specialist applies ICT in their organizations to achieve their commercial objectives. It makes them be quick, cheap, and more attractive to the client of their business. One of the major applications of ICT in businesses is the existence of industries where buying and selling of products or services done through internet or other computer networks. This area is called Electronic Commerce or E-commerce. You will learn what e-commerce is deeply in session 25 of this material. However, again for your benefit, a brief description of e-commerce is given below before moving on to the next topic.

ICT in Medicine ICT is used in many ways related to the Medicine sector. E-Me.

ICT in Medicine ICT is used in many ways related to the Medicine sector. E-Medicine is one of such facility. E-Medicine is an online clinical medical knowledge database with a collection of thousands of articles, images, videos which support you to browse and get knowledge in any matter related to the medicine field such as details of diseases, drugs, medications, health news, first-aid guides, etc. Further, you can get the answers for your own health care related question as well.

Work environment It is essential to maintain your best possible work environm.

Work environment It is essential to maintain your best possible work environment to ensure the health and the productivity of all computer users. You may think that you have arranged the furniture and the computer equipment correctly, but still it may give health issues arise if the working environment is poor. Following are the physical aspects that you need to consider with respect to a good working environment.

Working space You must have enough space to perform your tasks safely and com.

Working space You must have enough space to perform your tasks safely and comfortably. The amount of working space depends on the user, nature of work you do, and the devices and the furniture you need to use. Location It is important to think about the visual environment when locating your computer with other peripherals. Lighting You may use artificial to provide lighting, but it is better to go for a combination of natural and artificial light. Decor Too much of dark colors can create contrasts in brightness so that additional lighting is needed. As a general rule the ceiling should be brighter than walls and walls brighter than the floor.

There are four potential health issues identified as associated with computer.

Questions Using suitable examples, describe how computerization would help an.

Questions Using suitable examples, describe how computerization would help an organization to perform more efficiently and effectively. Briefly describe the following terms. a. E-Commerceb. E-Bankingc. E-Medicine What are the advantages of e-learning with respect to both teaching and learning? Briefly explain the nature of the environment that is preferable for a computer based working area.

●Fundamental training of high-qualified specialists in field of informatization of sports sphere. They:

●can design, implement and supply the information systems in sports and social facilities;

●have the competences to apply information technologies in sports and social sphere;

●can generate and realize their ideas in professional life.

Содержимое разработки

Kazakh academy of sport and tourism Information technologies in the professional sphere. Industrial ICT Almaty -2019y

Kazakh academy of sport and tourism

Information technologies in the professional sphere. Industrial ICT

Almaty -2019y

  • Fundamental training of high-qualified specialists in field of informatization of sports sphere. They:
  • can design, implement and supply the information systems in sports and social facilities;
  • have the competences to apply information technologies in sports and social sphere;
  • can generate and realize their ideas in professional life.

ICT Information and communication technologies are those technologies, which enable society to create, collect, consolidate, communicate, manage and process information in multimedia and various digital formats for different purposes by using telecommunication techniques.

Information and communication technologies are those technologies, which enable society to create, collect, consolidate, communicate, manage and process information in multimedia and various digital formats for different purposes by using telecommunication techniques.

Introduction The use of modern ICT in managing material production, culture, everyday life, science, education, in all branches implement through the introduction of computer technology and it is a major factor in the development of society.


It is time that a person without modern technology can not do a day or even just leave the house, because in everyday life people get a lot of information in one day, which they write and carry with them in phones, laptops, etc.

Impact of ICT on Education No country can develop without ICT- based education. It is regarded as the fuel of development. ICT-based education is an important component in the development of new ideas, content and curriculum, and in the creation of materials and methods for teaching . Students need ICT for academic studies; teachers need ICT based information for teaching.

Impact of ICT on Education

No country can develop without ICT- based education. It is regarded as the fuel of development. ICT-based education is an important component in the development of new ideas, content and curriculum, and in the creation of materials and methods for teaching . Students need ICT for academic studies; teachers need ICT based information for teaching.

ICT in education

In online tutoring, the student logs into his or her tutor through the use of internet at home. The student asks the question and teacher replies it by writing on smart board or using PowerPoint presentation.

In online tutoring, the student logs into his or her tutor through the use of internet at home. The student asks the question and teacher replies it by writing on smart board or using PowerPoint presentation.

LEARNING USING ICT ➢ Students use interactive whiteboard in classroom.


Computers have long been used in medicine. Many modern methods of diagnosis are based on computer technology. Such methods of examination as ultrasound or computed tomography are generally inconceivable without a computer. But even in more "old" methods of examination and diagnosis, computers are invading more and more actively.

ICT in Medicine Computers and IT systems help doctors and hospitals deliver effective health care to patients.

ICT in Medicine Computers and IT systems help doctors and hospitals deliver effective health care to patients.

Computerized Prescriptions When a prescription needs to be written for a patient, many doctors will now use a computer rather than writing it by hand.

Computerized Prescriptions

When a prescription needs to be written for a patient, many doctors will now use a computer rather than writing it by hand.

Some examples of new medical tools include: CAT scans (Computer Aided Tomography) MRI scanners (Magnetic resonance Ultrasound scanners X-ray equipment Fiber-optic scopes ECG machines Blood pressure monitor Blood pressure monitor Blood pressure monitor Blood pressure monitor Blood pressure monitor

Some examples of new medical tools include:

Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Blood Oxygen Monitor

It is critical that the level of oxygen in a patient's blood is kept stable. If it goes too low they might become confused and eventually suffer from brain damage.

 Robot surgery Over the past few years there have been many developments in using robots to perform some parts of an operation. Normally, a skilled surgeon will guide the robot to perform the procedure but with a greater accuracy and less damage to tissue than would occur if the surgeon was to do the operation himself. If a patient has an irregular heartbeat then a pacemaker can be fitted during an operation. A pacemaker is a small, battery operated titanium device which is placed into the chest area.

Over the past few years there have been many developments in using robots to perform some parts of an operation.

Normally, a skilled surgeon will guide the robot to perform the procedure but with a greater accuracy and less damage to tissue than would occur if the surgeon was to do the operation himself.

If a patient has an irregular heartbeat then a pacemaker can be fitted during an operation. A pacemaker is a small, battery operated titanium device which is placed into the chest area.

Medical Research Computers are used a great deal in medical. The Pharmaceutical industry uses supercomputers to model how they think new drugs will work.

Medical Research

Computers are used a great deal in medical. The Pharmaceutical industry uses supercomputers to model how they think new drugs will work.

Computers are vital for military purposes. It is an instrumental in the training and education of military forces.

COMPUTERS ARE USED IN:  Communication specializing in military communication to get hands-on training in real world setting.


 Communication

specializing in military

communication to get hands-on training in real world setting.

СOMPUTER SIMULATION - Computer simulations allow the military to train soldiers for severe combat situations without actually having to put them in harm




Impact of ICT on Economic sectors

  • At the present time, ICT has become a serious part of economy. Almost all firms and consumers use computers and Internet connection for economic purposes, such as providing consumers with a more diversified and customized products, improving product quality, and selling goods and services. Evidently, the extension of ICT and its influences on economic growth in both developed and developing countries has increased very fast during the last two decades.

E-business category



 ICT at home

ICT at home



The use of ICT in the home environment is very good. You can make an order sitting at home, as well as do homework and check your estimates

The use of ICT in the home environment is very good. You can make an order sitting at home, as well as do homework and check your estimates

Impact of ICT on professional sports.

Impact of ICT on professional sports.

Information Communications Technology is being used today for a variety sports-related activities, including the assessment of sports injuries, detecting false starts in races and for CAD purposes. Digital technology enables people in sports to play better and assists designers in creating a higher grade of sporting aids/equipment.

By using ICT, athletes and sporting goods companies can take advantage of innovative technologies to improve their performance or enhance their product line. For example, sports fans subscribe to RSS feeds to keep up with the latest information about their favorite teams while stadiums use computer applications for goal line technology. CAD is used to design sail boats, kayaks, tennis racquets and Formula One race cars as well.

Role of ict in sport? ICT is extremely useful in sports for many reasons as video officials use ICT to help them make decisions which would be hard to see normally. The use of ICT makes the results more accurate and efficient. Also, ICT provides evidence for the officials so they will not receive complaints or abuse from the opposition

Role of ict in sport?

  • ICT is extremely useful in sports for many reasons as video officials use ICT to help them make decisions which would be hard to see normally. The use of ICT makes the results more accurate and efficient. Also, ICT provides evidence for the officials so they will not receive complaints or abuse from the opposition

Electric treadmills Among the users of treadmills today are medical facilities (hospitals, rehabilitation centers, medical and physiotherapy clinics, institutes of higher education), sports clubs, Biomechanics Institute, orthopedic shoe shops, running shops, Olympic training centers, universities, fire-training centers, , test facilities and training rooms of police and army, gyms and even home users.

Electric treadmills

  • Among the users of treadmills today are medical facilities (hospitals, rehabilitation centers, medical and physiotherapy clinics, institutes of higher education), sports clubs, Biomechanics Institute, orthopedic shoe shops, running shops, Olympic training centers, universities, fire-training centers, , test facilities and training rooms of police and army, gyms and even home users.

How does technical progress improve sport?

How is ICT used in sports?

What impact does ICT have on sport?



The application of information and communication technologies at the physical culture lesson allows one of the important tasks of training to be solved - to increase the level of knowledge of students. Lessons allow to defuse high emotional tension and revitalize the learning process, increase the motivation for learning.

The application of information and communication technologies at the physical culture lesson allows one of the important tasks of training to be solved - to increase the level of knowledge of students. Lessons allow to defuse high emotional tension and revitalize the learning process, increase the motivation for learning.


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Technology touches every aspect of the modern world. In all spheres of our life technological advances can change the way things work. In the field of medicine technological breakthroughs seem to be happening all the time.

Modern Technology in Medicine.

Білімділік Дидактическая To know and use the terms that are useful for analyzing language: role of techniques in Modern life;

Дамытушылық Развивающая recognize layers of meaning in the text, assemble ideas;

ТәрбиелікВоспитывающая educate cognitive interest of students to analyze grammatical features of construction of the statements in the English and Russian languages.

Сабақтын типі (тұрпаты)

Combined lesson. Practical method.

Сабақтын барысы Ход урока

1. Бағдарлану – мотивациялық блок Мотивационно – ориентировочный блок

Сабақтың тақырыбын шығу, жазу

Выход на тему, запись темы урока

Good morning, class. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you? How are you? What date is it today?And what day of the week is it today ?

Оқу мақсатын қою

Постановка цели, задач урок

to fasten lexical and a reading and dialogical skills on the topic.

Сабақтың барысымен танысу Знакомство с ходом урока

Білім жаңғыртуы Актуализация знаний

sample control work

2. Жана материалды мазмұндау (баяндау)Изложение нового материала

Technology touches every aspect of the modern world. In all spheres of our life technological advances can change the way things work. In the field of medicine technological breakthroughs seem to be happening all the time.

Modern technology has changed the way the health care is organized. The discovery of modern computers helps a lot: patients files are kept on computers and these files are often kept on a central database so they can be accessed from anywhere in a hospital. This remarkably saves time, especially for such tasks as sending a patient’s file and X-rays. A process that used to take up to a week can be completed within an hour. In recent years major advancements have been made in medical equipment. These technological breakthroughs cover a wide array of medical field and treatment including cardiology, neurology, gynaecology and reproductive health.

As technology has advanced more ways have been discovered to find out what’s wrong with a patient without having to cut him open. X-ray technology and radioactive dyes often allow doctors to see inside a patient without making a single incision. Tissue biopsy and other methods can also be used to get small samples with minimal pain and suffering. Less invasive surgeries are also possible with the use of cameras and smaller incisions in the patient’s body.

The science of surgical care has advanced further in the last 50 years than in all preceding years combined. Complicated procedures such as natural and artificial organ transplants, xenotransplantants (organs transplanted from animals), neurosurgery (brain surgery), coronary artery bypass surgery, laparoscopic surgery and laser surgery were rare, if not completely unknown, 50 years ago but these procedures are becoming more commonplace today. What is more, surgical operations generally have become far less invasive, thus, requiring in many cases little if any hospital stay. As a result, the overall cost of these procedures has decreased dramatically in terms of both the financial costs to patients (and their insurance companies) as well as recovery costs to patients in terms of lost wages and physical and emotional strain. In short, advances in surgery and medical technology have allowed many more people to live healthier and longer lives than at any preceding time in history.

Unfortunately, while technology has produced an enormous number of benefits for mankind, it has also led to a number of new problems and woes in the modern world. Symptoms of everyday aches and pains are now considered to be symptoms of disease because technology has made medical knowledge more widespread. In addition, technology is more of a crutch for modern health care, convincing people to solve their woes through pharmacology rather than through more traditional or natural methods. For every disease that is cured, additional diseases are discovered through or sometimes caused by technological advances.

Рефлексия бақылау блогы Рефлексивно – оценочный блок

Білімдерін бекіту Закрепление знаний

Answer the questions:

1. In the field of medicine technological breakthroughs seem to be happening all the time, don’t they?

2. How can computer discovery help in organization of doctor-patient cooperation?

3. What fields of medicine do technological breakthroughs cover?

4. What diagnostic method is used to get small sample of tissue with minimal pain?

5. What are xenotransplantants?

6. Brain surgery, laparoscopic surgery and laser surgery are becoming more commonplace today, aren’t they?

7. Have surgical operations become more or less invasive?

8. Have modern medical technologies led to any problems in the modern world?

9. What is a negative influence of new medical technologies on people?

Нәтижелерді жинақтап, қортындылау

Обобщение результатов, подведение итогов Conclusion of the lesson.

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